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The Teachings Of Vader

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:13 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“You don't know the power of the dark side. Give in to the dark side of the force. It's the only way.”

Face your Dark Side.jpg
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This is actually truthful. When we give in to our shadow side, the ugly, hated and rejected parts of our self that we refuse to acknowledge and try to push away, that we disown, when we instead; 'give in' as in stop running away and face them......face them and ask:

“What can I do for you? What do you have to tell me?”

When we acknowledge these neglected parts of our own soul and re incorporate them, we transmute them into beauty through love and acceptance and the darkness within lifts. The way is about operating out of the heart frequency. This is also what positive non terrestrials like the Nordics do. In this frequency you can read anybody else, know their intentions and thus cannot be lied to. An enlightened and advanced being is an ethical one. An empathic one.

In order to experience empathy and thus be an empath, you must use your heart in order to feel. The heart is what allows us to connect back to that point in the First Principle from which you originated, to your original blueprint which exists in eternity and is divine. You are part of the power of creation. Creation is expansion. It is not limitation, scarcity and negativity, it is thus of the positive or the goodly (godly). You are actually meant to be godly.

Being held hostage here on a dark planet, run by dark entities we stored up a lot of darkness inside, in our blood and bones, chakras and auras. Old hurts, resentments, pain, anger, hatred, generational abuse. Ugly parts our conscious mind refutes, doesn't want to acknowledge. What you are is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. By pushing parts of the self away, this doesn't make it vanish out of existence. And because you share a frequency with it, it's going to be drawn back to you to transform it.

Many people studying their dreams will know unwanted and unloved bits pursue them in the dreamtime. This is why and how they're able to find you no matter where you run or try to hide. Because it's actually a part of your own self.

When I spent the 90's focussing all my being on the dreamtime, exploring consciously non local states, there was one recurring dream. I would find myself pursued by a huge black rhino. This beast was massive, dark, intelligent as another person, pursuing me with ferocity, ripping through walls and buildings. It has also been described by others in various forms like a black dog, or a black witch...a humanoid shape...lots of variations of the same theme. Dark bits of your self. That old saying you can run but you can't hide from yourself is very true.

This happened so often that in one lucid dream, while walking down a dirt track in the woods with two animals on either side of me, a leopard and a black panther, when we entered a clearing in the woods, at the other side of which the path resumed...stood my black rhino. When I saw it, I became lucid thinking: this time you'll not make me run. So as it confronted me silently I stood my ground and said to it:

“What can I do for you? What do you need?”

It paced up to me, lowering its head, touching the horn to my heart....and merged into me. It melted into me like a mist. And the recurring nightmare has never returned. I re-incorporated a lost and angry rejected part of myself. I told my shaman mentor about this waking dream and he commented this is part of the journey and reclaim lost bits of your soul. Whenever a person has been traumatized, a small bit of the self becomes frozen in that age and state. It breaks off. Your job is to find and re-incorporate them. You do this via accepting (loving) yourself and the internal darkness will transform. Don't let the psy – op, the whole hippy new age thing turn you off from this, it was meant to do that. Love has become a dirty word.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law is actually an inversion. It ought to read: do what thou wilt, with integrity.

It's one of the things Serapis is getting at when he says his knowledge is not separate from his heart. You can know a lot of things intellectually, secrets that if applied without care, without qualities like strong moral principles and honesty, if the action considered isn't unified and sound in its conception, if it isn't whole, if it could lead to horrors, mean the suffering and death of a lot of innocent beings you shouldn't do it. That's not a good way to be or act. It's disconnected, unbalanced.

A good example are scientists so caught up in can they do something – like create hybrids of humans with animals - they never stop to consider if they should.

It's also got to do with being in the moment, accepting who you are....even the darkness within. This is self love. It's about being a whole or goodly being. It's about acting from the heart. It's the way. This is why it's said that in order to go to the godhead or to become like a god, you have to go through the dark first. The darkness within is not just a metaphor. And its not just that the third eye is encased in darkness within the skull. It's about accepting those dark parts and incorporating everything to become greater than the sum, to become whole once more (wholesome).

Being whole means you are your own person, a sovereign being. True power is not found without, but within.

This is why the battle on earth at this time is not so much about tanks and bullets like WWI and WWII; but about a battle for perception.

Your DNA is influenced and controlled by your consciousness:

A developmental biologist named bruce lipton stated one human is made out of 50 trillion cells and each of these cells is aware. In other words, you're not what you think you are. You look in the mirror see yourself as one individual and think this is you. But really, you're a community that works together and has created this form. Each of the internal organs for example have their own consciousness.

He says he can demonstrate the science of how the cells actually work and you will have more knowledge than most doctors in the world today because they still believe in the genes.

The simple truth: the gene is a blueprint. Are you reading the blueprint or are you not? And the gene does not make that decision. Who do you think is doing the reading? Controlling the signals? Reading or not reading?

It's not the ego (mind) but you, the eternal watcher, that part of you that comes to the fore in times of crisis or near death experiences, the one that comes forward when you're meditating, at peace and also in other times and places when you are fully in the NOW. This could be riding a wave, rock climbing, etc. This is why void meditation is so important, the most important meditation you can do. Practicing being fully focussed in the NOW. Thats all it is. It's not about emptying your head of thought's practicing being a terrific paperweight, but actively doing something that fully engages you. For me this is writing or doing art.

Every cell has about 1.4 volts. Not a lot but 50 trillion cells equals 700 trillion volts of electricity in one human body. We are literally energy. And like that matrix movie, somebody has been using us like a resource of free energy, like a living battery. But the mind (perception or that which perceives) is the government for the 50 trillion cells. So, when you change your thoughts and the feelings these generate you change the biology too.


Your perception and beliefs influence you on the inside and on the outside. You're not a victim, you're responsible for what unfolds in your life. The war for consciousness is about perception and it's about taking responsibility.

The information Darth Vader brought happened a long time ago via lucid dreaming. He appeared to me and spoke at length. As soon as I woke I transcribed what he had to say. At the time I was ignorant and unable to really comprehend what he was saying. I laughed at it. But now, decades later, it makes total sense and I realize it was a hell of a good message. And so when I was doing some clearing out of old papers, when I found that transcript I decided to share it with you. Hope it helps.

Darth Vader said to me:

“I am the ultimate symbol of primal fears, the dark side of the moon. My face is unknown. I am your dark reflection. You don't want to see me, face me, yet you feel my pull like gravity. You see me here, in the dreamtime for I am your dark star, a black hole. You want to join with me, move past the event horizon through the portal, wormhole and out the other side into the undiscovered country, another universe. I am the metaphor for your journey, a symbol of your soul. Luke fought me, lost, and lost a pice of himself. Only by loving his father, me (his self) and asking for my help – thus giving me love and acceptance – was he able to reach his dark half, to reach me and set me free. I then turned and threw down the emperor, the one pulling my strings. I had allowed myself to become a slave and now, I reclaim my sovereignty. Which is your own journey. Luke made peace with himself for I am a part of him, his father, his flesh just as I am also his nightmare symbol of all he hated and feared about himself.

When Luke states “But I've got to save you!” I reply: “You already have Luke. You already have.”
And I die. That is, I transmute to a higher plane of existence, having let all the hatred and fear go. I journey to another dimension, another universe.I am freed.

This is your journey too, for I am you. You are on a personal journey to the dark side of the moon to discover yourself, with the knowledge that what lies outside in physical space and inside to inner space, astral space, the multiverse, all these multiple you's in every reality are connected. You're meant to be one and whole, yourself. This is my lesson, these are my words.

I know these things for I walked lonely dark roads a very long time, though I began from a point of light. Ultimately, though my path strayed, I found myself once more. And so can anyone else. I am the living testament to this truth. I managed to find my way home to the light and to love. So can you.

I was that sweet child who dreamed and who loved, and I fell. Led from my path, yes...but I allowed myself to be led. I am responsible for my actions. I travelled a dark and lonely path, allowed my anger, fear and rage to subsume me. I wandered in darkness, despair and self hatred....

But then another child, like a reflection of my own inner child, my son found me and showed me love. I found that spark buried deep inside and fed it that love. This is how I redeemed myself, with the power of love and remembrance of light.

Redemption and salvation can be had for anyone at any time in a moment if one loves and asks. My son loved, he asked and I, looking at him suddenly realized I had a choice. I could still choose to love. I felt love for my son, and through my son who is my reflection, I was able to find love for myself in that instant.

Because of this my vibration, resonance raised out of the lowest extremes into the highest, giving me the strength to endure long enough to see my task here done. Saving my son, saving my self.”

Love can heal in the deepest and profoundest sense. Miracles happen when we finally allow ourselves to find ourselves and in that moment accept. And thus find we are now at home within as well as without.

Re: The Teachings Of Vader

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:16 am
by GoldenDragon
This is very profound! :)

I like it a lot and I got a new meaning of what Darth Vader is.

Thank you 😊