Experience with Daemons.

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Experience with Daemons.

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

Ok so in my experience Daemons seem to really respond to assisting someone on path of Self improvement and achieve independence as far as my experiences are. This isn't necessarily being greedy, manipulative or whatever or granting what you desire. I found that when you let go of something and a tually work on yourself, the things you originally wanted, manifests.

I also noticed this with Daemons. There are some who teach ethics, philosophy and morals. They seem to respond really well when you are asking a Daemon in favor to assist someone or any living being in general as obviously they care about Earth.

Independence, individualism is misunderstood, this is more about enlightenment that means recognizing God within you as well as around you. So it is perfectly acceptable and balanced to do things for others because it can in return bring you gifts of Self and the things you originally wanted actually manifests.

Benefits to doing things for others magically, it gets you out of your ego per se when done right, it is beneficial too. Kindness has a positive effect on yourself and the environment. Kindness to those who deserve it than wasted on ingrates is important to consider when doing magic for others and yet sometimes kindness does work on ingrates because when you therefore detach, this brings bad karma upon individual, if enlightened, this is were "Vengeance belongs to god". Comes to play. I say this because hating and cursing someone for every wrong and everything is unhealthy and keeps you angry all the time. It's not healthy. I know this because my sister died in 2020 she held anger for so long and became an alcoholic, and killed herself in the process of drinking herself to death because she remained angry and hostile all the time. So same is applied to some individuals who harass and waste time on these forums. They are just making things worse for themselves.

So there's a time and place to curse someone who has done a grave injustice or a major wrong to you on A PERSONAL LEVEL, NOT A DAMN CULT OR WHATEVER.

DAEMON = Self enlightenment or godhood has nothing to do with a religion or cult. After all daemon in Greek means divine intelligence relating to knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes that knowledge comes by experience or a certain experience. Experience requires an environment with living beings, so when you do magic for others, Daemons can bless you and you don't need to worship them this in return can bring gnosis.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: Experience with Daemons.

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

"DAEMON = Self enlightenment or godhood has nothing to do with a religion or cult. After all daemon in Greek means divine intelligence relating to knowledge and wisdom."

Beautifully said :)

One of the first things a cult does is hammer their creed incessantly to the members, keeping any other points of view out, keeping their members in an echo chamber. keeping them afraid to speak up, to ask questions.

I remember before I found Satanism, I was trying to write a book – I had about 300 pages or so done – I wanted to write about the hidden hand, the ET presence behind the anti human agenda we see unfolding on this planet, the real enemies of humanity.
The things we see on the world stage are in reality puppets. One of my guides had come to me and commented:

“You want to write about truth....and thats great! We support that. But you've only heard one side of the story. You need to hear the rest. You need to educate yourself some more. I want you to go see what else is to be found (hunt more knowledge)."
And He led me to satanism.

It makes me think of the allegory of the cave by Socrates, in which people are chained up as a group in a cave (echo chamber).

They spend their days watching shadows projected on the wall from things passing in front of a fire behind them and they consider the shadows to be reality.

The shadows are reflections of fragments of reality we have the capability to perceive through our senses, while the objects outside the cave under the sunshine represent true forms of things we can only perceive through reason.

And thats another thing: Satan (and other Daemons) will tell you as this one did for me:
"Take in all sides to a story, all information, then use your logic and reason to deduce truth."

Which means thinking for oneself. The Satanist is also part philosopher because they're aiming to perceive, understand and consciously interact with higher levels of reality, which personally speaking, is something I've been interested in and pursued all my life.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"


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