Health: Food For Thought

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Health: Food For Thought

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

To be clear: Health IS a spiritual issue. Our bodies are our Temples. And it is in that light that I'm covering the following. The following information is based on fact, open source material and is not personal opinion. It is not about 'hate'. This is being covered out of love.....for us. For humanity. People need information. They're ignorant. Ignorance is one of our biggest diseases. Fortunately ignorance is curable.

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Terrain is the natural way of looking at health. It begins with the premise that germ theory and viral theory is wrong. Germs do not cause disease, they are natures recyclers. When a cell has been poisoned and needs to release toxins, it excretes them. They did studies to see if people could catch sickness from one another. During the Spanish flu they took snot and all kinds of disgusting things from dying and dead people and put it into other peoples bodies and guess what? They didn't get sick. So what was really happening there? Something was poisoning these people.

Germs not only live in and on our bodies; we wouldn't survive without them. Instead of trying to kill them, we can nourish them. Its a micro biome, a tiny world inside. We have micro plants and animals living on us and inside us. We must nourish the body, treat it like a temple.

Observe the principles in nature and use those to assist the body to support its own health.

The only true healing comes from the person. We are our own true gods. A pill initiates a response from the body. But its the body that heals.

The most natural way to heal is to fast (I would say not starve oneself; but keep what you take in easy and gentle). For example, when I was recently sick, I ate only soft-boiled eggs (an almost complete food on its own), drank a LOT of water and slept a lot. Allowing the body to concentrate all it's effort's on working to facilitate its healing. And I have to interject: isn't it interesting that suddenly, there is this massive uptick in the price of eggs? Do you think thats an organic occurrence?

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Pretty extreme to be doing over FOOD. Eggs!

Question: What are the causes of illness? And the answer is our body's terrain is being poisoned.
We make poor nutritional choices, true, though we do the best we can (some of us), but its far more than that. We ARE being poisoned.

Water is a solvent. A person can go a long time starving, but without water? No. It's a vital tool for the body's health. It picks up the excretions of the cells and flushes them out. Why is a toxic chemical like fluoride added to our drinking water? How did this come about?

Evil history of fluoride:

One person in the comments under this video writes:
“My grandfather was amongst the leading researchers if flouride in Binghamton New York. He told his children, when they get married and have children, never let them use flouride.”

What else does fluoride do that the video failed to mention? It calcifies the pineal gland. Spiritually blinding a person. Kind of like what the church does:

I recently stumbled across a video. Tucked inside it (not mentioned in the title) were a couple of rabbis speaking. I transcribed their speech because it's quite something, what they're saying/revealing:

Rabbi one:

“Who is rome? Who is asov? Cause asov is not only a persecutory agent, its the greatest of all the persecutors (translation: our greatest enemy). And it's the longest. It's been around with us for thousands of years. Asov became edome, edome (Edomites) became Rome. The torah says asov is edome. The talmud says that edome is Rome. It says that god doesn't want this nation around to be the greatest persecution agent for the jews, because that would mean, until the Mashiah (anointed one) comes, Rome would be the dominant force or nation.

So what god did, is he changed the form of asov. Instead of it being rome, it became christianity.”

What does that mean? It means christianity (hive mind virus) was infiltrated, injected into a specific culture and it's communities. Christianity closes the third eye. Which is what that ash Wednesday ritual is really symbolic of. Mind and spirituality taken over (transformed) by religion. AND by design. He says it himself!

Religion is the opposition of spirituality (connection to the god within), via fooling people into believing that god is something without that must be worshipped and FEARED. Fear is another of the big mind poisons. It severs the connection to the First Principle, or the link to the God within

I recently read a terrific example that illustrates what I'm talking about:
In the late 1800's, early 1900's there was a medicine man named Wolf Head. He lived on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation at Gleichen, Alberta. He gained his medicine powers after being struck by lightning at the age of seventeen. He was a mystic and had very strong medicine. He had a spirit guide named Boy Thunder who taught him (in one night) to be able to write the characters invented by archdeacon Tims, a missionary who had worked to make the blackfoot language into a written form and teach it to them – with no success – but.....everyone was amazed when one morning Wolf Head woke up knowing how to write this language. The thing that really jumped out about him for me when I was reading about him is that after he converted to christianity, his visions stopped. He lost his mystical powers.

So, back to me transcribing what those rabbis were saying:

“The concept of asov, and edome as rome was changed, transformed into a religion.”

I had to research to figure out what he's referencing. Edomites were traditional enemies of the Israelites and often battled the jewish nation. Another group of traditional enemies was the Amaleks. Not sure if they are the same just with different names (I suspect so)...I suppose Don could probably tell us....but they're also traditional enemies of the jews. They're not jewish and thus, it is logical to assume gentile.

Edom was located in southeast Palestine. It stretched from the red sea to the black sea. It had the most fertile land. Edome is a plural reference to Edomites. Many of these were later forced to convert to Judaism by John Hyrcanus. So that would be where the race mixing came about. This is interesting, when one understands the only way one is recognized as a 'true' or pureblooded jewish person is their mother must be jewish. So....the conclusion one can draw is there is one racial group hidden inside another. One group pure blooded, like the rabbis I assume would have to be or they'd never be allowed to attain that position, AND another group who (after generations) believe they're genetically jewish....but aren't. Certainly not full blooded, at any rate. Hybrids, certainly.

The Edomites founded Rome. And somewhere along the line, Rome was then infiltrated with Christianity. It was changed (by design) because remember, the rabbi himself said this god of the jews (YHVH) doesn't want this other nation around. This is what he's saying! I'm not saying this; he is.

And what happened after Rome became Christian?

"It was transformed." The rabbi says.

The rabbi continues:

“So therefore, any nation that has that religion can be considered asov. Christianity became western civilization. So western (my note* primarily white gentile) civilization is asov (my note *aka edomites/amaleks).”

The other rabbi says:

“The talmud says there are three mitzvahs."

* I had to look this up as I didn't know what a mitzvah was. Mitzvah means a religious duty commanded by God to be performed. And what is that duty?

To Remember and Destroy

The Torah lists two mitzvahs regarding Amalek:
1. To obliterate the nation of Amalek (timcheh et zecher Amalek).
2. To never forget the evil deeds Amalek did (zechor al tishkach).

The god of the jews promised to completely wipe out the memory of Amalek (Edomites) from the earth and to wage an eternal war with Amalek in every generation. Their god swore his name and throne would never be complete until they were all destroyed.”

He's saying quite a lot there! Why can they get away with this? If a gentile said this about a jew, there would be an uproar. Why should that double standard be?

Rabbi continues:

“What the jewish people were commanded to do when they entered into the land of Israel; number one, to establish a king for themselves. And to cut off the offsprings of the nation of Amalek.”

So...lets reiterate: The rabbi himself is saying the torah commands them to cut off (destroy, obliterate) the offsprings (children) of this other group of people! And what group might that be? Well, the western nations are (or were) primarily caucasian. Gentiles. But remember; colored and asian people are also gentile.

And what are we seeing in this world right now? Well, the first thing that springs to my mind is the anti-white bias. Think CRT. If they taught this against jews or blacks or asians in universities....people would lose their minds. Why is it ok when its about caucasians?

I myself attended a meeting where they were going to give information regarding applying for a specific arts thing and they told us this opportunity is ONLY for native and bi-poc people! Translation: No whitey need apply. I sat on a board meeting where we were examining artist applications to show for the following year. And they were THROWING OUT UNSEEN applications by white 'ciss' men! I asked:
"why aren't we looking at their artwork?" And they told me:
"We've heard/seen enough from the patriarchy"
I said:
"oughtn't we to be judging applications based on the quality of the work? Not peoples color and sex?"
And this was an organization that ironically considered itself an art space that was for...EVERYBODY. So that's why I think of this.

The other thing that springs to mind immediately is in the (historically white) european and western nations we see poisoning of our air (chemtrailing which has lowered sperm count by 50%), water (poisoned with fluoride) and land (agriculture - GMOs), plus literal interfering with and attempting to stop farmers growing food... ... -rcna60269

This is very left leaning coverage; you can see it in the article. They're very quick to dismiss reasonable suspicion and questioning of the elites motives as 'conspiracy theory'. A term invented by the CIA. Hmmm.....

It's there in black and white on the UN' Agenda 21 list of goals!

This is some major gaslighting going on!

I read recently somewhere they announced (can't remember which european nation it was but perhaps dutch) that they will have to 'cull' 300 000 cows to meet climate protection recommendations as outlined by the EU. And another 200 000 cows in Ireland. This looks like murder and genocide.

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These farms are generational. These are family operated businesses, not corporate owned. They feed the continent. And 'elite' psychopaths want to shut the ability to produce food down? Madness. Not to mention the cold blooded murder of so many innocent, productive, beneficial, innocent and beautiful animals whose only crime is...existing? Madness.

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Heres another example of insidious, intrusive dictatorship and 'concern' masking naked power grabs:

In this instance it's about palm oil farmers.

It's not about deforestation. That's the excuse. It's about stopping people from using their own land. The average person and small farmer isn't the problem and are not the ones doing the big deforestation. That would be the big corporations. It's the old problem reaction solution. The big corporations rape the land with deforestation, clear cutting, and then their 'solution' is to dictate to people they can't farm because they have to 'save' the environment. Lunacy. Madness. Until you begin to understand all this stuff is interconnected and there is an agenda. A war that is undeclared. It's about power and control. Not about 'saving' anything.

In North America the fires have caused major issues for gardens and fruit. Due to the fire there was a late frost which forced a replant and total loss of fruit in some areas for the year. In Georgia, thanks to the fires there, they lost 80% of their fruit harvest, especially in peaches. South Carolina is down 65%. Its funny, but this whole thing about fires happening to such a degree in Canada (for example) just wasn't a thing in the 70's, 80's, 90's......what's going on? We know they have DEWs. We know they have weather weapons. We know they have HAARP. Is it possible these are being utilized against the people? And it's not only people who are suffering because of this:

When farmers go out of business due to crop failure, when people are burned out, bankrupted, who gets the land? The bank. Who buys that land? Really rich people like bill gates. A certain banker (jp morgan) has been caught saying and quoted as stating:

“we need to immediately confiscate land from rich landowners so we can get the green new deal going!”

There was a 'report' put out by a group of cartel 'development' banks recently. UPI wrote about this. The subject covered had to do with how they need to 'assist' nations to change and adapt because of...what?

“the need for economic collaboration to help nations adapt and avert the impact of climate change.”

Look at that and then consider this: Dane Wigington created a film that proves private military contractors (military industrial complex) has weather modification patents. And that these go back at least a hundred years. Doesn't it feel like some level....all this is planned?

Another way people are discouraged or prevented from cultivating their own food security (and thus health) is the use of municipal restrictions or homeowners association restrictions to prevent people from growing their own food. Why would they not want people to grow their own food?

It begins to appear there is a covert war on food and humanity. Wiping out the seed, as it were.

We're also seeing warfare waged on the people via abortions (planned parenthood was exposed selling infant body parts from these 'procedures'), sterilization of children via 'gender affirming health care'....

And since we're on the subject of children lets throw this into the mix's revolting but she said it!
Give a listen to this freudian slip:

Barbara Marx Hubbard at the “CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION OUR NEXT STAGE” Conference held May 7, 2015:

I'm including this following image which is gruesome and I apologize for this but....seeing in this case is needful to truly understand the extent of the mutilation. Imagine doing this to a girl child! Cutting her boobs off, removing the reproductive organs...its frankenstein, to me. An adult can make their own decisions but this should NEVER be pushed on children. That's not me hating anybody rather; it's me loving children and desiring to protect them. Leave the kids ALONE.

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They sell to naive and innocent kids and too trusting parents that mutilation is gender 'affirming'.......destroying a child's body, health, genitals, reproductive capacity; peoples children! And convince them it's a 'human right'! If a parent tries to discourage their child from this self destructive course, they stand a chance of losing custody of their kids! I've been looking into this, listening to de-transitioners honest and brave enough to speak out.

I have heard things like...for women the fake penis can literally rot till the patient eventually asks for it to be removed. For men having to dilate (for the rest of their lives! DAILY!) what their body considers an open wound and constantly tries to heal....hurts like hell but even worse....if dilation isn't done is the wound closes....but the hollow space within becomes an abscess and rots. This has killed people via gangrene poisoning. So as this doctor says....'sex change' is a lie. Sorry. You cannot change a person's biological SEX. Biological reality is a woman's chromosomes are a double XX. A mans is XY. This is translated into the body being able to manifest eggs or sperm, both of which are needed to produce another human. When this is destroyed, the capacity to have a natural born family is destroyed.

Mutilating the body like this and in other ways, like shaving the adams apple, removing natural breasts, inserting fake ones...etc window dressing. Gender is a societal construct; Ones true self may not necessarily be dependant on ones body but biological sex is determined at birth, and there are only two sexes. You can 'identify' as whatever and try to appear like something you're not but it'll never change your biological reality. That is not 'hate' to say. It's the truth.

This man explains it very well:

where 'gender theory' came from:

If you're an ADULT who chooses radical surgery, that's your business. I'm opposed to children being exposed to this agenda and having radical surgery pushed on them. Because what this does is it sterilizes the next generation.

This to me screams eugenics.

Another result of 'gender affirming surgery' is that the person is now a big pharma consumer for LIFE after (btw, the FDA is owned by big pharma. It's all interconnected). These 'gender affirming surgeries' make the corporations HUGE money. That is a FACT.

So, they sterilize you (or your children) and then you get to pay for the 'privilege' for the rest of your LIFE. How cold, cynical and evil is that?

I think if you're somebody who is what the natives would call 'two spirited'....terrific! Love yourself as you are, as you were BORN and be who you were meant to be. I have had plenty of friends in my life who were two spirited. They expressed themselves just fine, without having to mutilate themselves. Exist as you are, love you are. That feels more natural and correct to me than doing radical surgical interventions. And I think is more affirming than this madness they're pushing.

Love you ARE.

The LGBT movement has been infiltrated, taken over. The power behind it has an agenda. And its centred on our children:

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Get them while they're young, ignorant and impressionable.

Look at this:

This is not appropriate to be teaching to children.

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These agendas are infiltrating all levels of society. What or WHO is behind it?:

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Going back for a moment to cutting off the seeds of any one particular group of people....labelling caucasians they're the problem (racists) who need to not have children (CRT), making it legal to kill infants up to 28 DAYS out of the womb (California), pushing miscegenation....etc.etc etc. I'm not being 'racist' and a 'hater'. I'm pointing out facts and connecting dots.

I'm not out to make a blanket condemnation of any group as I think each person is an individual. You can't go after an entire race for what a small group of individuals did. Take slavery for example in america. A very small percent of people owned and trafficked in slaves. Lets look at who the overwhelming majority of those slave owners/traffickers actually were. It's hard not to notice the overwhelming majority then and now in positions of power – and anti - human policies come from the top – are dominated by a specific group. This is factual and provable, not opinion. All this information is open source.

And so I ask: where is this anti white, anti west culture propaganda coming from? You can't tell me this is 'misinformation'. Just look at the poisonous ideologies taught in colleges and universities currently. They're poisoning young peoples minds. How hate filled it is and directed against a particular group whom, if they were jewish, black or asian, would engender a terrific outcry and yet....its being allowed on one other group in particular. Why is that? Why is it ok for one group but not another?

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When they were pushing injections the amish (who refuse to take them) said forget it. Look at the amish and autism. Their kids don't have it! They weren't dying suddenly, no miocarditis. They didn't shut down their communities, didn't wear masks, no social distancing, they carried on as usual and lived their lives, ignoring the pressure to do as they were told.

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When I was a teenager I thought these people were nuts....but it turns out it's a good thing they're there. They'll ensure we survive as a species. They don't drive, use electricity or watch the tell-a-vision (I threw mine out over a decade ago). They don't like the modern public education system, health system, or government. Seems they were on to something. Seems there is good reasons to be

They got the flu (recall during the 'plan_emic' the flu mysteriously disappeared) and what happened? They reached herd immunity. Absolutely no need for any forcible intervention. Nuking the j_b narrative and the nonsense about social distancing, mask wearing etc. Forcing people to shut their businesses down and starve, be homeless or comply is tyranny. It's not about 'concern'. It's about power.

They forced people to mask up. Wearing a mask creates a pocket of dead air and carbon monoxide a person is being forced to re-breath. Not natural. Why did they do this you might ask? I found this:

hydrogen peroxide (more oxygen) promotes HEALTH:

One of the things they really pushed because you know, they were so 'concerned' for our HEALTH was 'follow the science' we're mandating these measures because of muh 'science'.

A new study revealed about a third (probably even higher than that) of 'pop' science papers are fabricated or plagiarized: ... fraudulent

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Food for thought. The first man is talking about something natural (common cold) being weaponized and death for profit. The next is talking about medical fraud:

I realize one appears (on the surface) to possibly contradict the other. I don't presume to be a doctor or expert but what both of them are saying appears to hold water. This is why I'm saying food for thought. Get you thinking.

Congress, the postal service and other special groups were exempt from forced injections. WHY? They made sure all the pilots were jabbed up, and doctors. WHY? pilots are dropping dead, we see this sort of thing: ... te-change/

And thanks to the pl_ndemic, people began having doctor 'appointments' over the phone. I ask, how the HELL can you get a proper 'exam' over a telephone? But the timing is Interesting, eh? All of which may be indicative of the thin edge of a BIG wedge. You think its possible doctors could be replaced by AI? Look up in silico medicine. More food for thought: ... ac8b944a83

note who is backing this technology; it's in the article. A familiar name. Bill Gates again. Coincidence?

I really have to question....if we were left alone to manage our own affairs, to eat healthy food we grow ourselves that isn't contaminated with poisons, drink clean water, etc.....I wonder what the health of the world's populations would be then?

Meanwhile, they are (at least in Canada) legalizing hard drugs. Look at the result! It's turning people into zombies! These two might be in america but I can tell you we see this up here too. It's a REAL health crisis that is ignored:

This woman is pregnant. The poor child! If the ones in power really cared so much for our 'health'....why don't they do something about the opioid crisis and the fentanyl flooding western countries? They force injections because they 'care' on one hand yet allow this on the other. Its total madness and hypocrisy. Unless you begin to see things are not random. It's all interconnected. Connect some dots.

There are simple things we can do for ourselves to help make positive changes. Some people eat probiotics, but one big one is to really start taking a good look at processed foods and examining the ingredients of the items you consume. If you see cricket 'flour'.....avoid it. If its genetically 'modified'.....avoid it. Especially now, as they're beginning to try to sneak RNA into food.

Check labels:

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Its a lot of extra work, I get that. But in this day and age its necessary as things are being snuck into the food chain while people are sleeping.

Prepare your own meals as much as you can so you know exactly what's in them. Support local farmers, boycott anything with GMO or the MRNA, no to eating ze bugs...etc. Educate yourself. Start asking questions and doing your own health research:

Informational seminar that is free to attend coming up June 20th maybe you might be interested in:

Physician, heal thyself.

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body as temple by Indrė Vaiciukaitė, mural artist and illustrator

Healing – The Divine Art:
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Health: Food For Thought

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Texas Standing Up:

Biotech Analyst and former Pfizer Employee Karen Kingston joined Maria Zeee to discuss the strong lawsuit the Texas Attorney General has against Pfizer which, if successful, will put an an end to the deadly COVID injections.

Karen encourages citizens around the world to criminally charge Pfizer and the other major manufacturers with developing, manufacturing, distributing and promoting a bio weapon as a 'safe and effective' jab. Under the deceptive trade practices act Pfizer is responsible for the death of innocent adults and children. They took advantage of peoples knowledge (or lack of), ability, experience or capacity to a grossly unfair degree. Unconscionability arises when a savvy seller manipulates an unsophisticated buyer into purchasing an item the buyer really doesn't want or need. Which is exactly what happened.

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They made up a fairy story a cold that is 99% survivable was a deadly threat and used it to take away peoples rights and freedoms, enforce draconian laws and directives. They told people they would die if they didn't get jabbed. That they would be in hospital and die or kill granny if they didn't take it. My country was extremely draconian and to this day is STILL pushing take the jab. We had the great truckers march on ottawa, the govt bashed normal people having cookouts, feeding passersby, dancing in the streets, sitting in hot tubs and setting up bouncy castles as white supremacists and nazis then set thugs in uniforms to ride some of them down from horseback. They shut off peoples bank accounts (demonstrating the danger of digital currency). They targeted people. They acted like stormtroopers. Trudeau is universally hated.

I'm happy to hear Texas is going to stand up and set some precedent. If people had known the true rate of miocarditis and sudden death, that jabs contain contaminants like snake venoms, nano tech and have less than a 1% chance of reducing infection, people would never have accepted the jab.

They frightened people into taking them and in many instances people were literally forced by being told you will be fired....take it or else.....people need to pay bills, feed their children, most of us live paycheque to paycheque as it is and opting to suddenly not have a job isn't really an's just unconscionable, the pressure that was applied to unsuspecting humans. A LOT of people naively trusted their governments and the jabbers.

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This creep is calling anyone who questions their official line 'criminal'. Talk about inversion! This trial could potentially put him out of business, blow the lid off the lies and stop this damned thing so it doesn't harm any more people....though there is a lot of damage done already, which breaks my heart. So many people have been hurt by this. So many lives destroyed, needlessly and wantonly. With malice and forethought.

In pfisers contract under operation warp speed, it says whether you get authorization or approval you must guarantee this product is as safe, as effective as any FDA approved product. They misrepresented themselves, the data and the authorization they got. They're in breach of their contracts and this falls outside their get out of jail card they have, and it can be expedited, meaning come to a resolution in 90 days or so....

The intellectual property moderna has is also owned by the government. Pfiser on the other hand owns the intellectual property for the mrna jabs, did not take money to conduct trials and owns the manufacturing. They can go after pfiser because they didn't take money they retained all patents and intellectual property. You can look into this in more detail with karen kingstons work at the kingston report or see her interview:

Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Health: Food For Thought

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

NZ evidence of genocide (jabs). In NZ its mostly pfiser. They have 2.2 million in NZ. 0.75 is the normal background rate of mortality...the numbers of the people who took the jab and then died are HUGE. They would have to jab 100 billion to get the numbers hes showing. This is irrefutable evidence the jabs are killers. His stats showed in one location in NZ, there was a group of 51 people injected at the bottom of the south island in a window of time of 2 hours. They are all dead. ALL of them. Irrefutable evidence.

the NZ govt has since arrested this man. I guess for telling the truth....

My older brother was one of the people who trusted the government and got the jab. He believed he was doing the right thing. In 2021 he got turbo cancer that spread like wildfire. The tumours were literally breaking his ribs. He was in constant pain with no hope for recovery, though he fought for two years. And so, with the support of the family he chose to take MAIDS (medically assisted suicide). He passed away Tuesday morning with his wife by his side. He was a good man, an honourable one and he is gone too soon. I cannot imagine how he got through that last night....knowing he would be killed in the morning. Literally awaiting his own execution. Some might say it is a blessing to have this option and in his case it was, since the cancer cures are withheld by the medical complex and the technology to really deal with it withheld under the veneer of 'national security'. The jab is in the process of being revealed for what it is, a poison and the forced injections being a massive war crime, though the truth is coming out too late for my brother. He didn't have to die....I'm not judging him for checking out. It's his life, his path. But the family is gutted. And so am I.

On Monday night – his last night living – there was a coronal mass ejection seen hitting the magnetic field over canada. causing an extremely rare and stunning red aurora.

This mass coronal event occurred during the last night of my older brothers life. He spent it in hospital with his wife at his side and in the morning passed. He died with dignity. Perhaps this was a kind of glorious synchronistic celebration of his life....thats how it feels to me. He was a rare person, a truly honorable good and kind man. He was a special person; his life had meaning. And he's very missed.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Health: Food For Thought

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Fake sugar aspertame is deadly to humans. Donald Rumsfeld (who stole trillions the day before 911) pushed this poison and had it added to our food supply.

It was henry kissinger and other 'elites' who masterminded this. They also planned to have a war in 2000 (which they got) to reduce the worlds population – by any means necessary. Aspertame is a slow kill method to achieve this desire. Aspartame kills brain cells. If it says 'diet' or if it's 'healthy' as in power bars for health conscious individuals....if you see has aspartame in it.

If you want to be healthy, try eating as much natural food as you can that you prepare yourself, and always check the ingredient labels.

Aspartame is a neurotoxic poison:

aspartame is made out of shit:

aspartame sweet poison:

Aspartame is made from GMO bacteria shit. Which is interesting to me seeing as how they seem to want us to eat literal crap. And drink it too now as they want to make it legal to put treated shit water into the drinking water supply.
Aspartame is a chemical made from the waste product of E. coli bacteria. The organisms producing this shit are genetically modified. It is then benzylated and hydrolyzed and the result of that process is then methylated and debenzylated.
Aspartame patent reveals the E. coli bacteria are genetically manipulated. That’s another way of saying that aspartame is made from the excretions of bacteria that are genetically modified organisms — GMOs. Of course, the manufacturer claims that there are no GMO molecules in aspartame. Apparently, they claim genetically modified bacteria produce normal poop. However, by definition, any GMO organism’s metabolism is deranged because it contains foreign DNA.

One side effect of consuming aspartame is it makes a person hungry. Considering its in so many foods – you really have to check ingredient labels – it's small wonder there is such a problem with obesity and morbid obesity in america. Research suggests that when you eat or drink foods that contain aspartame, you’ll have a hard time controlling your appetite. SO WHY is this in 'diet' soda???

Also, aspartame Turns into Formaldehyde, which is what they embalm dead bodies with. Its toxic to consume. Aspartame itself doesn’t get through your digestive tract. It’s quickly broken down into other substances which enter the blood stream. These substances are metabolized further and one of the products this process produces is formaldehyde. As if being a poison wasn’t bad enough, it’s known to cause pneumonia (which they are now calling cv19), increase the rate of infections, and can lead to death. This was known as far back as 1905.

Some (not bought and paid for) scientists spoke out against aspartame’s approval
According to Dr. Adrian Gross (an FDA Toxicologist) aspartame killed my wife:

Eat diet products and die. It's right there in the name. Take the t off, you get die.
Pop is short one o to spell poop. Which is what it's made of. Shit.
If it's 'health''s not necessarily healthy for the human body. Again, check, check, check the ingredient labels!

(Another one for me is fake cheese. I used to buy a certain cheddar because it was less expensive but I noticed they have changed the it doesn't melt like real cheese should. I have begun investing in cheeses that cost more but are REAL.)

The head of monsanto (GMO producer) is a builderburger. This group make no secret about their desire to reduce world population 80% by 2030. Same as the WEF.

Ted Turner (who has claimed the world can only sustain 350 million people and everyone else needs to be eliminated) gave 1 billion to the UN for population control.

This is the mindset of the creatures creating these medical problems in the world.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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