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Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:59 pm
by AnonPoster
On short because I dont have to much time
After HPS Maxine left Hoodedcobra went on a power trip, he decided to remove all other clergy members and all who he thought they might be a threat on his power trip i.e. those who didn't agree with him all the time no matter what.

Those who dare to ask questions about his management or contradict Hoodedcobra were slandered, falsely accused of things they never did, falsely accused of being traitors or jews without any proof of course.

You think this is bad ? It's getting worse

Now we all saw the last events on JoS, we all saw how one of the oldest JoS member left there i.e. Fancy Mancy said that JoS is a cult and Hoodedcobra is a jew, we all saw how this Fancy Mancy wrote many delusional posts all over the web not only on JoS, in some of his posts he said he is gay in other he said he is straight, in some posts he said he is american in other he said he is british, in some posts he said he is using drugs and he said he fucked up his mind and soul

In your opinion is this person representative for JoS ?
Is this person representative for Spiritual Satanism or for any kind of Satanism ?
Well I would say No, No Way, period.
But according to Hoodedcobra Fancy Mancy it is a very good member in fact Hoodedcobra gave Fancy Mancy the privilege to post freely or without moderation on JoS in this way Fancy Mancy was placed above the regular JoS members.

Lets go futher, lets talk a bit about weed
What is your opinion on weed, should Spiritual Satanists use weed? should JoS promote weed ?
Again I would say No, Not a chance. Period
But according to Serbon weed its good, in fact its so good that he decided to promote it even in Teens section on JoS, also he promoted weed on Discord with different accounts and here under the name Basilikum

So again let me ask you a person who use and promote any kind of drugs is it representative for JoS ? is it representative for Satanism ?
I would say No but according to Hoodedcobra it seems that people like Serbon are representative for JoS

Furthermore Ol ardgeco is in the same line with Serbon on weed, this fellow some while back even recorded himself smoking weed and said that helps him to get in to the trance faster, imagine that!
But this is more about Ol ardgeco, a few days ago you all saw how he jumped on Hoodedcobra's neck on Andrew Tate topic, that was awesome, he was sitting there in the shadow waiting and waiting for an opportunity and Bam! Hoodedcobra serves him, without thinking he attacks writing with caps lock to be sure everyone sees his attack and then jumping for joy waits for crowd reaction but the reaction was nothing what he expected LoL
Many JoS members already know about Ol ardgeco's love for weed and also know that this dude is involved in shit activities against JoS on some obscure groups on Discord and Telegram, BTW Joy of Satan on Telegram it is lead by a faimous Rabby, Ol ardgeco's association with the enemy is more then obvious, so no one backed him up in his attack on Hoodedcobra

Should I ask you again, is it Ol ardgeco representative for JoS ? I know you will say No
But again Hoodedcobra says yes Ol ardgeco is representative for JoS is a good member he even placed Ol ardgeco above the regular members he gave him the privilege to speak unmoderated on all JoS forums.

Now I have to log off, see you next time
Some questions for the next topics maybe
1.Why are allowed drug users, traitors, kikes on JoS ?
2.Why did Hoodedcobra keep begging for money ? There are at least 5 topics where he beggs for money
3.Why Hoodedcobra promotes a jew garbage like Andrew Tate ?

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:25 pm
by OpenMind
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:59 pm On short because I dont have to much time
After HPS Maxine left Hoodedcobra went on a power trip, he decided to remove all other clergy members and all who he thought they might be a threat on his power trip i.e. those who didn't agree with him all the time no matter what.

Those who dare to ask questions about his management or contradict Hoodedcobra were slandered, falsely accused of things they never did, falsely accused of being traitors or jews without any proof of course.

You think this is bad ? It's getting worse

Now we all saw the last events on JoS, we all saw how one of the oldest JoS member left there i.e. Fancy Mancy said that JoS is a cult and Hoodedcobra is a jew, we all saw how this Fancy Mancy wrote many delusional posts all over the web not only on JoS, in some of his posts he said he is gay in other he said he is straight, in some posts he said he is american in other he said he is british, in some posts he said he is using drugs and he said he fucked up his mind and soul

In your opinion is this person representative for JoS ?
Is this person representative for Spiritual Satanism or for any kind of Satanism ?
Well I would say No, No Way, period.
But according to Hoodedcobra Fancy Mancy it is a very good member in fact Hoodedcobra gave Fancy Mancy the privilege to post freely or without moderation on JoS in this way Fancy Mancy was placed above the regular JoS members.

Lets go futher, lets talk a bit about weed
What is your opinion on weed, should Spiritual Satanists use weed? should JoS promote weed ?
Again I would say No, Not a chance. Period
But according to Serbon weed its good, in fact its so good that he decided to promote it even in Teens section on JoS, also he promoted weed on Discord with different accounts and here under the name Basilikum

So again let me ask you a person who use and promote any kind of drugs is it representative for JoS ? is it representative for Satanism ?
I would say No but according to Hoodedcobra it seems that people like Serbon are representative for JoS

Furthermore Ol ardgeco is in the same line with Serbon on weed, this fellow some while back even recorded himself smoking weed and said that helps him to get in to the trance faster, imagine that!
But this is more about Ol ardgeco, a few days ago you all saw how he jumped on Hoodedcobra's neck on Andrew Tate topic, that was awesome, he was sitting there in the shadow waiting and waiting for an opportunity and Bam! Hoodedcobra serves him, without thinking he attacks writing with caps lock to be sure everyone sees his attack and then jumping for joy waits for crowd reaction but the reaction was nothing what he expected LoL
Many JoS members already know about Ol ardgeco's love for weed and also know that this dude is involved in shit activities against JoS on some obscure groups on Discord and Telegram, BTW Joy of Satan on Telegram it is lead by a faimous Rabby, Ol ardgeco's association with the enemy is more then obvious, so no one backed him up in his attack on Hoodedcobra

Should I ask you again, is it Ol ardgeco representative for JoS ? I know you will say No
But again Hoodedcobra says yes Ol ardgeco is representative for JoS is a good member he even placed Ol ardgeco above the regular members he gave him the privilege to speak unmoderated on all JoS forums.

Now I have to log off, see you next time
Some questions for the next topics maybe
1.Why are allowed drug users, traitors, kikes on JoS ?
2.Why did Hoodedcobra keep begging for money ? There are at least 5 topics where he beggs for money
3.Why Hoodedcobra promotes a jew garbage like Andrew Tate ?
good post :clap:

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:45 pm
by OpenMind
hoodedcobra fell of the track
and he will crash Jos
fancy mancy is a beta kike higly delusional
fucked up drug user
serbon / basilikum is a dameged drug user
ol argeco luftias is mexican kike weed smoker
all of these admited using drugs
all of these had and have jewish connections
all of them are tied with jewish groups
1. drug users, traitors and kikes
are allowed on Jos because (((they))) kiss cobra's ass
and cobra likes it
2. hoodedcobra is keep begging for money
bacause he is a NEET
3. hoodedcobra is promoting jew garbage andrew tate
because andrew tate is using online
nick name cobra

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:52 pm
by AnonPoster
OpenMind wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:45 pm hoodedcobra fell of the track
and he will crash Jos
fancy mancy is a beta kike higly delusional
fucked up drug user
serbon / basilikum is a dameged drug user
ol argeco luftias is mexican kike weed smoker
all of these admited using drugs
all of these had and have jewish connections
all of them are tied with jewish groups
1. drug users, traitors and kikes
are allowed on Jos because (((they))) kiss cobra's ass
and cobra likes it
2. hoodedcobra is keep begging for money
bacause he is a NEET
3. hoodedcobra is promoting jew garbage andrew tate
because andrew tate is using online
nick name cobra
cobra is a millionaire from years ago u kikes are broke, so u make this slander place against jos.

well fix you dont worry

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:36 pm
by FancyMancy
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:59 pmNow we all saw the last events on JoS, we all saw how one of the oldest JoS member left there i.e. Fancy Mancy said that JoS is a cult and Hoodedcobra is a jew, we all saw how this Fancy Mancy wrote many delusional posts all over the web not only on JoS, in some of his posts he said he is gay in other he said he is straight, in some posts he said he is american in other he said he is british, in some posts he said he is using drugs and he said he fucked up his mind and soul
Do me a favour; complete this list -

- tell me where and when I left JoS
- tell me where I said JoS is a cult
- tell me where I said Cobra is a jew
- show me all of my posts 'all over the web, not just on JoS'
- show me where I say I am gay and where I say I am straight
- find for me, then present to me, where I said I am American
- direct me to where I said "I am using drugs"

I'll help you -

- I never said I would, nor did I ever, leave JoS
- I said that, while referring to the claims made on here, "JoS is cult-like"
- I said, while referring either to here or to other anti-JoS sites, that Cobra is supposed to be a jew
- I have used the username FancyMancy only on JoS and on here and on Bitchute, nowhere else; this amounts to 4 accounts in total
- I am neither gay nor straight; I am bisexual - or I am both, depending on how you look at it
- I am British; I have never been, nor will I ever be, American; you may be referring and mis-remembering when I was typing in what might be interpreted as a Texan accent; I also say "mon" sometimes, which is Jamaican or similar; I also talk in stupid idiot language i.e. "hurrr, yaa, am stoopid, you noo whorr ah meeen?"; I am British
- I have not used drugs nor have I admitted doing so, nor will I ever use drugs nor admit doing so; I said maybe I did in a previous life

So - now it's your turn. Go.

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:51 pm wow fancy mancy didnt even meditate though he never left you are lying[/size]
Not entirely true. I did very minimal meditations. I suppose that's practically no meditations, but technically is not zero.

yes fancy mancy is great
Thanks for the compliment, whomever you are*, but I would not say that to be the case. I have said that I am more like an intellectual Spiritual Satanist, i.e. having some knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Satanism, while not practising - or practising very minimally. I try to be silly and lighten the mood, but not everyone appreciates my humour and a lot of the time they prefer to sit in dusty old rooms full of stale smells and moulding furniture. For an information relayer, i.e. relaying some information which I have learnt, then perhaps I might be decent, but as a practising, advanced and improving Spiritual Satanist, I would say... no...
mancy needs more meditation
Mancy needs a lot more meditation...

*the same one who is saying FancyMancy is a traitor and shit things like that?

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:27 am
by AnonPoster
HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:51 pm
so maybe hoodedcobra indeed loves jos more than anyone. true point

wow fancy mancy didnt even meditate though he never left you are lying

yes fancy mancy is great and Cobra is the greatest. you just slander kike. mancy needs more meditation

cobra treated him with friendliness to stop him because theyre brothers in Satan. which u are not.

stop slander kike

ol ardgeco is great member he just had a small shit moment. cobra loves him + supports him. he helped thousands u kike just cry. u lie he doesnt use weed i have went to all the telegrams

1. fake.
2. fake. this is for JOS you kike, cobra is building the EMPIRE. yop kike money is needed and ull lick his boots.
cobra is a millionaire from years ago u kikes are broke, so u make this slander place against jos.
3. he talked about CENSORSHIP not PROMOTION, KIKE
All i can say is :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
cobra you should make your own comedy show

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:24 pm
by OpenMind
HP. Hoodedcobra666 wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:51 pm
so maybe hoodedcobra indeed loves jos more than anyone. true point

wow fancy mancy didnt even meditate though he never left you are lying

yes fancy mancy is great and Cobra is the greatest. you just slander kike. mancy needs more meditation

cobra treated him with friendliness to stop him because theyre brothers in Satan. which u are not.

stop slander kike

ol ardgeco is great member he just had a small shit moment. cobra loves him + supports him. he helped thousands u kike just cry. u lie he doesnt use weed i have went to all the telegrams

1. fake.
2. fake. this is for JOS you kike, cobra is building the EMPIRE. yop kike money is needed and ull lick his boots.
cobra is a millionaire from years ago u kikes are broke, so u make this slander place against jos.
3. he talked about CENSORSHIP not PROMOTION, KIKE
thanks for the clear message HP cobra
It's Official now
JOS is hosting drug users and promotes drugs
JOS is hosting kikes
HP cobra loves mexican kike drug user
its all clear now

Re: Some Info. and a Few Questions For JoS Members

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 12:01 pm
by Amungus
FancyMancy wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:36 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:59 pmNow we all saw the last events on JoS, we all saw how one of the oldest JoS member left there i.e. Fancy Mancy said that JoS is a cult and Hoodedcobra is a jew, we all saw how this Fancy Mancy wrote many delusional posts all over the web not only on JoS, in some of his posts he said he is gay in other he said he is straight, in some posts he said he is american in other he said he is british, in some posts he said he is using drugs and he said he fucked up his mind and soul
Do me a favour; complete this list -

- tell me where and when I left JoS
- tell me where I said JoS is a cult
- tell me where I said Cobra is a jew
- show me all of my posts 'all over the web, not just on JoS'
- show me where I say I am gay and where I say I am straight
- find for me, then present to me, where I said I am American
- direct me to where I said "I am using drugs"

I'll help you -

- I never said I would, nor did I ever, leave JoS
- I said that, while referring to the claims made on here, "JoS is cult-like"
- I said, while referring either to here or to other anti-JoS sites, that Cobra is supposed to be a jew
- I have used the username FancyMancy only on JoS and on here and on Bitchute, nowhere else; this amounts to 4 accounts in total
- I am neither gay nor straight; I am bisexual - or I am both, depending on how you look at it
- I am British; I have never been, nor will I ever be, American; you may be referring and mis-remembering when I was typing in what might be interpreted as a Texan accent; I also say "mon" sometimes, which is Jamaican or similar; I also talk in stupid idiot language i.e. "hurrr, yaa, am stoopid, you noo whorr ah meeen?"; I am British
- I have not used drugs nor have I admitted doing so, nor will I ever use drugs nor admit doing so; I said maybe I did in a previous life

So - now it's your turn. Go.

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:51 pm wow fancy mancy didnt even meditate though he never left you are lying[/size]
Not entirely true. I did very minimal meditations. I suppose that's practically no meditations, but technically is not zero.

yes fancy mancy is great
Thanks for the compliment, whomever you are*, but I would not say that to be the case. I have said that I am more like an intellectual Spiritual Satanist, i.e. having some knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Satanism, while not practising - or practising very minimally. I try to be silly and lighten the mood, but not everyone appreciates my humour and a lot of the time they prefer to sit in dusty old rooms full of stale smells and moulding furniture. For an information relayer, i.e. relaying some information which I have learnt, then perhaps I might be decent, but as a practising, advanced and improving Spiritual Satanist, I would say... no...
mancy needs more meditation
Mancy needs a lot more meditation...

*the same one who is saying FancyMancy is a traitor and shit things like that?
Meditate then. For real, MEDITATE. If you want to and are capable, just do it. It's that simple. You need help? There's people who can help. Ask your buddy Cobra for help since you're bruthas in arms or whatever. No excuses, just do it. You'll see it's easy and that you spazzed out over nothing. Ave.