Sun Symbols Control Part Four

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Sun Symbols Control Part Four

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I may jump around a bit. There is so much information it's hard not to go off on tangents.

While we're covering (see sun symbolism parts 1-3) how the British were talking about they and the Americans working together towards their 'new dawn' (one world order), lets look back for just a minute to 1940:

On Monday August 19, 1940 a series of articles was entered into the congressional record entitled: steps towards British Union, a World State, and international strife:

“Mr speaker, in order that the american people may have a clearer understanding of those who over a period of years have been undermining this republic, in order to return it to the British Empire (zolas note: upon which the sun never sets), I have inserted in the record a number of articles to prove this point. These articles are entitled “steps toward British Union, a World State and International Strife”.

The bringing back of America into the British Empire and calling it a New Union. This is part one and in this I include a hope expressed by Mr Andrew Carnegie in his book Triumph of 'Democracy'.”

My note: when you hear 'democracy', it's code for 'New World Order'.

*example from an article found online:

“WASHINGTON, D.C. — The White House issued a dire warning this week, reminding the nation that Elon’s continued ownership of Twitter means that Jews now only control 97% of the media, ominously down from 97.5% previously.
“We can’t overstate how dangerous this is,” said homosexual Black Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. “Yes, Jews still directly or indirectly control Facebook, Google, Apple, Instagram, YouTube, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Hollywood, TIME, USAToday, The Wall Street Journal, and pretty much all the rest, but not Twitter!”

“This is dangerous to democracy.”

*note regarding twitter:
Former twitter executive peiter zatko is on the record stating that twitter can in 30 minutes or less find out everything about a person using their platform; who they are, address, phone number, other accounts the user has tried to set up on the system and hide, plus all their other social media accounts AND using geo location on your phone they can know where you are in real time.

Say anything they don't like, not only can they remove you immediately but if they so desire, they can literally come get you. Add to this the blue check mark thing, which idiots think gives them status, but what it really means is the faceless controllers have verified who you are (location and all info). It's not exactly a safe platform. And having elon own it now? Is it any safer? I wonder.

In his book Triumph of 'Democracy' Carnegie writes:

“Let men say what they will; I say that as sure as the sun and the heavens once shone upon Britain and America united, so surely it is one morning to arise, to shine upon, and greet again, the reuniting of states of the British American Union”.

Translation: I don't give two shits if Americans fought a bloody war to be free of England and The Crown's control and parasitizing off the people, we WILL bring you back under our thumb. How dare you want to be free and sovereign!

The revolutionary war in america was a murderous bloodletting waged for individual freedom. It is where the tale of the meaning of the american flag comes from, which has to do with the nobility of the human spirit seeking to be free of tyrants. Something they don't teach american kids. Instead, the marxist captured 'educational system' - which actually isn't about teaching your kids anything really; except to obey and to get used to being told what to do and think. This system teaches america is 'deeply racist and flawed from its conception'.....which is bullshit. The human story is that we have been infiltrated and taken over by a hostile negative non human group who operate from behind the scenes, and they have to work to keep us down.

Washington said the american christian will die on his feet before living on his knees. I would say its more true to state that the nature of the human being who possesses a soul will choose to die on their feet rather than live on their knees. This is a Satanic mindset, as it has to do with a persons individual sovereignty and we believe in this strongly whereas a christian actually does tend to live on their knees, because they're unknowingly worshipping a false god, and thus handing over their personal power to something that is without. But they don't understand this. People have been lied to terribly.

Now, at the end of this video it says god bless america....I would say the gods bless America. WE bless America. WE are the gods in chains. But we are meant to be free and we will be. America was meant to be free, to shine a light for the rest of the world. Which is why everyone wants to go to America and why these evil human hating farmer beings try so hard to take America down.

BLM forcing people to kneel to disrespect the star spangled banner. Its bending the knee to ones own enslavement, and those who go along with this have surrendered in a visible, symbolic way. Which is what wearing the masks is really about as well. It's a symbol of surrender and slavery. This is an occult thing. You may say its harmless, but its really the thin edge of a very big wedge. Nice to see one lone man here who gets this and refuses to cooperate:

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The star spangled banner is a symbol of the heartfelt desire for human freedom from this secret cabal, it's NOT about tyranny. This poisonous idea is yet another inversion they force down peoples throats.

Another symbol for America is the eagle. In it's positive sense, these symbols are of and for the people, strong and goodly symbols. The purpose of these articles is to illustrate how symbols are appropriated by this evil anti human force and the meanings inverted.

Inversion is one of the hallmarks of these parasites. They take what is goodly and true and invert it. We see this pattern over and over and over. But the ideas they appropriated were always ours originally. Remember, parasites can't come up with anything original on their own. They're thieves, bandits, pirates.

The enemy appears again, having infiltrated the halls of power, against the wishes of people whose ancestors paid with blood for that freedom (freedom isn't free), seeking, as always, to subvert, invert and enforce their despotic will. The masks were nothing more than a visible symbol of this oppression. It's theatre but it has a deeper purpose. When one begins breaking a wild horse, one of the things you do is keep touching it, till it stops freaking out and submits. You get it used to you by degrees. We were once 'wild' too. These small concessions build up and before you know it, you've been broken in, just like a wild horse. The masks are theatre. They don't 'protect'. It's a visible symbol of ones capitulation and bowing down to a false religion. The new religion here being 'science'. Of course, science is what THEY say it is. This is why one has to always ask questions and not believe everything they are told but rather, think for themselves. Critical thinking is a skill and this is something they do NOT teach in 'school'. Get on the internet and look, you'll find countless images of people like the pope or top level politicians. THEY aren't wearing masks, but the 'commoners' all around them ARE.

So. The great enemy of America in the revolutionary war was the Crown. I would also like to throw it out there that a crown is a 'corona'. The British Crown were absolute totalitarian draconian's (and no wonder as they were infiltrated by hybrids working for the Vatican, who in their turn work for the hidden power elites and their covens, who work for the Draco).

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'queen' Elizabeth is a prime example. Totalitarianism in any form is communist. It's absolutism. One size fits all across the board. No allowing for individuality. This is what actually began the conflict we know today as the revolutionary war. The war of independence. The americans were sick and tired of being told what they could and could not do and being sucked dry by these parasites.

One year after the advent of the american revolutionary war, on July 4 1776, in Philadelphia, delegates to the second continental congress signed a document laying the foundations of freedom for the country of America. The Declaration of Independence.

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"In which they posited that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

George Washington's army, inspired by this, decided to fight for this new nation to even exist.

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Crossing the Delaware, Dec 25, 1776.

It took 8 years of bloodshed but finally the Crown (at least officially), recognized Americas right to exist as its own thing not owned by them. The reality is the crown infiltrated and still to this day control a lot of vital things. For example all patents go through them. We're held back technologically to our detriment. Anything that would advance humanity (especially in energy and medical modalities) is kept from us under the guise of 'national security'. Yes. Security for the controllers. Not for the people. They're still attempting to make us prisoners, this time in our own homes and in 15 minute cities under the guise of 'security' and 'saving the planet'.

In the winter of 1775 Britannia tried to sabotage America economically via imposing a naval blockade against the rebellious colonies. And it was Russia who intervened and supported America in her most desperate (up to that time) hour. George the III wrote to Catherine the Great to plead for 20'000 of her men to fight for the English against the colonies and she refused.

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He tried bribery by dangling the ownership of the island of Menorca in the mediterranean sea before her in exchange for pressuring and 'convincing' France to exit the war so the Americans would be fighting alone! Again, she refused and in fact, firmly opposed the blockade and continued to keep trade routes open for the Americans. Without Russia, the great American experiment would have died a still birth. And you wonder why all these years the boogieman has always been Russia? It's called divide and conquer.

I remember as a child being terrified Russians would be dropping nukes on me anytime. This is what they taught back in the 70's and 80's.

During the civil war (1861 - 1865) in America, it was Russia once again who came to the rescue. This is not something taught in schools. No indeed, instead, marxist controlled 'education' teaches America is a 'deeply racist' country (never mind it was america and those horrible 'cisgender' white men who fought and died for your right to be free). Facts don't matter to the brainwashed. I don't think they had this in mind when they fought and died:

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Tsar Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland. He was known as The Liberator. He initiated fundamental reforms until his assassination in 1881.

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He fought slavery, and another fight against it happened in America. And I would add here that the first slaves to America were actually the Irish. White people. There were as many or more of them than black slaves. Another something not taught in school.

There were a lot of similarities between Alexander and Lincoln. Alexander abolished serfdom in 1861. That was 4 years before the 13th amendment was adopted in America. And both men were assassinated by the sun (secret society – shadow gov't) cult.

The Tsar reformed the judicial system, set up local judges elected by the people rather than being appointed by the privileged elite. He promoted local self government through the zemstvo system and abolished corporal punishment. He ended privileges of the nobility, promoted higher learning, university education and implemented the most challenging reforms ever undertaken since the time of Peter the Great.

It's no wonder they wanted him dead.

The sun cult had a real problem with Russia. It was a thorn in the side. So they went after Russia for daring to not be their slaves. In 1917 they fomented the bolshevik 'revolution'. Russia became Bolshevik Russia; renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It says in the histories that this was the world’s first Marxist state. But I think this was more a continuation of Babylon and Rome, ruling by communistic feudalism. Which, by the way, they are attempting to herd us back into right now with this green 'religion'. There are gaps in our history, it's been deliberately obfuscated.

Benjamin Netanyahu was in a well known MOSSAD hangout (Finks bar) and the following quote was taken directly from a transcript of the original tape recording. The meeting was witnessed and this quote is fully authenticated:

“If we get caught (* my note: he's talking about 911) they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

This is what they do to countries they hate. Like Russia. Like America. The Bolsheveks murdered Czar Nicholas II and his family In Yekaterinburg, Russia which brought an end to the three hundred year old Romanov Dynasty. In their stead they placed a puppet who would answer to them...who murdered 40'000 + of Russia's white gentile population in the Holodomor. Yes, Russia took a real hit with the Holodomor.

Today, fringe (often brainwashed western) socialist groups are maintaining the fiction that what happened in 1917 was that the soviets (the Russian People themselves), guided by the 'benevolent' bolsheviks, seized power in October. The controversial aspects of this 'worker uprising for democracy' (theres that democracy code word again) is dismissed as 'fake news'. That what happened after this 'positive', democratic consensus that lead to the most progressive government in modern history was a Stalinist 'deviation' from something that was actually positive! Talk about an inversion!

And now we're seeing Russia held up again as the boogeyman of the world. The liars of MSM are busy telling people the horrible oppressive Russians are holding onto Bakhmut. But if you go and ask people who live there, they'll tell you they're Russian.

There is a massive DUMBS under this location and much more. Which is what they're really fighting over. The dancing jew is a puppet. What people are being shown is literally theatre.

The leader of the paramilitary group wagner was speaking in an article in newsweek regarding underground cities under Bahkmut and Solidar. He stated they're used to house large numbers of tanks and military personnel. The system of solidar and bhakmut mines (in reality a network of underground cities) can hold people and equipment at a depth of 80-100 metres (zolas note: this is only what has been admitted to, remember). They refer to them as saltmines and caves.

But there are at least 125 miles of tunnels under bahkmut. Vast systems hosting all kinds of things. A tiny fraction of which has been used for civilian stuff but most is uncharted territory for the normies. He said stockpiles of weapons since WWI are under there and its considered a serious logistics center.

I have also heard and I do believe this, that it is a major hub for the global child sex trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting trade as well.

This is why nato and all the other (KM) owned groups are there, why America (which has been captured and inverted) won't pay to help people in their own country but throw billions at 'supporting 'democracy' in Ukraine'.....

Desperately trying to prevent this strategic location from falling into the hands of the Russians. But they won't succeed. Maybe Russia will get some payback for all the crimes against its people (humanity), the latest of which are bio weapons aimed at the slavic peoples in particular.

Lets go back to the great seal of the united states:

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This symbology appears on the American dollar bill and we see the pyramid utilized also for the British Israel World Federation Movement.

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When I first looked at this symbology, it appeared to me it's saying Britain and America are Israel's bitch's. Which they are. How many millions a year are funnelled from these countries to Israel? That is the peoples money who never got a say where it goes, despite the fact there is rampant poverty and homelessness in these countries that ought to be addressed first.

There is obfuscation. Fundamental bible protestantism claims there were 10 lost tribes of Israel and that these were gentilised and became Britain and America. This is a theory only which has NEVER been proven and in fact, ethnological history bearing on the origin of the anglo-saxon race proves this is NOT true. Leaders like the rabbis who promote this of course, dispute and deny literal DNA evidence (* zola notes: just like the people who deny DNA evidence proving I'm not jewish).

The rabbis of today and other high ranking 'jews' who claim to be descended from the Israelites are actually infiltrators descended from converts from the Khazar tribe (the KM), murdering nomads who appeared as if out of nowhere (zola notes: hybrids who emerged from the underground bases) robbing, raping, stealing children, torturing them to death, drinking their adrenalized blood, assuming the identity of white Russians (pureblood humans), until the Russian Tsar forced them to choose between one of the three religions: Christianity, Islam or Judaism, and they chose Judaism. They pretended to 'convert' and be 'good'. But in fact, they continue their ways, just under cover and at the same time to this day work diligently to infiltrate the halls of power, royal families, government, education etc etc etc. They infiltrated America (and Canada) and are to this day engaged in destroying them from within.

These creatures at the top are not genetically related to humans; they are in fact, something else. A created race of hybrids. (zolas note: there is a video out there in which one of these high ranking rabbis literally states in his sermon that they are not of this planet and were sent here to destroy gentile humanity. I didn't say this. HE did. I saw that 7 years ago or so. I suspect its been scrubbed off the internet by now).

Khazaria was located where the Ukraine is today. And here we have the Russians fighting to clean up the Ukraine. The same evil they fought before. A non human force. Under the carpathian mountains they cleared out a DUMBS. And as they got deeper in, they were finding the most horrific 'babies' and hybrids. Just disgusting stuff. The man who told about it was a 20 year veteran, what he saw wrecked him. I feel for the men who have to go down there and face this as they work to clean it out. It must be so horrifying, so shocking.

Literal non human evil wants outright, overt dominion over this entire world. They can't be us, but they think to parasitize off us. They're static spiritually. They need us, our energy, our worship, our ability to create, to manifest and most of all, the connection to that power which we call the gods. The god within. The god gene, which we are connected to by our blood. Our personal, individual connections to the First Principle. The power to create universes. They hate and envy us for this, because they don't have it.

WE are the eagles, the suns. The stars. They tried to appropriate this, US, in order to put the power of the gods (us) to work for them. The world, once the gods 'return' (when we wake up) will be about spiritual evolution and this current world of debt slavery, being forced to have a 'job' to pay rent is going to be gone.

With the theory of their puppet darwin they tried to make monkeys out of us - literally! - a slur against humanity, a lie and a repudiation against our true divine origin (more on this later) – and by the other idea expounded by the British Israel World Federation - trying to make jews out of the english (and americans), the anglo saxon (white gentile) race in order to justify the silent invasion and take over.

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American and other anglo countries are even now under heavy attack in an undeclared war upon the white gentile race and also, to a lesser extent, against the other two root races, the blacks and asians. But as we can observe, the majority of the hate is aimed directly at the white race. This isn't 'conspiracy theory', 'white supremacy' or 'hate'. This is an objective fact. All we need do is look at the poison taught right now in colleges and on university campus's called 'critical race theory,' look at the anti-white propaganda supported by non-elected hidden shadow governments pushing BLM garbage, marxism and communism hidden by pretend 'equality', concern for 'safety' and concern for the planet (the green new religion).

This is how it goes. Inversion.

What is goodly and true is turned inside out and upside down. This is why history is obfuscated and they do all they can to close our third eye. So we cannot tell lies from truth....or at least, its much, much more difficult for us and easier for them to manipulate humanity's mass mind via trauma based mind control.

We stand now at a crossroads, thanks to entering this highly energized section of the universe that is raising our frequency, awakening people combined with the material reflection of this, via knowledge in the body we know as the internet, wherein we can access knowledge.

Education, understanding, awareness and working together rather than fighting one another is how we will spring this well laid trap.

Apocalypse = Apotheosis. Perhaps the biggest thing to keep in mind here is that this struggle isn't just about super entitled elites trying to assert global control because they're inhuman selfish psychopaths (though they are). That's the tip of the iceberg.

Heal your traumas. break through the mind control, take control of your consciousness. The magician is emerging. YOU are the magicians. This is part of your spiritual journey. Take control of your mind (thoughts) so these beings can't hijack your consciousness and manipulate you into creating your own prison for them.

This arena is vast. It's a galactic struggle involving other solar systems, ET races and even other dimensions. When earth is liberated, we'll be moving into a new golden age – the entire galaxy will. Everything hinges on the outcome of the Earth.

I keep getting messages humanity has already won...but because we're so far down the chain here, the effects are only just now beginning to materialize. Things are happening.

There are positive extra dimensional's, ET's and other beings fighting for Earths liberation. They are participating for various reasons. Some are Pragmatic (their freedom's at stake too). Some are benevolent. These act out of altruism and recognition of the First Principle.

The negatives want us to believe we're alone. What does an abuser do right away? They isolate the victim.

We aren't alone. Others may have sat on their hands before this but have now (finally) gotten involved. The non human, non organic threat is so pervasive, so involves them too, not just us. That might be an altruistic reason, but the enemy of my enemy is my 'friend'.

Right now, with the solar flashes and moving into this highly energetic area in the galaxy, our DNA is healing. The big one, the big flash may possibly (so I'm hearing but who really knows) have the added benefit of burning off the AI parasite they injected into almost 40% of the human population.

This is the undeclared battle for humanity and the war to end all wars. We, the human beings who possess souls are on the right side of history. They will NOT prevail. We will.

Humanity will be free at last, and we will be going out to the stars.

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Sun Symbols Control Part Four

Post by LockyMoth »

A very interesting and detailed post HPS. First and foremost.

Now, this will be a little bit longer of my reply but it is worth reading it.

From what I see here in this topic, about the sun control symbolism, I find it very useful that long and old leaders of famous empires such as the Russian one were making reforms.

Right now, Europe and every single region where the white Gentile race resides in is now affected by war. But almost every region.

Since the War in Ukraine started, both Vladimir Vladimirovici Putin and Volodymir Zelenskyi are threatening the occidental Gentile world by pushing the propaganda further.

For example, all the declarations Volodymir Zelensky has published since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 22, 2022, he mostly puts pressure on the world governments so as to enter in the world War 3 much faster and catastrophic than ever.

I mean, it was like 3 times since Zelensky mentioned Ukraine entering NATO for the supposed benefit of his territory (occupied and having problems with Holodomor, Jewish Hunger by the way) and that he acts like a good president.

The idea is, I think that both Ukraine and Russia are in fact hands shaken when it comes to the War and besides Reptilian sacrifices which are happening, they are having everything set in place for their plan of world domination.

This is the so-called New World Order that is being talked about on Facebook and every other social media.

Basically, the New World Order is using the power of the ancient occult symbolism to subjugate us and make us slaves.

The Sun, based on astro aspects represents money, and money has been historically proven that it is the tool for controlling several nations at once

Big banks such as the Providence Bank are now crashing and leaving people in debt, just like they did after the well planned Jewish FTX Bankman Fried scheme.

It is all planned.

The Banking Industry crashing leads to the desired financial reform by the NWO (New World Order) by putting all sorts of new USDT (Tether) or USDD (United States Digital Dollar) blockchains which will have the fake intent of providing you with transactional privacy and funds security, and you will be tracked every single time you access that system.

This has been long planned. Let's not forget that the modern Russia "ex-Sovietic" empire doesn't accept any Bitcoin or crypto payment (except, again, just as usual a payment system state-created).

This is because Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin have been proven to be the best if not one case fits all cryptocurrency software in terms of privacy and security. This is a big counterattack to all the governmental forms of "financial safety through system X or system Y" or "stability in system Z or system AB".

So, that is the push now of the control of the chips and also cryptocurrency control.

The U.S. congress is still talking right now about the centralization of the cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide.

And as the Sun will slowly bit surely go into the Age of Aquarius I have my certain doubts and claims that certain financial changes, especially in the cryptocurrency and tech-related money and monetary systems (FinTech etc. etc.) will suffer a lot of major changes.
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