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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:26 am
by Don Danko333
The LHP and RHP concepts came from India from Hinduism and the Theosophical Society attempted to translate this into western culture and Christianity but it does not.

The goal of the RHP and LHP in Hinduism is to obtain the final Samadhi or absorption into the transcendental godhead. They have the same goal but different methodologies to attempt to achieve this. The metaphysical concepts of Hinduism do not exist in Christianity the Bible or the western world.

Salvation in Christianity is by belief in Jesus and Yahweh as god and following the doctrine of original sin, giving oneself to Jesus and the gospels and ultimately the Mosaic law which Christianity is based upon.

The ideological conception of the goal of the LHP and RHP don't exist in the Bible or Christianity. Its heaven or hell and the gospel.

In Hinduism you have three levels of people:

Pashu [cattle] the human with no sadhana no initiations or spiritual practices. These people are bound to their animal natures, karma and limitations. The darkness within the human energy bodies, psyche, soul. They exist in spiritual inertia. They are not good or bad they just are.

Vira[Hero] one who practices sadhana daily one must practice daily to be spiritual in Hinduism. These people are working to overcome the previous nature mentioned. And follow the initiations of their Guru's and spiritual orders. This requires intense testing before gaining such.

Diva[ ascended master] these are ones who have obtained the Deva deham or celestial body. They are no longer human but Maha Siddha's.

That is the Hindu system. Where does Christianity go into this category the first category all of Christianity including Satanism. The LHP and RHP in Hinduism are orientated towards the second category.

In all reality in the cosmic or universal reality there really are only these three categories of humans. Practicing demonic sorcery [Goetia] from Catholic priests does not come under any of this. One can practice magic, sorcery and have no spiritual initiations, sadhana at all. People have been for centuries back to the ancient world. Even today some dude with no sadhana can sit with a spirit box in a magic circle and do such. This is what westerns call the LHP... It does not qualify as such. Its probably no surprise in some cosmic way most Satanist's identify themselves as category one. Animals and follow moronic doctrines praising such and rejecting category two and three. While playing cosplay down at the drag show.

This has nothing to do with LHP or RHP esoteric doctrines or practices.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:01 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Sadhana being essentially, a daily spiritual practice. For those who don't do anything like it, it means anything that is practiced (part of a routine that is daily) with awareness, discipline and intention.
Which puts me in mind of void meditation. Which is simply putting everything of the awareness into the present moment, focussing on it to the exclusion of all else (jettison worrying over what to have for dinner etc). Lose yourself in the moment, in the practice and what happens is you make a shift from left logic brain to the right side, into the intuition. As an artist, we call this hitting the 'zone'. It's a kind of no time state. I know I've hit it because the painting paints itself (seems to) and I'm the observer. And then suddenly you kind of surface out of that because suddenly its 5 hours later and you're busting to pee.

I've done this for decades as an artist not realizing it was in reality a spiritual practice. And then I met this Buddhist who explained what a walking meditation is and he too, said it was simply practicing mindfulness. Placing your attention into that moment (every step becomes purposeful). It has meaning.

Sanskrit root of Sadhana meaning to go straight to the goal (your intention). So its really wrapped around being present, mindful and in the present moment, totally, with clear intent.

The yogin who was my teacher maintained a daily practice. He began practicing years ago because he had some kind of degenerative thing happening to him, a lot of pain and inability to be mobile. And he decided no way and to begin this spiritual practice which included daily practice. Meaning asanas, breathing, meditation. Watching him, was really something because he was so incredibly strong and flexible, but also more. He had a really incredible aura. You'd never know he'd come from such a state of being when he began. It is a kind of magic, perhaps. The ability to literally do mind over matter. He was a really nice man, a terrific teacher.

He would say start small its more important to be consistent that to do a lot to begin, and then you can build on that. To go with what works for you. So for me, one thing that works for me is my art practice, which is a daily thing.

It does take some self discipline for sure, to do a practice since its hard. That ego mind monkey is leaping around chattering away and he talked about that too. That as it deepens, the monkey (ego) mind goes silent and that awareness, the hidden observer, comes forward.

You'd mentioned once about the experience of touching or making contact with your own soul don, if I remember correctly. Was it via this kind of thing? I'm assuming it was but I don't know.

My yogin instructor told us to pick a time that works for you and make a habit of it, it'll make it easier to stick to it. For him, that was first thing before he started his day in the studio. I'd come early one morning and saw him alone in the big room doing his personal practice Very inspiring. He had such a wonderful energy and aura.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:08 am
by Don Danko333
Sadhana will involve pranayama, mantra, asana, banda, diet, dhyana, yantra . The method you mention is dhyana, sadhana can not be accomplished without this but this is one aspect of sadhana. Buddhism if Theravada only uses this method the Mahayana is using the large, traditional methods. LHP Buddhism involves Kundalini methods of pranayama, mantra, banda, asana and such.

An example of LHP sadhana in Hinduism an Aghori will go to a place their guru tells them and do the sadhana for ten to twelve years till the sadhana is completed. This will involve normal sadhana methods along with the methodology of the Aghori.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:11 am
by Don Danko333
Certain sadhana in Hinduism involving mantra and yantra tantra involves initiations of a guru. One reason here is they need to look over the birth chart to make such the right practices are being done. Certain mantra's don't require initiation this involves japa nama as well. Others do.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:18 am
by Don Danko333
This has been the problem with Reiki the initiations are supposed to be done with daily sadhana as Usui taught this in Japan. That is one reason you need a Reiki master to do the initiations the understanding as well the person giving this has a lot of spiritual power and can make the initiations work. A person with the initiations and has done Reiki for awhile can still deliver some power but not to the level of practicing sadhana daily for years. In the east the pranic healing is taught as method of Kundalini schools.


Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:20 am
by Don Danko333
Basically there are two types of people those who do sadhana and those who do not here.


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:18 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
pranayama, mantra, asana, banda, diet, dhyana, yantra

I had to kind of translate these eastern terms so I could more easily understand. Also if others are reading and it makes it easier for them to understand also.

pranayama = breath work.
mantra = powerful sound or vibration to assist you in entering a deep state of meditation.

Is there anything specific that you like in particular?

Asana = yoga
banda = body locks
diet = fresh and seasonal with organic as much as you can
dhyana = contemplation and meditation
yantra = contemplation or mediation on sacred geometry symbol.

I learned this year that they used to have temples in Egypt with three dimensional statues of the sacred geometry symbols and meditation on them would aid greatly in healing.

I do breath work, the asanas, done the banda though not regularly (I know I should but its not enjoyable to me....though it does give results), definitely do the diet. Contemplation and meditation yes, but not on any sacred symbol. No mantras.

although....that said I sure did love it when a certain yoga teacher would give a class and she would play the gong for like, 30 minutes while we were all doing savasanah. LOVED that. The sounds were so powerful! I guess I haven't had a chance to do it since she moved away.


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:00 am
by Don Danko333
Pranayama is breath work but this involves dhyana, banda, asana and mantra the whole process in the higher levels of work. It also means something like 'energy work' in general from Sanskrit to English. Yantra is also a instruction guide on working the energy body that has mantra's inscribed upon it and how to use this in tantric magic its also placed down made of certain metals and a mantra vibrated over and over to cause the deity to manifest.

Yantra without mantra is mentioned as useless because it is. You can note this with the Sri Yantra.


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:17 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
If this was put into laymens terms it would be like baking a cake; so many ingredients in such and such an order, and it all works together as it should....but miss some ingredient and the cake fails to rise