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Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:02 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I don't know if any of you have already seen this documentary. ... storm-dvd/

If you haven't, you ought to. I just discovered it. Most of the links don't work but one still does.

It shows the truth of what happened in WWII to Germany and her people.

There is no justification for the barbarism, sadism, cruelty and genocide of these millions of innocent germans. And they sure did a number on us in the west, where people bought the propaganda. Like a sailor kissing some stranger woman on the streets in new york, and the title was the war is over. Meanwhile, a genocide was occurring in Germany against the people. The very thing they accused the Germans of doing, they did!

The only thing I can see the filmmaker missed was that part of that 'plan' was they wanted to sterilize all the population, but some americans said that was going too far and it wasn't implemented. But it seems everything else WAS allowed. It's a hard film to watch. It's distressing and horrifying. I knew they did this to dresden of course, but they did it in many other places too. Other atrocities I didn't know of so it was an eye opener. Like fleeing refugees in -20 degrees, simple people with their animals on a horse drawn cart, run over by russian tanks. Not even the animals were spared. They literally did all they could to erase german people from the face of the earth. The people who conceived of and carried out these crimes were merciless sadistic savages. And then just to add insult to injury, the german people have been forced for 70 years now to pay 'reparations'.

The Nuremberg trials were a sham. People forced to confess via torture. Most of the top level people went to Antarctica, where they remain to this day, others were siphoned off to America (operation paperclip) and other places. The country itself, the common folk were sacrificed, abandoned to their fate.

So much for white 'privilege'.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:11 am
by Don Danko333
Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

During the second world war there was what is called "The Magical Battle Of Britain" in which members of the Judeo Masonic world and Judeo-Theosophical societies used occult warfare against the National Socialists. This included the famous Theosophical leader and psychic adept, Dion Fortune who's methods of warfare also included using Christ Consciousness built thought forms and using the Kabbalah magic system to use the egregore of Christ to draw psychic energy to attack the National Socialists.

Dion Fortune was also advising Churchill with occult insight and knowledge, Churchill himself was a 33rd degree Judeo-Free Mason and Jewish from his mothers side and was put into power by the Jewish Rothschild's who control Britain and who call themselves the Messiah the Kings of the Jews, to push the war. The reality is what happened in the Battle of Britain was only the starting of this occult war and the British were using occultists the entire war.

The attack on Dresden also had occult warfare implications, Dresden was a major center of Pagan occultism and witchcraft and was targeted on orders directly from Churchill probably from suggestions by his own Kabbalistic adepts who were advising him, the proof is the date of the attack on Dresden it was planned on a Kabbalistic date of Ash Wednesday the major enemy ritual date to connect into the rituals being done by the Jewsuit run Catholic Church which are all based on the Jewish Kabbalah. Dion Fortune shows they use the Chirst egregore for their occult warfare.

Dresden was a hospital city and had no military purpose there was Red Cross observers on the ground to ensure the deal between Germany and the nations at war with them that Dresden would be off limits to enemy attacks and used for a hospital city. Germany kept their end of the deal the city was defenseless. Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Dresden was a major and old center of Pagan Witchcraft in Germany this goes back centuries and this fact was well known in occult circles in Europe. Dresden was fire bombed to destroy the Pagan Witches in the city and other possible occultists who might have been spiritually protecting Germany in the magical war. And for the Jewish elites in charge of Britain the chance to destroy as many Pagan, spiritually advanced Gentiles is part of what their Talmud commands. Even the act of destroying Dresden by fire on the Kabbalistic date ties into the Talmud and Jewish Kabbalah in which the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire. The Jews are commanded to totality destroy Amalek the Germans in their Talmud, their cities, women, children, everything and that is the Jewish way of making war in the Jewish Torah and Talmud.

The Jewish god commanded the Israelites in the Torah to take all the women, men children and animals of the tribes who were their enemies they killed on Yahweh's orders and to stack them on altars and immolate them with FIRE as the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. That is what Dresden was a ritual Kabbalistic human sacrifice of Pagans [Gentiles] to the Jewish god.

Walpurgis Night: Volume One 1919 - 1933, Thomas Sheridan

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:16 am
by Don Danko333
Operation Barbarossa How Stalin Planned The Invasion Of Europe

This is probably one of the most covered up events in recent history.

In May 1941, in a room filled with military and Party officials at a banquet that followed Stalin’s speech to graduates of the Soviet military academies. In which Stalin dropped numerous hints as to the future war in Europe between Soviet Communism and the West. Mainly Germany….

Lieutenant General A. K. Sivkov, had just toasted to Stalin’s peaceful foreign policy. To which Stalin intervened and spoke:
“Allow me to make a correction. A peaceful foreign policy secured peace in our country. A peaceful foreign policy is a good thing. For a while, we drew a line of defense until we re-armed our army and supplied it with modern means of combat. Now, when our army has been rebuilt, our technology modernized, now that we are strong enough for combat, now we must shift form the defense to offense. In conducting the defense of our country, we are compelled to act in an aggressive manner. From defense we have to shift to a military policy of offense. It is indispensable that we reform our training, our propaganda, our press to a mindset of offense. The Red Army is a modern army, and the modern army is an army of offense”. –Stalin

“On May 5, 1941 Stalin made it perfectly clear to his generals that there would be a war with Germany and that the Soviet Union would be the aggressor. It is interesting to note that a few days after the celebration in the Kremlin, Lieutenant General Sivkov, who made a toast to Stalin’s peaceful foreign policy, was discharged. “

It was also in May of 1941 that the largest military in history that of the Red Army was being shipped by the millions to the Western border in Europe The trains ran day and night by the tens of thousands full of troops, tanks, guns, fuel, material in general for the war Stalin was planning. Stalin had mobilized 34.4 million people of the Soviet population for war and spent three five year plans in which the entire Soviet population had been literally enslaved from industrial serfs to agricultural serfs. For the purpose of building the biggest and most advanced war machine in history with the purpose of attacking all of Europe. This was the reason for the slave labour quota’s Stalin fixed for each year. That the NKVD would fill by kidnapping civilians off the streets, under false arrests. To beat them and break them in cells till they confessed to anything. To have the slave labor to work to death mining the gold and raw material from the earth needed to build Stalin’s war machine of the Jew. This was also the major motivation behind the Holodomor in the Ukraine. Which purposely exterminated around sixteen million people. To literally enslave the entire farming population of the Ukraine in a brutal, feudal serfdom owned by the Communist regime leaders. Total feudalism. The industrial workers were just as enslaved with twelve plus hour days six to seven days a week. Any accident on the lines, showing up even five minutes late, not working fast enough, or just about anything. Would end one up a place like Kolyma. Under charges of sabotage. Millions of people cruelly perished in the death camps of the Gulag’s, mass graves and firing squads, and in NKVD cellars.

To understand the historic context of Stalin’s war, we most look back to the rise of the Jewish Bolsheviks regime in the last days of the Czar. The Jewish Warburg’s banking dynasty had just delivered their fellow Jew, Lenin through Finland to the capital of the Russian Empire, St. Petersburg. Along with a criminal mafia of other Jews, such as Trotsky who the Jewish Rockefeller’s set up, Stalin who was recruited by the agents of the Jewish Rothschild’s and many other criminal Jews had been gathered together in the Russian capital for one purpose. To overthrow the Czar and install a Jewish dictatorship. The original Communist Government in Russian in 1918 was almost one hundred percent Jewish. With Jews in all the important and top level positions. And as recorded in history the entire Communist revolution in Russia was funded by the Jewish banking houses off Wall Street. Karl Marx and Moses Hess the two Jews of Rabbinical families who created the Communist manifesto for fellow Rabbinical class Jew, Leon Rothschild. Both wrote in their own works that Communism’s purpose was to create a global Jewish dictatorship over the earth and enact the Messianic Kingdom the Jews were promised in their Torah by their god. Moses Hess is the credited intellectual father of Zionism of which he wrote, Zionism is simply a global Jewish dictatorship ruled from Israel. Stalin created Israel and was the first world leader to recognize it as nation.

This is the secret of the “Revolutionary Holocaust” Marx bragged of. The brutality of Communism is not in the fact of liberation by an altruist group of their fellow peoples. It’s the actual violent conquest of a group of people, by another people, an alien Jewish race that preaches nothing but hatred, murder and enslavement of the non-Jewish world. Calling non-Jews, cattle or Goyim in Hebrew.

Let us examine the events in Europe starting in 1917 and up when the Jewish revolutionaries attacked Europe under the Bolshevik banner……

In 1917 after the Communist coup in the Russian capital under the leadership of the Jews Leon Trotsky and Lenin. Lenin issued the peace decree Ending the war with between Russia and German and her allies. And the generous Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918. This was all a ploy to keep the war going in the West. While the Jewish Bolsheviks consolidated their grip on power and built up the Red Army and spread the Communist uprising to come…

“Lenin’s plot was simple: let Germany and Austria fight against Great Britain, France and the United States. Let them ware out each other strengths. Most importantly, do not allow the flames of war to be extinguished. Russia would remain on the side and add fuel to the fire. While “peace” was being made on Lenin’s orders in Brest-Litovsk, intensive preparations for a revolt against the German government were under way in Petrograd. The revolutionaries published half a million copies of a Communist newspaper in German. Die Fackel [The Torch]. Even before the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed in January 1918 a German n Communist organization, Spartakus, was formed in Petrograd. The newspapers Die Welt revolution [The World Revolution and Die Tote Fahne [The Red Banner] were also born, not in Germany but in Russia under Lenin’s order, while holding peace with Germany’s government. Communism would become deeply rooted in Germany…”

“Finally, World War I ended In November 1918 Europe’s condition was exactly what the Kremlin leaders had hoped it would be. The economic hardships caused by war had reached their limits in all the nations. Europe was facing an unprecedented crisis that encompassed all spheres of life, including the economy, politics, and ideology. Germany admitted her defeat. The monarchy crumbled. Anarchy and famine furled the land.”

“Just, then, Lenin and Trotsky’s love for peace vanished. The government of Soviet Russia issued, on November 13, 1918 to the Red Army to begin offensive operations against Europe. “

“A review of the protocols of any of the countless meetings and congresses of that period revels that the only question on the agenda was the World Revolution. The aim of the Soviet advance narrowed down to installing Communism on the European continent. In a few days the Red Army crossed into the Baltic countries. The Communist government of Estonia was formed on November 29, that of Latvia on December 4. Lithuania followed on December 8, 1918. On December 17, a manifesto published in Riga named Germany as the imminent object of the offensive. The most important goal of the operation: fuel a new world war. “

“Lenin’s calculations were precise: Worn out by World War I, the German empire is unable to bear the pressures of another war. The ends with the crushing of the empire and is followed by a revolution. In war-torn Europe, on the remaining fragments of the old empires, Communist countries arise, remarkably similar to Lenin’s Bolshevik regime. Lenin was ecstatic: “We are at the doorstep of world revolution!”

“In 1918 Communist parties formed in many European countries. In Kiel, German navy semen called a strike on November 3,1918. Two days later, the strike spread to all of norther Germany, and on November 7-8 it reached the main industrial regions of the capital city, Berlin. The strikes were suppressed. But in January 1919, a Soviet republic was declared in Bremen. The Hungarian Soviet republic formed in March. In April, the Bavarian Soviet Republic followed. These Communist nations formed Red Armies and secret police squads, which called themselves “extraordinary commissions in the struggle against counterrevolution.” These extraordinary commissions immediately instigated a reign of terror against all layers of society and the Red Armies threw themselves into revolutionary wars to “liberate” the neighboring nations. A part of the Hungarian Red Army marched into Slovakia and, on June 20, 1919, proclaimed the Slovak Soviet Republic. A Communist government formed immediately and declared a policy of nationalization of all private lands and annulment of private property. It nationalized all commercial enterprises, banks, and transportation systems. …. At the same time the Soviet Ukraine declared war on Romanian, and began preparations to advance west, to connect with Soviet Hungary.”

This is why the Jewish elites had their Communist underlings pull this off it sabotaged the German offensive on the Western Front. That had won Germany the war in 1918. If Germany came out on top the whole scheme was over. The Communist uprising collapsed it, all led by Jews. The Jews then put Germany under conditions to weaken them for the Communist final strike.

“In the Summer of 1920, the western front of the Red Army, under the leadership of the ruthless General Mikhail Tukhachevski, began to advance with the objective of crushing Europe. Excerpts from order #1423 given to the western front of July 2, 1920, announced: “Fighters of the Workers’ Revolution! The fate of the World Revolution will be decided in the West. The path of the world fire lies over the dead body of White Poland. We will carry happiness and peace on our bayonets to the working people of the world. To the West! To decisive battle and thunderous victories!”

“In the days when the Red Army was advancing toward the Polish cities of Warsaw and Lvov, a second congress of the Comintern was taking place in Russia. The Headquarters of the World Revolution then issued a call:

“On July 23,1920, directly from the Comintern congress, Lenin telegraphed Stalin at the Polish front: “Situation in Comintern is outstanding. Zinoviev, Bukharin, and I think that it would be proper to encourage a revolution in Italy. My personal opinion is that, to do so, Hungary has to be sovietised, possibly along with Czechoslovakia and Rumanina.” In the conversation with the French delegates to the congress, Lenin was even blunter: “Yes, the Soviet troops are in Warsaw. Soon, German will be ours. We will conquer Hungary again; the Balkans will rise against capitalism. Italy will tremble. Bourgeois Europe is cracking at the seams in the storm.”.

All of Europe was under assault by Jewish Bolshevism, trying to conqueror the whole of Europe by armed invasions and staged uprisings. Europe was falling under this storm and the attitude was Poland would fall and nothing would stop the Red Army from sweeping across Europe as they intended. But then by miracle something changed…….

Tukhachevski’s Red army was annihilated in a surprise move by the Polish forces and what was left was driven back into Russia. Were massive uprisings of the Russian People against Communism then occurred and sucked the Red Forces into the civil war that ensued. While this was going on the rest of Europe was able to stabilize and anti-Communist forces took over in many nations. When Stalin became the leader of the USSR he spent the three five year’s plans building up an unstoppable force to carry on Lenin’s directive of a new world war to install Communist control over all of Europe. Stalin turned inwards and purged the Party, and somewhat the old leadership of the Army. But not as heavy as the propaganda lead people to believe. Just the failures like Tukhachevski. In this time Stalin was waiting and preparing.

The war, the Jew Lenin declared on Europe, simply never ended. They just used a fake peace to build up a nation, industry and Armed Forces that could not be stopped. And to attack again later on. They lost a battle but not the war.

Note these Communist revolutions were all planned and lead by Jews. Russian was already mentioned. The Spartacus revolution in Germany was led by the Jews, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. The Hungary Communist take was led by the Jew Bela Cohen. The leader of the Bavarian Soviet was a Jew, Levine. The list of Jews is almost endless in this.

Stalin’s Continuation Of The Communist Policy Of World War:

“In 1927, a Five Year Plan for developing industry was adapted in the Soviet Union. This began the industrialization, over-industrialization, super-industrialization. After the first, the second Five Year Plan followed, and then a third one.
“We can judge the purpose of the Five Year Plans from the following fact. At the beginning of the first Plan, the Red Army had seventy-nine tanks; at the end it had over 4,538 tanks….In the first two fire-year intervals, 21,573 warplanes were produced.”

The mark of all the war machinery Stalin had built was they were all purposely designed for an aggressive attack based on the strategic purpose of a first strike on Europe. Stalin forwent the price of building heavy bombers as the T-B7 which was capable of flying at an altitude beyond the reach of anti aircraft guns of the time. For small lighting attack planes such as the SU-2, planes which were “flying batteries” designed to attack ground targets mainly, like an enemy’s air force taken by surprise still on the airfield. Which gives your side air superiority. These types of machines were totally useless in a defensive war. The main tank arm was built to be medium assault tanks for fast moving warfare to penetrate deep into the opponents territory and link up with forward forces of airborne troops of which Stalin had two million airborne troops. He claimed only a million to hide the fact he was planning a war of aggression on Europe. Paratroopers are a purely offensive force not for a defensive war. I could go on and on, there literally has been a whole wrote on this subject. Stalin had also created a reserve force of eight teen million troops that could be mobilized and were mobilized in 1939 with the intent of fighting a war in Europe within two years as the mobilization guidelines stated.

Stalin’s Aggression:
In 1939 Stalin invades Finland and destroys the Pale Defense which was considered by military experts to be impregnable. This leaves Finland at the mercy of the USSR. Stalin also conquerors the Baltic states. In 1940 Stalin takes two important regions of Romania: Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. And Stalin’s taking of half of Poland. Stalin originally offered the Polish government an alliance against Germany. But on the condition he was allowed to build a military highway from the Russian border to the German boarder with major Red Army bases along such for an invasion route. The Polish government refuse as they knew this means Stalin will force Poland under his control as with the Baltic nations. So Stalin invades Poland to move his military borders that closer into Europe and towards Germany. After half of Poland and the Baltic states fall to Stalin. He them moves the Red Army out from behind their defensive positon’s and onto offensive positions on the border of East Prussia [Germany]. Which is why Stalin wanted the Baltic’s and Poland….. And also Romania. He was setting his pieces up for a check mate on Germany and Europe. He knew if Germany fell all of Europe would fall to him with ease.

Note the importance of this.

“In June 1940 neither Hitler nor his generals had any intentions or plans to attack the Soviet Union. The Oberkommando des Heers [OKH-German Army High Command] and the Oberkommando der Wehrmachet [OKW-Supreme Command of the Armed Forces] had neither rough drafts nor preliminary designs for a war against the USSR. They had no orders from Hitler in this regard. Not a word was said about war against the USSR.”

“After the defeat of France, Hitler ordered a drastic reduction in German armed forces. This reduction was widespread and intense, for there were no plans, hints, or foresight indicating that a war against the Soviet Union might be approaching. And all at once came the Soviet strike against Romania. Oil is the blood of war. Without oil fighting becomes impossible. Stalin’s axe was raised over the oil production in Romania. “

“In Berlin, it was finally recognized that the Soviet threat to Germany was lethal. Soviet tanks advanced to Romania, causing chaos in German headquarters: if the tanks did not stop, if they advanced another 180 km, then Germany would capitulate within the net few months. Romanian troops made no resistance and put up no obstacles to the Soviet advance. There were no German troops in Romania. It was impossible to quickly transfer troops from France. “

“On July 21,1940 Hitler for the first time in a very tight circle uttered the idea of the “Russian problem” …

“On June 21, 1941 Hitler wrote a letter to Mussolini: “Russia is trying to destroy the Romanian oil fields….The task of our armies is eliminating this threat as soon as possible". Herein lays the cause of Hitler’s attack. This was not at all a struggle for Lebensraum.”

Why Finland?
Here we note the move into Romania was setting up a future attack on Europe by Stalin:

“At the end of November 1939, Stalin launched a war against Finland. The victory in Finland was a second warning to Hitler that Stalin was approaching the Swedish sources of ore. The Red Army, acting on Stalin’s order, got through the Finnish fortifications and halted its advance. Finland without the fortifications was defenseless. At any moment, Stalin could have given another order and renewed the advance of the Red Army. From Finnish territory it could have bombed Swedish ore mines and railroads unhindered. No one could have impeded this. The seizure of the Aland Islands alone would have been enough to close off the mouth of the Gulf of Bothina, which would have meant an end to World War II with a Soviet victory.”

“Germany had no nickel. It was impossible to fight without nickel-but the nickel supplies were in Finland.”

Stalin had drawn up plans for a surprise attack on Germany using Finland, to be a major route when he launched his strike on Europe. He needed to open this corridor first:

“This plan of action was given the “S.3-20.” The plan was to be put into action at the moment of receipt of a coded telegram with the signature of the chie of the general staff and the following contents: Commence execution of plan ‘S.3-20’.”

"In this plan there was no mention of the fact that the Soviet Union would fight for the “guarantee of safety to the city of Lenin,” that is, Leningrad. And there were no hint that military actions must be initiated At any moment the Leningrad staff would receive a telegram from Moscow, and Soviet armies would advance to the Gulf of Bothnia, to the Swedish border, to the Aland Island!”

“The plan “S.3-20 allowed the armies of the Leningrad and Arkhangelsk districts, together with the Baltic fleet, to deliver blows to Finland before the Red Army hit Germany , simultaneously, or slightly later.”

As the Soviet documents show. Stalin’s plan was to let Germany and the West bleed either off in war. That is why Stalin removed the pale defensive in Finland but did not go much further after that. And why he took what he did in Romania but stopped were he did. He was setting up his pieces for attack on Germany and Europe. But he didn’t want to overly alert Hitler to this. Stalin was waiting till his whole forces were mobilized to spring on Europe from the East. And hoping Hitler was too bogged down in the West. To risk dividing his forces. Stalin though he had fooled Hitler with the phoney pact of peace he signed with Germany.

The Red Army in early 1941 dismantles all its Pale Defensives all the boarder with Europe. From East Prussia to Romania. On the Romania boarder were Stalin planned one of the most important attack waves to come against the oil fields:

“The border guards dismantled all mines and barbwire obstacles on the Soviet border, and left the borders themselves. On strips tens of kilometers long, in the palaces where the Soviet assaults were prepared, the border was opened, and the border guards had left, having handed the borders over the Red Army. The reconnaissance battalions of the Soviet divisions came out right up the borders.”

This as millions of Red Army troops, trucks and tanks are hiding in the deep forests in Poland along the border. Along with thousand of heavy gun positons now built with detailed maps of were to launch their artillery bombardments on the German forces and positons on the border. And two million Airborne troops among all such, most have jump orders for deep in Germany. Of the 36 Armies of the Soviet Armed Forces 21 of them are now on the Western border with more on their way. Stalin has built new air fields full of thousand of full armed attack planes, new rail way tracks to bring all the material to the border, fuel dumps, camps and bridges and highways for the coming invasion. None of the bridges are wired to be blown up. Which is standard orders for a defensive position. This is for the coming total offensive.

The Russian troops on the Western border were issued phase books of Russia to German which is practice for any invading Army:

“The phrase book was composed very simply and intelligently: a question followed by the same question in German written in Russian letters, then in German in Latin letters. The answers were also printed in Russian and German with Latina Cyrillic letters…For example: Where is the water? Is it drinkable? Drink for yourself.” “What is the station called? Stop the broadcast, or I will shoot you! Bring the conductor! Where is the fuel? Where is the garage? "Gather and bring here [so many] horses [farm animals], we will pay!” “Where are the German soldiers hiding? Where is the Burghermeister?" " Is there any observation point on the steeple? ” “You must not be afraid the Red Army will come soon.”

A Burgermeister is the title of a chairman of the executive council (or cabinet) in many towns and cities in Germany. The Red Army was planning for an invasion of Germany and all of Europe.

June 22, 1941 the events which happened on this day are obvious of what the Red Army was planning for the other side first. In how they reacted to the German attack:

“Then the unexpected happened. The German army attacked. “

“In the morning of June 22, 1941, the commander of the Northwestern Front, Colonel General F.I. Kuznetsov, without awaiting orders from Moscow, issued an order to his troops to attack Tilziet in Eastern Prussia. For the Northwestern Front’s staff, for the commanders of the armies and their staffs, this decision was not at all surprising: an attack on Tilizit had been worked out in training exercises just days earlier and “was very familiar" to the formations commanders and their staffs. Colonel General Kuznetsox simply put the prewar plans into action. On the evening of that same day, the Soviet high command, not yet knowing about General Kuznetsox’s actions, ordered him to do exactly what he had already begun doing to attack Tilzit in Eastern Prussia.”

“The High Command also ordered the neighboring Western Front to carry out a powerful attack on the Polish city of Suvalki. This was no surprise to the Western Front commander General D.G Pavlov. He knew the objectives of his front long before the directives form Moscow arrived. And had already issued the orders to advance on Suvalki.”

Right from the horse mouth, Stalin’s own son:

“The commander of the 5th Battery of the 144th Howitzer Regiment of the 14th Tank Division of the 7th Mechanized Corps, Yakov Iosifovich Dzhugashvili, son of Stalin, was taken prisoner, but at first he was not recognized. The senior lieutenant was betrayed by his subordinates. Stalin’s son was searched and questioned. A letter was found in his pockets, form a certain junior lieutenant in the reserves named Victor:

“I am at the training camps, I would like to be home by fall, but the planned walk to Berlin might hinder this.”

“The letter is dated June 11,1941 The contents of this letter was reported to Hitler personally; he mentioned it on May 18, 1942. In June 1941, German intelligence officers showed the letter to Yakov Dzhugashivili and asked him to clarify the statement about the “planned walk to Belin,” The questioning protocol recorded Stalin’s son’s reaction. He read the letter and quietly muttered” “Damn it!”

This is why the millions of Red Army troops sent to Poland didn’t plan for winter camps, the attack on Europe was scheduled to start around the 10 of July, 1941 when the final mobilization was finished. In Stalin’s speech to the heads of the Soviet Union held in private on August 31, 1939 he told them the war on Europe would come soon. This was the summer of 1941.

Hitler understanding this, knew the only chance of survival Europe had was to strike first when the Red Army was not expecting it. Hitler's forces were not strong enough to survive the coming Soviet attack. So they had to move first.

The Truth:

“During the first week of the war, Stalin herded his troops into an attack. He should have been giving orders for defense, but he resisted. Finally, on June 28, he found out the Western Front was surrounded, the 4th Army was destroyed, and the 3rd, 10th, and 13th armies were encircled. Only then did Stalin finally understand that his plans for the “liberation” [conquest] of Europe were over. When he arrived at the People’s Commissariat of Defense on June 29, Stalin learned the true dimensions of the utter failure of the Western Front. There, Stalin exploded in anger at Timoshenko and Zhukov, bringing the latter to tears. Anastas Mikoyan recollected; “Stalin was despondent. After leaving the Commissariat. He said: “Lenin left us a grand legacy, and we, his followers, flushed that legacy down the toilet,”

“Stalin realized that he could not fix anything. The socialist country was capable of crushing others, but it couldn’t compete with other countries in peacetime. From June 22, 1941, the Soviet Union was destined for demise. Sooner or later, it was bound to collapse. It could survive only by consuming everything around it. Otherwise, it was doomed. The Soviet Union could exist only if the Soviet people would have no opportunities to compare their lives with the lives of people in surrounding countries. Here fore, Stalin’s main idea was to destroy the capitalism surrounding the Soviet Union. All of Stalin’s plans were simple, logical and understandable: complete victory was only possible on a global scale.”

“Hitler understood this as well: “The Bolshevized world will be able to hold only if it encompasses everything.” On June 22,1941 Hitler delivered a lethal attack on Communism. No matter how events unfolded afterward, Stalin could no longer conquer the whole world, which was the equivalent of his demise. On June 30, 1941, Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and others entered Stalin’s room in his dacha. Anastas Mikoyan, a member of the Stalin’s Politburo, left a wonderful description of this episode:

“We came to Stalin’s dacha. Found him in the small dining room, sitting in his armchair. Upon seeing us, he seemed to shrink into the armchair, then look at us questioningly. Then he asked: “What did you come for?” He had a wary, strange look on his face-and the question he asked was no less strange. As a matter of fact, he should have summoned us all himself. I had no doubts: he had decided that we had arrived to arrest him. Molotov, speaking for us all, said that power had to be concentrated if the country were to get back on its feet, and that a State Committee of Defence had to be created. ‘Who’s in charge?” asked Stalin. When Molotov answered that he, Stalin, was in power, the latter looked at Molotov, with surprise, but said nothing, “Fine,’ he eventually pronounced.”

“The members of the Politburo hadn’t come to arrest Stalin. They needed Stalin as a symbol, a flag around which the remnants of a crushed division would rally around in battle. They talked of saving the country, but Stalin did not listen to them. Without taking Europe, without expanding the Soviet Union’s borders. The USSR would sooner or later crumble. Stalin had lost the country founded by Lenin. In 1941, only Stalin could appreciate the full weight of the German invasion. In 1941, the members of the Politburo could not fully understand that Hitler’s invasion meant death for the Soviet Union. The Politburo favoured Stalin to resume power, and Stalin, with a careless wave of the hand, returned, fully ware that the cause he had worked for his whole life was dead.”

All quotes from the book:
The Chief Culprit, Stalin’s Grand Design To Start World War Two. Viktor Suvorov.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:33 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Dresden was fire bombed by the RAF into ruin the photo's of the city after the attack are similar looking to Hiroshima after the Atomic bomb destroyed it. The attack was a documentable war crime.

Yes, in this documentary they show video taken from the air of the fires. It's just unbelievable. They were so intense because they also were dropping napalm to make the fires worse. It created a tornado of fire that went three miles up onto the air, a windstorm that sucked people into the fire. I think they said the winds were like, 120 miles an hour or something. The ashvault was melting under people on the streets and they were melting into the ashvault. Just...horrifying. Those poor people. And then, after that, they waited till survivors were trying to put out the fires, trying to help each other...and they came back, strafing the people, even the zoo animals....and dropping MORE fire. They didn't just do this to dresden either. That was something I never knew before.

They could get away with this because they controlled all the media. So we never knew. The western world, we didn't know. Some of the footage is so extremely hard to watch.

“the Shin [fire] letter represents the power of Yahweh to destroy the enemies of Israel, and this is by fire.”

Burnt offerings.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:37 am
by Don Danko333
Yeah that's it, burnt offerings. The Hebrew Bible states that Yahweh ordered the Hebrews to invade Canaan and murder all the women, men and children even live stock and pets no mercy to any innocent life. After that they were ordered by Yahweh to pile all the bodies of the murdered Canaanite people onto altars to him and burn them in what the Jews call the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. Dresden was another Olah of the Gentiles.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:07 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
They stated in this documentary more people died in dresden than died when the United States detonated the two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Its incredible really, and frightening, that they controlled the media to such an extent as to so effectively hide these crimes from the rest of the world.
It talks of the entire war, of the western and eastern fronts, what actually happened to the germans, the everyday people. It was beyond cruel and merciless, it was sadistic.

Kolyma. The Gulag Archipelago. I have read some of that history. If I remember correctly, The prisoners were so desperate for food they turned to cannibalism.

These people seem to have a shit fetish. In Kolyma they would make the females all defecate and urinate in a large container and then drown people for fun in the shit. I seem to remember that they even heated it up. Drowned in boiling feces. Just unbelievable stuff. They did that to prisoners in germany as well, to the german fighting men who had been taken or surrendered. Made them eat their own feces and that of others. Crushing testicles. Stalin was a Rothschild. The family name before Rothschild I recall reading used to be Buer or Boer (not sure about the spelling, I'll have to go look for that)?

"to invade Canaan and murder all the women, men and children even live stock and pets no mercy to any innocent life."
That is exactly what they did in germany! The zoo animals had somehow survived the dresden firestrom, and the RAF fighters came in and strafed them, the zookeeper wept as he told how they killed the last giraffe. They killed all the animals, too. Horses, livestock, etc. They raped the women and children, and then nailed their bodies crucifixion like to doors etc.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:37 pm
by LockyMoth
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:07 pm They stated in this documentary more people died in dresden than died when the United States detonated the two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Its incredible really, and frightening, that they controlled the media to such an extent as to so effectively hide these crimes from the rest of the world.
It talks of the entire war, of the western and eastern fronts, what actually happened to the germans, the everyday people. It was beyond cruel and merciless, it was sadistic.

Kolyma. The Gulag Archipelago. I have read some of that history. If I remember correctly, The prisoners were so desperate for food they turned to cannibalism.

These people seem to have a shit fetish. In Kolyma they would make the females all defecate and urinate in a large container and then drown people for fun in the shit. I seem to remember that they even heated it up. Drowned in boiling feces. Just unbelievable stuff. They did that to prisoners in germany as well, to the german fighting men who had been taken or surrendered. Made them eat their own feces and that of others. Crushing testicles. Stalin was a Rothschild. The family name before Rothschild I recall reading used to be Buer or Boer (not sure about the spelling, I'll have to go look for that)?

"to invade Canaan and murder all the women, men and children even live stock and pets no mercy to any innocent life."
That is exactly what they did in germany! The zoo animals had somehow survived the dresden firestrom, and the RAF fighters came in and strafed them, the zookeeper wept as he told how they killed the last giraffe. They killed all the animals, too. Horses, livestock, etc. They raped the women and children, and then nailed their bodies crucifixion like to doors etc.
That is the Enemy paradise they want to promote all along.

In Moldova, because of Stalin, there were a lot of gulag trains and people sometimes turned up to Cannibalism and they were affected by severe Famine, that you would see dead bodies of children and others in grass fields in the rural zo e. This was happening all while Stalin along with the Rotschilds were benefiting from the exploitation of people as young as 10 sometimes in order to work in mines and other Russian structures.

For more information, I have translated this from Romanian to English:

"The Basarabean Holocaust"

We all know that Soviet Russia was run by Jews. In fact, all forms of communism are purely Jewish inventions. Consequently, we might as well replace 'Soviet Russia', 'communism', 'Bolsheviks', 'Stalin', etc., with 'Jews'.

The Basarabian Holocaust, by Jewish orders and leadership.

Short summary:

Around 550,000 Romanians deported between 28 June 1940 and 1948

1940: Forced recruitment for work in the USSR.

By November 29, 1940, from Bessarabia Soviet organs recruited and sent to various industrial regions of the USSR, including Kazakhstan, in the Karaganda coal basin, ca. 56,000 people of Romanian origin. In their place, 13 thousand NKVD and army officers, teachers from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, who taught compulsory Russian for a year, were brought to Bessarabia. This was the beginning of the denationalization of the occupied Romanian provinces.

Some sources indicate that between 1948 and 1960, about. 196,000 "Moldovans".

12-13 June 1941: Deportations.
According to archival data, that night, from Bessarabia and northern Bukovina were taken from their homes

29,839 people
of whom 5,479 were arrested

("members of counter-revolutionary organisations and other anti-Soviet elements")

and 24,360 were deported.

1941: Concentration camps for military prisoners.
Concentration camps for military prisoners: The largest was

"Spassk No. 99"
established in July 1941 on the structure of the Spassk Division of the

-NKVD division, located 45 km from the city of Karaganda, on the territory of the former "Spassk" copper mining plant. Out of a total of

66,160 prisoners
6,740 prisoners were of Romanian nationality. To these must be added a number of more than a thousand prisoners of other nationalities, who fought in the Romanian Army, probably having Romanian citizenship at that time (Ukrainians, Armenians,


1946 - 1947: Stalin's famine

300,000 Romanians dead

"We live very hard, people die - they eat weeds in the forest, and in the evening, returning home, they die on the road. Almost half the village died, and the state doesn't even care..."

(Kotovsk district).

"A lot of people died of starvation in our area and they are still dying. People eat dead horses, mosquitoes and other filth. Every day 20-30 people die...

(Dubasari district).

"People walk around drunk from hunger. In many villages their houses are deserted because their owners died of hunger..."

(Sangerei district).

"The people are enduring a tormenting famine, the state doesn't bother about it, people die in their prime, if they escaped death at the front, they now die of hunger... 5-7 people die every day, sometimes even more, the corpses lie scattered on the road..."

(Tiraspol district).

"In our village only 30% of the inhabitants are left, and the rest have died and are dying of hunger, not even at the front did so many people lose their lives..."

(Balti district).

"We live in hard times, so much so that people eat people. Fifty people are buried every day. It's a great horror - we have no bread and people are dying like flies..."

(Orhei district).

"There is a famine like never before. People are dying like flies, more and more are dying every day..."

(Bujor district).

"The famine is great, people eat cats, dogs, mice, horses and each other. Every day 10-15 people die of hunger, there is nowhere to bury them. I don't have enough strength to live like this anymore..."

(Vulcanesti district).

6-7 July 1949: Deportations.
The decision, which provided

"the deportation to Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Siberia of 11,280 families with

40,850 people
was accompanied by an additional act specifying the Soviet Government's decision that

"the deportation of the above-mentioned categories to be carried out forever"
The operation was to begin on 6 July 1949 at 02:00 and end on 7 July 1949 at 20:00.

In fact, 11,293 families were deported - 35,796 people, including 9,864 men, 14,033 women and 11,889 children. 7,620 families were considered


and the others accused of

"collaboration with fascists",


"belonging to Romanian bourgeois parties or illegal religious sects".

It should be noted that these

"deported forever"

had their possessions confiscated and were forbidden to take their material goods with them.

1 April 1951: Deportations.
The action started at 04:00 and ended at 20:00 the same day. 723 families were arrested and deported to Siberia (reg. Kurgan), respectively,

2,617 people

(808 men, 967 women and 842 children).

1951: Deportations.
A project

"top secret"

of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (...) provided for the deportation of

5,917 people

in April 1953 to the Kurgan region of Siberia and the Kazakh SSR, in accordance with USSR Council of Ministers Decisions No. 1290-467cc of 6 April 1949 and No. 667-339cc of 3 March 1951.

Reports from the book of Mr. Valeriu Pasat "Calvary. Documenting the deportations from the territory of the Moldovan SSR. 1940-1940", ROSSPEN, 2006, p.157-158

P.S. the family name before Rotschild was intentionally used to be Buer, to slander Buer the Demon who has a special connection when the Sun is in Sagitarrius.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:49 pm
by LockyMoth
They are doing this because of the Estera book who is teaching the Jews to massacre and kill women and children especially.

Just a look at the writings about their killings in the book of Estera is more than enough to see what they are doing to us, the non Jews / Gentiles.

Esther 9
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition
Destruction of the Enemies of the Jews
9 Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, when the king’s command and edict were about to be executed, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain power over them but that had been changed to a day when the Jews would gain power over their foes, 2 the Jews gathered in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to kill[a] those who had sought their ruin, and no one could withstand them, because the fear of them had fallen upon all peoples. 3 All the officials of the provinces, the satraps and the governors, and the royal officials were supporting the Jews because the fear of Mordecai had fallen upon them. 4 For Mordecai was powerful in the king’s palace, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces, because the man Mordecai was growing more and more powerful. 5 So the Jews struck down all their enemies with the sword, slaughtering and destroying them, and did as they pleased to those who hated them. 6 In the citadel of Susa the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred people. 7 They killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha, 10 the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews, but they did not touch the plunder.

11 That very day the number of those killed in the citadel of Susa was reported to the king. 12 The king said to Queen Esther, “In the citadel of Susa the Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred people and the ten sons of Haman. What have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? Now what is your petition? It shall be granted you. And what further is your request? It shall be fulfilled.” 13 Esther said, “If it pleases the king, let the Jews who are in Susa be allowed tomorrow also to do according to this day’s edict, and let the ten sons of Haman be hung on the pole.” 14 So the king commanded this to be done; a decree was issued in Susa, and the ten sons of Haman were hung. 15 The Jews who were in Susa gathered also on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar, and they killed three hundred persons in Susa, but they did not touch the plunder.

16 Now the other Jews who were in the king’s provinces also gathered to defend their lives and gained relief from their enemies and killed seventy-five thousand of those who hated them, but they laid no hands on the plunder. 17 This was on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, and on the fourteenth day they rested and made that a day of feasting and gladness.

The Feast of Purim Inaugurated
18 But the Jews who were in Susa gathered on the thirteenth day and on the fourteenth and rested on the fifteenth day, making that a day of feasting and gladness. 19 Therefore the Jews of the villages, who live in the open towns, hold the fourteenth day of the month of Adar as a day for gladness and feasting, a holiday on which they send gifts of food to one another.

20 Mordecai recorded these things and sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and far, 21 enjoining them that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month Adar and also the fifteenth day of the same month, year by year, 22 as the days on which the Jews gained relief from their enemies and as the month that had been turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday, that they should make them days of feasting and gladness, days for sending gifts of food to one another and presents to the poor. 23 So the Jews adopted as a custom what they had begun to do, as Mordecai had written to them.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:51 pm
by LockyMoth
For Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to destroy them and had cast Pur—that is, “the lot”—to crush and to destroy them, 25 but when Esther came before the king, he gave orders in writing that the wicked plot that he had devised against the Jews should come upon his own head and that he and his sons should be hung on the pole. 26 Therefore these days are called Purim, from the word Pur. Thus because of all that was written in this letter and of what they had faced in this matter and of what had happened to them, 27 the Jews established and accepted as a custom for themselves and their descendants and all who joined them that without fail they would continue to observe these two days every year, as it was written and at the time appointed. 28 These days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, in every family, province, and city, and these days of Purim should never fall into disuse among the Jews, nor should the commemoration of these days cease among their descendants.

Re: HellStorm

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:39 pm
by Karnunnos Esus
Don Danko333 wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:37 am Yeah that's it, burnt offerings. The Hebrew Bible states that Yahweh ordered the Hebrews to invade Canaan and murder all the women, men and children even live stock and pets no mercy to any innocent life. After that they were ordered by Yahweh to pile all the bodies of the murdered Canaanite people onto altars to him and burn them in what the Jews call the Olah the burnt offering to Yahweh. Dresden was another Olah of the Gentiles.
Could it be possible that covid 19 is an attempt to murder in the name of this god that has corrupted like the Pharma , medicine, doctors etc covid and stopping everything because it was a Jewish year 7 cycle.

The last Shmita year occurred 5775 (2015). The year 5782 (2022) is also a shmita year - the year we are currently in is 2023, 8th year. This signifies an ending. ofone season and a beginning of another.

This is pretty fucked up with all the attacks. The year 5789 on the Jewish calendar (Sept. 20, 2028–Sept. 9, 2029) will be the next Sabbatical year.

The year following the destruction of the second Holy Temple (3829 from creation, equivalent to 68–69 CE) was the first year of the seven-year Sabbatical cycle. We continue counting sevens from then.

All bunch of perpetuators playing god! Think about these destructions isn't some supernatural force at all but men playing god with their occult texts.

Deuteronomy 15:1-4
1 “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release.
2 And this is the form of the release: Every creditor who has lent anything to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not require it of his neighbor or his brother, because it is called Yahweh’s release.
3 Of a foreigner you may require it; but you shall give up your claim to what is owed by your brother,
4 except when there may be no poor among you; for Yahweh will greatly bless you in the land which Yahweh your Elohim is giving you to possess as an inheritance….”

So with all the foreigners over here in USA is fucked up. So technically the next big thing will be in 2028 according to Jewish calendar

But there's a burning question though. Since all Jews and Christians stole their stuff from original pagan religions , who were these cycles of years originally belonged to? Can we use these same time cycles to honor the natural energy in the cycles of 7 . The Sabbath is obviously stolen as well from pagan Sabbats. And the Jews go based on the Moon calendar which if I may the same Jewish god rules over the Quran and Allah has been identified with the moon god Sin.. or Nanna the father of Inanna.

In 2021 I was in that car accident coma for 3 months. Which was a Shemite year on my way to work....