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jos - gatekeeping, restriction and isolation.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:40 am
by BirdofFreedom
So looking at the jos forum recently there was a thread[1] that talked about discord and ‘Soaring Eagle 666’ linked a sermon written by cobra[2] that showed just how fearful cobra is of people being outside of the jos.

Also no surprise it was an 'eagle' that posted such.

i had also touched on this subject a bit in at the end of my previous thread[3].

Here’s some things that cobra said in the sermon[2] that SE shared titled “Turkish Translation Group - And Why Discord Servers Should Be PERMANENTLY AVOIDED”
cobra wrote:Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:20 am
Azazel intervened to me at this point and without me physically really knowing what was up, telling me to immediately call this off and stop this instantly and not admit any of them in a moderation or similar position. When I asked why, he related to me that there was corruption that I did not know about, and to wait for a while. Eventually, people kept mailing all sorts of things about these people who were running this discord.

They invited people into all sorts of Whatsapp groups, Discord servers, asked them all sorts of questions.

The fact that some people want to call themselves “Satanists” and they behave as a bunch of low tier shits, only reflects that many people have to take this kind of seriously. Even “kind of” should suffice in this case. 90% of problems that could ever arise from anything related to Satanism, is because people don’t take it seriously.

Of course, none of them said anything and they dismissed the people who said these things people were saying as “insane” and “slander”. They even had the nerve to say to “Go ask the Gods”. Eventually we decided it was worth the time wasting on our behalf, and then all the above arose.

The JoS cannot go after discords and all these rat dens that are being created. These get created in an exponential rate because idiots keep making them and other idiots keep joining them. No, you won’t learn anything in these dens, and with 99% certainty, you will get fucked over in some way. Also, after you get fucked over, nobody will be able to really help you, and these people will probably get away with it.

These are also infested almost everytime by endless Jews which will probably victimize people in the lowest manner. All of this is done by them because they want to smear negativity to Satan’s people, delay them, and cause them issues.

You are liable to your own decisions if you engage people personally, meet with them, give them your information, or you do all the things the JoS STRONGLY AND CONSTANTLY REPEATS ONE SHOULD NOT DO, such as as meeting random fucks, strangers, or any of these things. You are ruining yourself in these places.

All this worthless fucking nonsense, happens because people literally don’t give a damn about Spiritual Satanism, Satan, the Gods, and in general, they are foolish. This lowest tier of behavior.

The above should act as a lesson to many people here, who by having their emotions exploited, join random “communities” that claim falsely they are “with JoS” to use this as leverage for perverted or sickening acts. You will not escape this. Sooner or later, the Gods are going to smite you and destroy you. You might be able to lie a little bit to earthly individual, but the Gods will bring you out and destroy. There is no hiding and no going away from them.

In closing I want to notify fools who are engaging in these behaviors in corrupting, destroying, blackmailing or harming other Satanists and trying to pose as “mediums” or “legitimate representation” of Father Satan, that you are doing the worst thing you can do to yourself.

The Gods exist and it would be better you forsake this behavior now. Since however we are aware some people will keep behaving like this, the matter is left on the hands of the Gods and the appropriate authorities which may be evoked because of this.

To people who go into these places and get victimized, I am sorry to say this, but you deserve part of this. Nobody told you to get into any discords, or do anything of the sort.
There’s a lot to process here but in context for those that didn’t read the whole thread cobra made, there was an unofficial Turkish translation discord sserver responsible for translating the text on jos to Turkish, the people running the discord server were messed up and caught up in all sorts of terrible acts and for that cobra made this post warning people to avoid ‘all discord servers’.
While it’s true based on what people have told me that server was messed up, cobra uses that as leverage to scare people into leaving other platforms and to exclusively use the forums.

Lydia also commented[4] in that thread saying:
Lydia wrote:Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:58 amAll you need is in the JoS and from the Gods.

Good and true friendships can definitely happen, but not in groups with other random people on whatsapp etc.
Yes, it sucks not having legit people to talk with all the time, but this is how it must be for the time being.
The thing to take away from this is that those groups were made of up SS, i've seen a lot of covens and groups made and controlled by SS.
All of them that I've seen failed catastrophically, some had horrible things happen to them and some turned to christianity to cope.

The problem here isn't covens and groups, it's the fact that they were from the jos.
The majority of people i knew from the jos their lives went to ruin and suffered a lot of spiritual abuse when asked about it they say it's from 'the enemy'.
the jos inflicts a lot of spiritual abuse onto people and ruin their lives even after they leave it's very hard to recover the damages they sustained.

the majority of these abuse are to isolate people by ruining the friendships and associations they have, and the people who're still loyal to the jos end up being on the forum exclusively with little contact towards others outside of the forum and they also have trouble associating with other people who're not SS and on the jos forums.
These people start to feel like it's hopeless to be in a group and associate with others with the only 'safe' place being the forums.

cobra seems to want to be a 'jesus' like figure i.e a shepherd to keep his 'sheep' aka josers safe and sound.
this reminds me of an old song:

some of the lyrics:
Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window
Go back to sleep
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices son
They're one in the same, I must isolate you…
Isolate and save you from yourself …
for a sect of Satanism that call themselves an 'elite' religion the jos is really just reverse christianity, when reading the site one can get the impression that it isn't especially when it says things like "Unlike other religions, Satanism exposes us to many different experiences, so that we may become strong, knowledgeable, independent, and confident in our own abilities."[5]

but here you have cobra trying to scare others away from associating elsewhere, going as far as saying "the Gods are going to smite you and destroy you.", "the Gods will bring you out and destroy. There is no hiding and no going away from them."

again in contraction to what is written[6] on the jos, "Demons are for spiritual guidance. ... For those of you who are actively involved in spiritual warfare, even if you are not aware, Demons will be working with you and guiding you ... These can include putting ideas into your mind, certain things falling into place and making things easier for you, and feelings known as intuition. Satan’s Demons watch over, protect, and work with all dedicated brothers and sisters who are actively involved in fighting the enemy."

So apparently the gods who're supposed to guide and protect people would instead of destroy them for doing something cobra considers 'wrong'.
cobra often likes to say the 'gods' will do this and/that to put fear into people and control people note how at the start cobra said "Azazel" intervened and pointed things out to him, "Azazel" is a name cobra likes to use a lot i pointed this out a few times in my previous thread[3].

Another thing i want to point out is how the the jos sees people as expendable and doesn't take responsibility for the actions of their members.

If a member does something 'wrong' in the jos, the jos straight up rejects them and pushes them out, denouncing and abjuring them, either calling them a jew or mentally unstable. like in the jos turkish discord server, the person running that definitely did a lot of bad things, but that person was a SS member.
the jos doesn't take responsibility for the members and will utterly abjure them if they're caught doing bad things, not acknowledging the fact that people end up like that from being in the jos cult.

the jos cult uses and abuses people then discards them when they're done.

There are some more things here i want to mention here, i had also mentioned these in my previous thread[3].

here[7] you can see cobra not only trying to again to stop people from associating outside of the jos but also claiming that all other places outside are a 'joke'
cobra wrote:Thu May 19, 2022 1:56 am ...
In regards to "Covens", you appear to also have zero experience, considering every gathering of certain people to be a "Coven". Covens are so serious, and it's rare or impossible for them to survive, because simply leadership and members are of a lesser quality most of the time.
For example, yes, there is no other Pagan organization that is real and does what JoS does, all of them are a joke. What a few people think they are doing in a basement is also a viable judgement of things.
Covens, on the other hand, still remain and are part of JoS. But it is more often than not they malfunction because of poor quality of members and other issues, which is also true for any congregation for that matter.
Thing is covens and spiritual groups have existed way before the the jos, so cobra saying that they're a part of the jos is a straight lie and just goes to show how ignorant cobra is.
he also said:
"But it is more often than not they malfunction because of poor quality of members and other issues, which is also true for any congregation for that matter."
it seems to me like cobra is just venting his own failures and insecurities when it comes to jos cult.
because it isn't the same for 'any congregation' he seems to forget that the 'vril society' is also one of those things he's insulting to which "Maria Orsic" was also a part of, another "poor quality of member" he's talking about?

and what about all the priesthoods and spiritual organization of the past? cobra likes to insult paganism and pagans in general, the very people who made the jos even possible to begin with, the majority of the information contained on the jos site came from pagans and other spiritual people who made the knowledge available to others, the jos collected it on their site, the original content the jos put out are RTRs and their 'power rituals', which don't really do much for the individual, with the rtrs being down right harmful.

cobra also claimed[8] that the gods don't really take people outside of the jos serously.

Here's a quote from their exposing Christianity pdf[9].
6. The race-mixing program will further erase all racial and cultural identities for total control. With a loss of self through the destruction of racial and cultural identity, history can be rewritten any way the Jews see fit. They have been doing this for ages, unbeknownst to the majority of the Gentile populace. This has already been done with Satanism (Humanity's Original Religion), where the original teachings, Priests, Priestesses, other spiritual leaders and people with knowledge, along with libraries were systematically destroyed. The Christian Church has been at liberty to define Satanism any way the see fit, given there is little remaining of the past in regards to knowledge and truth. The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated history of the Jewish people of which they never had. Because of the mass indoctrination and force fed beliefs, the mass mind has created a powerful thoughtform that has aided the Jewish people in their quest for world takeover.
7. Human beings will be nothing more than lost souls with no identity, freedom, knowledge or individuality; just a number in total service of a Jewish run slave state.
cobra again seems to contradict the jos's own source material as he wants to clam that all other organizations are a joke and that the 'jos' is the only real spiritual place, to which he mocks pagans and other spiritual organizations.
throughout history there has been many nations with their own spiritual beliefs like the Vedics, Nordics, Greeks etc portraying the gods and spirituality with their own artistic expression, traditions and culture.

cobra however wants there to be only 1 place i.e the jos, this is also seen in his 'The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan'[10]

It's interesting how they can expose to people to the contents of christianity, islam and judism but when it comes to sites like this, cobra censors all links to this place, and doesn't want people finding out about this place.
it seems like cobra fears the truth the very thing he claims to serve.

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[1] Part jew

[2] Turkish Translation Group - And Why Discord Servers Should Be PERMANENTLY AVOIDED

[3] My previous thread

[4] Lydia’s comment on cobra’s sermon.

[5] Dealing With Unwanted Entities

[6] Patience

[7] cobra on covens and organizations outside of the jos.

[8] cobra on the gods speaking to peoople outside of te jos

[9] Exposing_Christianity_28-05-16.pdf

[10] The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

Re: jos - gatekeeping, restriction and isolation.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:58 am
by BirdofFreedom
Another thing i wanted to point out,
in the thread "The discord group"

"henu" goes on to say how discord is under surveillance, but on that same thread he casually puts out 'google translate' as a method to translate the jos's text.

google is already well known for data collection and surveillance.

what's even more hypocritical is that they advocate the 'forum' as a safe place, i.e a place where everyone can see what they post including the government without the need of some secret surveillance.

most companies are going to give up their data if the government asks for it, this is noting new, this is also true for the companies hosting jos,

Re: jos - gatekeeping, restriction and isolation.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:41 pm
by Howlite
“cobra also ‪claimed[8]‬ that the gods don't really take people outside of the jos serously.”

He also claimed many times that humanity wouldn’t survive without the Gods and they help us all the time. I clearly remember he had a sermon about the Gods see humanity as their children and they love to see us grow. Then few sermons later, we are a joke to the Gods. :lol:

Re: jos - gatekeeping, restriction and isolation.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:56 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I definitely recall another one where he stated that as compared to the gods we are but worms, we're lucky if they give us any attention at all.

Re: jos - gatekeeping, restriction and isolation.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 2:25 am
by Patriot
I am doing the final rtr I memorized while reading this. Striking back at the enemy! 👍