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Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:33 pm
by Faraon
I have been following the Jewish question since I was 15 years old,studying this vehemently and I can say that 99% of Opposition is controlled Op.

Most right-wingers/white nationalists etc are incels in denial that became radicalized because of celibacy and The exponential rise in coalburning by non-asian women in the states.

However sites like the JOS do not give real advice on how to actually get women,they promote spells and planetary magic that never works,just like mantras and talismans NEVER work.

As I said in my other thread,I personally believe ALL gods of the old world,and some of the new world are the same lying Yahovah(god of perversion in hebrew)entity that does everything for the jew,and nothing for the gentile except for some trinkets and crumbs to make the goy go further down the path of deception and destruction.

I look at SCIENCE,since I can't trust any entity out there(I do trust the Caribe-arawakan gods Yaya and atabey so far,so far )and the reality of the Aura is just a scientific fact.

Some people find the light and work on their aura to get what they want or subliminal messaging,hypnosis etc

What I found out after NUMEROUS attempts at trying to get romance is,is that Self-conception and thoughts MATTER alot.

And the Auric energies will result from that.

Just try it yourself.Say I love you and I bless you to someone on the street in your head with intent,and see how they react.

Now do the opposite,say you wish them dead and to be tortured forever and see how they react.

I remember when I had very low self-esteem(I was bullied and physically abused in my childhood)I could literally get NO girls,I mean I did have some attractive girls that liked me,but never the ones I wanted and They were all a mess like I was.

Over time I gained alot of self-esteem superficially but While I did get results with hot girls,and dated a few of them,my auric energies made them the wrong women and I got my heartbroken.

I also had alot of Racial self-hatred (my mother is mixed Black,Choctaw,italian etc)from all sides.I thought when I was a teenager no woman will date me because they will find out I'm a subhuman N***** if they meet my mom,and then later I thought the opposite that no woman will like me because women hate and don't respect Lightskin guys when the whole coalburning psyop thing became popular in the early 2010s.

So I got alot of racism towards me from girls and people in general

when I got rid of that,I literally never faced racism,racist people simply didn't come in my life,even on a day to day basis.the energetic frequency connection was not there so it didn't happen.

I also remember that whatever I thought about myself,EVERYONE else would think of me.if I felt like hot shit and thought nonchalantly that women were begging for my seed,that is what would happen,if I thought Women saw me as a wierdo and a joke,then all women would think that of me.

Now This can even fluctuate in a few days so this is not a cohencidence.

I also realized that INNER GAME is literally everything.

and not just because of body language and mechanized behaviours the material mind picks up on,it was all ENERGETIC.

when I tried to fake my body language and behaviour,I would get even worse backlash from women.

when I walked like my Autistic self but had a positive self-conception as a leader and a Hero women would respond very differently.

I got a pretty Lightskin Redbone to ask me for sex on the street cold approach, at the library,I rejected her cuz she was too young.I had women holler at me /catcall me from boats in european canals,I had Women approach me cold in miami etc all due to my various different self-conception and mindstates.


Neville Goddard had some beautiful points he made with 'assumption'(which cannot be faked or forced).

This is not New age woo,it's just Auric science I think.

You cna make a necklace spin the way you want with your mind,just look at many youtube experiments.

To be continued(I gotta take a hit of this Black n mild lol)..good part and solution coming.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:58 pm
by Faraon
Okay,So I wanted to talk about how to actually change your Aura and baseline mindstate to get girls.


Some youtube subliminals work,but they are mostly (95%)Frauds that don't reach the subconscious effectively due to many reasons,namely messaging tech,scripting and of course your own Subconscious Resistance and the concept of 'reconciliation'.

I found a website that Has technology that solves all this,and effective scripting that works with your own mind to bring out the desired effect isntead of sledging your brain with commands like a axe.

But I realized you do not want to work on your aura.

For example I tried a 40 dollar sub(libertine ZP) from them that works only on your aura to promote sexual lust energy,and all it would do was make me extremely horny and agressive.

Their 'self-love'sub works only on the aura,and it did help to release some negative blockages due to past trauma,and I do feel better but Love can be a bad thing in a society that is on a low vibrational level.

The subs that work on Healing+Expectations and Self-conception work.

they're not esoteric in any sense,but They work unlike all the auric,mantra,and other bullshit like Talismans I've tried etc

This stuff worked so well I began to have a kind of Solipsistic worldview for a long time,that I was the only person that existed and everyone was my projection lol

I don't know the rules on this site about advertising but if you're interested in this company do PM me.

Their subs are publically Blind and placebo controlled before releasing to the public.

they all work(except for their esoteric shit lol) which does wqork just not for it's intended purpose but that could be my own blockages,it works for those tested).


You CHOOSE your reality(yes karma and stuff does influence some things).

I have a mexican friend,who looks wierd af and is short and chubby and is working poor but he is always with a new girl because he has that inner game.His mom propisitioned me for sex in front of him actually lol then later when I thought bad of myself she went cold.

Any questions in regards to proof and I will post the evidence I can.

of course,you can just try this yourself with the mind experiment I mentioned.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:21 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
This is not the right site for you.

Hitting the ganja, how to get women and promote your fetishes.
What you are engaged in is a form of spamming and abuse. The T4S isn't about how to 'season' women. How to run 'game' on women. The purpose of using the power of the mind isn't to violate and manipulate other people. I don't appreciate you promoting that garbage here. That is how a certain guy I used to know thinks though. I would not be surprised if you are him, just doing his bit to try to drag this forum into the gutter. But in either case, this is just another form of spam like the porn was. Except this time its verbal. This was evident in your 'question' on one of my threads.

Please leave.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:53 am
by Celeste AikoGal
"getting women" is only a phrase that a degenerate can say. Everyone who says this phrase sees women as a tool. Damn, crazy people. Self concept is a work done first of all for the self, not for forcing people to be with you. If someone does this, their self concept is fucked up. Is your religion Andrew Tate? Neville Goddard talked about love and positive changes, not about "getting women". He was a wise man.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:57 am
by Celeste AikoGal
[tf, do you think you are in a dating website or Tate's university?

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:07 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
exactly, thank you. We have to work on ourselves so we can become better people, not to become a fucking predator.

I knew he was disingenuous and a degenerate right away but I decided to give him a bit of rope so he could hang himself, which he did.
Plus, he appears right after this latest attack....interesting timing. very 'cohencidental'.

VERY andrew tate.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:14 am
by LockyMoth
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:53 am "getting women" is only a phrase that a degenerate can say. Everyone who says this phrase sees women as a tool. Damn, crazy people. Self concept is a work done first of all for the self, not for forcing people to be with you. If someone does this, their self concept is fucked up. Is your religion Andrew Tate? Neville Goddard talked about love and positive changes, not about "getting women". He was a wise man.
I agree with your sayings here, Celeste :)

Neville Goddard was really a wise man, not the modern figures like Andrew Tate or Tristan Tate who are talking trash and zero useful things.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:06 pm
by LockyMoth
@quepassa3 you will soon be exposed.

You are the lunatic who spewed pro Cobra nonsense because I blocked you on Discord and your cater was hurt.

People here and in other places will see the truth. I have all the evidence that is needed to expose your behavior, how you have tricked me into being nice and caring in order to ask for my photographic photo to prove to you that I am not a Jew. After the moment you were blocked on Discord, you started saying that I am falsely a Jew and also attack Zola who first of all, ISN'T A JEW and IS ALSO NOT INVOLVED IN THIS NOR DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY. So, leave her and me alone at once.

I guess you were the one who sent a mail to me saying that you are TerraSpark39 and that supposedly "your friend" (which is also YOU SaxonStranger) said that you won't be told info on Cobra and the JoS.

When I told TerraSpark39, that, if he is interested he should return with a reply, he ultimately ceased to exist from my inbox all of the sudden, while then, after my reply being sent, the T4S forum service notified me of your continuous spam under various accounts. Topics like "money doesn't grow on trees" or ,"win now" etc etc.all this spam was posted by you under various accounts.

You are the most evident pion of Cobra and his plans, or Cobra himself as all the pro RTR things you have spammed and spewed in my email prove your real stance on spirituality.

You are the one who has been telling me things which, again, even though I do hate Jews I am anti Jews, the things you said could have lead me straight to the prison.

Things like "we will deal with Cobra like Real Nazi" and ""we will gas them"," or you have my phone number, my real name, my address if you want to kill them you know who to contact".

All those things are incitement to violence and even though I am not pro the Enemy of humanity, I am not pro Jews and Jewish stuff, if you are a sane person (which you aren't) you should keep a controlled amount of your posts.

But, how can you be a sane person if you post things like I am a Jew (false accusation = ad hominem attack) and also imply the fact that Zola acted like Cobra (another ad hominem attack) and that you are agreeing with the RTRs.

Really, I could post much more in this simple reply, but, a topic that I will launch today with all the evidence regarding your criminal harrassment will be posted here.

Oh and TL:DR: you told me to kill myself, it is straight evidence in my T4S user PM section.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:14 pm
by LockyMoth
P.S.: @HPSZolaLuckyStar Faraon is Gear88 a JoSer who has been trolling.

I know that based on his writing style as he admitted before that he has intimate problems while also trying to promote his fetishes.

Firstly on JoS forums, but now he had the audacity to spam the porn verbally here, on your forums.

Re: Angry Incels and the JOS,false right movement etc some solutions?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:09 am
by Karnunnos Esus
I know plenty of pick artists industry. I use to be one of those guys. INNER GAME is a concept for holding your own frame, self confidence, self esteem, etc it's called game for a reason, when pursuing women or anyone relationships are about power , not love and it's unfortunate that's how it is today and people are always playing games.

Inner game is about holding your own. Being you, unflinching and not trying to change yourself for another person to like you

My point is I know all about it.