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About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:34 pm
by Varun
The thing with rtrs is that they do work, but in a certain way that is not being discussed, and that it does some very negative job as well.

It took me lots of time to realize this and I understand now that I was basically guided by my guardians to think of this and to pay attention to the effects of it, instead of just mindlessly doing them. Even advanced people can get fooled by effects of rtrs, because they feel and see some certain changes, but there are some hidden effects of rtrs.

I have noticed parts of curses do get lifted from you as you are doing the rtr. There is some kind of a heavy dross that starts getting out of you. So you might feel ligher after affirming, you might feel lots of blockages disappearing. If you had some aches of pains, they can disappear. You do them on other people, their behaviour can really change as well as their energy. Dross leaves them. Usually now people are like - yes they actually work, I see and feel some cool changes. The ugly truth is that after affirming and seeing and feeling certain dross leaving, certain type of energies appear in you and around you, and trust me they are ugly. Effects are rather passive and it takes some time to really affect people, and sadly they can stay on the soul for a long time, as well as they can stay hanging around on the astral space for a longer time affecting everything in a negative way. What are those energies, well I don't know for sure still but it's most likely part of curses are being transformed into it. That is how it looks to me.

Changes are happening slowly and in phases :
1. After few days or weeks people start developing weird anxiety. There are some problems with controlling emotions and thoughts. They start getting nervous easily. Bad sleep and possible racing thoughts appear very often. They might start biting nails, having very very strong irrational fears (am I a jew attack is the most common ), they might start feeling like everything is worse than it is. Depression can start kicking in and needs to be very antisocial. They start doubting themselves a lot and complaining about bad confidence, often of bad libido too. Panic attacks can appear.

2. This phase take some time to develop further. Most SS are stuck in this phase and in next one. In this phase people start trying to find ways to cope with their deepened or with some new confidence issues and with anxiety. They start becoming rather arrogant in a very cringe way. They often start having aura filled with strong mars or sun energy that is mixed with Satanic energies of energies of rtrs. Their behaviour starts becoming hard to deal with and they might feel the need to beat others into the obedience. They start developing a habit of lashing out at everyone just because they can or making fun of everyone who is "below them" in some way. The problem is that they see everyone below them aside from Cobra and Maxine and they think they are also better than normies just because they are doing rtrs and they found JoS. They are acting like they own the world. Their perception of things is changing. They start having very weird and stubborn trust issues. They might lose the ability to be open minded in any healthy way.

3. Third stage is when they start feeling like they are being oddly sufficated by something in life. Their luck is becoming rotten. Their aura starts carrying lots of spiritual dross and weird negative energies. They start feeling sluggish, very drained, health issues can appear blatantly in this phase. If serpent gets activated now it can easily obliterate them in every way. They feel the need to be extremely bossy, controlling, they are preying on others and engaging themselves in various forms of psychic vampirism. They do rtr and affirm and for a few moments they feel relieved, then slowly issues start deepening but they are getting seriously blinded already. Perception of things is extremely twisted already and they will start seeing some most normal and positive things for Gentiles as something bad.Plenty of good energies will start feeling and looking rather harmful for them and they will start going in a certain direction where they are simply trapped to think and behave in a certain way. Stronger links to the main enemy thoughtform appears and they get extremely open to the enemy entities. Enemy entities easily feasting on them non-stop and the easiest is after they finish some rtrs. They start being possessed in various ways by enemy and enemy thoughtforms more frequently and it starts getting harder to defend themselves against them. Gods can't be helping them properly anymore as they are too open to the enemy and inviting enemy entities way too often. Those people might start going rather crazy in this phase and they are rather delusional. They might think everyone is a jew, they will be extremely fearful of someone killing them. Irrational fears of being killed and captured and tortured. They keep going on about aliens abducting them and enemy agents taking them away them or trying to. Dissociation can be present at this phase.

4. This is the last phase. Here is where the most devoted SS members end up in time. It's when you completely get to shit in every way. Perception of things is completely wrong and you are deeply hooked on YHW thoughtform. Good energies are very easily mistaken for bad energies. Good entities are suddenly bad entities. If some entity says Cobra or rtrs are bad, they will try to attack it. They stop listening anyone sane at this point. They are most likely going fully insane. Those energies made everything in them worse over the time. They are having very strong panic attacks and most likely schizophrenia. Their base chakras and crown chakras are full of those energies and those people can't control themselves properly anymore at all. Their aura is constantly attracting enemy entities and is begging to be connected to enemy thoughtforms on the deepest level possible. They might consciously still keep going how jews and jesus is bad, while acting literally same as them without realizing it. There are high chances of them suddenly disappearing and commiting suicide, being forced to stay in a mental hospital, or they might just become crippled or even die because of all those health issues they have. They think everyone works against them and they are usually no longer able to hear Gods at all even in they could before.

I have observed this for a very long time and tested rtrs plenty of times with some of my friends. We have came to conclusion recently that those rituals are without any doubts harmful after all.
Effects on the other people and the world is somewhat similar. Parts of the curses get lifted, then something weird starts affecting it all and things can easily go to shit. I also have noticed some Demons in the past would sometimes take the energy of rtrs I would do, and it seems they would just get disposed of them. I would strongly advise people not to do those rituals anymore, instead do something more productive and stick to runes and sanskrit mantras that are proven to be effective and much safer to use.

I also must add that effects can differ from person to person and that some might resist those energies better than others. In reality it can easily empower whatever bad is in you, especially F-RTR. It is not the serpent empowering all bad in you as they said, it's F-RTR . Serpent is causing problems when it hits the blockages, it's usually not creating new ones or empowering everything bad in you as rumored. Serpent can be problematic, don't get me wrong, but the worst is if you are doing F-RTR and serpent starts rising. Anyway the more rtrs you do, the worse it is. Some people will be doing them for years and be stuck in phase 2 or 3, while some will enter them just after few months.

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:10 pm
by AnonPoster
I don't agree with this. You fail to see the bigger picture. Those weird energies are of the enemy if they are coming at you. What your supposed to do is protection or ignore these energies. Cobra and Maxine got guidance from Demons in creating the rtrs. They are trust worthy.

Also something made the astral around earth much cleaner and the enemy in general weaker by a lot. It seems strange we are doing rtrs and this happens at the same time. If it's not us then what is it. I am very open I notice the entities of the enemy are much weaker.

To be honest I don't even do protection all the time they don't bother with me anymore. They are just like a slight annoyance when they come no power.

Not everyone understands what the rtrs do that is fine you will as you grow stronger in Satanism. This place is about growing weaker. I suggest you ask a trusted jos member about this or email Cobra with any concerns.

You will be told the truth.

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:27 pm
by Varun
AnonPoster wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:10 pm I don't agree with this. You fail to see the bigger picture. Those weird energies are of the enemy if they are coming at you. What your supposed to do is protection or ignore these energies. Cobra and Maxine got guidance from Demons in creating the rtrs. They are trust worthy.

Also something made the astral around earth much cleaner and the enemy in general weaker by a lot. It seems strange we are doing rtrs and this happens at the same time. If it's not us then what is it. I am very open I notice the entities of the enemy are much weaker.

To be honest I don't even do protection all the time they don't bother with me anymore. They are just like a slight annoyance when they come no power.

Not everyone understands what the rtrs do that is fine you will as you grow stronger in Satanism. This place is about growing weaker. I suggest you ask a trusted jos member about this or email Cobra with any concerns.

You will be told the truth.
Just because you are somewhat open is not enough to understand immediately what is going on. Many people got fooled. Stop doing rtrs for 4-5 weeks and you will see how better you feel as well your perception of things will start returning to somewhat normal again.

Those energies can greatly damage nervous system over the time, kidneys and adrenal glands will start suffering as well.

It is affecting the body.. I have noticed that my body is healing and cleaning itself from those energies and I feel great. It took me some 3 weeks to start noticing that I am really feeling better. Tried to do rtrs again on one occasion recently to test something, I felt like shit. Some others had similar effects. People also reported suffering from some sort of OCD after doing them for a while.
I think I will simply stick to runes and mantras.

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:24 pm
by Eric13
The rtrs do work. They work as intended, as Jewish curses against gentiles, but they don’t stop the jews as the jos claims.

At first Maxine said the rtrs work because reversing the Hebrew letters nullified them or canceled them out. Then Mageson proved this was false. We now know the jews themselves reverse their Hebrew. Then when this was made known, HoodedCobra then said, “no what matters is your intent. That’s how the rtrs work and magic in general” However, this is false as well. With magic it’s not just your intent. You have to use the appropriate mantras for a working as well as intent or the working won’t work. If this wasn’t the case then you could use any mantra for any purpose. But that’s not how it works. You need specific mantras for specific purposes. You wouldn’t use Saturn mantra to do a love working for instance. Makes no sense. Intent isn’t all that’s needed.

It’s the same with the rtrs. Your intent to destroy the jews with them will never work as that’s not what the power of those words of power are. Vibrating them forwards or backwards doesn’t make a difference as we established because the jews themselves use them both ways. The Hebrew letters of power are meant to empower and strengthen the Jewish soul and curse the gentile soul. No matter what affirmation you use or what your intent is doesn’t matter. You’re vibrating Hebrew words in to your soul. Bottom line this isn’t good. No way around it.

So HoodedCobra fails again trying to convince people with his failed logic. Please people don’t vibrate Hebrew into your soul. Be smart.

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:02 am
by siatris_stings_you
are you harmed kike? you sound so fking stupid. clearly not advanced.

you have no idea of anything wtf... youre just writing bs.

yes, they work. they destroy jews. enjoy destruction jews

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:05 am
by siatris_stings_you
Varun wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:34 pm ---------
I also must add that effects can differ from person to person and that some might resist those energies better than others. In reality it can easily empower whatever bad is in you, especially F-RTR. It is not the serpent empowering all bad in you as they said, it's F-RTR . Serpent is causing problems when it hits the blockages, it's usually not creating new ones or empowering everything bad in you as rumored. Serpent can be problematic, don't get me wrong, but the worst is if you are doing F-RTR and serpent starts rising. Anyway the more rtrs you do, the worse it is. Some people will be doing them for years and be stuck in phase 2 or 3, while some will enter them just after few months.

:lol: :lol: :lol: it's bad if the serpent is rising when you do rtr goy, all problems of ur existence is the rtr goy, dont do ritual against the JOS goy, dont clean the planet of jews goyim, we keep the lies of kikeson Magestein the traitor of the Gods.

im shekel and azorm kike, trust me goys. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:06 am
by siatris_stings_you
AnonPoster wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:10 pm I don't agree with this. You fail to see the bigger picture. Those weird energies are of the enemy if they are coming at you. What your supposed to do is protection or ignore these energies. Cobra and Maxine got guidance from Demons in creating the rtrs. They are trust worthy.

Also something made the astral around earth much cleaner and the enemy in general weaker by a lot. It seems strange we are doing rtrs and this happens at the same time. If it's not us then what is it. I am very open I notice the entities of the enemy are much weaker.

To be honest I don't even do protection all the time they don't bother with me anymore. They are just like a slight annoyance when they come no power.

Not everyone understands what the rtrs do that is fine you will as you grow stronger in Satanism. This place is about growing weaker. I suggest you ask a trusted jos member about this or email Cobra with any concerns.

You will be told the truth.

EXACTLY!!!!! they flee from me, all negative entities...RTR IS LIFESAVER...

nothing touches me....unlike in the past...before them.

let the kike here cry :lol: :lol: ...we CLEAN THIS PLANET...RISE THE SERPENT...DESTROY THE ENEMY!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:36 am
by AnonPoster
siatris_stings_you wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:06 am
AnonPoster wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:10 pm I don't agree with this. You fail to see the bigger picture. Those weird energies are of the enemy if they are coming at you. What your supposed to do is protection or ignore these energies. Cobra and Maxine got guidance from Demons in creating the rtrs. They are trust worthy.

Also something made the astral around earth much cleaner and the enemy in general weaker by a lot. It seems strange we are doing rtrs and this happens at the same time. If it's not us then what is it. I am very open I notice the entities of the enemy are much weaker.

To be honest I don't even do protection all the time they don't bother with me anymore. They are just like a slight annoyance when they come no power.

Not everyone understands what the rtrs do that is fine you will as you grow stronger in Satanism. This place is about growing weaker. I suggest you ask a trusted jos member about this or email Cobra with any concerns.

You will be told the truth.

EXACTLY!!!!! they flee from me, all negative entities...RTR IS LIFESAVER...

nothing touches me....unlike in the past...before them.

let the kike here cry :lol: :lol: ...we CLEAN THIS PLANET...RISE THE SERPENT...DESTROY THE ENEMY!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
Hey everyone this is Magestein. The real Siatris swore he never wrote this.

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:38 pm
by Varun
Varun wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:27 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:10 pm I don't agree with this. You fail to see the bigger picture. Those weird energies are of the enemy if they are coming at you. What your supposed to do is protection or ignore these energies. Cobra and Maxine got guidance from Demons in creating the rtrs. They are trust worthy.

Also something made the astral around earth much cleaner and the enemy in general weaker by a lot. It seems strange we are doing rtrs and this happens at the same time. If it's not us then what is it. I am very open I notice the entities of the enemy are much weaker.

To be honest I don't even do protection all the time they don't bother with me anymore. They are just like a slight annoyance when they come no power.

Not everyone understands what the rtrs do that is fine you will as you grow stronger in Satanism. This place is about growing weaker. I suggest you ask a trusted jos member about this or email Cobra with any concerns.

You will be told the truth.
Just because you are somewhat open is not enough to understand immediately what is going on. Many people got fooled. Stop doing rtrs for 4-5 weeks and you will see how better you feel as well your perception of things will start returning to somewhat normal again.

Those energies can greatly damage nervous system over the time, kidneys and adrenal glands will start suffering as well.

It is affecting the body.. I have noticed that my body is healing and cleaning itself from those energies and I feel great. It took me some 3 weeks to start noticing that I am really feeling better. Tried to do rtrs again on one occasion recently to test something, I felt like shit. Some others had similar effects. People also reported suffering from some sort of OCD after doing them for a while.
I think I will simply stick to runes and mantras.
Look I used to think energy is becoming great too, it made me believe I should do rtrs always even while I suspected they might be harmful. But that kind of energy is not really completely positive energy just because it looks ligther and because it feels higher in vibration. It's a trap.

Most of that energy you raise from rtrs and release it around actually starts becoming harmful and changing things in a very negative way over the time. Not to mention that Gods are actually trying to raise vibration of Earth in their own ways. I am sure they will have to clean up energy from rtrs too eventually.

Re: About Reverse Torah Rituals

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:17 pm
by Snakeway
The question is at what point does the MOSers appear in your house connected to your soul and mind thanks to the RTR you did?