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Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:59 am
by Eric13
In Judaism there is a character Samuel. Samuel is the angel of death. He is called Satan. In xianity he is referred to as the fallen angel. Samuel is Satan. In Judaism Samuel is the servant of god. In this case we refer to the Hebrew god. The Tetragrammaton or Yahweh. To be a Satanist is to be a follower of Samuel. The servant of god. Thus you follow the servant of the jewish god and are yourself a servant of the jewish god. Or more simply put, you are a jew. Satanism is Judaism. The only problem is Judaism doesn’t except gentiles as jews. So to be a gentile who is a Jew is to be on a path of cursing yourself.

Satanism first became a modern religion with the Church of Satan in 1966. Before this only Satanism was mentioned as an accusation to heretics of xianity. The church of Satan was started by Anton LaVey a jew. He adopted the main symbol for the church as the Sigil of Baphomet. The upside down pentagram with the goat and Hebrew letters spelling the leviathan. Notice the prominence of Judaism in the first mainstream introduction of Satanism. Started by a Jew, Jew symbolism.

The Jos is also one of the prominent Satanic sects. Spiritual Satanism. We all know they practice daily Hebrew rituals. Their gods come from the Goetia. The Goetia comes from the book the Lesser Keys of Solomon dating to the 1600s. The circle and triangle sigils used to summon the 72 spirits is filled with stars of David. ... olomon.png

As well the seal of Solomon which is the predecessor symbol of the Star of David and also Let’s not forget Solomon was a great Jewish king of Israel. These are the entities the jos use. They work with Hebrew spirits. Many of the Jos’s content is derived from franz Bardons work. Much of it is word for word copy and pasted. Franz Barron practiced and studied Kabbalah. Which is Jewish mysticism or jewish witchcraft. This was a theme in his books. With references to cabalistic astrology as well as an entire book based on decoding Kabbalah and teaching it. This was his book THE KEY TO TRUE KABBALAH. Again, the jos is Judaism.

The Jos claimed Jews can’t be Satanists. Here’s a quote from the official Church of Satans Twitter account. “We can confirm there are lots of satanic jews..” here’s the link. It’s in a reply.
So another false claim of the Jos.

Wherever there is Satanism there is Judaism. As they’re one and the same. Judaism is a religion that has its major aim to remove occult knowledge from gentiles and use it for themselves. As they see themselves as the chosen people who are to inherent the earth and the gentiles will be there slaves. The Talmud says this. The protocols of the learned elders of Zion says this. Xianity was a tool used to help remove this knowledge. As gentiles can’t be jews. So xianity was the tool to catch gentiles and remove their spiritual knowledge.

Xianity took over the Roman Empire. Which was formerly pagan. The Roman Empire had jurisdiction over the Alexandria, the city in Egypt. And also they had the library of Alexandria. Which housed many pagan scrolls of valuable knowledge. When the xian church took over the Roman Empire over the course of around 400 years they slowly destroyed the library. Removing all spiritual knowledge. Then across Europe and the America’s the inquisitions started where practitioners of the ancient religions were tortured and executed by the thousands over a millennium. All occult knowledge was removed and meanwhile the jews kept practicing magic amongst themselves. Then in the 1920s outlined their plans for takeover and with their magic they’ve slowly infiltrated all industries as planned. From the media, the education system, the entertainment industry, the tech industry and on and on. Then they brag about it in the Israeli times.

Judaism is an attack on gentiles and Satanism is the partner of Judaism. If you’re wise you’ll stay away from the demons of the goetia. You’ll stay away from demons in general as they only wish you harm and will just lie to you and if you want spiritual knowledge study the ancient pagan religions. Stay away from Judaism/Satanism. Good entities do exist. But not in Satanism.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:58 am
by AnonPoster
If Satanism was a sect of Judaism then why don't we allow the jews at JOS and also why do we do rtrs.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:44 am
by HPBlackMamba
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:58 am If Satanism was a sect of Judaism then why don't we allow the jews at JOS and also why do we do rtrs.
In the same way that Christians use the term "Satanic" to describe anyone and anything they dislike, JoSers label anyone who disagrees with them or questions their doctrine as "Jewish".

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:45 am
by HPBlackMamba
Eric13 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:59 am In Judaism there is a character Samuel. Samuel is the angel of death. He is called Satan. In xianity he is referred to as the fallen angel. Samuel is Satan. In Judaism Samuel is the servant of god. In this case we refer to the Hebrew god. The Tetragrammaton or Yahweh. To be a Satanist is to be a follower of Samuel. The servant of god. Thus you follow the servant of the jewish god and are yourself a servant of the jewish god. Or more simply put, you are a jew. Satanism is Judaism. The only problem is Judaism doesn’t except gentiles as jews. So to be a gentile who is a Jew is to be on a path of cursing yourself.

Satanism first became a modern religion with the Church of Satan in 1966. Before this only Satanism was mentioned as an accusation to heretics of xianity. The church of Satan was started by Anton LaVey a jew. He adopted the main symbol for the church as the Sigil of Baphomet. The upside down pentagram with the goat and Hebrew letters spelling the leviathan. Notice the prominence of Judaism in the first mainstream introduction of Satanism. Started by a Jew, Jew symbolism.

The Jos is also one of the prominent Satanic sects. Spiritual Satanism. We all know they practice daily Hebrew rituals. Their gods come from the Goetia. The Goetia comes from the book the Lesser Keys of Solomon dating to the 1600s. The circle and triangle sigils used to summon the 72 spirits is filled with stars of David. ... olomon.png

As well the seal of Solomon which is the predecessor symbol of the Star of David and also Let’s not forget Solomon was a great Jewish king of Israel. These are the entities the jos use. They work with Hebrew spirits. Many of the Jos’s content is derived from franz Bardons work. Much of it is word for word copy and pasted. Franz Barron practiced and studied Kabbalah. Which is Jewish mysticism or jewish witchcraft. This was a theme in his books. With references to cabalistic astrology as well as an entire book based on decoding Kabbalah and teaching it. This was his book THE KEY TO TRUE KABBALAH. Again, the jos is Judaism.

The Jos claimed Jews can’t be Satanists. Here’s a quote from the official Church of Satans Twitter account. “We can confirm there are lots of satanic jews..” here’s the link. It’s in a reply.
So another false claim of the Jos.

Wherever there is Satanism there is Judaism. As they’re one and the same. Judaism is a religion that has its major aim to remove occult knowledge from gentiles and use it for themselves. As they see themselves as the chosen people who are to inherent the earth and the gentiles will be there slaves. The Talmud says this. The protocols of the learned elders of Zion says this. Xianity was a tool used to help remove this knowledge. As gentiles can’t be jews. So xianity was the tool to catch gentiles and remove their spiritual knowledge.

Xianity took over the Roman Empire. Which was formerly pagan. The Roman Empire had jurisdiction over the Alexandria, the city in Egypt. And also they had the library of Alexandria. Which housed many pagan scrolls of valuable knowledge. When the xian church took over the Roman Empire over the course of around 400 years they slowly destroyed the library. Removing all spiritual knowledge. Then across Europe and the America’s the inquisitions started where practitioners of the ancient religions were tortured and executed by the thousands over a millennium. All occult knowledge was removed and meanwhile the jews kept practicing magic amongst themselves. Then in the 1920s outlined their plans for takeover and with their magic they’ve slowly infiltrated all industries as planned. From the media, the education system, the entertainment industry, the tech industry and on and on. Then they brag about it in the Israeli times.

Judaism is an attack on gentiles and Satanism is the partner of Judaism. If you’re wise you’ll stay away from the demons of the goetia. You’ll stay away from demons in general as they only wish you harm and will just lie to you and if you want spiritual knowledge study the ancient pagan religions. Stay away from Judaism/Satanism. Good entities do exist. But not in Satanism.
Satanism is not a sect of Judaism, in Satanism it's OK to eat pork, and this is encouraged. How do you think Jews will feel about that?

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:00 am
by HPBlackMamba
I want to elaborate by presenting the following facts:

Judaism states that "God" is the creator of all that exists; he is one, incorporeal (without a body), and he alone is to be worshiped. This is the polar opposite of what Satanists believe. The Satanic philosophy is one of self deification i.e. worship of self and not a higher power or God. In fact, Satanists see themselves as exalted above God.

Satanists also reject the mitzvah/mitzvot (commandments of God) in favor of their own judgement, reasoning and nature. Because the mitzvah is about doing good works and putting the community and God first, it can be argued that Judaism holds a collectivist world view. This is very different from Satanism which values individualism above all.

The needs and desires of the individual comes first above that of society or the "community" and Satanists don't care about what "God"(assuming such a thing exists) wants. This is why Satanists can be uncircumcised, eat pork, cheese and meat, have sex with a woman on her period and wear mixed fabrics without batting an eyelash.

I suggest that you educate yourself about a subject before just making wild claims that Satanism is a "sect of Judaism". This video has more information which you may find helpful.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:10 am
by siatris_stings_you
:lol: :lol: :lol: the lies...


now stop lying and back to ur corner...bitch

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:15 am
by HPBlackMamba
siatris_stings_you wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:10 am :lol: :lol: :lol: the lies...


now stop lying and back to ur corner...bitch
Joy of Satan is a political Nazi group and follows a collectivist philosophy, while pretending to be pagan sun worshipers.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:54 am
by AnonPoster
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:15 am
siatris_stings_you wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:10 am :lol: :lol: :lol: the lies...


now stop lying and back to ur corner...bitch
Joy of Satan is a political Nazi group and follows a collectivist philosophy, while pretending to be pagan sun worshipers.
You are a traitor to the JOS and follow the words of the rabbis and Jews.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:03 am
by HPBlackMamba
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:54 am
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:15 am
siatris_stings_you wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:10 am :lol: :lol: :lol: the lies...


now stop lying and back to ur corner...bitch
Joy of Satan is a political Nazi group and follows a collectivist philosophy, while pretending to be pagan sun worshipers.
You are a traitor to the JOS and follow the words of the rabbis and Jews.
You started so many smear campaigns that your stories even contradict themselves now. I was never a member of the JoS, I never had an account on their forum. How can I be a traitor or betray them if I was never a part of their organization to begin with?

Also thanks for proving the point that I made with my earlier statement. Everyone that disagrees with your views is labeled "Jewish" in the same way that Christians label everything they dislike as "Satanic". I can eat a pork chop in front of you, or wave my uncircumcised dick in your face and you will still harp on about how I follow the words of Jewish Rabbis.

Re: Truth is Satanism is just a Sect of a Judaism

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:24 am
by AnonPoster
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:03 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:54 am
HPBlackMamba wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:15 am

Joy of Satan is a political Nazi group and follows a collectivist philosophy, while pretending to be pagan sun worshipers.
You are a traitor to the JOS and follow the words of the rabbis and Jews.
You started so many smear campaigns that your stories even contradict themselves now. I was never a member of the JoS, I never had an account on their forum. How can I be a traitor or betray them if I was never a part of their organization to begin with?

Also thanks for proving the point that I made with my earlier statement. Everyone that disagrees with your views is labeled "Jewish" in the same way that Christians label everything they dislike as "Satanic". I can eat a pork chop in front of you, or wave my uncircumcised dick in your face and you will still harp on about how I follow the words of Jewish Rabbis.
I believe I met an Aryan one time who claimed to be jew and wear a Kippah. Finally he pulled out his dick and showed me yes indeed he was circumcised. He also showed me his Hebrew book on prayer and said a few words in Hebrew to me. I still believe he is Aryan.

This is the same as your claim to not be a Jew.