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Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:24 pm
by Celeste AikoGal
Basically, collectivism is about self-improvement in every individual doing their best for the world and for themselves. Someone trying to ban individualism, is just making their work more complicated if not ruined. For example, on JoS they always bully people who are different from them, such as non-white people, people with slightly different ideas, lgbt people and people who disagree with their political ideology. Their website states that satanism is very individual, but then Cobra abolished individualism in the forum. You can't say a different opinion or the forum - It won't be approved or you'll get insults. They also force people to overdo meditations everyday, which is not necessary. Meditate when you feel the need to. Some JoSer here said that JoS is not just a group, but a religion. He was right: They adore Cobra more than Satan (see "Hail Cobra!"). They bullied people like Meteor for something i'm not going to say for her personal privacy even if she said what happened and other individuals for the same reason. They literally kicked every user who is slightly different from them. They just lost users, but Cobra thinks he is going to gain more. Here is the trap: Every sect always falls for this reason; There isn't individualism, only "if you think this you are okay, if not GO AWAY". Especially if you are creating different sections for white, black and asian people, you are just abolishing individualism. So basically people have to say they are black or white or asian in someway. This is the death of individualism which destroys collectivism step by step. And if this kind of collectivism goes on, it just is getting more sick. JoS is dying for this reason, included the political ideology and the only one thought. Otherwise, it would still have users. Your toxic ego is banning individualism and destroying your own goals.

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:37 pm
by Krieg The 3rd
No group online or otherwise can necessarily be entirely individualistic however some come closer than others, the JOS has thrown away its promise of individualism and "no mediators" stated on the site in order to form a religion like you state. Cobra and the JOS guardians are the mediators if they say Satan said x and you say Satan told you differently then you are banned or removed, you can't disagree which is why I was banned as well.

There is a set path in JOS for spirituality when in reality it is a much more expansive subject dependent on the individual. Some things that work for me won't work for you and vice versa, but with their group their is only one way. Some examples of this are mandating using runes for most everything, giving specific affirmations, saying meditations must be done in a certain way, "Maxine said this", etc... In this way very little spiritual development is achieved because you should experiment to see what works for you rather than following a dogma.

As for some of the other things you say in this post, polite disagree that's all.

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:39 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"They also force people to overdo meditations everyday, which is not necessary."

Back in the dark ages, when people were forced to convert to the church, people were expected to go every Sunday and they used to have these minders going up and down the aisles with these long sticks or poles. And they would bap people over the head with these who were falling asleep. You're trapped there all afternoon listening to some priest droning on and on in latin.

This puts people into a kind of hypnotic state. Makes them more susceptible to being programmed.

My point being I have come to feel that this is why they want people to be overdoing meditations every day. And then people go back there and get more mind numbing stuff, and it is like a snowball. It makes people more vulnerable to being programmed.

This is why I am about keeping it to a minimum but at the same time trying to be consistent with that. We have waking lives so we can be out there living them, not sitting around trying to be in 'trance'.

I had a friend who was very dedicated and he spent hours a day doing meditations and vibrating and all that. And it made him psychotic. The more he did the crazier he got.

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:44 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"experiment to see what works for you rather than following a dogma"

Totally agree. What works for you may not be my cup of tea and vice versa. There are many paths to find the way home. And all that being said too, sometimes your guide will help you out, give you suggestions, maybe an insight to say hey: "try this!"

My guide is really big on always telling me to throw on a coat and shoes and take a walk and the solution will present itself. The answer or inspiration comes. And it does!

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:10 pm
by Krieg The 3rd
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:39 pm "They also force people to overdo meditations everyday, which is not necessary."

Back in the dark ages, when people were forced to convert to the church, people were expected to go every Sunday and they used to have these minders going up and down the aisles with these long sticks or poles. And they would bap people over the head with these who were falling asleep. You're trapped there all afternoon listening to some priest droning on and on in latin.

This puts people into a kind of hypnotic state. Makes them more susceptible to being programmed.

My point being I have come to feel that this is why they want people to be overdoing meditations every day. And then people go back there and get more mind numbing stuff, and it is like a snowball. It makes people more vulnerable to being programmed.

This is why I am about keeping it to a minimum but at the same time trying to be consistent with that. We have waking lives so we can be out there living them, not sitting around trying to be in 'trance'.

I had a friend who was very dedicated and he spent hours a day doing meditations and vibrating and all that. And it made him psychotic. The more he did the crazier he got.
Yes you must be careful what you absorb and think after you have raised your energy, but I don't think I would compare consistent meditation to a church necessarily. If people have a hard time being consistent with their meditations to the point at which they are missing other obligations than they should cut it back, its about balance. If you overdo anything problems will occur, it has to be built up over time.

Its also important to clean your soul before empowering yourself too much lest you empower negative karma which will manifest more blatantly along with the positive, that could have happened to your friend. I don't know maybe its just easier for me to be consistent because of lots of earth in my chart, also my partner is very insistent that I finish all my meditations each day but that's just me.

Also as a bit of a side note on hypnotic states and being programmed you have to watch out for the content you consume. If you go into a trance while watching negative news, bad shows, or even listening to music(like gangster rap as you mention before) you can be programmed in a bad way, this applies on the opposite as well. Be careful what you are allowing into your subconscious.

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:21 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"I wouldn't compare consistent meditation to a church necessarily"

No, please don't misunderstand. A consistent practice - whatever that might mean for the individual - is good.
Well, except for my friend I mentioned. He seriously got so unbalanced.

But I have come to the realization that the reason they push overdoing it may very well be to get people into a more programmable state of mind.

"Be careful what you are allowing into your subconscious."

Totally agree

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:03 pm
by Bane666
Agree with most of this post, but the whole overdoing meditation thing to me is wrong. If I use the exercise example again it's something you get better at and do more of over time, there are no excuses for missing out you can find the time. Similarly, you don't go to doing two hours of meditation immediately just like you don't go to the max weight in the beginning. You have to build up but just because you can't reach the max at first isn't an excuse not to try at all. To me from your last post and then this one you are trying to justify not meditating daily, if you don't want to that's fine just understand it's a hindrance on your spiritual development, Kreig seemed to say most of this as well. Do what is manageable for you, but if you don't put in the effort you won't get results simple as.

"Ah Yes! I Was Wondering What Would Break First. Your Spirit... Or Your Body?" -Bane

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:05 pm
by Thunderbolt6
Krieg The 3rd wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:37 pm No group online or otherwise can necessarily be entirely individualistic however some come closer than others, the JOS has thrown away its promise of individualism and "no mediators" stated on the site in order to form a religion like you state. Cobra and the JOS guardians are the mediators if they say Satan said x and you say Satan told you differently then you are banned or removed, you can't disagree which is why I was banned as well.

There is a set path in JOS for spirituality when in reality it is a much more expansive subject dependent on the individual. Some things that work for me won't work for you and vice versa, but with their group their is only one way. Some examples of this are mandating using runes for most everything, giving specific affirmations, saying meditations must be done in a certain way, "Maxine said this", etc... In this way very little spiritual development is achieved because you should experiment to see what works for you rather than following a dogma.

As for some of the other things you say in this post, polite disagree that's all.
LOL I haven't read so much cr ap in a single comment in a while.

How can JOS throw away the "promise" of individualism when every single Satanist has the absolute liberty to follow whatever meditation and whatever schedules they want? Regarding intensity of meditations, how many times have older JOS satanists tell newer members to not "burn" themselves by overmeditating? There are probably hundreds of such posts.

People have responsability over their bodies and souls, therefore they decide what meditations to do and in what intensity. Saying that JOS enforces overmeditation to make people prone to programming is pure cr ap. This is what christianity does and indeed that does actually turn people into programmable zombies, the more they advance in the christian practices.

JOS and meditation is the total opposite of this, people have the absolute liberty to advance with whatever pace they want and do whatever meditation they want. The goal of the forum is to assist people who have questions or issues. There is no dogma about what meditations to do and how much, there is always an emphasis on sticking to what is best for each of us, doing whatever number of reps and breaths that we are comfortable with and so on. I don't know if you are genuinely deluded or you are deliberately lying about these things.

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 3:05 am
by Krieg The 3rd
Thunderbolt6 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:05 pm LOL I haven't read so much cr ap in a single comment in a while.

How can JOS throw away the "promise" of individualism when every single Satanist has the absolute liberty to follow whatever meditation and whatever schedules they want? Regarding intensity of meditations, how many times have older JOS satanists tell newer members to not "burn" themselves by overmeditating? There are probably hundreds of such posts.

People have responsability over their bodies and souls, therefore they decide what meditations to do and in what intensity. Saying that JOS enforces overmeditation to make people prone to programming is pure cr ap. This is what christianity does and indeed that does actually turn people into programmable zombies, the more they advance in the christian practices.

JOS and meditation is the total opposite of this, people have the absolute liberty to advance with whatever pace they want and do whatever meditation they want. The goal of the forum is to assist people who have questions or issues. There is no dogma about what meditations to do and how much, there is always an emphasis on sticking to what is best for each of us, doing whatever number of reps and breaths that we are comfortable with and so on. I don't know if you are genuinely deluded or you are deliberately lying about these things.
The goal of the forum/organization and the implementation/actions it takes are entirely different. Even with the JOS there is a specific way in which you must do the meditations sometimes in a one size fits all sort of thing, along with mandated rituals such as the frtr. This also applies surrounding how to summon demons or perform rituals, mention another system or way and you will either be insulted or told "the jos way is better"

My main point was regarding the no mediators claim, no matter what if you claim you heard something different from the gods than what the high priest thinks or JOS claims then you will be banned or slandered. At the end of the day what cobra says is the doctrine and if you even question for one second anything that maxine said including the 'freeing the demons' thing you are exiled.

Also I never argued about the overmeditating thing that was the others.

Re: Collectivism works through individualism.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:40 am
by KorvusTheRaven
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:39 pm I had a friend who was very dedicated and he spent hours a day doing meditations and vibrating and all that. And it made him psychotic. The more he did the crazier he got.
That was me. That was me years ago, and all a four-hour regimen of meditation ever did for me was induce a psychotic breakdown from time to time because I believed it was never enough.