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What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:49 pm
by Don Danko
I am putting this here from another thread given how important this situation is. The Jewish writings openly state the reversal of the letters such as the A brings about the coming of the Jewish victory over the Gentiles. If one reads the book 'Beware The World To Come' the esoteric Rabbinical commentaries state this involves the total enslavement of Gentiles till the technology is perfected to replace us with robotics and AI and then the extermination of all Gentiles and replacing us with the new technologies.

What that coming of Mashiach means is the coming of the Jewish Messiah. Which tells you what the reversing of the Hebrew letters is doing. Its helping to bring about the Jewish world leader and their victory over the Gentiles. The Jews themselves state it right there in their own words.

People need to stop listening to Rabbi Cobra blah! The same Cobra who officially kicked me out for attempting to warn people with the same passage that Sunrise posted below. Rabbi Cobra read that passage himself and then kicked me out for exposing this information. What does that tell you... He is a Jew.

That page is from Chabad the top Jewish occult group on earth which is personally funded by the Rothschilds who call themselves the Jewish Messiah. This is no joke this ritual needs to be stopped. The runes are the key the victory of NS in Germany was by the runes.

sunrise wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:26 pm ... /Aleph.htm
'Finally, we have the third meaning of alef: peleh, “wondrous.” Peleh represents the esoteric or mystical level of Torah—Kab­balah and the teachings of Chassidic thought. Known as the “teachings of Mashiach,” these secrets of Torah comprise its greatest level.

The Baal Shem Tov once entered Mashiach’s heavenly cham­ber9 and asked, “Mashiach, when are you going to come?” Mashiach responded, “When the wellsprings of your teachings (i.e., the teachings of Chassidus) spread forth throughout the entire world.” Thus, only when the level of peleh—this level of wondrous esoteric thought—has permeated the world, will the arrival of Mashiach be imminent.'


IF YOU KNOW HOW TO READ. IF YOU DON'T, KEEP ON WITH THE RTRs, don't say you haven't be warned about the consequences

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:00 am
by sunrise
For whoever is not aware jews are still waiting for their messiah

They think that when messiah will come every jew will have 2800 slaves

Talmudic passage:

אמר ריש לקיש כל הזהיר בציצית זוכה ומשמשין לו שני אלפים ושמונה מאות עבדים שנאמר כה אמר ה׳ [צבאות] בימים ההמה אשר יחזיקו עשרה אנשים מכל לשנות הגוים [והחזיקו] בכנף איש יהודי לאמר נלכה עמכם וגו׳

Resh Lakish said: He who is observant of fringes will be privileged to be served by two thousand eight hundred slaves, for it is said, Thus saith the Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, etc.

(Shabbat 32b, Soncino translation)

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:12 am
by sunrise

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:22 pm
by Snakeway
Is it only the Final RTR not the other RTR? Does the Jews reverse all of their Torah letters or only some of the one present in the Final RTR?

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:13 pm
by Don Danko
"Jews and Christians believe that the arrival of the messiah commences with a host of horrors. They call these the "birth pangs of the Messiah" or hevlei Mashiach. This myth holds that the world must suffer terrible devastation unless it voluntarily submits to Jewish world rule and the Noadhide Laws. In this period all Gentiles will be enslaved and then exterminated."-Beware The World To Come, Christopher Jon Bjerknes

This book also shows the curse that Yahweh placed of death in the Garden or Edin in Judaism is for the Gentiles and the Rabbi's show this is the curse of Yahweh for the eventual extermination of all Gentiles its Yahweh's death sentence on non-Jews. This book also shows the current world has become the manifestation of this blue print as its built on the Hebrew energy form to bring this design into reality its a working of Jewish black magic. Which is the goal of the Bible-Torah-Koran. Its a black magic system to bring this world into bring.

There is no RTR as there is no erasing these letters as shown. There is just doing this Kabbalah practice the Rabbi's and Talmudic Sages engage in to give their letters more power and put more energy into this black magic working to destroy Gentiles. ... l-journey/
In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”

The Runes are what the Jewish machine of the Catholic Church wanted eliminated from Gentile knowledge. The Jewish rabbinical elites running the Catholic church behind the scenes that still do [the black meaning hidden, nobility] ordered any Gentile with knowledge or possession of runes to be executed on sight by the church officials. The Runes existed in Pagan Egypt, Greece and India under different titles but the same system. The Jews have worked to remove them from existence to bring about the curse of Yahweh on the Gentiles to physically suffer and die. As the runes are the key to transforming oneself into the state of Lucifer. An ascend being the light body. Where one does not die and is immortal and has the Siddhi's.

The Runes are the key to victory against the Jews and their reptilian gods.

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:36 pm
by Don Danko
Destroying The Yahweh Matrix:


Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:40 pm
by Don Danko
Hebrew is a Kabbalah language the words are designed to be calculated for occult influence and keys to meaning this includes turning words around into other Hebrew words. There is no RTR, it just does not exist. This concept comes from a person who claimed she masturbated on her sofa for days to free all powerful gods and that is why everyone should give her donations for twenty years to find the Magnum Opus which she never even attempted to do and never did. While stealing the works of other authors and passing them off as hers.

Given how easy it was to find out the Final RTR does not exist its just a dangerous Kabbalah exercise to help bring about the end of the Gentile world. Do you really believe Rabbi hooded blahbra, claim that Maxine read hundreds of books to create the RTR's? Obviously he is lying as usual. Rabbi Hooded blahbra, really wants the JoS members cursing themselves to death. He knows he admitted he read that passage on the first post from the Rabbi's about what this really does and he decided to officially kick me out and denounce me with lies to keep the Goyim from knowing.

Snakeway wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:22 pm Is it only the Final RTR not the other RTR? Does the Jews reverse all of their Torah letters or only some of the one present in the Final RTR?

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:12 pm
by White Mage
It seems similar to how classical musicians play scales regularly and backwards as well. By playing scales backwards, it improves their skill as a musician. Same principle. Rabbis and kabbalistics reverse their hebrew letters in the same way.

Here's another website I've found that talks about this as well;

"For both the Shema and the Ten Commandments, if they are confusing or difficult for you, then take a page of out of the rabbinic book. Read them backwards. Then you will find the words of the Torah close to you. In your heart, in your mind, and in your soul."

"One such maxim says, "There is no beginning or end in the Torah." That is, you don't need to read the Torah strictly chronologically....I'd argue to use the maxim, "There is no beginning or end in the Torah" as key to open the door that is keeping you outside the beautiful palace of connection. I would suggest to read both the Shema and the Ten Commandments backwards. If you do so, you can see the God-Idea emerge in each of us. ."

Source: ... -backwards

Reading hebrew backwards is a kabbalistic technique that's commonly used. It literally says how reading these letters backwards will bring you closer to the jewish godform.

Maxine has never provided any proof that she read anything at all. No sources. Nothing. I've found a document of early 2001-2003 JOS sermons from Maxine. It's pretty pathetic, just "father satan loves you" this, "father satan is all knowing" that, etc. Literal reverse christianity.

What surprises me is that there was an old JOS archive dating back to 2009 that I found. Apparently, the JOS used to do rune-based rituals instead. Surely most members were doing a lot better using these rune rituals instead of this RTR crap.

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:24 pm
by White Mage
Don Danko wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:13 pm The Runes existed in Pagan Egypt, Greece and India under different titles but the same system.
When you got some spare time, could you elaborate on that some more Don? What did the Greeks, Egyptians, and Indians call their own "rune" versions. According to (((mainstream))) history, Norse/Germanic runes were developed only a couple thousand years ago when Germanic tribes came into contact with Italic tribes, which was when they first started writing in runes, around 100 AD-ish. That seems like complete BS to me, they have to be significantly older than that.

Re: What The Final RTR Is Really Leading Towards Be Warned

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 11:32 pm
by Snakeway
Don Danko wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:40 pm Hebrew is a Kabbalah language the words are designed to be calculated for occult influence and keys to meaning this includes turning words around into other Hebrew words. There is no RTR, it just does not exist. This concept comes from a person who claimed she masturbated on her sofa for days to free all powerful gods and that is why everyone should give her donations for twenty years to find the Magnum Opus which she never even attempted to do and never did. While stealing the works of other authors and passing them off as hers.

Given how easy it was to find out the Final RTR does not exist its just a dangerous Kabbalah exercise to help bring about the end of the Gentile world. Do you really believe Rabbi hooded blahbra, claim that Maxine read hundreds of books to create the RTR's? Obviously he is lying as usual. Rabbi Hooded blahbra, really wants the JoS members cursing themselves to death. He knows he admitted he read that passage on the first post from the Rabbi's about what this really does and he decided to officially kick me out and denounce me with lies to keep the Goyim from knowing.

Snakeway wrote: Thu Apr 15, 2021 1:22 pm Is it only the Final RTR not the other RTR? Does the Jews reverse all of their Torah letters or only some of the one present in the Final RTR?
Ok but you title says Final RTR, not just RTR