Entities, attacks and the abuse, a bit about JOS and forums..
Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:31 pm
I am back for a while and I want to write this as I think it’s important for others to know.
Many entities on the astral are very bloodthirsty and are willing to spend forever abusing you endlessly, causing you all kind of issues, even insanity and poverty, sickness, extreme loneliness... You might not even be aware but some of the same entities could have been with you for lifetimes, abusing you in any way they can, making your life miserable forever. Some entities are very powerful, like enemy nordics who actually exist and are vast in number. Some are skeptical about their existence but they exist and their numbers are huge, and they also can even time travel if needed to get what they want. Time travel is real, some Demons are actually experts in it, same goes for teleportation. Some enemy nordics are also in contact with versions of themselves from the past and the future and they get into contact with those versions via simple astral projection or time travel. They can travel at the speed of light and send several versions of themselves to one certain point in time and space, they often do this to attack someone a lot or to alter something that was supposed to happen in the future.
Many are attacked like this, some are important people and some simply are following the Gods and are trying to be close with them. Enemy is lately again trying to attack more than usual, but Gods and allies are fighting back. People need to get used to those attacks and overcome them (but those attacks will slowly start becoming weaker in time), it's also okay to ask for help when a situation gets out of your control. Venus and Mars also were filled with people back in the past, with some rare Gods still living there or having lived there until recently, and they know how nasty enemy attacks can be. One of the Goddesses from Mars is actually Marchosias. Gods are attacked a lot right now as well, and a world war might emerge soon, but we shouldn’t pour much energy into thinking about this as it might help the enemy manifest it sooner.
One stupid thing I must mention now is actually rather important sometimes. Be aware of enemy manipulation. Enemy nordics usually are the ones who are trying to manipulate you into many things, and can turn everyone against you as well. Some enemy nordics tried to also make issues among the ranks of the Gods for a while, and breed chaos everywhere, so among humans it’s even easier and more common. Beware of the enemy impersonating the Gods, it can happen, but do not completely run away from the astral. Enemy also if angry can turn everyone against you. Some of you had many weird social issues in your life and you couldn't explain, or somehow everyone was keeping doors closed for you in order not to succeed in life? High chances it's the enemy messing with you, some can completely make you feel hopeless and even turn your family members against you, to the point where they will end up trying to pull a trigger on you. Later they might not even be able to explain why they felt that way really.
There are some people that are also trying to just exist and talk on online platforms and also might end up targeted like this for no special reason whatsoever. I have noticed this myself when I was active in some back then, and I can tell you it can be really bad. Look at the JoS forums and you will see this a lot, very often. Enemy will try to ruin you and silence you in any way they can sometimes. They can also see into the future, at least some of them, and will try to ruin you now from time to time so they can weaken your influence later, when they need you weak, so they can get what they want. I know many examples of people like this who were bullied by the enemy, and they actually tried to eliminate them often with driving them insane, suicidal or having everyone turn against them. One example is One Wire Phenomenon let's say, who was a victim of sly and his buddies breaking in his acc and saying how he admits how he is a jew. Some Gods actually worked in him a bit, and I got confirmation that he is not a jew in any form. This kind of things happen a lot ...
This is how the enemy manipulates people into doing certain things for them, as they can't always directly get rid of some certain individuals, so they do things this way. Some enemy nordics will send thoughtforms as well to do jobs for them, and ofc reptilians and greys. Me and my friends had lots of similar issues, so I know already what I am talking about.
There were certain numbers of enemy entities that were ruining JoS from the inside as well for a longer time, some of the most powerful enemy nordics, some even coming from the future have decided to ruin JoS and any similar group and organisation or to have it led astray, if nothing else. Some of the same enemy nordics that were binding the Gods back then were active in this project, and still are. Everybody stay safe, and ask for help if needed, the Gods might help.
Arcturians are also on their side, and I have met and received help from some of them, they are very powerful as well and they are very friendly and have advanced magic. One of the aliens who also might be of help are looking similar to those from "Alien" movies, but are actually looking more humanoid a bit, usually lighter in color, and can talk and walk on two legs like us. They are very advanced as well, and are friendly in nature, some of them were guarding me since I was a kid, and even merged with me sometimes, they are more than real, and very powerful as well. There aren't many planets with our species active so to say, but that might change in the future. Many of those planets who were belonging to us got corrupted, taken over or destroyed by the enemy nordics. Some of you also have lovers from some of "our planets", they are real and they expect you to stay with them usually. You can actually ask Satan or your guardian to find you maybe some lover from Mars or some other planet as well, if you have something specific in your mind. I have met some Gods from Mars and other planets, and it was a very pleasant encounter.
Many entities on the astral are very bloodthirsty and are willing to spend forever abusing you endlessly, causing you all kind of issues, even insanity and poverty, sickness, extreme loneliness... You might not even be aware but some of the same entities could have been with you for lifetimes, abusing you in any way they can, making your life miserable forever. Some entities are very powerful, like enemy nordics who actually exist and are vast in number. Some are skeptical about their existence but they exist and their numbers are huge, and they also can even time travel if needed to get what they want. Time travel is real, some Demons are actually experts in it, same goes for teleportation. Some enemy nordics are also in contact with versions of themselves from the past and the future and they get into contact with those versions via simple astral projection or time travel. They can travel at the speed of light and send several versions of themselves to one certain point in time and space, they often do this to attack someone a lot or to alter something that was supposed to happen in the future.
Many are attacked like this, some are important people and some simply are following the Gods and are trying to be close with them. Enemy is lately again trying to attack more than usual, but Gods and allies are fighting back. People need to get used to those attacks and overcome them (but those attacks will slowly start becoming weaker in time), it's also okay to ask for help when a situation gets out of your control. Venus and Mars also were filled with people back in the past, with some rare Gods still living there or having lived there until recently, and they know how nasty enemy attacks can be. One of the Goddesses from Mars is actually Marchosias. Gods are attacked a lot right now as well, and a world war might emerge soon, but we shouldn’t pour much energy into thinking about this as it might help the enemy manifest it sooner.
One stupid thing I must mention now is actually rather important sometimes. Be aware of enemy manipulation. Enemy nordics usually are the ones who are trying to manipulate you into many things, and can turn everyone against you as well. Some enemy nordics tried to also make issues among the ranks of the Gods for a while, and breed chaos everywhere, so among humans it’s even easier and more common. Beware of the enemy impersonating the Gods, it can happen, but do not completely run away from the astral. Enemy also if angry can turn everyone against you. Some of you had many weird social issues in your life and you couldn't explain, or somehow everyone was keeping doors closed for you in order not to succeed in life? High chances it's the enemy messing with you, some can completely make you feel hopeless and even turn your family members against you, to the point where they will end up trying to pull a trigger on you. Later they might not even be able to explain why they felt that way really.
There are some people that are also trying to just exist and talk on online platforms and also might end up targeted like this for no special reason whatsoever. I have noticed this myself when I was active in some back then, and I can tell you it can be really bad. Look at the JoS forums and you will see this a lot, very often. Enemy will try to ruin you and silence you in any way they can sometimes. They can also see into the future, at least some of them, and will try to ruin you now from time to time so they can weaken your influence later, when they need you weak, so they can get what they want. I know many examples of people like this who were bullied by the enemy, and they actually tried to eliminate them often with driving them insane, suicidal or having everyone turn against them. One example is One Wire Phenomenon let's say, who was a victim of sly and his buddies breaking in his acc and saying how he admits how he is a jew. Some Gods actually worked in him a bit, and I got confirmation that he is not a jew in any form. This kind of things happen a lot ...
This is how the enemy manipulates people into doing certain things for them, as they can't always directly get rid of some certain individuals, so they do things this way. Some enemy nordics will send thoughtforms as well to do jobs for them, and ofc reptilians and greys. Me and my friends had lots of similar issues, so I know already what I am talking about.
There were certain numbers of enemy entities that were ruining JoS from the inside as well for a longer time, some of the most powerful enemy nordics, some even coming from the future have decided to ruin JoS and any similar group and organisation or to have it led astray, if nothing else. Some of the same enemy nordics that were binding the Gods back then were active in this project, and still are. Everybody stay safe, and ask for help if needed, the Gods might help.
Arcturians are also on their side, and I have met and received help from some of them, they are very powerful as well and they are very friendly and have advanced magic. One of the aliens who also might be of help are looking similar to those from "Alien" movies, but are actually looking more humanoid a bit, usually lighter in color, and can talk and walk on two legs like us. They are very advanced as well, and are friendly in nature, some of them were guarding me since I was a kid, and even merged with me sometimes, they are more than real, and very powerful as well. There aren't many planets with our species active so to say, but that might change in the future. Many of those planets who were belonging to us got corrupted, taken over or destroyed by the enemy nordics. Some of you also have lovers from some of "our planets", they are real and they expect you to stay with them usually. You can actually ask Satan or your guardian to find you maybe some lover from Mars or some other planet as well, if you have something specific in your mind. I have met some Gods from Mars and other planets, and it was a very pleasant encounter.