It's come to my attention about some of the infiltration that has began to happen in every part of the world in every religion or spiritual path.
Old heathen pagans were here way before any Christianity came along. Pagan temples turned into churches. Idols destroyed. Witches in old English meaning wise one and were similar to Druids,. All saints and angels have origins in old gods and goddesses but made them unreachable. Like suppression of human sexuality. Some were easy to convert. The witches of old who went under ground in secret were against all authority. So witchcraft can therefore be a part of one individual path if it's your calling. It's not a counterculture or particularly worshipping any god outside yourself.
This rise of Christ is coming now in every religious path there is. New Age. Including it has been creeping into certain sects of say spiritual Satanism to an "all one god". I started noticing this when I really stepped back. This "all one" is nothing more than an attempt to control the mass mind. Like even Wicca believe in one God/dess, the one source, oneness. Of course that teaching can be traced back to ancient Egypt when Atum was the one god and all other gods were false aka Amon Ra.
Witches of old were the Anti-christ! Which means in revelation of the Bible. Is already here. And if the witches who worshipped nature of old or at least honored Nature then whatever happens technology wise or a "computer" chip as mark of the Beast is completely a false fabrication to cover up the real enemy here. So many people freaking out now days as the "end times" being here
I watched a video talked about the signs about the last days. I found it ludicrous because the idiots say Christ is coming. Most of us know it's bullshit. They say that an Anti Christ will come to bring peace to the world, set the affairs of the world straight because people will cry out for such a leader in all this chaos. "New world order" this Anti Christ will bring "all peace, and all one" type of mentality that's going on now. " To make room for the Christ or Messiah to come. These people would be ripe for the taking!!!!! The Borg? No tears? No saddness? The harvesting of souls.
It's really disturbing to see this common thing. If you can't think for yourself and harness the power within you. You better start thinking of ways to fight back against this tyranny. Of course we must work at having self consciousness and think for ourselves this is why it's important not to get sucked into any "cult" because doing so. You play right into the enemy's hands.
This thing is Anti-nature, anti-earth. Wants living beings to go extinct. Suppression of sexuality, human emotions and everything is a "sin". Because without predator vs prey the ecosystem would greatly become imbalanced. We wouldn't be here without the natural instinct in mankind. so we humans can choose to be the guardians of nature and get our heads out of our asses or we can help this tyranny along. This includes protection of individuality of a spieces.
Earth is a threat to those who want slaves