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Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 6:53 am
by BirdofFreedom
After reading cobra's latest 'sermon' titled "About The "We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups[1]" i'm again reminded that cobra doesn't understand the societal needs of his little cult.
Well it's more than just that, there's a few points:
  1. cobra doesn't understand the societal needs of this 'community'
  2. cobra wants to control the flow of information and dictate what is right and what isn't.
  3. cobra has a huge by fragile ego, and doesn't want people talking ill about him without him knowing.

Everyone in life needs 'love' and 'attention' because we're social creatures depriving oneself from these things can a lot of a lot of psychological and mental problems, according the jos site:
SATANISM AND OLD AGE[2] wrote: Isolation can cause insanity.
Sermon on Satanic Healing and Holes in the Aura[3] wrote: Human beings thrive on love and acceptance. An infant deprived of love, often will not thrive and if they do, most will be impaired for life, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Love is an essential part of our makeup.
People who're isolated tend to lose touch of reality, This is because they have no one to talk to or interact with so naturally they're in their head all the time, constantly fantasizing and daydreaming, not that this is bad, but when done excessively it can be bad.

What cobra doesn't understand is that the forum isn't a place to socialize, nor can one even properly socialize there besides the fact that it takes 1-2 days to get your post approved, it's a public domain, there's no place on a forum for actual personal and close relationships due to the lack of privacy, nor can one really express their thoughts and personal feelings there.

When it comes to SS they naturally want to form close connections with like minded people that being other SS, and from what I've seen SS tend to have disdain towards 'regular' people, but that's fine, because it's natural to want to be with people who see things eye to eye with you, and have the same ideals as you.

However cobra is against this, because if these SS congregate outside of forums they're 'enemy' groups, he also says people who speak badly of the 'clergy' means they're of the enemy, because apparently people can't express hatred for cobra, in this case cobra seems very insecure of how people think of him.

Another thing about SS wanting to be with like minded people just because one is an SS doesn't always mean they're like minded, the forums are filled with people with different tastes and opinions, and expecting everyone to just 'get along' won't work nor will it promote any sort of unity.

according to the jos:
Satan wants all of his people to work together and unite. We must put aside our personal differences and work together as a team. The Christian “God” and company work to create conflict, discord, and division among Satanists, as do enemy souls who call themselves “Satanists” but who really aren’t:

Mark 3: 26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

Unity is of paramount importance, “One Alone, Together Strong.” Satan does not approve of infighting between his people. Those who experience conflicts with a brother or sister in Satan should go to Satan concerning this and he will handle the situation. Those who throw curses at or slander other Satanists will invite the wrath of Beelzebub. Beelzebub handles those who create problems and disunity and the consequences can be quite unpleasant.
The thing about having a bunch of people in 1 place is that it tends to break down the cohesion over time, a group ultimately has it's main goals, but everyone naturally wants their own place to settle down and be comfortable, having to share that space with people who're undesirable will inevitably cause issues and disunity.

Of course cobra doesn't want official groups in instant messaging platforms because it'd be much harder for him to control and censor it, it also gives other members the ability to potentially privately message each others.
cobra sacrifices unity in order to protect his fragile ego.

when it comes to the jos and cobra specifically is that he seems to see people as numbers, with him saying "Hot topics include HPS Maxine, HP Cobra who took the group from 308 members and turned it to 300,000+ members and double digit millions of clicks being lesser than them" Not sure why'd he even bother mentioning that, numbers mean noting if you can't maintain it, and with cobra running things on the forum now, activity on the jos forums is far lower than before.
But i think it goes without saying that people aren't just 'numbers' everyone has their own personality, needs and desires, a good group is one that can compliment the needs and desires of each other.

When it comes to the jos groups outside of the jos, from my experience having lurked in many of them, is that the majority of them fail in time, unlike other groups that are not of the jos which last much longer.
the thing about jos groups from what I've seen is that they fail from within, and from my experience this very prevalent in jos groups.

A lot of SS have express that they've had a very bad time in outside groups and i have personally seen this from the many that i've been in, and as a result of that those people tend to close themselves off from the rest of the world and use the forums exclusively.
And like i mentioned above, this can be very detrimental to a person.
Lydia even said[5]:
Lydia wrote:Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:58 am Internet groups, "discord" (whatever that is), and so on, they're not worth it. No good can come from them. All you need is in the JoS and from the Gods. Email a few members here and there if you feel the need to do so, but don't have continuous conversations with random people you don't even know, and who ask for your pictures and ID ffs!

Good and true friendships can definitely happen, but not in groups with other random people on whatsapp etc.

Yes, it sucks not having legit people to talk with all the time, but this is how it must be for the time being. In the future Satanism will be prevalent and we can have real friendships in person and live an openly Spiritual Satanic lifestyle, but for now, lay low, and work on yourself.

Hail Satan!
I'm not sure what it is with the jos and their groups but it ends up isolating SS that are not already isolated.
When people are isolated they're very vulnerable.

As social creatures we depend on each other and need each other to survive, it's very hard to stand alone.
A person who stands alone will have a very hard time against someone who stands united with others.

I for one could not have left the the jos without the support of my friends, and by friends i mean 'real' friends, the kind that "rides or dies" as they say.
Most relationships don't start of perfectly, that's because everyone in life has problems and issues, the strongest relationships are the ones that stood the test of time and endured, and by all means I'm not perfect I have my own problems and issues, but thanks to the people whos stuck with me and put up with all of my 'issues' I was able to leave the jos and live a much happier and comfortable life.

These friends of mines are like family, to mess with them is to mess with me and to mess with me is to mess with them, we all look out for each other.

Now after reading cobra's sermon i found it ironic and him rather hypocritical because he and his group is quite similar to how he describes enemy groups.
With his final note being quote:
"Final Note: as these groups always move towards disbandment, destruction, internal failure, and also the wrath of the Gods for wasting the time of many people for a long time, it's better to quickly disengage them and allow idiots to keep wasting their time with them."
It's ironic because he can't seem to realize that his own 'group' has been going down hill since he started running things there.
Perhaps people should take his advise and quickly disengage from there.

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[1] We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups


[3] Sermon on Satanic Healing and Holes in the Aura

[4] The Commandments of Satan

[5] Lydia's post

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:13 am
by AnonPoster
Isolation does not harm you if you have good instincts and a superior sanity. Being around lower individuals will bring you down and corrupt your instincts with the influence of the inferior beings. You will only need to struggle to resist the lower one bringing you down if you socialize just for the sake of not being isolated. While if you were alone you could use this energy you wasted to resist the lower one's influence to higher yourself and do more productive things

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:32 am
by AnonPoster
BirdofFreedom wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 6:53 am

when it comes to the jos and cobra specifically is that he seems to see people as numbers, with him saying "Hot topics include HPS Maxine, HP Cobra who took the group from 308 members and turned it to 300,000+ members and double digit millions of clicks being lesser than them"
It's more like they trying to force people to treat them in a superior way, but not understanding that respect and recognition have to come naturally. No one is obligated to do anything to them or treat them in any way they imagine, and they don't have the power to force anyone to do it, so they decide to emotionally black mail people in a toxic way, trying to mind control others and using coercion. This is a very trash behaviour, get out of the way when they get envious of someone

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:33 am
by BirdofFreedom
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:13 am Isolation does not harm you if you have good instincts and a superior sanity. Being around lower individuals will bring you down and corrupt your instincts with the influence of the inferior beings. You will only need to struggle to resist the lower one bringing you down if you socialize just for the sake of not being isolated. While if you were alone you could use this energy you wasted to resist the lower one's influence to higher yourself and do more productive things
Superior sanity?

What do you mean by 'lower'? i presume you mean 'weaker'?
Well if they were weaker how exactly would they bring you down and corrupt you?
And why would a stronger person have to resist the 'lower' one's influence?

If the individual is stronger then wouldn't that mean that they'd influence the weaker person?
It's the weaker person that'd have to worry about being influenced, not the stronger.

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:38 am
by AnonPoster
BirdofFreedom wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:33 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:13 am Isolation does not harm you if you have good instincts and a superior sanity. Being around lower individuals will bring you down and corrupt your instincts with the influence of the inferior beings. You will only need to struggle to resist the lower one bringing you down if you socialize just for the sake of not being isolated. While if you were alone you could use this energy you wasted to resist the lower one's influence to higher yourself and do more productive things
Superior sanity?

What do you mean by 'lower'? i presume you mean 'weaker'?
Well if they were weaker how exactly would they bring you down and corrupt you?
And why would a stronger person have to resist the 'lower' one's influence?

If the individual is stronger then wouldn't that mean that they'd influence the weaker person?
It's the weaker person that'd have to worry about being influenced, not the stronger.
Yes, superior mentalitty, morals, sight about the future, planning, superior decisions about life. Yes if a person who has this things better than others and they get emotionally attached with lower individuals there is a risk of being influenced by the lower ones and the Higher one end up not living to it's full potential. I lived among poor people, and they don't even allow you to have some good shoes, they start shaming you for it. It is very hard to get out of the hood, because people get envious of the smallest success

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:52 am
by BirdofFreedom
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:38 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:33 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:13 am Isolation does not harm you if you have good instincts and a superior sanity. Being around lower individuals will bring you down and corrupt your instincts with the influence of the inferior beings. You will only need to struggle to resist the lower one bringing you down if you socialize just for the sake of not being isolated. While if you were alone you could use this energy you wasted to resist the lower one's influence to higher yourself and do more productive things
Superior sanity?

What do you mean by 'lower'? i presume you mean 'weaker'?
Well if they were weaker how exactly would they bring you down and corrupt you?
And why would a stronger person have to resist the 'lower' one's influence?

If the individual is stronger then wouldn't that mean that they'd influence the weaker person?
It's the weaker person that'd have to worry about being influenced, not the stronger.
Yes, superior mentalitty, morals, sight about the future, planning, superior decisions about life. Yes if a person who has this things better than others and they get emotionally attached with lower individuals there is a risk of being influenced by the lower ones and the Higher one end up not living to it's full potential. I lived among poor people, and they don't even allow you to have some good shoes, they start shaming you for it. It is very hard to get out of the hood, because people get envious of the smallest success
Well i know what you mean and i know the kind of people you're talking about, i remember seeing a video on this homeless person getting provided with a free drink only to throw it on the face of the person that provided it.

That's called misplaced generosity and being sympathetic to the wrong things.
being strong mentally means knowing when to be generous and to who.

But isolating yourself out of fear of being taken advantage of isn't being 'superior' it's being fearful.

I get that a lot of SS have had their generosity and kindness backfire on them and that lead to close themselves of towards others.
But closing of yourself from everyone as a result of getting hurt before is not a sign of strength but rather fear.

Be wise and smart with who you associate with.
But also understand that no one is perfect and we all have problems in life.

I'm not implying that you open up to those people you mentioned, considering that i know the kind of people you're referring to and how awful they can be, but via the internet you can meet some rather fascinating people.

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:58 am
by AnonPoster
Let me give you an example- You find out the vaccines kills, and you go and share it with your friends who are inferior in every way, then your friends go warns your wife, your son, your mother, your job, your other friends, who all believe a vaccine is better for you, then this people start making social pressure on you, you want to go to a dinner they say you are not vaccinated and you should not go until you are vaccinated, then you want to be social and go to the dinner, and you want their love, and they start showing how they took the vaccine and nothing happen all while saying they want the best for you, in summer they will do everything they can because they believe the vaccine is better for you, and at some point they get you in some weakness, and are able to alter your good sight and you get the vaccine. But the vaccine was poison all the way and you were right with your own initial conclusion and after some time the poison cause damage to your health. If you were alone you would not have been vaccinated and would be better. Even if you resisted all of what you peers did you will suffer and spent time and energy arguing and will suffer emotionaly with it and will waste lots of energy. I feel everytime a superior individual has a superior conclusion all the inferior ones will do something like in the example above, they will try to bring you down to do what the inferior believes is right and will not allow you to live to your potential, because of their inferior capacity

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:40 am
by BirdofFreedom
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:58 am Let me give you an example- You find out the vaccines kills, and you go and share it with your friends who are inferior in every way, then your friends go warns your wife, your son, your mother, your job, your other friends, who all believe a vaccine is better for you, then this people start making social pressure on you, you want to go to a dinner they say you are not vaccinated and you should not go until you are vaccinated, then you want to be social and go to the dinner, and you want their love, and they start showing how they took the vaccine and nothing happen all while saying they want the best for you, in summer they will do everything they can because they believe the vaccine is better for you, and at some point they get you in some weakness, and are able to alter your good sight and you get the vaccine. But the vaccine was poison all the way and you were right with your own initial conclusion and after some time the poison cause damage to your health. If you were alone you would not have been vaccinated and would be better. Even if you resisted all of what you peers did you will suffer and spent time and energy arguing and will suffer emotionaly with it and will waste lots of energy. I feel everytime a superior individual has a superior conclusion all the inferior ones will do something like in the example above, they will try to bring you down to do what the inferior believes is right and will not allow you to live to your potential, because of their inferior capacity
Well to be frank, those people aren't your 'friends'.
If they don't care about you, and by care i mean your both your emotional and physical wellbeing, then what are they?

what you're describing is peer pressure.

I know what you're saying, but that doesn't mean isolation is good for a person.
But are you better of being alone than with those people? i'd say yes,
depending on how much time and effort you put into them.

Not that getting 'real' friends is easy, forming bonds with people takes time and effort more so than most people are willing invest, but i personally found it rewarding.

And well, to be fair people who can be 'real' friends tend to be rare these days, due to how superficial people are now.
But in life most good things always seem to take a lot of time and effort.

I do get where you're coming from however, and were I in that position I'd rather be alone than be with them depending on how much time and effort it'd take to change them.

When it comes to 'inferior' people however, well life ain't fair, there's always be superior and inferior people.
just because someone is superior to someone doesn't make the people that's inferior to them a bad person.

There's a saying, "if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
It's a saying that people who often look down on others are often looking at themselves.

much like the hypocrite that cobra is where he insults others while not realizing that he's just as flawed as some of the people he insults.

I remember reading about Zeus who according to the jos is Beelzebub, and here's what it said in his page:
Beelzebub wrote: His ziggurat of Nippur was called, "Fi-irn-bar-sag." He is the God who hurls his thunderbolts and lightning against the enemies of Satan. [More than one Christian church has met with disaster on occasion]. He is considered to be a gracious life-giving and life-sustaining God, taking care of his people, the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven and the fishes of the sea. "Enlil [Beelzebub] is both a God of war and God of peace; a destroyer and protector, defender, restorer, upbuilder; inimical, hostile and most gracious."
Enlil/Beelzebub was a "protector and life-giver." "As furious and destructive Enlil may be in his dealings with the enemies, as gracious, kind and loving he can be when his own people and country are concerned. He protects his people from hostile invasions by surrounding them and their home with a high wall or by becoming for them a fastness or house, the bolts of which he fastens securely so that the hostile hordes can neither climb over or overcome it nor can enter through its gates."

Personally this did help a lot about my perspective on others, when it comes to friends and family, i look out for them weather they're inferior or superior to me, because my friends and family are my people.
Zeus is also described as being 'Gracious' which means he's respectful to his people that are inferior to him, and considering that Zeus was the leader his pantheon that'd be pretty much all of his people with the exception of some primordial god/goddesses.

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:07 am
by AnonPoster
They are my friends, they just believe the vaccine is better and this is better for me, because they are not capable of understanding a higher truth. I said in the post they want the best for me. I never said I would treat the inferior bad, I just said it is better for me to be alone because I would need to use too much energy to resist their influence in my superior perception.

Re: Unity/Isolation

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:50 pm
by BirdofFreedom
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:07 am They are my friends, they just believe the vaccine is better and this is better for me, because they are not capable of understanding a higher truth. I said in the post they want the best for me. I never said I would treat the inferior bad, I just said it is better for me to be alone because I would need to use too much energy to resist their influence in my superior perception.
What makes them not capable of understanding a higher truth compared to you?