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Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:15 pm
by Psychotron
Cobra wrote: 1. The Runes are medium level magick at best. They are not higher or top tier magick. With how I put them in Rituals, I upgrade them, yet the Rituals are powerful because of the Gods.
Runes are “medium level magic at best” but his reverse Hebrew kaballah rituals that curse gentiles is very high tier stuff??

And of course cobra has to masturbate in public and say that HE is the reason why the runes worked in these rituals because HE “upgrades” them

If by “upgrade” you mean kick them in the trash and call them ineffective then OY VEY you’re right cobra!
There is way more than this that we are being taught by the Gods on the back end
More cult leader talk. Of course HE is the only one being taught about these super secrets and we can never know what they are (because it is BS).
2. Yes, the planets are powers of the Gods and they are immovable. You can hit all day on the target on a closed door and nothing will succeed. The worst end result here is even a backfire, which is not desirable.
The question was why isn’t the runic race awakening ritual done frequently as Don described.

This is always the excuse given, but apparently no astrology has to be taken into account to do the reverse kaballah ritual. The door is always open to curse yourself right cobra?

And he even says that the runes can “backfire”. Are you fucking serious? Magic by US for US will “backfire” but chanting reverse Hebrew into your soul won’t?????? This is really a mask off moment. All of you JoS lurkers here should be paying attention.

Emotions are irrelevant here. You can feel as hyped, hyperactive, negative or positive as you want. The planets and powers dictates what happens and when the time is for certain things and when it is not.

We are thousands of years late and thousands of years wrong, so don't worry a lot here.
But yet again.
None of this applies to the final RTR
I wonder why.
3. There are far more drastic things which will do better than the "Runic Rituals" which are reliable on the limited power of a few people which frankly average on a lesser level than what is needed to reverse anything as terrible as this.
Another idiot tier post.
I believe that the final RTR is a big reason as to why we are in this terrible situation to begin with.
It was introduced in summer 2018 and then not even a year and half later the world is thrown into chaos and has only gotten worse since.
But keep doing the RTR Goyim that will surely fix things.

4. The Demon Rituals will do far more for our Race than any 'Race awakening Ritual'. They are far more important. The Gods can turn the situation around better than anyone. The Demons are our ancestors. These are far more powerful than anything else right now.

Our race is not here because they are not "awake", many of our own are, but we are here because we are without the Gods.
More shilling for his new rituals.

“The demons are doing far more for our race than the RAR”. OK then why are there thousands of white kids being killed in Ukraine and around the world. Why is none of this stopped and is infact only accelerating if the “demons” are looking out for us? They can’t answer this.
Having zero knowledge on the subject and don't even understand what we are doing with the Demonic Rituals, you just want to write shit with your little brain as you write usually attacking people as jews and so on, because you are rife with mental and emotional problems.
And then of course he attacks the little goy that dare question his hooded supremacy LOL!
5. The most knowledgeable wings of the occult in NS Germany knew about reversing spells and way more, this is why they had experts on the enemy. They had whole department wings to decipher and break down the hebrew.
The user explained that the National Socialists and Thule society used Swastika and rune power to win and gain their presence , not reverse Hebrew (as also pointed out by Don).

And his response to this is to just make shit up. Next will probably say that Hitler invented the RTR :roll:

6. HPS Maxine will is unalienable and she should be a considered a semi deity. You are just a clueless person speaking on literally zero knowledge. She knows why she did put these Rituals forth to break the enemy's power first before proceeding to anything else.
HPS Maxine is DEAD and I doubt that this is her will to begin with. The runes weren’t fully kicked to the side until she became absent.

It hurts your little egos, but yes, nothing would be possible without this. The reason the jews run everything and they have everything by the balls are far deeper than this. If you think chanting a few Runes only will solve it, I hate to say but this is not even close to enough.
“Just do the RTR” in a nutshell.

I don’t think YOU are close enough to even understand the shit you say cobra and I know you’re reading this, and if you’re not reading it one of the MANY JoS users like alchemist 7 and Shadowcat HAVE admitted to reading T4S so they will probably relay it to you.

7. Our race has fucked up for a long time and mere Runes will not even solve half of it.
But once again, apparently Hebrew will solve it. Oy veyyy.

As for you Outlaw you are ready for the ban. You merely attack people all the time for no reason. This is the last chance for you to stop doing this.
And of course anyone questioning chancellor cobra must be banned and put in the gulag for wrongthink!!!

8. The situation is far more complex than "our pipol must wake up!". The issue is not emotional. Jews laugh at this shit for a long time now. More is needed.

With that being stated the importance of "emotions" is as important as the feelings of an oxen at this point. Personally I feel we should be doing x100 times more than what we do. But you are not ready for these requests. So other things have to happen at their set time if there is any chance for success.
Yes we know.
You’d love it if JoS members sent you 100 times more shekels every month because that’s what this is about.

You’re done HC. Exposed once again. Just give it a rest already .

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:28 pm
by Howlite
Cobra is a joke and no one takes him seriously outside his highly censored forum. He is a fraud just like his role model Andrew Tate.

He “upgrades” runes man… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:52 pm
by Psychotron
Howlite wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:28 pm He “upgrades” runes man… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously WTF was that about.

“The runes are medium level ineffective magic” and then says that the runes are great because he made them great. Which is it?

He’s the typical Jew talking out both sides of his mouth.

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:58 pm
by OpenMind
Holy Wars wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:15 pm
Cobra wrote: 1. The Runes are medium level magick at best. They are not higher or top tier magick. With how I put them in Rituals, I upgrade them, yet the Rituals are powerful because of the Gods.
Runes are “medium level magic at best” but his reverse Hebrew kaballah rituals that curse gentiles is very high tier stuff??

And of course cobra has to masturbate in public and say that HE is the reason why the runes worked in these rituals because HE “upgrades” them

If by “upgrade” you mean kick them in the trash and call them ineffective then OY VEY you’re right cobra!
There is way more than this that we are being taught by the Gods on the back end
More cult leader talk. Of course HE is the only one being taught about these super secrets and we can never know what they are (because it is BS).
2. Yes, the planets are powers of the Gods and they are immovable. You can hit all day on the target on a closed door and nothing will succeed. The worst end result here is even a backfire, which is not desirable.
The question was why isn’t the runic race awakening ritual done frequently as Don described.

This is always the excuse given, but apparently no astrology has to be taken into account to do the reverse kaballah ritual. The door is always open to curse yourself right cobra?

And he even says that the runes can “backfire”. Are you fucking serious? Magic by US for US will “backfire” but chanting reverse Hebrew into your soul won’t?????? This is really a mask off moment. All of you JoS lurkers here should be paying attention.

Emotions are irrelevant here. You can feel as hyped, hyperactive, negative or positive as you want. The planets and powers dictates what happens and when the time is for certain things and when it is not.

We are thousands of years late and thousands of years wrong, so don't worry a lot here.
But yet again.
None of this applies to the final RTR
I wonder why.
3. There are far more drastic things which will do better than the "Runic Rituals" which are reliable on the limited power of a few people which frankly average on a lesser level than what is needed to reverse anything as terrible as this.
Another idiot tier post.
I believe that the final RTR is a big reason as to why we are in this terrible situation to begin with.
It was introduced in summer 2018 and then not even a year and half later the world is thrown into chaos and has only gotten worse since.
But keep doing the RTR Goyim that will surely fix things.

4. The Demon Rituals will do far more for our Race than any 'Race awakening Ritual'. They are far more important. The Gods can turn the situation around better than anyone. The Demons are our ancestors. These are far more powerful than anything else right now.

Our race is not here because they are not "awake", many of our own are, but we are here because we are without the Gods.
More shilling for his new rituals.

“The demons are doing far more for our race than the RAR”. OK then why are there thousands of white kids being killed in Ukraine and around the world. Why is none of this stopped and is infact only accelerating if the “demons” are looking out for us? They can’t answer this.
Having zero knowledge on the subject and don't even understand what we are doing with the Demonic Rituals, you just want to write shit with your little brain as you write usually attacking people as jews and so on, because you are rife with mental and emotional problems.
And then of course he attacks the little goy that dare question his hooded supremacy LOL!
5. The most knowledgeable wings of the occult in NS Germany knew about reversing spells and way more, this is why they had experts on the enemy. They had whole department wings to decipher and break down the hebrew.
The user explained that the National Socialists and Thule society used Swastika and rune power to win and gain their presence , not reverse Hebrew (as also pointed out by Don).

And his response to this is to just make shit up. Next will probably say that Hitler invented the RTR :roll:

6. HPS Maxine will is unalienable and she should be a considered a semi deity. You are just a clueless person speaking on literally zero knowledge. She knows why she did put these Rituals forth to break the enemy's power first before proceeding to anything else.
HPS Maxine is DEAD and I doubt that this is her will to begin with. The runes weren’t fully kicked to the side until she became absent.

It hurts your little egos, but yes, nothing would be possible without this. The reason the jews run everything and they have everything by the balls are far deeper than this. If you think chanting a few Runes only will solve it, I hate to say but this is not even close to enough.
“Just do the RTR” in a nutshell.

I don’t think YOU are close enough to even understand the shit you say cobra and I know you’re reading this, and if you’re not reading it one of the MANY JoS users like alchemist 7 and Shadowcat HAVE admitted to reading T4S so they will probably relay it to you.

7. Our race has fucked up for a long time and mere Runes will not even solve half of it.
But once again, apparently Hebrew will solve it. Oy veyyy.

As for you Outlaw you are ready for the ban. You merely attack people all the time for no reason. This is the last chance for you to stop doing this.
And of course anyone questioning chancellor cobra must be banned and put in the gulag for wrongthink!!!

8. The situation is far more complex than "our pipol must wake up!". The issue is not emotional. Jews laugh at this shit for a long time now. More is needed.

With that being stated the importance of "emotions" is as important as the feelings of an oxen at this point. Personally I feel we should be doing x100 times more than what we do. But you are not ready for these requests. So other things have to happen at their set time if there is any chance for success.
Yes we know.
You’d love it if JoS members sent you 100 times more shekels every month because that’s what this is about.

You’re done HC. Exposed once again. Just give it a rest already .
good catch :clap:
see one more time
when someone ask questions
gets slander and threats
last victim outlaw torn

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:02 pm
by Howlite
Holy Wars wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:52 pm
Howlite wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:28 pm He “upgrades” runes man… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously WTF was that about.

“The runes are medium level ineffective magic” and then says that the runes are great because he made them great. Which is it?

He’s the typical Jew talking out both sides of his mouth.
Genius Hoodedblabla wants his rituals seen as higher than medium level magic that’s why he says stupid lies like upgraded runes.

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:07 pm
by shitposterInquisitor
Holy Wars wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:15 pm...
Howlite wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:28 pm...
OpenMind wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:58 pm...
Can y'all correct all of it, then?

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:17 pm
by Psychotron
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:07 pm
Holy Wars wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:15 pm...
Howlite wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:28 pm...
OpenMind wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:58 pm...
Can y'all correct all of it, then?
For something to be corrected it has to be incorrect, what is wrong here?

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:20 pm
by shitposterInquisitor
Holy Wars wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:17 pm
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:07 pm
Holy Wars wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:15 pm...
Howlite wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:28 pm...
OpenMind wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:58 pm...
Can y'all correct all of it, then?
For something to be corrected it has to be incorrect, what is wrong here?
Before I attempt to answer - what is Cobra being exposed as?

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:27 pm
by Psychotron
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:20 pm Before I attempt to answer - what is Cobra being exposed as?
In this case.
A gatekeeper and a Hebrew magician.
Read the thread on ancient forums. He won’t release the advanced runic and Sanskrit magic. I wonder why!?

Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:13 pm
by Psychotron

This was cobras last message to me.

Calling me a nigger LOL what? I’m pretty sure we’re the same race unless he actually IS a Jew.

Regardless, this goes to show how immature blahbra really is.

This is your glorious leader JoS sheeple.

Someone that chimps out and screams slurs when his “divine authority” is questioned.

I don’t think Maxine behaved this way!