Most Satanism is Jehova worship
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:45 am
The archetype of the god Satan goes beyond Judaism. Back to Egypt the god Satan or Sethen, the god of gnostic awareness and spiritual power. Set-Hen means 'Pure-Awareness' soul awareness. The symbol of the fire serpent of Egypt of Sethen was called Shatan in the hieroglyphs. Sethen the god of akashic fire the Sha of Egyptian mysticism which is contained in the serpent spirits name Shatan the Tan meaning Serpent of the Sha [akashic fire] represents the three phases of akashic fire [Sha] consciousness. Generation, destruction and transformation the Satan takes one beyond the ego by dissolution of the thoughtform of the ego persona. Leaving only transcendental awareness the impure ego nature is connected to the material awareness of the mundane archetype trapped within matter and ignorance. This egotistic delusion is the god of the Jews, Jehova the ignorant ego bound in matter and separate from cosmic nature and awareness. The consort of Satan of Egypt is Setet who later becomes Eve who took the apple from the gnostic serpent Sethen the psychic awakening and transformation of Eve with akashic fire the Sha, the apple the pentagram its geometry. The Jewish god Yahweh reacts violently against such action the ego threatened its not god. The ignorant ego fighting to stay alive and not be dissolved by the Sat-truth of enlightenment. When the thoughtform of the ego, Jehova is dissolved and destroyed and overthrown the kingdom of matter and illusion of Maya overcome. Jehova is the deceiver the deception and violence of the ego and material illusion, maya. Shatan is the destroyer of Jehova and the deception of the ego, material bondage and time. Sethen meaning holds several levels another is to server the ego. Hence the gnostic symbol of Sethen with the head of the Sha the totem animal of Sethen the symbol of ego dissolution this is the symbolic beheading of the ego which the final phase of transformation of the soul archetype into the star being, Pure-Awareness. This is also the mystery of Pan the goat of Mendes of Egyptian mysticism. Sha is spiritual fire which brings Pure-Awareness, Pure-Soul. The Egyptian mystic's venerated the Sha power and Sethen. Sethen is the first and highest god and mystic principal of Egypt from before time. Sha is the cosmic power. The first, eternal and highest principal of pure awareness. Sethen also means seven the seven veils that must be purified and overcome by the Sha power to reach Sethen. The true god Satan has revealed much of this to myself directly by mystic knowledge and direct revelation.
The Jews when in Egypt stole the mystic teachings of pure awareness [Sat-Hen] and transformed them into the worship of the ego in the philosophical symbol of Jehova their ego as god. The Jewish mystical writings are clear on the fact they worship themselves as god in the individual and collective in the symbol of Jehova. The binding of Sethen [Pure-Awareness] is the binding of the serpent Shatan within the lower three chakras which govern the ego of the material, lower mind, that which is impure and false Jehova. The Egyptian mystic teachings of Sethen warned this would lead to the second death the spiritual death and the endless cycle of rebirth into illusion and suffering.
Anyone who tells you to worship yourself as god is telling you to look into the mirror and declare yourself to be Jehova and trap yourself into the matrix of maya. This Jehovaism is promoted by the boutique Satanism of confused individuals. They follow Jehova and declare themselves as god as Jehova does. They worship themselves as god over all gods, forces and beings even the universe as Jehova declares himself. Their father is Jehova the narcissistic ego. This creates a thoughtform construction in the energy body that creates blockages and psychic confusion in the soul which become dangerous and prevent the Sha fire of Shatan from being able to transform and act upon them. They know not Satan the destroyer of what they worship. Shatan is their enemy as Shatan is the enemy of Jehova. The ego the deceiver has never ending excuses to stay alive. They have become the dark ego of Jehova the Samael the rage by which Jehova destroys all who oppose him.
The Jews when in Egypt stole the mystic teachings of pure awareness [Sat-Hen] and transformed them into the worship of the ego in the philosophical symbol of Jehova their ego as god. The Jewish mystical writings are clear on the fact they worship themselves as god in the individual and collective in the symbol of Jehova. The binding of Sethen [Pure-Awareness] is the binding of the serpent Shatan within the lower three chakras which govern the ego of the material, lower mind, that which is impure and false Jehova. The Egyptian mystic teachings of Sethen warned this would lead to the second death the spiritual death and the endless cycle of rebirth into illusion and suffering.
Anyone who tells you to worship yourself as god is telling you to look into the mirror and declare yourself to be Jehova and trap yourself into the matrix of maya. This Jehovaism is promoted by the boutique Satanism of confused individuals. They follow Jehova and declare themselves as god as Jehova does. They worship themselves as god over all gods, forces and beings even the universe as Jehova declares himself. Their father is Jehova the narcissistic ego. This creates a thoughtform construction in the energy body that creates blockages and psychic confusion in the soul which become dangerous and prevent the Sha fire of Shatan from being able to transform and act upon them. They know not Satan the destroyer of what they worship. Shatan is their enemy as Shatan is the enemy of Jehova. The ego the deceiver has never ending excuses to stay alive. They have become the dark ego of Jehova the Samael the rage by which Jehova destroys all who oppose him.