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Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:41 pm
by Radioactive
I recently stumbled upon Merlyn83's journal entry: viewtopic.php?t=2225

and it truly resonated with me. Reading about their personal struggles and triumphs, as well as their reflections on life, made me realize the importance of having my own journal.

After reading Merlyn83's entry, I realized the power of sharing my own experiences and emotions in written form. Not only does it serve as a form of self-expression, but it also serves as a way to reflect on my own growth and progress.

I am now inspired to start my own journal and document my own journey. I am excited to see where this new habit takes me and how it will shape my perspectives and understanding of life.

As many of you may know, I am known as HPBlackMamba on this forum. While I have loved embodying this stage persona, it's time for me to let everyone get to know the person behind the name.

I am an actor, and when I first created HPBlackMamba, I was using the persona as a character in my performances. It was a way for me to explore different emotions and styles of debate that I may not have been able to tap into as myself. It was a way for me to stretch my creative muscles and challenge myself.

HPBlackMamba was created as a way for me to experiment with ideas and to help generate publicity for the ministry. However, as I've left the persona behind me, I've come to realize that it's important for everyone to understand that there is a real person behind the persona.

So, who am I? My name is Druan, and I'm a regular guy who just happens to have a passion for music. I grew up in Johannesburg, and I've always been drawn to the creative arts. Music, in particular, has always been a huge part of my life. I started playing guitar when I was a teenager, and I've been writing and performing ever since.

I hope that by sharing a little bit about myself, you will come to understand that HPBlackMamba was just a persona, and not a representation of the person I am, and the person I strive to be.

I am starting this journal as a way to give you a glimpse into my life and who I truly am. I believe that it is important for people to know the person behind the words, and I hope that by sharing my beliefs and experiences, you will come to understand me better.

I want to be transparent and honest in this journal, which means that I will be sharing my thoughts and feelings on a wide range of topics. Some of my opinions may be controversial or unpopular, and I want to make it clear that I respect everyone's right to their own beliefs. However, I must remain true to myself, and that means sharing my own thoughts and experiences as I see them.

I understand that some readers may disagree with my opinions or find my writing offensive, but I ask that you read with an open mind and try to understand where I am coming from. I will always strive to be respectful and considerate in my writing, but I may not always succeed.

I have come to the realization that I am no longer burdened by the need to maintain appearances. For so long, I felt the pressure to present a certain image to the world, to hide my true self behind a façade of perfection. But now, I am free from that weight.

I am done pretending to be someone I am not. I am done trying to fit into a mold that society deems acceptable. I am done hiding my flaws, my insecurities, and my struggles.

I am who I am, and I am proud of that. I have my own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, my own passions and interests, and my own story to tell. And I am finally ready to share that with the world, without fear of judgement or rejection.

Being honest about who I am has given me a sense of liberation that I never thought possible. It has allowed me to be more authentic in my relationships, to pursue my goals with more conviction, and to live my life with more purpose.

I encourage others to do the same. Let go of the need to keep up appearances and embrace the person you truly are. You will be surprised at how liberating it can be.

I hope that you will join me on this journey of self-discovery and that you will come to know me for who I truly am.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:00 pm
by Merlyn83
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:41 pm I recently stumbled upon Merlyn83's journal entry: viewtopic.php?t=2225

and it truly resonated with me. Reading about their personal struggles and triumphs, as well as their reflections on life, made me realize the importance of having my own journal.

After reading Merlyn83's entry, I realized the power of sharing my own experiences and emotions in written form. Not only does it serve as a form of self-expression, but it also serves as a way to reflect on my own growth and progress.

I am now inspired to start my own journal and document my own journey. I am excited to see where this new habit takes me and how it will shape my perspectives and understanding of life.

As many of you may know, I am known as HPBlackMamba on this forum. While I have loved embodying this stage persona, it's time for me to let everyone get to know the person behind the name.

I am an actor, and when I first created HPBlackMamba, I was using the persona as a character in my performances. It was a way for me to explore different emotions and styles of debate that I may not have been able to tap into as myself. It was a way for me to stretch my creative muscles and challenge myself.

HPBlackMamba was created as a way for me to experiment with ideas and to help generate publicity for the ministry. However, as I've left the persona behind me, I've come to realize that it's important for everyone to understand that there is a real person behind the persona.

So, who am I? My name is Druan, and I'm a regular guy who just happens to have a passion for music. I grew up in Johannesburg, and I've always been drawn to the creative arts. Music, in particular, has always been a huge part of my life. I started playing guitar when I was a teenager, and I've been writing and performing ever since.

I hope that by sharing a little bit about myself, you will come to understand that HPBlackMamba was just a persona, and not a representation of the person I am, and the person I strive to be.

I am starting this journal as a way to give you a glimpse into my life and who I truly am. I believe that it is important for people to know the person behind the words, and I hope that by sharing my beliefs and experiences, you will come to understand me better.

I want to be transparent and honest in this journal, which means that I will be sharing my thoughts and feelings on a wide range of topics. Some of my opinions may be controversial or unpopular, and I want to make it clear that I respect everyone's right to their own beliefs. However, I must remain true to myself, and that means sharing my own thoughts and experiences as I see them.

I understand that some readers may disagree with my opinions or find my writing offensive, but I ask that you read with an open mind and try to understand where I am coming from. I will always strive to be respectful and considerate in my writing, but I may not always succeed.

I have come to the realization that I am no longer burdened by the need to maintain appearances. For so long, I felt the pressure to present a certain image to the world, to hide my true self behind a façade of perfection. But now, I am free from that weight.

I am done pretending to be someone I am not. I am done trying to fit into a mold that society deems acceptable. I am done hiding my flaws, my insecurities, and my struggles.

I am who I am, and I am proud of that. I have my own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, my own passions and interests, and my own story to tell. And I am finally ready to share that with the world, without fear of judgement or rejection.

Being honest about who I am has given me a sense of liberation that I never thought possible. It has allowed me to be more authentic in my relationships, to pursue my goals with more conviction, and to live my life with more purpose.

I encourage others to do the same. Let go of the need to keep up appearances and embrace the person you truly are. You will be surprised at how liberating it can be.

I hope that you will join me on this journey of self-discovery and that you will come to know me for who I truly am.
Duran. Thank you for sharing your experience and insight. You obviously were HPMamba because I recall he posted music as a way for spiritual empowerment and used certain notes to tune the chakras with a guitar as well.

Well hell. Welcome back Duran. I am glad you came back to share who you really wanted are. That's definitely where I stand as well when it comes to libration. Personally this is a good place to start to get in touch with your highest self.

We didn't always see eye to eye but there was never disrespect at all. To me those are the people I get along with because there is that mutual respect and willingness to step into someone else's shoes

When someone has to have a defense up when you share ideas and things like that and start putting you down or question your personal life and experience as to how you got to where you are at, they have stunted their own growth especially with the bs fighting going on and on in these forums..

No one has to agree with someone else! But at the same time if one is going to go out of their way to be an idiot, then it's on them. We know what's best for ourselves. So if we don't like something or someone we do not have to engage. That's been my message. Usually when they are in the past and irrelevant, detached is a wonderful thing to have.

Anyway, Duran I appreciate this entry will be happy to keep reading and sharing.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:05 pm
by Radioactive
Thank you so much for your positive feedback on my previous post. I am thrilled to know that my content is resonating with you and helping to provide valuable insights.

I have a wealth of information that I would like to share with you, but I have decided to release it incrementally. This will not only give me the time to reflect on the information and ensure that it is accurate, but it will also allow you, the readers, to absorb and reflect on the information before moving on to the next topic.

Thank you again for your support and I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:23 pm
by Radioactive
This will be the first of many posts that will give you a deeper insight about who HPBlackMamba was. In the future I will explain what the motives were for creating this persona, and why I decided to help Zola launch the T4S.

Who was BlackMamba?

HPBlackMamba, also known as "HIgh Priest Black Mamba," was a fictional character created for entertainment purposes. The character was portrayed as a ruthless and deadly assassin of lies (as venom symbolised truth serium and black mamba venom is one of the strongest), with a reputation for being one of the best when it comes to debating. However, despite the character's popularity, it is important to note that almost everything about HPBlackMamba is fake in some way.

The origins of the character can be traced back to sermons and a series of posts on the old T4S forums, where I first began posting stories and fictional accounts of the character's exploits. These stories quickly gained a following, and the character became a popular topic of discussion among forum members. However, it is important to note that these stories were not based on any real-life events or individuals, and were instead entirely fictional.

For example, I never summoned Satan through an interdimensional portal, but HPBlackMamba did! I never received instructions from Satan to build a Temple, but HPBlackMamba did! There are countless myths that have been woven into the fabric of the character.

As the character's popularity grew, I began to expand the HPBlackMamba universe, creating a fictional backstory and history for the character. I claimed that HPBlackMamba recieved ancient knowledge from the Gods, had dreams, visions and mythical psychic powers. However, there is no evidence to support these claims, and the majority of the backstory was also entirely fabricated.

The HPBlackMamba character was also portrayed as being highly skilled in occult knowledge and the dark arts, as well as being an expert theologian. However, it is important to note that these abilities are not based on any real-life training or experience, and are instead simply part of the character's fictional persona.

As the character's popularity continued to grow, the I began to release a series of books and comics featuring HPBlackMamba's ideology. Some of these works (like the T4S doctrine) were marketed as being based on true events, but it is important to note that they were entirely fictional and not based on any real-life events or individuals.

In conclusion, HPBlackMamba is a fictional character with a troll like personality created for entertainment purposes. Almost everything about the character and its history is fake in some way. While the character may be popular and entertaining, it is important to remember that it is not based on any real-life events or individuals, and should not be taken as such. It is important to maintain a healthy skepticism when consuming media, and always fact-check information before accepting it as true.

I hope that this material resonates with you. Because there is still a lot that I am going to come clean about.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:30 pm
by Bane666
Honestly though who asked? Nobody cares whether the HP blackmamba persona was real or false, you haven't been talked about on this forum until just now when you joined trying to promote your project. It was pretty obvious in your previous posts that you weren't some advanced occultist or anyone to take seriously and its still obvious now.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:27 am
by Venessa
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:23 pm
I doubt anyone really believed all of that, but you admitting this just abolished any credibility you've had here and in part hurt the credibility of the t4s clergy. You're an admitted fraud, now every joser has a direct confession from you and will use it against zola until the end of time. Thanks for your contribution mamba :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:53 am
by Radioactive
Venessa wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:27 am
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:23 pm
I doubt anyone really believed all of that, but you admitting this just abolished any credibility you've had here and in part hurt the credibility of the t4s clergy. You're an admitted fraud, now every joser has a direct confession from you and will use it against zola until the end of time. Thanks for your contribution mamba :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
This isn't about hurting the credibility of the T4S or Zola. It's about allowing people to get to know me as a regular member on this message boards. Additionally, there is a difference between fraud and an actor playing a role. When I post my next entry about the motivations behind the creation of Mamba and the T4S you will see that my intentions were pure.

Even though HPBlackMamba was a fake persona a lot can still be learned from the original message of the T4S about Satanism. Things like the importance of individual liberty and self-expression. And FIY Cobra and Maxine from the JoS are fake persona's too. His real name is Nick and not Cobra, the Clergy at JoS have done the exact same thing. So, it would be hypocritical for them to call out the T4S.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:55 am
by Radioactive
Bane666 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:30 pm Honestly though who asked? Nobody cares whether the HP blackmamba persona was real or false, you haven't been talked about on this forum until just now when you joined trying to promote your project. It was pretty obvious in your previous posts that you weren't some advanced occultist or anyone to take seriously and its still obvious now.
It would be more accurate to say that you don't didn't ask and that you don't care. But what qualifies you to speak on behalf of everyone on the forum, even future members?

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:11 am
by Bane666
Radioactive wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:23 pm When I post my next entry about the motivations behind the creation of Mamba and the T4S you will see that my intentions were pure.
You mean we have to read more of your nonsense rambling? No thanks you've already proven you are untrustworthy and a waste of time, if you really are mamba you shouldn't have come back.

Re: Radioactive's Journal

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:13 am
by Bane666
Radioactive wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:55 am It would be more accurate to say that you don't didn't ask and that you don't care. But what qualifies you to speak on behalf of everyone on the forum, even future members?
What qualifies me is common sense that nobody wants to read the nonsense ramblings of someone who admitted to creating a fake persona, your multi-paragraph long threads have nothing of value to anyone who reads them nor did they when you were here originally. What exactly have you contributed to this forum?