I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by GoldenDragon »

Well, I am glad to see that you got some points related to Cobra. I think he lies a lot.

Also, related to the other things you have said, I think the JoS has its own organizatoric activities, which I am currently not interested in.

Maybe they didn't want to associate further with any other Nazi beliefs due to the fact that some people are scared of Nazism. I don't know why their approach is more open or anything.

It's shadowy.

As for the other things I have put in my post, well, yeah, I am like a little Wikipedia 😉.

What is certain is that Maxine would have said that the Demons were African or South American if she hadn't been allied with the Nazi party, which confirms she had a chameleonic attitude when talking about the Demons. I don't necessarily believe that the JoS clergy had legit ability to contact the Demons, honestly. Like, I can say that I have contacted the Demon Barzabel (the Demon of Mars) when I haven't really contacted Him.

However, the ones who are more legitimate in terms of Demon contacting are the JoS members. Some of them really have a hit at it when it comes to contacting Demons.

Also, thanks for the transparency :) It is really appreciated.
Seeker wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:30 pm Just to be entirely transparent here, I won't be responding to everything you wrote but will be to key points I think are actually worth discussing.
GoldenDragon wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:32 am
Don got this information after quitting the JoS because the JoS doesn't provide, in fact, communication with real Demons since everything is, at least currently a lot of BS made by Cobra to gain money.
From what I've seen myself, I suspect that the level of communication Cobra has with the demons is greatly exaggerated. Being an internet guru doesn't necessarily equate divine guidance or wisdom, there are many religions and cults that push different views on people with a wider audience and they themselves aren't legitimate, so they cannot solely claim authority by the same standard.
And even then, the Entities that were said to appear as Nordic, or "Nordic Demons" is not true. They appeared entirely different to everyone.
When Maxine was still alive, she heavily enforced Nazi propaganda because she had direct ties to a Nazi party in the USA. She either saw the Demons as Nordics due to her biases about Nordics being a superior race and descendants of the Demons, or she pretended to in order to fit her narratives.

The Demons, if we assume that the Jos is actually right about their influence in most ancient cultures, have been known to appear in diverse forms and even the Jos admit this. Cobra's current profile picture is of Thoth, appearing with a crane's head. If Cobra and the JoS only believed that the Demons appears as Nordics, they wouldn't represent the Demons in another way themselves.
Another problem is that the JoS teaches that the Demons will give exact answers and in an immediate way. No that is literally BS since I remembered I had to wait 3 days at least to get an answer from Azazel
This just isn't true. Their clergy claims to have a profound ability to contact the Demons themselves, but admit doing so is typically difficult for most people and that Demons might decide to communicate nonverbally and any other means to effectively communicate with people.
They are having their shady nature and is also hard to guess their intentions. Some need offerings and you can really have a hard time communicating with them.
The same can be said about any human.
Yeah even though Don said there is no Satan, well I believe there is Satan 😅.
A serious question you need to ask yourself however, is why you think the Jos would base their information on something partially true if they would have had more success further aligning with what Nazism was often recognized as being? If they stuck to a xian narrative instead of pushing a bastardized pagan perspective, they would have marketed themselves easier to people that they could actually convince, being people who were already Nazi sympathizers. I'm not convinced that there are more Satanists than Neo Nazis, but this might be true or they assumed it was true, I suppose?
What I can also say is that the Saturnian current, if Maxine really practiced it as it is told there, well, I can certainly say that it is dangerous since Saturn represents the planet of maturization both physical and also mental. One can age-up really quickly and adversely if the Saturn current is practiced. It isn't for those who are inexperienced.
This is probably the least problematic influence that working with the Saturn current can have. Age isn't necessarily associated with illness, even in terms of people who aren't striving for immortality.
Saturn is the planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan”. The Edomites themselves were descendants of the tribe of Esau, who mated with Canaanites, worshippers of Moloch. Moloch is a “Minotaur” demon, half-man, half bull, to which the Canaanites made sacrifices to.
Ya, it's also the entity corrupt politicians like Hillary Clinton were exposed for worshipping when her emails were released. It's also one of the entities that children were sacrificed to on Epstein's island, after they were raped and molested by celebrities and politicians in order to blackmail them and maintain structural cohesion of their upper echelons.

Everything else you said was irrelevant. If I wanted to read a c/p off Wikipedia, I'd rather just go there myself.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Don Danko333 »

The problem the JoS is having with Demons is the worship of Demons as Gods does not work. The Demons will come in once in awhile and help you lightly but not much to anything. That is why over the years many JoS people simply stop believing in Demons [what they call the Gods] and left. Demons only work continually and closely with people who pact to them for long periods. They are contract based spirits, they are Saturnian.

Deities are different and help devotees those who worship and give them offerings. Demons don't. The JoS Demon Power Rituals of Nick are just giving energy to Demons for free. Your giving your money away for free as energy in laymen terms. If you want to give a Demon energy you first contract to them and then give them the energy agreed upon in the pact when they keep their end first. Then you get the help and assistance in return you require.

From what I was told from the deity realm is the Hellenic Pantheons are the most powerful and evolved of the Deity pantheons and its better for Westerns to work with the Hellenic Pantheons they will go far. That is not the Demonic current which is the Saturnian current. If a person does not understand this they will not get the return they want. I have worked with the Deity current for several years and its superior. The Deities hold the keys of knowledge to the advanced realms of spiritual information and sorcery.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Klipoth tree is a path working which opens the gates to destructive energies which go through the person and there life. The magician texts from the past warn a person should only do this when young if they work the Klipoth not later in life when they are established they will lose everything they built in life. The Klipoth magicians mention they lost their high paying jobs, relationships, and their life falls apart. Some end up living in their car and suffering from mental and physical health problems. There is no point in this pathworking.

Its becoming a cultural trend in the LHP to do this destructive nonsense but their lives became negative for doing this. Christianity has taught people they have to suffer to be pure this sadism drives people on to this nonsenses in many cases its cultural programming.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Don Danko333 »

People in the Jos and elsewhere would be better to study online video's and get books from people who work with the Hellenic pantheon on the Hellenic pantheon and the rituals to petition the Deities and work with them to obtain the path workings with the deities or deity.

The advanced Kundalini pranayama I posted Chandra Lung, is the advanced method of the "breath of fire' in India. That technique will advanced a person and bypass all the problems with the other methods. The Third eye mantra I posted is also powerful as well to help open the psychic abilities. This came from a deity in the Hellenic pantheon. Take it or leave but its powerful.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Don Danko333 »

I was in the JoS starting in 2005 and in the clergy from late 2008 to when I left in July of 20. I note the failure of Nick to do anything of importance running the JoS. The JoS has retrograded to the pre 2009 days of functionality and active numbers of members. Its going under not succeeding.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Seeker »

Don Danko333 wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:13 pm I was in the JoS starting in 2005 and in the clergy from late 2008 to when I left in July of 20. I note the failure of Nick to do anything of importance running the JoS. The JoS has retrograded to the pre 2009 days of functionality and active numbers of members. Its going under not succeeding.
Its interesting that he had the authority to remove you from the Jos Clergy when you were his senior and he wasn't officially appointed as a true leader. It's interesting also when he claims the Clergy are appointed and recognized by the Demons, so again on what authority does he really have to remove you? The whole thing seems like bullshit to me, especially when he claims the Demons would have the wisdom required to know you were a "jew" or not be suitable for the role. If you weren't suitable for the role, why were you part of their clergy for 16 years? In a way, you could say you did more damage to their credibility by the way they threw you out, as if your position never met anything in the first place.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Don Danko333 »

The problem Nick has with his claims about myself is all my posts and articles are still on the main forum and websites of the JoS. That would make Nick by his own accusations equally a Jew for helping another Jew out to keep the Jewish agenda going on the JoS all the years after he called myself Jewish and made such moronic accusations against me.

Nick is not a smart person.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

As far as I know, all my audio work as well is still on his platform. If I was a nasty 'kike', why would it still be there? Same thing Don. I get you.
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Re: I Contacted The Demonic Realm And This Is What I Was Told On Maxine, Final RTR And How Salem Won The Lotto

Post by Don Danko333 »

Nick's motto is everyone but Nick is Jewish.
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