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For Your Edification

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:33 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I write this not on behalf of the trolls but for the people watching silently, for their edification in the hope it helps them.

Astro. I have been paying out rope to see what you'd do. I knew it was only a matter of time.

It's highly suspect you and 'raven' came in together not just once but several times and tag teamed us. This is a favourite ploy of the troll. Either two or more actual people ganging up or one pretending to be many. It hardly matters. Its all the same. Blaze is an older sock account and definitely one of the trolls. 'Astro' and 'raven' are the same person. One of your interests actually does happen to be astrology. I know this. It was a good opening for you to insinuate yourself and you (predictably) jumped on it.

Coming in to ostensibly 'add' to a conversation is a common tactic. In reality the agenda is to pull the conversation this way and that (hijacking the thread). And if they're called out, denigrate the one doing so, with words like 'paranoid' and 'crazy'. I've seen this pattern play out many, MANY times. Its always the same people behind it.

Another tactic is to actually provoke and try to get me to remove them, in the hopes innocent onlookers will fall for the mind fuck and actually believe its all different people and think:
wow – shes nuking everybody in sight! Thus falling for BS.

This is psychological warfare in which the person being attacked (Don and also me via my forum) leaves me the choice:
Either I knuckle under to this subtle blackmail and just resign myself to putting up with harassment and sabotage, or I nuke them and look bad. Well. I'm not going to be blackmailed.

This is a tactic that is about lowering the vibration, bogging the frequency down, hoping to get people angry, riled, upset or otherwise chasing their tails. This is a pattern of abuse; I've seen it many times over.

What this means:

It boils down to two camps. One is service to others. This means having a heart, empathy. The ability to love, sharing information (information is power). Its the high frequency group. That would be what Don and myself are doing here. Trying to educate and share information.

The other camp (the trolls) are the service only to self, no empathy, no understanding or consideration, its all about what you can get out of others. it's about hate. It's power over (hoarding information), it's parasitism.

The negatives are predators, parasites, not human friendly.
The positive's are in a higher state of consciousness and interact in a way that exhibits this. They'll try to show you things; help you open your consciousness, awareness to other possibilities and dimensions

Don is here trying to show things, open minds. He has a lot of life experience in occult subjects and has done enormous research. He has valuable input to bring to the table and hes willing to share. This is a positive act.

That is not what I'm seeing the trolls doing. The diatribes are revealing. Attacking Don (or anyone) and denigrating is not sharing information or making a positive contribution. Quite the opposite.

As Astro:
“Really? That's it? I provide an argument why Western astrology is legitimate, why your discrediting of anything not eastern is wrong, and your only response is to make a paranoid accusation? I must say I expected more from you although I'm starting to get the picture on who you really are. It's funny how in another thread you mention a legitimate occult master (intimating don is not legitimate) Swami Vivekananda and how he was able to predict events, sense energies, etc yet you can't understand what is going on in this forum in the slightest resorting to your paranoia. I know for a fact these are 3 separate individuals(including myself) proving to me at least you are a paper tiger you talk a lot and you have read a lot but there is no real advancement here. You are an occultist in the very broad sense of the word no real expertise in the concepts you present just book knowledge exactly the impression I got of you from the start intuitively but I thought I was wrong."

“I provide an argument why Western astrology is legitimate, why your discrediting of anything not eastern is wrong.”

One is done by the stars. The other is not. Which is therefore more accurate? What is there to argue? But it was a fine opening to insinuate yourself.

As Blaze:
“Oh this is what Don meant by me being kookoo haha. Apparently I'm everyone on the forum (intimation being hes paranoid).
Lol what's funny is, this is literally the only account I have ever made. Agreeing with you and calmly talking is throwing a moronic tantrum.... haha. You are fucking hilarious.
Lot of stuff to read. I shall look through. I am not kookoo, and I am not a troll. I just said something your little ego couldn't take and now you have to Spurge out like a child. My ip address could literally be confirmed that we are in separate places. But alas it's easier to call one a troll or a jew or whatever, that's why I never get on forums. I don't have time for a bunch of drama queen nonsense. Nor do I need to prove myself to you.You just can't handle any opinion other then your own and have to lash out and insult and denegrade (this is called flipping the script) whatever you feel threatens your narrative. One day twenty years it's calling everyone who doesn't believe in JOS an idiot and now it's anyone who doesn't immediately switch to your new views is an idiot. Realize you would have called yourself one in vice versa positions.”


Don progressed to where what he thought was true he gained new information and clarity and is trying to pass that knowledge on, in order to help people. Unlike cobra, he actually cares about people. And I would add that this is the mark of one who is really advancing. What one once thought was true changes as one takes in more information. it's not a static thing. Dogma is static.

The troll as we can observe is here pushing JoS dogma. We see this in the thread by 'koko'.

He continues:
“I am in contact with alot of people right now, and we are all shocked as to what we are experiencing and how peoples lives have gone. But after seeing you Spurg out like a little child, we will continue our convos in private. You may continue thinking I'm koo, or the boogeyman or behind every username for the next three years. Whatever floats your boat. Just more insanity and nonsense.”

Observe common themes:
throwing a tantrum – being a child
no real expertise (not 'legitimate') – denigrating years of first hand experience.

And heres the kicker:

Where the troll begins talking to himself or to his accomplice: like this where 'blaze' is responding to astro, trying to cement it into onlookers heads don is 'paranoid and delusional'. They did the same thing to me. This is a pattern:

“He is suffering from paranoia for some reason. Maybe it's the stress of everything and forums. He thinks I'm everyone too. As a matter of fact let's be the same person as well.”


Personal and malignant diatribes. Undermining, attempting to paint somebody as 'crazy', 'delusional', paranoid'. It's not about sharing information, it's about attempting to bring the energy down, shut people down. 'insanity'. 'nonsense'.

Best look in the mirror before you run your mouth.

Don knows, so do I, about these attacks, what's really happening.

Trying to shut Don up. Shut me up. Keep others who are here reading afraid to join in the conversation themselves, for fear they'll be targeted next. Trying to shut my forum down. Attempted business sabotage (criminal). It's pretty obvious the hatred is personal and they can't hide it. They aren't fooling anybody.

“I never get on forums. I don't have time for a bunch of drama queen nonsense”

Really. Yet, here you are.

So. On an energetic level, this is what's happening:

Coming in with the purpose of attempting to cause upset and aggravation to people then feed off the negative energy raised is an energetic vampiric practice. It's called looshing. It puts the individuals doing so squarely in the camp of the negatives. The enemy of humanity.

In this thread


I said:

“We carry the genetics of many different starfaring races here on this planet. This is why we look so different, why we have different races of human here. Because we ARE different. This is not 'racist' to say. It's merely a fact. The enemy of humanity tries to tell us we're not, that we're all the same...all 'equal'. It's not true though. Don't let this lead you into the whole tribal thing. I'm not saying one is 'better' than another. Merely different.”

Are there jewish people who have committed great wrongs? Yes. There are gentile people as well who have done so. This rabid hate thing promoted by the JoS is really about keeping people in a state of low frequency. This is something the enemy of humanity also does. Think about that.

I know whereof I speak. I have been the target of rabid fanatical hate for years now because cobra and his tool shannon chose to label me a jew. I am innocent. I am gentile.

I experienced first hand how it feels to be the recipient of unbridled, maniacal rabid hate for no good reason. It is a waste of time and energy. Theirs for going after me and doing everything they can to try to shut this forum down (for no good reason except to hate) and mine for ever allowing it to emotionally effect me.

On an energetic level this is vampirism. Which, interestingly enough, is what they call the jews. Vampires. Parasites. Yet they're acting as parasites. Ironic, is it not?

Another tactic - ask bullshit questions:

"I always wondered about the tarot. I have a question about the Phoenician Alphabet. Why is it exactly letter for letter the Hebrew Alphabet? Were the Phoenicians jews or did they just steal our letters? Sin was a Moon god. So the final RTR is reversing the phoencian alphabet..... Nis is positive but so is Sin. The only thing older then phoencian would be Sumerian Cuneiform. Sanskrit has been touted as the oldest but it is not."

Did the guy read anything I wrote? No. This was an agenda question. It's about wasting my time. And energy. Again, the real thing is it's about stealing somebody else's energy. its also about trying to hijack the thread, send it off into jew shit. Another energy suck and time drain tactic. This jew thing is an obsession for these people. It's a very JoS thing. I have no time for this hate. I'm here trying to help people raise their frequency; not have it dragged down into a lot of hate. For anybody.

I write this not for them; but for you.

I hope this helps people better understand and see through the tactics of abuse. This is a valuable transferable skill as you may encounter this type of abuse yourselves, and now you'll recognize some of the tactics and understand on an energetic level whats going on.

Hope you all have a terrific day

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Re: For Your Edification

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:25 am
by Meteor
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:33 amOn an energetic level this is vampirism. Which, interestingly enough, is what they call the jews. Vampires. Parasites. Yet they're acting as parasites. Ironic, is it not?
At some point I started wondering if it might be projection. Almost every time someone is so negatively obsessed with a particular minority, after you ask a few questions, it turns out it's just something that hits far too close to home for them. To give an example, an ex of mine who once intended to be a big benefactor of the JoS ministries, was one of the most devout nazis I've ever met anywhere; yet he confided in me that he has jewish ancestors. He set such a good example for his peers that no one believed me. Cobra's inability to discern the truth of that matter is what made me aware of his hypocrisy.

If a joke is permissible, monetising people's hatred of jews seems like such a jewish thing to do anyway. :lol:

Indeed, it's correct to judge people by their actions and character. Ironically, that's how these people measure a persons "jewishness" anyway, making their own point moot.

Re: For Your Edification

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:33 pm
by Blaze2
You banned my account? Yall are pretty stupid. This was the only name I ever created. I came here to agree, you actually had a legitimate member. But because I didn't cow down to your beliefs on everything immediately, I was attacked incessantly and all this childish paranoia drama about me being multiple accounts.

But after watching Don talk out of both sides of his mouth like an insane jew, which the JOS had to tolerate for way too many years, and ofcourse your draconian oh we are here for free thought, while meanwhile banning everyone that isn't you 4. You show everyone with your actions. I talk to alot of people, and this time here was very educational for us.

I meant what I said about the Demons, I don't care to affiliate with things related to it anymore, including here. You can ban this account now as well. We have no time for your jew psycho club.

Re: For Your Edification

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:57 pm
by Owen
Excuse me, who are you calling "psycho Jew club?"

Re: For Your Edification

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:36 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"You banned my account? Yall are pretty stupid. This was the only name I ever created. I came here to agree, you actually had a legitimate member. But because I didn't cow down to your beliefs on everything immediately, I was attacked incessantly and all this childish paranoia drama about me being multiple accounts.

But after watching Don talk out of both sides of his mouth like an insane jew, which the JOS had to tolerate for way too many years, and ofcourse your draconian oh we are here for free thought, while meanwhile banning everyone that isn't you 4. You show everyone with your actions. I talk to alot of people, and this time here was very educational for us.

I meant what I said about the Demons, I don't care to affiliate with things related to it anymore, including here. You can ban this account now as well. We have no time for your jew psycho club."

And here is the confirmation that me removing you was the correct thing to do. You are steeped in the JoS hatred and the jew jew jew BS. Thats all you got. Don is a 'jew'. Well, he's actually NOT. Zola is a 'jew'. I'm not, and I proved it. This place is a 'jew' psycho club. It's so ridiculous. Its such baseless slander. You are steeped in hatred, which is a very low frequency. You were never a 'legitimate' member. I have said over and over, I am interested in quality, not quantity. You deliberately 'misunderstand' over and over and push this I'm a 'tyrant' BS. People who are sincere and not here to cause problems will not have any difficulties. It's you vampires though, who WILL.