Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Don Danko
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Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

The LHP teacher and sorcerer A. Raven Star, states on her Youtube that the Goetia Demon Amon is actually the Egyptian god Amon also known as RA as well. She states she knows this from working with and summoning him directly. She recommends using the Goetic sigil to accomplish this.

I simply took images from a book on Egyptian mysticism and religion of RA and used the pagan system within the book to do a ritual to RA. The ritual was successful and I agree with her that RA is an aspect of Lucifer. I have worked with Lucifer for awhile. Why not just use the sigil of the eye of RA instead of the Goetia sigil.

This is the lesson the Goetia is not trustworthy and the roll of the dice. Its better to just use the pagan systems, sigils and methods of contacting these pagan gods. The Goetia is not needed to get into contact with pagan gods. Who was using it in the ancient world?

Interesting Ra means "evil" in Hebrew. Obviously this is not the case but to the Jews.
Don Danko
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

Something I noticed since the ritual is I have become more anti-Semitic in my thoughts and feelings. I don't know if this is from the ritual. However I noticed when the Semitic Assyrians who had the same pantheon all Semites had including the ancient Hebrews who came from ancient Sumer of which the Assyrians where the northern Sumerians. Invaded Egypt and started trying to wipe the populations out and lay the place to waste. The Assyrian Emperor all of a sudden become insane and crazy sick he became totality cursed. His court magicians couldn't save him either and he raged of this fact. Shortly after the Assyrian Imperial regime went mad and in a few short generations Assyria ceased to exist they where totality annihilated. A slave girl was reported to have gone into a frenzy in Harran and given the prophecy of this to come from the Gods.

RA was the original head god of the Aryan civilization of Egypt which was Aryan especially in the pre Dynastic days from archeological and genetic evidence. Even King Tut's, DNA was found to be mainly of western European origin and one in five of all western European men are relatives of him. The Jews have only been monotheistic for around 2500 years but this is just the worship of one main ancient Semitic god. Up till then they worshipped a pantheon of Semitic gods and still continued to worship them even after monotheism. Many of those entities are in the Goetia, Azazel, Astaroth, Bael and such. Azazel-Samael is another title of Yahweh going back to Sumeria as Samael. Where the Semitic Hebrews came from. This Lilith is the consort of Samael in Sumeria and among the Hebrews became Astarte. The consort of Yahweh.

It could be this is some kind of higher realm conflict between the actual Aryan Gods and their peoples verses the Hebrew Semitic race and their gods. This is how the ancient peoples who where connected to their gods thought their gods warred against other Gods and when they went into battle so did their gods. Maybe they knew something.

I noticed this Akhenaton attempted to destroy the religion of Amun [RA] and replace it with a strange cult which many including Jewish scholars believed might have become the origins of Judaism. This Akhenaton's dynasty is from reports where Egypt started to experience racial mixing into the population with Semitic and other foreign races. The Aryan Egyptians stated they came from Atlantis and thus the god of Atlantis would have been RA.

The Jews state in their bible they are the physical incarnation of their Semitic god Samael-YHVH in human form. The physical vessel in which it acts thought. RA means evil in Hebrew the ancient Semitic language. And the Bible is full of insane and Semitic hatred for the Aryan Egyptians. Who themselves where called the Arie not Egyptians.
Don Danko
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

The Egyptian mystic schools stated the same the soul is not born and it does not die. However this is because the soul is the causal principal-body. The concept of what becomes god in the universal sense is the causal principal only. The truth is the soul is god as god is the causal principal. The individual has god within as their own soul. This is the process of self deification of the ancients. How to actualize this principal with the practices the Egyptians stated creates the body of RA. The star body when the principal of this body is fully manifested into reality. This is why the name of the Kundalini serpent in Egypt is named of RA the Arat. This is how the Egyptians stated it was done. The Uraeus the symbol of RA and the symbol of this process brought to completion. The ancient Greek and Druid cultures where from the same source as the Atlantean Aryans of Egypt.

The goal is to stop reincarnating as the sages of even India have stated one has to stop dying to stop reincarnating its about making the physical body the Khat merged into the KA and one force into the ascended star body of RA. This survives in the early gnostic writings that came out of Alexandria in garbled form but still of Egyptian early influence. The solar body of alchemy is the body of RA.

Lorsi wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:34 pm I've already worked on the philosopher's stone, the truth is that the spirit is already immortal.
Don Danko
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

Jewish Hollywood always attacks ancient Egypt including making movies like Stargate that show RA as some evil alien that enslaves humanity in ancient Egypt. This is right out of the lying Jewish race soul. The entities the Jews are manifested of still are at war with RA and the peoples of RA like the aRAyan's. For years all the Stargate series on the Talmud Vision did was attack ancient Egypt. While the same show always kissed ass to Jesus king of the Hebrew race and god of the Jew world order.

Then you have the Hebrew approved grifters like David Wilcock [his agent is as fucking Jewish as a bagel] running around promoting lies about everything and confusing this all further including mixing the Jewish program of Christianity into everything. Wilcock in on tape admitting he is a fucking grifter with the Corey Goode nonsense. He didn't start or end there obviously.
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by AnonPoster »

All this information is of no use because the jews are waking the earth as we speak, gaining more power and wealth as we speak, while we served them most of our life in a way or another it while christians with prayers, etc, or later on, with RTRs and etc. We lived with the illusion that we are ACTIVELY doing something, what a master plan, sit on your couch and chant to no end goyim, this will save the world LoooooL, Jews are magistral beings you must admit their genius

if you are in touch with any higher being that higher being calls him Satan, Satan-Lucifer, or Lucifer, what's the point? -IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO YOU, US OR THE WORLD. eVERYTHING IS JUST BULLSHIT. You can lie to yourself to no end, but this is the reality. If you are speaking with somebody indeed, benevolent whatever, prove it by providing INFO OF GENERAL INTEREST AIMED AT IMPROVING OUR PEOPLE AND CAUSE. I am not saying you need to become Tesla, however, NONE OF YOU EVER PROVIDED ANY INFO TO PROVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CONTROVERSIAL BULLSHIT
YOU ARE EITHER A DANGEROUS GUY WITH A MISSION OR you are simply delusional and a waste of time.

tHE BEST CASE SCENARIO, you, as others are just indulging in a hobby while others are sacrificing and going on a MISSION. I hate you just as much as I HATE Hooded Cobra AND Maxine. You think you are better, you are not better than any of them!

I look at you and people like White Mage (another bullshiter from which I was expecting more), and I see why the world is in the condition it is nowadays. USELESS BEINGS, I H A T E Y O U.

nobody should trust NONE OF YOU
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Snakeway »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:53 pm All this information is of no use because the jews are waking the earth as we speak, gaining more power and wealth as we speak, while we served them most of our life in a way or another it while christians with prayers, etc, or later on, with RTRs and etc. We lived with the illusion that we are ACTIVELY doing something, what a master plan, sit on your couch and chant to no end goyim, this will save the world LoooooL, Jews are magistral beings you must admit their genius

if you are in touch with any higher being that higher being calls him Satan, Satan-Lucifer, or Lucifer, what's the point? -IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO YOU, US OR THE WORLD. eVERYTHING IS JUST BULLSHIT. You can lie to yourself to no end, but this is the reality. If you are speaking with somebody indeed, benevolent whatever, prove it by providing INFO OF GENERAL INTEREST AIMED AT IMPROVING OUR PEOPLE AND CAUSE. I am not saying you need to become Tesla, however, NONE OF YOU EVER PROVIDED ANY INFO TO PROVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CONTROVERSIAL BULLSHIT
YOU ARE EITHER A DANGEROUS GUY WITH A MISSION OR you are simply delusional and a waste of time.

tHE BEST CASE SCENARIO, you, as others are just indulging in a hobby while others are sacrificing and going on a MISSION. I hate you just as much as I HATE Hooded Cobra AND Maxine. You think you are better, you are not better than any of them!

I look at you and people like White Mage (another bullshiter from which I was expecting more), and I see why the world is in the condition it is nowadays. USELESS BEINGS, I H A T E Y O U.

nobody should trust NONE OF YOU
Good points.
Don Danko
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

I already debunked the RTR which is why I was officially kicked out of the JoS after leaving on my own anyway.

Since your not paying attention to this threads original post. The whole point of this thread is to show people they, themselves can go and contact these pagan gods on their own. And they can do this without the Goetia system to accomplish such. Its you doing not someone else for you.

However your mad because you want some else to do all the work for you and when its not to your satisfaction you shit your pants and start reeeeeing. You have a mental problem called being way too entitled and lazy. You must be from the JoS.
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:53 pm All this information is of no use because the jews are waking the earth as we speak, gaining more power and wealth as we speak, while we served them most of our life in a way or another it while christians with prayers, etc, or later on, with RTRs and etc. We lived with the illusion that we are ACTIVELY doing something, what a master plan, sit on your couch and chant to no end goyim, this will save the world LoooooL, Jews are magistral beings you must admit their genius

if you are in touch with any higher being that higher being calls him Satan, Satan-Lucifer, or Lucifer, what's the point? -IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO YOU, US OR THE WORLD. eVERYTHING IS JUST BULLSHIT. You can lie to yourself to no end, but this is the reality. If you are speaking with somebody indeed, benevolent whatever, prove it by providing INFO OF GENERAL INTEREST AIMED AT IMPROVING OUR PEOPLE AND CAUSE. I am not saying you need to become Tesla, however, NONE OF YOU EVER PROVIDED ANY INFO TO PROVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CONTROVERSIAL BULLSHIT
YOU ARE EITHER A DANGEROUS GUY WITH A MISSION OR you are simply delusional and a waste of time.

tHE BEST CASE SCENARIO, you, as others are just indulging in a hobby while others are sacrificing and going on a MISSION. I hate you just as much as I HATE Hooded Cobra AND Maxine. You think you are better, you are not better than any of them!

I look at you and people like White Mage (another bullshiter from which I was expecting more), and I see why the world is in the condition it is nowadays. USELESS BEINGS, I H A T E Y O U.

nobody should trust NONE OF YOU
Don Danko
Posts: 501
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

This is the siren song of every religious ideology and political movement that wants to put chains on people. Think about that.
Lorsi wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:18 pm The message is focused on Don Danko. If you don't want to believe, ignore it and continue your walk. Everything I said doesn't make sense to those who hate, because hate blinds. It's a law in this universe, with hate, you're not going anywhere.
Don Danko
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

I do notice since I posted this thread the JoS types do seem to be raging. This is because they have those Jewish demons on them I mentioned. The Shlomotanic demons, Azazel-Samael [Satan] and others that are the ancient pagan gods of the Hebrew race and are still worshipped by them with other names. Especially in mystical Judaism.

The JoS is built on false dichotomy that worshipping Shlomotanic entities by their older Semitic names is somehow taking on the Jews. YHVH-Samael [Satan] is the full name of the Jewish god. No Shlomo, thanks.

This Shlomo entity is the one that gave Maxine a Kabbalah ritual the Jews do themselves and told her this is the only RTR to do from now on, ONLY NO OTHER. She stressed this to us all the time. Sooner or later the Shlomo demons drop the mask.
Don Danko
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Re: Summoning The Demon Amon? A lesson

Post by Don Danko »

The Kabbalah numerology of the Torah shows the serpent in the garden of Edin is the Messiah of the Jewish race and world Judaism. It spells Messiah in Hebrew and this becomes Christos in Greek. Jesus Christ. This is very Shlomo and what Judeo-Christians always believed and preached in the first centuries of Jewish Christianity. The gospels stated Christ on the cross is referencing the serpent on the tree of Edin. In Judaism the brazen serpent of Moses the banner of Yahweh is referencing the serpent in Edin. Moses was the only Messiah of the Jewish race and thus the serpent of Edin is the banner of Yahweh which was worshipped by the Jews in the Temple. This is also the symbol of the Levite priesthood of the Jewish race the Leviathan and Leviathan is the Sumerian title of Enki as the serpent and Enki is also called Samael in Sumeria and shown as a serpent on the tree in images. And the full name of the Jewish godhead is YHVH-Samael... Shlomotan confirmed.
Lorsi wrote: Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:36 pm In the book I mentioned, Homer is mentioned. I know about prison traps thanks to this book, and we're still studying it. The 'serpent' of Eden who is a siren. This is also explained in the book. Some true message may be in a religion where it was not expected.
This planet is a prison, I'm talking about true freedom.
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