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Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:04 pm
by Eric13
So recently some posts were shared on the Jos where people told cobra they found me here and I’ve stupidly exposed myself or whatever. (Keep in mind I intentionally chose the same username, I’m not trying to go under the radar.)

He went on to do exactly what he did to Mageson and spread lies and make things up to make me out to be some insane man who’s been a traitor and infiltrator all along. I’m just here to post my defense.

Our last debacle that lead to me leaving started when I criticized the Astro website they made. I said I thought it could use some descriptions to help people make sense of their charts when they ran it through the birth chart generator. In response to me recommending descriptions of signs and other elements to help people understand themselves Cobra said this:
The project is supposed to advance and evolve, this is just the launch of it. At no point however will it contain your personal cock sucking butler, nor your personal "enslaved by me to work free of charge" astrologer, which appears to be the standardization of what you try to blend into being a "must" for having at any site or that site.

Here is the thread.

This was in response to me saying this:
Okay, I'm an astrology buff, and over the last 10+ years have spent a lot of time on many free websites and apps. I was excited to see the jos have their own astro website, but when I visited I was disappointed to see the lack of features and content. No real insight into the self is gained. No advice or guidance on how to use the energy of the soul to your benefit or how to overcome things. These are things any astro site would provide for free. No descriptions of aspects or anything. Just a birth and transit calculator.
Everyone else on the thread proceeded to say how dumb I was for wanting this and how I must not really understand astrology to think this is necessary and how none of them need it and they’re so advanced and wise they just know everything. Now after it’s revealed I’m here and have left the Jos , on this same thread cobra says he carefully reviewed my criticism and determined it was just the rantings of a jealous man who hates the creator of the site. I do not even know the creator of the site. And also if your read my original post, I did compliment aspects of the site as well. Saying the map was good and the SS Calendar was brilliant. I don’t think a jealous person would compliment the work of the person they’re jealous of do you?

Now, when cobra said it was determined my feedback was just jealous ranting and no such cock sucking descriptions would be added, this was on December 24. Just two days ago. On the EXACT same day, he said this on Lydias retiring thread:
We also decided to co-author some information that we are going to post so that people can be more able to do their own readings, aside the JoS Astrology section. That will help everyone and also give back to all of our own. No matter what, everyone will get what is owed on a personal level too.
So turns out they are going to use my idea. What happened to no cock sucking free Astro butler descriptions? Now you’re doing it? Now you’re going to add it? Again, here is the thread. Read it for yourself.

Funny how on my criticism thread Lydia said those prewritten descriptions are useless and now on her thread when cobra said that now she’s so excited to see what he writes. Everyone said I was stupid for wanting to read new info. But now that it’s coming people are excited. Again, the arrogance of those people. They think they know everything and have no humility to understand there’s always more to learn.

Now there’s this thing that keeps being said, by trolls on the forums and also now by cobra on those jos forums. Which is that I’m a schizo with a grey in my head. I started thinking, where did that come from? Then I remembered and checked my email. I’m not sure if it’s ethical to post private emails so for now I won’t, but in a personal email with cobra I said I was dealing with some enemy thoughtforms that I was having trouble with and asked advice. He said, I think it’s a advanced enemy gray. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do. He didn’t give any advice. He just literally said, I don’t know what to tell you. Then some months later some guy made a thread saying he was dealing with exactly what I was dealing with. Many people make threads dealing with the same thing. It’s common. Cause it’s all a lie that the demons are helping. Anyway, I told him of my experience and said Cobra told me it could be a gray. I personally never said it was a gray. I never thought it was. And still dont. I thought it was just thoughtforms. So cobra started that rumor and I have the emails saved. Now he’s saying I made it up. Of course.. then when I said, demons weren’t helping, he said I’m schizophrenic. Which he said of Ghost in The Machine, and others who made the same claims as me. That the gods don’t help. It’s always well you’re schizo.

Then the women harassment claims. That was out of the blue. When he said Mageson was a jew traitor all along, I didn’t believe it and started questioning him, he then said, I know all about you. I know what you do. You’ve been harassing women for years. I was like WTF?? What is he talking about. I’ve said before, here I’ve only messaged him and Lydia privately. No one else. Ever.

So I messaged Lydia in November 2020 and asked her about this. She said, she never told cobra that and she never considered our emails harassment. She then said she would email cobra to clear the air and she thought he was confusing me with someone else. I said okay, thanks. I have those emails saved as well. So straight from her mouth, I never harassed her. I’ve never harassed anyone. It was a blatant out of the blue lie to discredit me, when I was questioning Magesons removal.

To recap, he lied about me harassing women, he lied about me saying I was possessed by a gray, he falsely accused me of being a schizo because I became wise to the fact the demons don’t help, and then he straight up stole my idea to add descriptions to the Astro site to help people understand their chart and is taking credit for the idea himself. That one upsets me the most. He had the nerve to assault my intelligence and insult me as he did and say how useless my idea was and how it would never happen to now “it’s happening and it’s my brilliant idea”. The guys a fucking slimy fucking despicable person.

And now they gang up on me and say they knew something was wrong with me all along. Now their theory is I was working with Mageson all along lol and I’m long term infiltrator for all these years. I just found this site like a week ago. Never even knew it existed. Funny how all the people who were kissing dons ass in his most recent posts as HP of that place were the exact ones to instantly say “fuck him. I knew all along something was off with him bla bla bla.” They all know don’t they. Now they’re saying that about me. They all knew all along right? People calling me crazy are the same ones admitting they don’t or hardly meditate. That’s the reason they don’t realize it’s all fake. What a fucking joke? Anyone who has the gall to believe that must be working with some low IQ numbers.

Guys, there it is. He’s a liar. He assaults people, he abuses. How much more do you need? Straight up proof of his double talk, lying and stealing. He’s running that place now. No other hps. He buried the HPS Myla thread where she announced leaving. He’s the dictator. The cult leader. Get out now, if you have any care for yourself.

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:38 pm
by Velcro
Maybe I should not have an opinion but I will share my personal opinion.

First of all, thank you for sharing all of this. Exposing Cobra lies is the best thing. I am glad for you honestly. And I believe you

You should be aware that is dangerous to associate yourself with anybody Don included.
Don was very upset for not being the successor of Maxine and left approximately when she vanished as well. Worked with those people for many years. So they know better what is between them and what they have on eachother.

I totally disagree with you about the Demons subject. However, you shared your own experience. I told you, anybody spending there over a decade like you or Don, not having any real connection results from their interaction with the Demons is at least odd. But let's assume this varies and who knows.

The last thing I noticed here and in other posts, is your obsession for CREDIT of your ideas or something. I noticed this at a lot of members. Is at least childish.

Thank you once again for sharing your experience and for exposing those people.

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 9:21 pm
by Eric13
Velcro wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:38 pm Maybe I should not have an opinion but I will share my personal opinion.

First of all, thank you for sharing all of this. Exposing Cobra lies is the best thing. I am glad for you honestly. And I believe you

You should be aware that is dangerous to associate yourself with anybody Don included.
Don was very upset for not being the successor of Maxine and left approximately when she vanished as well. Worked with those people for many years. So they know better what is between them and what they have on eachother.

I totally disagree with you about the Demons subject. However, you shared your own experience. I told you, anybody spending there over a decade like you or Don, not having any real connection results from their interaction with the Demons is at least odd. But let's assume this varies and who knows.

The last thing I noticed here and in other posts, is your obsession for CREDIT of your ideas or something. I noticed this at a lot of members. Is at least childish.

Thank you once again for sharing your experience and for exposing those people.
It's not the credit for the idea that I'm upset about. I'm upset at the way I was treated over the whole ordeal. He said "We will NEVER have some cocksucking butler astro descriptions!" And then said I was just jealous. Then I faced an onslaught of attacks from almost every prominent member attacking me and saying how stupid I was for that idea and how any prewritten descriptions are useless. Now that very idea I had that's so useless is now being implemented. It's not the idea itself. It's the way I was treated and the way I was made to be some lunatic for having such an idea and the viscousness of the attacks from all people. All of that and for them to just go ahead with my suggestion anyway all while pretending to ignore where it came from, the so called 'infiltrator'. I'm not the first they've done this to. Won't be the last, but now I'm seeing from my own experience, how much they said about other people like Ghost In the Machine, who I always liked, and others like Shael, have been pure lies. Like GItM is crazy and in a loony bin.

As far as the subject of the demons, all my experience with Satanism went down the moment I started interacting with the demons. I always went through Satan and did formal rituals. I did have experiences with them. In the beginning it was always positive and exactly as Maxine described, but as time went on, their behavior had me raising my eyebrows. They'd give me false prophecies of things that never came true. They did help me with certain things when it came to my self esteem and related things, but I realized that was just to get my trust. They never helped me with anything real. Physical or spiritual. The only time I can remember a demon helping me with something spiritual was when I very first summoned my GD some years ago, one day I was sitting on the beach doing an rtr when he came to me and said, "You'e pronouncing the words wrong, let me show you." and then he showed me. I went back and listened to maxine's audio of them and turns out he was right. I was so happy at the time thinking I just had a real experience with a demon. I remember thinking, 'surly an enemy wouldn't teach me how to correctly do the rtrs.' Now I see why he was so eager to make sure I was pronouncing those hebrew words correct. The only thing he helped me with was how to properly speak hebrew lol.

Personally, I trust Don. Have no reason not to. His experience lines up with mine exactly. He's also the one who revealed the truth of the rtrs. That truth which helped me greatly and helped me break free from the chains of the jos. There were inconsistencies with stuff he said. At first saying Lucifer was good then saying probably not, but he also said he's just human and still trying to figure this mess out himself. IMO, we're all in that same boat. Now that we know the jos is a lie, we still don't entirely know what the truth is when it comes to which spirits to work with if any, It's all something we're playing by ear for now. Everyone has a different opinion. That's fine, that's why we're here to share our experiences and discuss it. And soon, once I'm done venting my well deserved frustration of the jos, I hope to have more spiritual focused convos on these forums in the future with folks to get closer to finding these answers.

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:48 am
by KorvusTheRaven
Congratulations on breaking free of the cult, brother.

My experiences at JoS turned me off from Satanism in general, sadly. Let's just say I've went down a parallel path. I'm still the Raven some people remember...

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:55 pm
by Thanksgiving
An interesting thing is Cobra is also known for trying to meet up/message female members via PM. This could be him projecting his own actions and beliefs onto you. Or threatened by you attempting to pick away a member of his "harem". :lol:

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 8:52 pm
by AnonPoster
Thanksgiving wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:55 pm An interesting thing is Cobra is also known for trying to meet up/message female members via PM. This could be him projecting his own actions and beliefs onto you. Or threatened by you attempting to pick away a member of his "harem". :lol:

does he have a harem? I wanna go to it

but you keep making

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:23 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar

I know EXACTLY what you are describing because I've experienced the same thing myself, basically.
Lies spread and things made up to make one look like they're nuts. Bullshit lies making one out to be a traitor and infiltrator all along. Yes, I know that drill!

So you say you're an astrology buff, spent a lot of time on free websites and apps, wanted to do something proactive to help the community, which BTW is commendable and positive and should have been celebrated but instead, its shit on and then they steal your idea. Not surprised.

I personally would like to hear more about your thoughts and observations on astrology. Please share them with us.

Sorry this happened to you. You sound like you deserve so much more and its a damn shame people like yourself who take initiative are shit on. We at the T4S welcome your input and contributions.

Welcome here and hope to see more from you. And we won't shut you down like that.
We welcome your input.

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:41 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar

I'm sorry that their bullshit turned you off of Satanism. I think what you might want to consider is that they were never true satanists.

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:13 am
by KorvusTheRaven
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:41 am shadowc137

I'm sorry that their bullshit turned you off of Satanism. I think what you might want to consider is that they were never true satanists.
Just like how Stalin apparently wasn't a true communist.

I'm not going to apply the same judgement to all Satanists, but obviously the name, stigma, and pantheon is going to undoubtedly attract the most disturbed individuals.

Re: Defending Myself - More Jos Lies

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:26 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
I'm not sure what you mean...Stalin was a total communist. Anti-life. While Satan is about life. The two are diametrically opposed.