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some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 4:17 am
by Faraon
I left christianity in 2018,and I was dabbling in Vajrayana buddhism for a while (like 3 years)but when I found out what Nirvana really meant,I was stuck in a deep depression,but I didn't want to leave just then because I had read Tibetan Delog stories about the afterlife.

I prayed to Matsendranath a great Satanic Shaivite hindu yogi to guide me,the Tibetans claimed him as a foudner of Vajrayana and I thought it would be okay.

with his blessings I believe I found a host of refutations of buddhist epistemology and metaphysics from various hindu (Nyaya-mimaksaka,Vedantic and Shaivite)sources,ironically the go to brahma sutra commentary in hinduism refuting buddhism from Shankara who I later found out was a subversive,was the least convincing.

So I stayed in hinduism for 2 years,but on the way I would get dreams from some entities impersonating Kali,and my Ishta devata Lalitha Tripura Sundari.

the former would give me bad dreams,and even put me in the hospital when I got drunk and praised her,I blacked out and I didn't know what happened until I woke up in the emergency room.

the entity impersonating Lalithaa would give me dreams that Yehova(God of mischief,iniquity as I later would fidn out this word meant)was part of her and I shouldn't be so anti-Abrahamic.

Then one day in the evening,I was sleep and angels attacked me and Said I was worshipping 'satan',and I called out to Jesus to help me and submitted to him to make the dream stop-I thought I was gonna die.

I then found a Guru named Nithyananda and followed him for a while.

Then I became more mentally ill from his practices so I thought,'maybe the christians are right this stuff is evil'So I became a orthodox christian that night,and that very night I would have entities telling em to kill myself in my sleep,and I saw a entity in sleep paralysis and I called on Yehova to help me.

Attacks by entites would happen for the next year and a half,and I would of course only be helped when I called on Yehova and Jewsus.

This only increased my faith,that 'paganism'was evil and the christians were right.

Then I came upon a unfortunate website,which I won't name here that hosts a bunch of stories of Ex-satanists and Ex-voodoo,ex-Umbainda,ex-hindus,ex-muslims and Ex-rosicrucians and they had the exact same experiences as I did,and the entities they were worshipping trying to kill them and them coming to Yehovah(God of iniquity).

That website had stories of people goinjg to hell for the wrong haircut,or for liking a bikini clad woman's photo on facebook and I became really paranoid,fearful and scrupulous.So I wanted out,but I had too much conviction since my experiences and experiences of others in the occult.

I couldn't explain them away.I asked so many times on JOS(Which I know now to be a Datamining Jewish Controlled opposition organization)and they gave no staisfactorary answers for what happened to me,or the stories on that blog,which I linked there a few times.

So now I want a way out,but I don't know how to do it.

I have too much fear from those stories,and my own experiences.

So I wanted to basically ask,what are the 'demons'that attack christians and initiate rosicrucians,Umbainda etc does this prove the Charismatics and evangelicals right?

They always say that in their experiences These entites ask for blood sacrifice,and hate christianity but that their christian god and magic is more powerful than the powers of these entities.

They have stories of going to the christian version of hell etc

Alot fo these stories,the way they are written sounds fake and not how someone would write a piece of non-fiction.

But my own experience corroborates with theirs so I am reluctant to leave the Abrahamic paradigm,even though I usually leave every other week but then end up coming back due to fear.

I also know of Adam Green of knowmore news and Christopher Jon Bjerknes who expose the jewish program of christianity for what it is,but then people like fitzgerald patrick say they are israeli agents seeking to discredit chrsitianity and gives some weighty evidence.

I wish the trurh wasn't damn hard to find.

Re: some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:21 am
by Celeste AikoGal
The reply is simple:

There are some entities impersonating Demons or Pagan Gods. Every entity can say they are Satan, your case Kali or whatever Demon or Pagan God. These are attacks that even Satanists get, especially in the beginning of their path. Pagan Gods and Demons have nothing to do with Yahweh. He is a God of Israel. The angels are often described as violent, grey alien-looking entities by most of us who get attacked by them. Even people who aren't satanists report a bad experience with angels. Evangelicals are extremists and they try to convert everyone. Pagan Gods did nothing wrong; instead, they often help and give assistance to humans when needed. The experiences you got are psychic attacks by these entities often called angels. Pagan path has nothing to do with getting attacks by pagan Gods, but instead blessings, growth and life - from our experience. "Angels" often threaten the satanists to get into christianity or abrahamic religions. In your case, Yahweh or his entities impersonated Kali. Kali has nothing to do with abrahamic religions as stated before - neither every pagan religion has something to do with abrahamic religions. You are getting psychic attacks which yes, 99% of times manifest with nightmares. If you are interested in some Demon or Pagan God in particular and you worship them, you can ask them protection before sleep. So, at least christian angels, are scary entities. About christians blaming israelites:

I know very well that some evangelical churches invited Rabbis in their church or study some jewish names of God - so this is not an excuse.

Re: some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:45 am
by Faraon
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:21 am The reply is simple:

There are some entities impersonating Demons or Pagan Gods. Every entity can say they are Satan, your case Kali or whatever Demon or Pagan God. These are attacks that even Satanists get, especially in the beginning of their path. Pagan Gods and Demons have nothing to do with Yahweh. He is a God of Israel. The angels are often described as violent, grey alien-looking entities by most of us who get attacked by them. Even people who aren't satanists report a bad experience with angels. Evangelicals are extremists and they try to convert everyone. Pagan Gods did nothing wrong; instead, they often help and give assistance to humans when needed. The experiences you got are psychic attacks by these entities often called angels. Pagan path has nothing to do with getting attacks by pagan Gods, but instead blessings, growth and life - from our experience. "Angels" often threaten the satanists to get into christianity or abrahamic religions. In your case, Yahweh or his entities impersonated Kali. Kali has nothing to do with abrahamic religions as stated before - neither every pagan religion has something to do with abrahamic religions. You are getting psychic attacks which yes, 99% of times manifest with nightmares. If you are interested in some Demon or Pagan God in particular and you worship them, you can ask them protection before sleep. So, at least christian angels, are scary entities. About christians blaming israelites:

I know very well that some evangelical churches invited Rabbis in their church or study some jewish names of God - so this is not an excuse.
Why did the frequent sleep paralysis,choking in such etc happen literally the day I became christian?and them saying do not worship jew-sus you can worship anyone but him etc?

this is the site I mentioned

how can hundreds of such stories be 'fake'?

I came to the conclusion all 'gods'of this world are liars and malefic entities.

The only entities I trust are Yaya and Atabey,and I don't even have any ancestry from that region or cultural zone but when I prayed to them they blessed me immediately,good energy and only time in 2 years with no bad dream.

I prayed to the Aakashaa too but that might be a psyop too Because I feel negative enegy on my Aura when praying to it.

Re: some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:49 am
by LockyMoth
@Faraon when you became Christian you ultimately opened yourself to Abrahamic energies and Entities which are not welcoming.

They are called energetic vampires, they feed upon their energy.

I guess you are a beginner in what the things related to the occult mean, but don't worry as I can teach you a lot of stuff in it.

For starters, the real Demons and Pagan Gods will never attack people in their sleep or in their awakening state.

The Pagan Gods and the Demons are here to help no matter what.

Also, remember as Celeste said that there are some entities who are impersonating Demons and Pagan Gods.

You should always be careful what sigils do you have, as some sigils are from the Enemy Entities. Like the supposed star of David which is on Israeli flag. It contains enemy magic in it and it also acts as an enemy sigil.

Re: some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:28 pm
by Faraon
LockyMoth wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:49 am @Faraon when you became Christian you ultimately opened yourself to Abrahamic energies and Entities which are not welcoming.

They are called energetic vampires, they feed upon their energy.

I guess you are a beginner in what the things related to the occult mean, but don't worry as I can teach you a lot of stuff in it.

For starters, the real Demons and Pagan Gods will never attack people in their sleep or in their awakening state.

The Pagan Gods and the Demons are here to help no matter what.

Also, remember as Celeste said that there are some entities who are impersonating Demons and Pagan Gods.

You should always be careful what sigils do you have, as some sigils are from the Enemy Entities. Like the supposed star of David which is on Israeli flag. It contains enemy magic in it and it also acts as an enemy sigil.
I get sick when worshipping both Yahavvah(God of perversion)and Satan,and also the old world gods.

I think Don Danko's assesment is eye opening and accurate.

Satan is Yahovah in Judaism.The demons are servitors.

it's a good cop bad cop thing.

I have not seen anyone refute Christopher Jon bjerknes' research that Yeshu'a is Satan.

I have found the most peace with YaYa and Atabey,the gods of the Arawak and Caribes.

I think the Jews corrupted too much and influenced the old world cultures due to proximity.

Pachamama is also shady af.There was a thread on JOS on how the amazonian gods were 'satanic'aka gods of the jews of the old world they spread everywhere.

These entities appear to people so proximity is not a issue.some 'shaman'taking the wrong psychedelics and opening themselves up to these entities and then creating religions etc

They def created the cult of Yaotl too.

Re: some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 9:39 pm
by LockyMoth
Faraon wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:28 pm
LockyMoth wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:49 am @Faraon when you became Christian you ultimately opened yourself to Abrahamic energies and Entities which are not welcoming.

They are called energetic vampires, they feed upon their energy.

I guess you are a beginner in what the things related to the occult mean, but don't worry as I can teach you a lot of stuff in it.

For starters, the real Demons and Pagan Gods will never attack people in their sleep or in their awakening state.

The Pagan Gods and the Demons are here to help no matter what.

Also, remember as Celeste said that there are some entities who are impersonating Demons and Pagan Gods.

You should always be careful what sigils do you have, as some sigils are from the Enemy Entities. Like the supposed star of David which is on Israeli flag. It contains enemy magic in it and it also acts as an enemy sigil.
I get sick when worshipping both Yahavvah(God of perversion)and Satan,and also the old world gods.

I think Don Danko's assesment is eye opening and accurate.

Satan is Yahovah in Judaism.The demons are servitors.

it's a good cop bad cop thing.

I have not seen anyone refute Christopher Jon bjerknes' research that Yeshu'a is Satan.

I have found the most peace with YaYa and Atabey,the gods of the Arawak and Caribes.

I think the Jews corrupted too much and influenced the old world cultures due to proximity.

Pachamama is also shady af.There was a thread on JOS on how the amazonian gods were 'satanic'aka gods of the jews of the old world they spread everywhere.

These entities appear to people so proximity is not a issue.some 'shaman'taking the wrong psychedelics and opening themselves up to these entities and then creating religions etc

They def created the cult of Yaotl too.

Your viewing of things seems a little scrambled.

I respect HP Mageson's work aka Don Danko's work, but still, Satan is not Yehaveh or any Jewish entity.

I hate the so-called Nazarene and also, every single Jewish entity that is.

It is not a good cop, bad cop thing here as Satan is always good and help us, while the energetically opposing party, ie Yehaveh and his accomplices are the ones that are attacking us.

I am glad to see that you are interested in the path of the occult, you will learn with time :)

Re: some questions about 'demonic'attacks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:03 pm
by Celeste AikoGal
Satan can't be Yahweh for the simple fact that, Yahweh originally is a Deity from sumerian pantheon, a caananite Deity (Yah):

What Jewish religion adore is YHVH, an elemental thoughtform. They of course stole this as well, nothing original.