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The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:56 pm
by Don Danko333
The Reverse Torah Rituals do work, I finally contacted a higher realm being I work with and just asked. I was told Hebrew when reversed does create a counter field of energy and reverse torah rituals do reverse the Hebrew spells in the Torah. I was told when I asked this higher realm being that the Reverse Torah Rituals can bring down the Jewish race. When I asked about the negative effects I experienced along with others I was told doing them more then nine to 12 minutes a day drains the persons energy as its sending out energy. I was told I was doing them an hour daily for years. That is why I had negative effects. I was told they should only be done 9 to 12 minutes a day.

So they do work and this confirms what I studied in the Talmudic, Kabbalah occult doctrine of the Jews for years they mention reversing the Hebrew does cancel it out. However they mention a lot of things some real and some not real. But this is real I was also told the Final RTR works as well. Thank goodness something from the JoS works and its this we need more then ever on this planet.

So that short's out the problems in the JoS the energy practices on the JoS caused people the problems they were having. The Chandra Lung practice is the one practice to do daily. The RTR's do work. Demons are lower astral vampires that create negativity and only want people to work in their current to bring them in energy. Pagan Gods/Goddesses are not demons and Gods and Goddesses should be petitioned as Gods and Goddesses only to get their help. If you contact demons you will get demons. Maxine never had the Magnum Opus and she felt it better to create a Father Satan mythology around herself to promote her ideology to people in general. This brought in a lot of misinformation that with the Maxine pope cult around it made it impossible to correct properly.

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:53 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“When I asked about the negative effects I experienced along with others I was told doing them more then nine to 12 minutes a day drains the persons energy as its sending out energy. I was told I was doing them an hour daily for years. That is why I had negative effects. I was told they should only be done 9 to 12 minutes a day.”

I was doing them - forget how long exactly - a couple years at least with a group of us. I was doing at least 30 minutes to an hour a day back then. One of the last times (doing it with another person) I got violently ill (projectile vomiting) after. When my host (I was visiting a friend for yule) got home from work that evening he tried to help me without effect. My guide then showed up. He pulled out a handful of attachments (black things). After which I was immediately better as if I'd never been ill. It was really astonishing how that was. So nauseous it hurt even to move, then suddenly feeling fine. And my other guide suggested I stop doing the rtrs. He said it wasn't necessary. I took this to mean it wasn't necessary as the working was done. Like doing a spell. You don't do it over and over indefinitely, you do it till it feels done and thats it.

My friend back then was absolutely fanatical about doing them. He totally overdid it (sometimes 3 hours a day) and you could always tell when he'd been doing this so hard because he'd get absolutely manic and imbalanced after and would have to lay off or go off the deep end...

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 8:03 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
Funny you say this now as I have had the thought occur to me a few times over the last few months how funny it is - the rituals seem to have been working – when one considers the public awakening and current sentiment regarding Gaza, what Israel is doing, who and what that leadership is.

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:28 pm
by Meteor
I can relate to your findings. I did them twice daily for a few years, along with cleansing mediations before and after, and protection after. That totalled at 20 minutes per session, or 40 minutes per day. If 25% of that was the RTR itself, then I did it for about 10 minutes a day. It made me feel energized and gave me clarity of mind.

I became interested in meditation and Satanism for self-improvement reasons, so I always kept track of how different exercises affected me, occasionally experimenting as needed for the sake of optimization. I've never been a very political person, and don't perceive cause and effect on a non-local scale, so personal effects were the only factor I took into consideration for shaping my routine.

My observations when deviating from my routine were:
  • If I skipped a day, I had reduced clarity of mind and reduced productivity.
  • If I doubled the amount of repetitions, even if that only took 10 about minutes extra per day, I experienced tiredness and mild brain fog, completely negating the benefits.
Thus it was evident that the amount I was doing was ideal at the time.

A year and a half ago, I noticed the effects of feeling more energized and having clarity of mind had become permanent. I was also able to cut down the duration of the accompanying meditations down from 15 minutes per session to 10 minutes, so 20 minutes per day in total. (Obviously that time doesn't include other non-routine things I do such as astral projection, divination, communing with spirits, or dream work). Sticking to that has given me the full benefits I've previously enjoyed, effectively saving 20 minutes per day to spend on other things with no loss. My husband tried it too, and noted the same observations as me.

Perhaps it's due to internalization or something similar, or maybe there truly is a global effect to it; regardless, doing it at a modest daily amount for a few years has personally served me well. If positive global effects are also achieved, then that's good, but as I mentioned earlier, I can't perceive cause and effect on that scale. I also no longer have a sense of comraderie about it, as the people I worked with at the time turned out to have rather disappointing personality flaws, and felt the same way about me; an unfortunate matter of incompatibility on a more personal level, but it's alright since I have better friends now.

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:47 pm
by Don Danko333
The RTR's are the one thing from the JoS that needs to be transported into larger occult, spiritual communities.

I was doing them up to four hours a day during the Holy Week of the Jews. And an hour daily for years. That combined with the bad energy practices on the JoS site which are in the New Age, Yoga world as well. And working 24/7 for Maxine on never ending projects just was burning me out that with the drain of over doing the RTR's.

If your draining your energy all the time you can get sick. Especially in the winter.

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:45 pm
by Don Danko333
The astrology for Israel the sidereal the working astrology, showed that Israel would be thrown into a brutal war around the time the current war started between Hamas and Israel. The occult doctrine of the Jews state their energy field of the Torah protects them from the negative influences of the planets and stars. However the war proves they are losing power in the jewtrix of the Torah. This war started with their own negative astrology working against them. The RTR's have been having an effect.

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:30 am
by Seeker
Don Danko333 wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:56 pm The Reverse Torah Rituals do work, I finally contacted a higher realm being I work with and just asked. I was told Hebrew when reversed does create a counter field of energy and reverse torah rituals do reverse the Hebrew spells in the Torah. I was told when I asked this higher realm being that the Reverse Torah Rituals can bring down the Jewish race. When I asked about the negative effects I experienced along with others I was told doing them more then nine to 12 minutes a day drains the persons energy as its sending out energy. I was told I was doing them an hour daily for years. That is why I had negative effects. I was told they should only be done 9 to 12 minutes a day.

So they do work and this confirms what I studied in the Talmudic, Kabbalah occult doctrine of the Jews for years they mention reversing the Hebrew does cancel it out. However they mention a lot of things some real and some not real. But this is real I was also told the Final RTR works as well. Thank goodness something from the JoS works and its this we need more then ever on this planet.

So that short's out the problems in the JoS the energy practices on the JoS caused people the problems they were having. The Chandra Lung practice is the one practice to do daily. The RTR's do work. Demons are lower astral vampires that create negativity and only want people to work in their current to bring them in energy. Pagan Gods/Goddesses are not demons and Gods and Goddesses should be petitioned as Gods and Goddesses only to get their help. If you contact demons you will get demons. Maxine never had the Magnum Opus and she felt it better to create a Father Satan mythology around herself to promote her ideology to people in general. This brought in a lot of misinformation that with the Maxine pope cult around it made it impossible to correct properly.
Hey Don

Are you sure writing this was a good idea? Promoting the RTRs as effective gives justification for the jos's "authority". If the jos is strongly encouraging effective spiritual warfare, it doesn't make sense that they'd be an fbi honeypot. Also, the occult community that already alienates the jos wouldn't easily be convinced to adopt the RTR ritual, and would instead credit other factors to the problems that israel is experiencing currently. Generally speaking, your endorsement of the RTR probably wasn't thought out and should be redirected to an alternative version of the RTRs. Just my two cents :think:

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:17 am
by GoldenDragon
Wow :( that is quite interesting for you to post! I don't know what to say.

The RTRs are not good. They only feed totally parasitic energies such as the chaos and also the Ain Soph, or the total antithesis. Why would someone do the RTRs.

And no, before anyone else says that another version of them would work, honestly, IT WON'T work. Why would someone invoke totally antithesic beings in their lives honestly.

Don, you were at first an example, but now you have proven to me that you have played just a mask honestly.

Funny enough, it kinda makes me remember of Saxon who in the past tried to promote another version of the RTRs, now you come with the same idea.

I won't ever do the RTRs and honestly, I am really sorry for your Astral body, because on one side you feed ( or even screw it more, who knows ...) with Chandra lung practice, and on the other side, you attack it with Ain Sopf energies from the RTRs.

And also, "funny" enough of how I was advised, in the Astral, by the Gods not to do the Chandra Lung practice when you promoted it, and then this message. Talking about "coincidences" and "timing".

You can do whatever your astral body decides, but honestly, don't give other people energetically suicidal advice.


Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:25 am
by Owen
Tbh that is WHY its always a good idea to question some people. I know some people try and corrupt me with some energies. Especially these curse casters 'praying' on my down fall. They are thinking they are winning but are bringing more pain to nature! I've always felt a strong connection to nature since forever some people want to be funny and fill my head and mind with shit. No I'm an observer and not corrupt thats why some people keep wondering why is Owen this way and that. I know it sounds crazy!

I am unsure on RtRs rituals still to this day. Something I've never done!

Re: The Reverse Torah Rituals Do Work Shorting Out JoS Information

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:35 am
by Don Danko333
This is the problem with the mentality which you display its not about if the method works or not its an attempt to maneuver everything into some campy conclusion. You're acting like some one running a political campaign. The RTR's work and that is what matters the Hebrew texts state this is how they undo their own magical spells and I have my own confirmation this is true. Maxine got something right, that is good because this is what she got right that is important she also had other people in the JoS with theological Christian training in Hebrew checking her RTR's as well some times.
Seeker wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:30 am

Hey Don

Are you sure writing this was a good idea? Promoting the RTRs as effective gives justification for the jos's "authority". If the jos is strongly encouraging effective spiritual warfare, it doesn't make sense that they'd be an fbi honeypot. Also, the occult community that already alienates the jos wouldn't easily be convinced to adopt the RTR ritual, and would instead credit other factors to the problems that israel is experiencing currently. Generally speaking, your endorsement of the RTR probably wasn't thought out and should be redirected to an alternative version of the RTRs. Just my two cents :think: