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So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 2:34 am
by Don Danko333
Since I noticed Blackmamba is now admitting to everyone over at the forum that Moth posted about that he is an atheist and does not believe in spirits, magic or the occult, demons or anything of the like. That means he did give false testimony as to his claims with meeting the entity called Satan. That includes any demons or any knowledge of ascension which means he will not be publishing a second book of any value. His claims of practicing self gratitude equal high level ascension are also false then. Everything he promoted was based on a total lie.

So now what. I 'am willing to give Zola the benefit of the doubt but were does that leave the T4S. I remember you got angry with me Zola in the past for giving you counsel on your forum situation for advising you on the need to create and enforce moderation or you would not have a community forum left and the place would go to shit. You sided with Mamba and his ideology which went nowhere but a dumpster fire. What is the point of continuing on with anything Mamba did then? The guy is already high fiving he was faking it the whole time all over that forum.

This T4S needs a total new direction and something better, it can do something but its got to become something. My experience with Satanism is what I stated. But if you have something better then Mamba did, Zola then now is the time to move on it.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 2:37 am
by Don Danko333
Mamba posts over there are based on the fact his whole grift was he was just using Satanism as a floor show to push his Libertarian ideology. No Satan or demons told him anything. I put that right next to Maxine and her Blacksun website. Using Satanism to push an ideology.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 2:44 am
by Don Danko333
Mamba from his posts is still obsessed with Mr. Sadism as well this is very important for him. Why? I' am not happy with being lied to by some shit tier grifter however I never believed him on anything so whatever.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 4:32 am
by Celeste AikoGal
I wasn't here in the first years of T4S - however, some months ago, he came here spamming his new forum here to get and steal all users from T4S. I don't know if he did this in other places as well, but i didn't like a thing:

He said that T4S was dying and trash, while he stole all the members from here defaming Zola saying she is crazy and paranoid. Fortunately, the forum now got closed.

He started saying "Mamba" name was just how to say, an invented character and so he changed name. He came here to steal T4S users and then on his forum slander T4S all the time.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 4:39 am
by Celeste AikoGal
About his recent beliefs, I don't know. Since i gave a sight to his forum, he was still talking about Satanism. He wrote a long poem about it that i was never going to read thanks. His users harassed Zola and i would say also me (Zola mostly) without of course letting T4S know. Literally people who have no dharma, nothing to do with spiritual path, but just there to slander a satanic forum.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 5:22 am
by Don Danko333
With the grifter's one hand is always hiding behind the back reaching for the knife hilt.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 5:33 am
by Don Danko333
Mamba does not have any belief's in Satanism or spirituality he is high fiving he was just grifting the whole time. He was pretending to be the expert on meditation, channeling and other practices to hustle his scam. I wonder if him and Nick hangout. Mamba turned this forum to trash by turning it into the tyranny of the mentally insane trolls while claiming normal moderation was tyranny. He just destroyed everything with his lying and shit behavior and now is high fiving he was bullshit the whole time. The fucking idiot created the T4S doctrine... Then dumps on
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 4:39 am About his recent beliefs, I don't know. Since i gave a sight to his forum, he was still talking about Satanism. He wrote a long poem about it that i was never going to read thanks. His users harassed Zola and i would say also me (Zola mostly) without of course letting T4S know. Literally people who have no dharma, nothing to do with spiritual path, but just there to slander a satanic forum.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 5:41 am
by Don Danko333
From debating Mamba in the past it was obvious he was just making shit up. Some of it was to build a false credentialism to hustle people. Now he admits it. I learned my lesson from my time in the JoS with Maxine that includes those spirits as well. Spirits are people too and they can fucking grift with the best of them.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:28 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Thank you Don, for bringing this up. I'm aware of what mamba is. Hence he's not here anymore.

It was the being I know as Satan who helped free me of his influence. At which point, I began to do as I'd wanted from day one, which is, to work towards making this a good place and that involved cleaning up the mess he'd left.

I wasn't angry with you. I agreed with you! But he (then) was (so I believed) my friend, and I was loyal to the person who volunteered to help when everyone else turned their backs after that disgusting lie of shannon and cobra, labelling me a jew.

When my voice was stolen he offered to help. The only reason I said ok then was because I had met him through my friend and she trusted him implicitly (then). I believed at that time he was helping because his heart was in the right place. Being a coder and a computer expert, he volunteered to do the construction work.

But this place was always meant to be mine. I was the one the being I know as Satan asked to create a new platform and call it truth4satan, not mamba. And I want this to be a good place. Mamba was a nobody on the JoS and merely the construction worker for me, though at the time I didn't know that. I needed a specific kind of technical assistance and I was hooked up with the one person with the technical know how who volunteered. But, mamba then began to take over, forcing his views and since he was the developer, I was being held hostage, essentially.

I have always been sincere; he never was. He sees people as objects that can be manipulated for his own profit. They are numbers to him, not people. He is also a misogynist who thinks all women are 'bitches and hoes', useful but not worth any other consideration. This was very hard for me to learn. I didn't want to believe it. There were red flags, I admit. And I didn't want to believe it of him for the longest time. I guess its fair to say I was naive.

He wanted numbers so he could monetize. And so, he was capitalizing on how people knew who I was. It didn't matter to him I (and anyone else who wanted to be decent) was getting attacked mercilessly, as to him the more numbers, the better. Which was the real reason for the anon account. It had NOTHING to do with 'free speech'.

I have said it; that I'm not interested in numbers, I'm interested in quality. I have fought hard to make this a better place and to clean it up, once I was freed of him and able to do so.

While I was disappointed, angry and frankly confused at his insistence on no moderation and thus allowing the place to devolve into a shithole (and I could see it happening - and he refused to let me do anything about it), the guy was my developer. I did say how I completely understood maxines predicament. I managed to find myself in the same. Held hostage by the developer. But thanks to the being I know as Satan, he got that monkey off my back, convinced him to leave voluntarily.

How? By arranging for a 'windfall' to come his way. Mamba told me when he was about to walk out he saw this windfall as a sign he should leave the T4S, and he was thus, leaving. He said he'd volunteered enough, it was time to concentrate on his own business and making money. He would never have left, otherwise. And he underestimated me.

It took me a while to see through him, to really be able to wrap my head around the fact that he is not a good person, was never my friend and was using me as a means to an end. This was not easy, it hurt a lot because I'd trusted him and therefore made excuses for him. To myself most of all, surely.

He says calling himself mamba was just an act. Meanwhile, I was always me. My name is my own and I'm not fake. Hence the one who set out to doxx me was able to dig up a lot about me. Because zola IS my name. I'm not a faker, I hate liars. And meanwhile, I was being lied to and manipulated. This was not fun to discover.

He changed the locks on the T4S service platform two days after he officially walked out without my knowledge. While still pretending to be my friend, trying to convince me to close this platform and come work for him. Which I refused to do. The being I know as Satan warned me all was not well there and to investigate. Upon which I discovered I had been locked out. However, I (being the real owner) had the security PIN to get back in. He forgot about that. Finally realizing he was the enemy, I changed the locks on everything.

This is why, when he returned to advertise for his toxic shithole site, I kept nuking his accounts. Because I knew he was no good and meant no good.

When he called me up right before he walked out saying I'm out of here, I said to him but...what about the community? And his response was (quote):

“Aaah...FUCK EM!”

Yes. He said that. Knowing this, I've been thinking about that book he wrote. I've not pulled it yet because even though it was written by someone who was faking, the research was real. The concept of not giving your worship away to the egrigore of the enemy I think, is actually a good one. When we worship this thing, it is stealing our personal power. I have thought long and hard about that, as it was a big thing he pushed. Is it legitimate? We thought of this in very different ways:

He believes in self worship because to him, nobody and nothing else is real. He worships ONLY himself.

While to me, recognizing the divinity of what we are (and worshipping that, meaning to have care and reverence for oneself) and for the one true god that is within, is also about recognizing this in others, and giving them the same respect you give yourself. And I feel this is not wrong. At least, not as I see it. I don't see things as he does.

He and I are polar opposites.

He has freely slagged me as paranoid, a crazy cat lady. I rescued an animal that would have been destroyed. I don't think this makes me a 'crazy cat lady'. I love animals. I love life. I love truth. I love humanity, I have fought for these things all my life. I have tried over and over to do the right thing. If it is within your power to help, then you help.

I have tried not to descend to his level and say bad things about him in return. But I guess now it's time to speak up. He told the idiot trolls I'm a tyrant for wanting a code of conduct and civility, moderation. And they swallowed it. They are of the same mind as him and I am glad they have joined him over there. It is no great loss.

It is saddening to learn (though no surprise) he is still slagging me. This is just another way to try to hurt me. He couldn't take this place away so he'll settle for trying to undermine me in other ways. When I refused to knuckle under to his attempts at extortion he tried to have me removed from google search. So much for 'free speech'.

High fiving idiots on a place he created a long time before he walked out of here. Just...sad.. When I discovered this site it demonstrated (to me) he was siphoning people off to his own thing, using me, my notoriety, to attract an audience and then funnelling them off, all behind my back while pretending to be a friend, for a long time. Which was purely sickening to discover.

His gameplan was to use me till he was done, use me till I was used up and then discard me, lock me out and take over completely. Meanwhile, he called me morning and night for three years, always with new jobs: I need this graphic, need this, need that. I worked my ass off. I believed it was for the greater good. I do what I do out of a desire to help people. I didn't realize I was being used. As you say Don, with the grifter's one hand is always hiding behind the back reaching for the knife hilt. I learned this the hard way.

But all that said, I think good has come of it. He is gone and we have this place. I have always believed in truth and that we need a good place to be, and I've fought for it. Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Re: So He Admitted It What Now For Satanism

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 7:46 am
by Don Danko333
With all due respect to you Zola, your going to have to dump the book and everything with his name and mug on it. Given what you stated, otherwise he is still got his hands in your pocket and using you now and for as long as you don't. Its leaving the door open for a return grifting. And giving him free energy. The dude has kicked you in the back enough. You can do better then what he did anyway. You really believe in all this he didn't. That carries an energy.

Anyway I can sympathize, what he did to you is a combination of what Maxine and Nick did to me with those negative spirits manipulating in the background.