Soul, Frequency and Purpose of Being

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Soul, Frequency and Purpose of Being

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Lets start with the question, what is 'equality'?

The enemy of humanity's interpretation of what 'equal' is, is one that strips individuals of inspiration to do and be better. Why should anybody strive to learn or labor towards excellence if even the lazy, the wilfully ignorant and the stupid, through no effort of their own and no 'right' lifted to the same level of those who strive just for the asking? This is in fact not 'equal' but injustice.

And yet this is what the hidden controllers continually try to force feed the collective mind of humanity. If you object to their interdictions, you're labelled 'racist', 'terrorist', 'hater'. They call it 'hate' speech. They claim to be against 'hate speech'. Which is very misleading, disingenuous. What they're actually against is for the beings they are in reality oppressing to have the ability to raise their voices in objection. this system one group is being favoured over another. The lowest over the most worthy. What is 'equal' in that?

The enemy (of humanity) interpretation of what is 'equality' is not an interpretation that vibrates in reality. It's mush. Mind numbing pablum force fed to the human collective via all kinds of avenues like education, MSM, gov't mandates, celebrity, even music.

The enemy of humanity's interpretation is different from what is true; it is inverted. This is one of their MO's. We see it in everything they do. Bad becomes good, truth becomes fiction and vice versa, and on and on.

What they're pushing is that we as a people, as humanity, should be one homogeneous lump, which is in fact the opposite of diversity. They see us as one clump of matter. When we are in fact individuals. They don't want this however. And so they push this mind trap 'equality'. That we are all the same. This is what they're actually talking about. But we are not. We are individual expressions of a force, an energy...a frequency. We are like the range of notes possible on a piano. When we are in harmony, we can compose symphonies. When we are not....we get static.

Years ago I was listening to the sounds of the planets. NASA had the frequency readings collected by voyager beamed back to earth where it was put through some kind of computer algorithm that rendered this into something we could hear. The sounds the planets make. I was struck by the sound of Earth. It was an unpleasant, discordant...white noise.

Which is interesting isn't it? When you consider how lovely earth is, how full of beauty and life it is, you'd expect it to sound amazing. I was expecting to hear something beautiful and it was a real disappointment to me it was so....ugly. The understanding only came to me recently that Earth is meant to sound as beautiful as it looks but....the planet has been covered over by a kind of frequency field, a fence to keep us isolated and inside. And that fence is the white noise. And even more, we as a group have been manipulated and fooled into generating this FOR the ones who enslave us.

We all in our original beings (and I'm speaking of incarnated ensouled humanity – and even discarnate human souls for that matter) come from what ancient mystics and masters called First Principal. An intelligence that permeates everything. It's a kind of living energy field. It contains the blueprints for all that is eventually physical in this universe, and is where for example, the akashic records also reside.

We are a part of this energy field and in our essence (as in what we are made of), we could be considered the 'same'. We are all 'snow' and yet...when we are solidified, that is, in a material body, we are all different and individual......same as a snowflake.

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Our individuality is a constant and thus (for example) we can see this principle reflected in the pattern of snowflakes, no two are the same. We are NOT the 'same' or 'equal' in our beings. That is, in how we express and manifest, in our level of learning and soul development.

“In the gnostic view of human society, the Archons are alien forces that act through authoritarian systems, including belief systems, in ways that cause human beings to turn against their innate potential and violate the symbiosis of nature. Because the Archons need human complicity to gain power over humankind, any one who assists them can be considered a kind of Archon, an accessory. How do humans assist the Archons? One way is by accepting the mental programs of the Archons – that is, adopting the alien intelligence as if it were human based – and implementing those programs by actually enforcing them in society. Another way is by actively or passively conforming to the agendas so proposed and imposed.”

John Lash

And so this brings us to the next thing which has to do with are we here for a reason? Or is it blind happy (or unhappy) coincidence that put us here, in a cold, unfeeling universe?

And the answer is of course we are here for a reason and a purpose.

“We are at the heart of the grand man. Meaning we are at the heart chakra of the universe.”
Sean David Morton

The function of intuition is closely linked to that of empathy. It is this quality, or fractal of the love or heart frequency which allows us to connect back to our selves, our true being, that which we call our soul and hence to the power of a god or goddess via First Principle. WE are the Gods becoming. WE are the ones who were bound. Bound by a frequency net and trauma based mass mind control, over eons and generations.

The enemy constructed bible tells people they can only connect to 'god' via an external link (son of god), singular. But we are actually all SUNS (plural) connected to and expressions of 'god' force. We are literally living light.

The new age movement co-opted this, turned light and love saccharine sweet and nauseating because for them it's all sugar. But sugar is only half the equation. The other is savoury. Or to put it another way there is no light without darkness.

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I think about how it's said we choose our family before we enter this physical vessel. Almost no family is perfect. Maybe the reason we have difficulties with our families is because not all lessons are easy. Sometimes lessons are brutal and hard. I'm thinking of my own family who have been very damaged by the holding of grudges, anger and hate....I feel how the lessons seem to be about learning through the pain to open our hearts, detach from pettiness, learn to view one another from a higher (more empathic) perspective and then ultimately (hopefully) be able to forgive one another and reconstruct the tattered connections. Life is about learning and falling down....making mistakes and hopefully learning from them and growing beyond them.

Nothing like pain drives a lesson deeply so once learned, it doesn't have to be repeated. I think there is something to the idea of family generational trauma that carries over again and again till it is healed. Burn your hand on a stovetop once as a child and you'll never place your hand on that burner again. Life experience and knowledge gained is the only thing we carry with us when we leave. We're taught 'success' in this life is to amass money and objects. But a life well lived is true success. To be alone with a lot of things and call this wonderful is an inversion.

We tend to judge not only others but ourselves too harshly. For example one person can feel they wasted their life while another can look at what they accomplished and think how they did what they wished to do (but could not achieve). It's all in your perspective. I don't think in this limited (physical) perspective we can take a really honest, objective look at our life (life review). We're looking at the one lifetime we are cognizant of when we're living many, many lifetimes simultaneously. We only have a small part of the puzzle picture that makes up our 'self' that I think is really the eternal soul which contains all the experiences. We're in a finite physical world, how can we truly judge something that is non physical and infinite?

I'm not saying this as in use it as an excuse to do anything and not feel remorse. Rather, let this make you more mindful in your day to day waking life, that its not all about you, to cultivate empathy and remember compassion. And again, I'm not saying this as in be a doormat for any evil creature. Not at all. It's a balance, or a yin and yang.

I think it's about learning to look beneath the surface and understand other people hurt too, act out and to make some allowances. If you want mercy and love, you have to be able to give it as well. In order to do this you have to look within which requires self awareness. Which is a process. When you were a child you had to crawl, then totter about...and finally walk. It's a good metaphor.

I've heard that of all the planets, this is one of the hardest. It's a school of hard knocks. We go through the fire over and over. Till we become tamahagane, or jewel steel, all impurities (error) burned out. And what's left is legendary.

We're all here for a reason. You're not an accident of fate. Even if your mother told you you were an accident, maybe thats how she percieved it. But the architect of the universe had other ideas. YOU had other ideas.

You do not exist in a cold, unfeeling and mechanical universe, you're not a product of random things. Nothing is 'random'. I feel we choose our family and parents, and come back again and again in soul groups, and this extends even to groups that make up a nation.

We've been taught the fastest sperm get's the egg. That's not the case. The egg decides which sperm gets to penetrate it and begin the process of evolving another community that forms the physical temple for that which is part of eternity! YOU. A living, ensouled human being.

It's co-creation that begins right from conception and in order to agree to create together, it follows there is a form of consciousness or intelligence inherent that came long before the physical form. And so we see demonstrated in microcosm a truth about this physical universe and our rightful inherent power and place in it.

We co-create with First Principle. Others might think of this intelligent presence as God, Satan, the Universe...etc. Whatever. Forget the labels and perceive the essence. It contains within itself the power to create universes yet at the same time take note of the fall of a single person (there is no place in the universe that knows not my presence). It encompasses all that resides in this visible light spectrum but also in all other spectrums, frequencies and dimensions.

First Principle is a power that creates universes and this is an intelligent force residing outside what we think of as time and space, in eternity. We co-create with this intelligence, this energy. Creation is the power of a God. We really are meant to become God's. We're tiny like this right now:

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Tiny and yet, within this shell, this seed, resides power and potential...a manifest a mighty oak. A fully realized individual expression of that which is eternal and divine. A being like Serapis is already an oak. But we have kinship. We are just in another place along the infinite spectrum. Even a God has more to learn. There is always more to learn.

The true meaning of existence is to learn, laugh, play, co-create, grow in wisdom in equal measure with that of the heart (connection to higher dimensions via empathy) be the best version of ourselves we can order to make this world and thus the universe itself....a better place.

People are taught from early on that we exist alone in this universe. It's very subtle programming. How many times have we seen articles or tv shows where the big question is: are we alone? They invariably conclude there's no proof of any 'other' out there. Meanwhile they have bodies and craft they've been busily reverse engineering from the 70's or even earlier. Whats the point of this coverup? It keeps humanity isolated and alone. Isolation of the victim is done because it makes us smaller, makes us feel alone, fearful and unloved. Keeping higher frequencies suppressed. The fact is we were seeded here from other locations in the galaxy. We have family out there. Not just down here.

You are here now with a soul mission, a purpose. You came in with amnesia. I think that's unique to this place and due to the fact it's been a slave planet for a long time. It suited our captors that we have short hard lives, die way too soon (before we begin to catch on) and get funnelled right back in again. It's a co-opting of a natural process of co-creation.

We're taught there are no other dimensions or realities. When of course this is nonsense. The CIA investigated this and they know it. Yet this vital knowledge is withheld from the mass of humanity.

The only reason for doing so is related to power over. Knowledge is power. If you want to subjugate a population, it's in your best interests to keep them dumbed down. For example, slaves were forced to wear masks in some cultures. This was a visual symbol of the power over them by their masters. They were only allowed to speak at the pleasure of the master. In other times and places knowledge of reading and writing, of arithmetic, were all jealously guarded. It was a crime (punishable by death) for a slave to learn.

These pirates consider us their free energy. Because we're immortal, they can recycle us endlessly. Catch us as we exit the body, funnel us into their soul trap where we're recycled and sent back to the same prison over and over to be batteries, a ' human resource'.

The beings responsible for this are a corporate conglomerate of intergalactic criminals dealing in human trafficking. Their control system is currently being removed by a world military alliance in partnership with other groups out there, one of whom is called the federation of worlds and one of the races belonging to this group are Nordics.

The Nordics spiritual ethos says the power is within, not without. What makes someone a God isn't if they have advanced tech and can fly in space. What makes someone spiritually evolved is not the body or mind, it's the soul. That spirit. That power within. The body and mind (ego) will eventually perish. But the spirit, the soul is imperishable.

When asked what motivates their warriors the response was:

“Love. Love for myself, love for my people, my family. Ask yourself the same question. What's your motivation to incarnate here, now? What's your reason for being here? What's your intention? Therein lies the Truth. This is the way to true freedom. This is the answer, this is the way.”

There are others attempting to come in at this time who are not coming in from the soul trap. These have chosen to come, their purpose to help humanity. I've heard there were more who wanted to come help than were available bodies.

This includes some who choose to enter as walk ins. It may well be that when an incarnate soul is intent on leaving their avatar, this provides an opportunity for a walk in or exchange to happen. In positive walk in cases the being coming in is actually a more advanced part of the soul of the same person. It has some kind of DNA link to the avatar they wish to inhabit and which their other aspect wishes to leave. Considering how difficult it is here on the planet to make it past childhood this could be a good way to pass that torch. Why waste a perfectly good avatar? The shaman and santeria HP who mentored me told me that I was a walk in. I was very upset when he told me this. He told me this wasn't a negative thing. But at the time I rejected his assertion.

Negative hybrid proxies have a ritual where they are tortured (their own children), brought to the point of leaving the body and a walk in occurs. The difference is in the first case the person freely decides to leave and open up a space. Being tortured till you wish you were dead isn't exactly the same thing. It's a highly negative practice meant to enhance ones power. That which enters in the negative case one might think of as a lower fourth dimensional. Christians would call them demons, others would say they're reptilians.....I think the bottom line is negative vrs positive or high frequency vrs low. We get so attached to labels. But I think we can feel what it is we're trying to put into words. I'm bringing this up because if it's true the walk in has to be genetically somehow connected to the physical avatar.....this makes sense. The enemy of humanity also needed some kind of dna link to be able to access avatars that can function in this reality. Hence we have hybrids. It's like putting your hands into a pair of gloves so you can work inside a sealed chamber and interact with what is within this area.

I remember seeing the original prince charles and his two kids when they all thought they were unobserved. I've written about this in other posts but charles had an entity attached to him and now I wonder if this was the walk in. It was attached to and working through his avatar (physical body). It was way bigger than him, maybe 9 feet? And definitely non human. And by the way, I do think the original charles I saw then is with us no more and what we see now is an actor playing a role.

I think we should keep in mind there are negative oriented demons and positive ones, wise beings, Daemons. You can't whitewash an entire race as one thing. Saying this, I have a hard time applying it to reptilians....but....we're individuals. Judge according to the individuals character and deeds, frequency and actions. There are negative oriented Humans, Demons and Nordics and there are positive oriented ones. This subject is vastly complicated and the more you learn the deeper the rabbit hole gets, maybe this is why I have been fascinated on this for pretty much my entire life, trying to dig down there and bring up nuggets of gold (truth).....always more to discover.

“In the end, we return to the question; just how much do you love truth? Do you really love truth or are you just curious? Do you love it enough to rebuild your understanding to conform to a reality that doesn't fit your current beliefs, and doesn't feel 120% happy? Do you love truth enough to continue seeking even when it hurts, when it reveals aspects of yourself (or human society or the universe) that are shocking, complex and disturbing, or humbling, glorious and amazing – or even, when truth is far beyond human mind itself? Just how much do we love truth? It's a good question to ask ourselves, I think.”

Scott Mandeleker

We're multi-dimensional beings. Like cells in a huge body. Existing within an energy field (First Principle) that envelopes and sustains, exists in non locality outside of time, in eternity and divine. Why do I say divine? Because just look at the perfection of design in all that is on this planet, in the natural, living world. There is so much beauty.

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First Principle is not 'good' or 'evil' in essence - it's power goes either way – after all, a knife can cut you, or it can cut bread to nourish. So we're talking intention. We have a thought triggering an emotion which triggers an action. The action is energy expressing itself. But so is the thought and the emotion. All three are in reality expressions of frequency. The thought (or non material) comes before the material.

Religious people identify First Principle as 'GOD'. I hesitate to do so because of the biblical connotations. It really depends on ones perceptions. In terms of aligning with truth, justice, freedom and prosperity for all, these values go across the board to many who don't hold to our spiritual or religious beliefs. They use different names or labels for the same thing. This doesn't necessarily make one greater than or lesser than another. It's all in perspective. It's not the label that's important anyways. It's about essence, vibration. Intention. What is in your heart.

Positive entities act from the heart. They are heart centered. They feel (empathic) and thus, cannot be lied to. They act from truth. Truth is beauty, goodness, love, the highest and most powerful frequencies.

There is a rightness in creation. From sea to sea, those on the planet and across the sea of stars, in the microcosm and the macrocosm. We feel this in our most innermost being. The universe is created by an intelligence and has a design that is perfection. Sometimes we connect to this knowingness via our soul. When we do we can feel for a second the rightness and beauty of this perfection. We feel the wholeness. Wholesomeness. Goodly. Godness. You feel it in your heart, which will feel full to overflowing with this sense of perfection and rightness. This chases out all the lower vibrations. All fear and hate is chased away. One feels a sense of belonging, of hope, of joy, of knowing you are loved, that you are a living being in a universe that is alive, that it's all connected. You are not a scourge upon this earth, you are the solution. If you believe you are the problem, you are believing in an enemy inversion.

Through your DNA, your thoughts, your perception, you have a birthright connection to wholeness, divinity, that which exists in the non local, the non physical, eternity. You are an eternal being. A fractal of this wholeness, and just like the divine from which you arose, you also possess the power to create, the power of a God.

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The bible talks about how the only way to make contact with 'god' is via a son of 'god' (singular). But in reality, we are SUNS (plural) and the true connection is found within. Meaning we contain all the energy, all the power we need. We possess the potential for a direct link to the greatest of powers that powers all the suns of the universe. As such you are a walking sun, a fractal of the power and pure light carrying this world into a new reality. As such you are a powerful being. When you use your inherent quality of what it is that makes us human intentionally and purposefully, when you operate from the heart, the enemy of humanity can't keep you asleep and thus under their mind control. You came here in alignment with a purpose, a grand mission. You're not a random accident. You're here for a reason.

Your presence brings light to the darkness the slavers want to impose. Now is the time to remember who you are, why you're here. What you're accomplishing in this lifetime will be a badge of honor to your Soul for all eternity. I know it sounds insane but a lot of beings wanted to be here on this planet at this time. They didn't get to. But YOU did. Why? Because – I feel – one of the reasons we're here at this time is to do our bit to help free a planet and this required the best of the best.

We're here to be free at last, love and be loved, expand and grow, advance our selves and souls and thus......make the universe a better place....for all. This is the essence of you. When all the hatred burns itself out...remember who you are and begin to act from that pure self.

And at last find yourself at home both within and without. This is my wish for all of us.

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For many people this time of year is extremely lonely and hard. I hope this message brings some comfort and joy. Blessings to all at this Time of Changes. And Happy New Year.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Soul, Frequency and Purpose of Being

Post by Owen »

This was a very informative article Zola! Thanks for sharing it!
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Re: Soul, Frequency and Purpose of Being

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I'm glad you enjoyed it owen :) Happy New Year! Hope you have a terrific 2024!
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: Soul, Frequency and Purpose of Being

Post by Owen »

You too Zola! :)
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