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Exposing Judaism Articles Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:10 am
by Don Danko
Exposing Judaism Articles Thread

Karl Marx Marching To The Zionist World Order

"The Jew who originated Communism-Karl Mordecai-who later changed his name to Marx, was born May 5th, 1818, in Treves, Rhenish Prussia of Jewish parents. His father a banker whose forefathers had been rabbis for 300 years, adopted Protestantism for business reasons, when young Marx was six years old. Marx's profession of Christianity was nothing more then a gesture a mere admission ticket to society. At heart he remained a thorough Jew, and from his earliest childhood his most ardent concern was his domination of the Gentiles-but called by him the emancipation of the Jews."[The World Hoax ,Ernest Helmhurst, 1938]

Richard Wurmbrand himself a Jew in origin reported in his biography on Marx that Marx was a deeply religious Jew who had a Jewish altar in his home and performed the Jewish ritual and wore the Jewish phylactery on his forehead and prayed the Jewish prayers.

Marx joined the Cabbalistic society of the Frankists who's goal is the global Jewish government. Its this society the Rothschilds control and claim themselves to be the "Messiah" the Kings of the Jews who goal is to achieve the world Jewish kingdom ruled from Israel. The Rothschild's funded the Communist revolution from Wall Street and London. And a Rothschild chaired the first meeting of the Communist International. The Rothschilds are from a deeply Cabbalistic, Jewish rabbinical family.

To understand Karl Marx one should study his personal rabbi [Marx called Moses Hess the Red Rabbi] and mentor the Jew Moses Hess. It was Moses Hess who wrote most of the Communist Manifesto:

"Karl Marx's worship of violence was strengthened by a Frankist communist whom he met in 1841, when he was 23 years old. This man was called Moritz Moses Hess. Moses Hess was born on the 21st of June 1812 in Bonn, the son of a wealthy Jewish industrialist. He died on the 6th of April 1875 in Paris and is buried in Israel. It can be mentioned that he founded the German Social Democratic Party. In Judisches Lexikon" [Berlin, 1928, pp. 1577-78] he is called a communist rabbi and the father of modern Socialism."

"In Paris , in the autumn of 1844, Moses Hess presented the 26-year old Marx to the half-Jew Fredrich Engels."

"It was this same Moses Hess who thought up the rancorous basis of the socialist-communist ideology. He was also the first to recommend as a fundamental idea, that all personal property should be abolished."

"What were his remarkable ideas then? In his writings, Moses Hess stressed the need to agitate the social classes against each other and in this way hinder their co-operation. He wanted to bring about a socialist revolution with the help of Judaism.... And the class struggle. He stressed that socialism was inseparably bound to internationalism as the socialists have no fatherland. The true socialist cannot have anything to do with his nationality. He also declared :THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO JEWS!" Hess believed that internationalism served the interests of Judaism. He wrote: "Whoever denies Jewish nationalism is not only an apostate, a renegade in the religious sense, but also a traitor to his people and to his family". [Moses Hess, "Selected Works", Cologne. 1962] The Bolshevik Rosa Luxemburg was also simultaneously an internationalist and a great Jewish patriot-she even at exclusively kosher food."

"In his "Red catechism for the German People". Moses Hess revealed: "The socialist revolution is my religion." He thought it suitable that his brutal struggle for socialist power should be waged under the red family banner of the Rothschild's. Moses Hess wrote the Jewish socialist leader Ferdinand Lasalle: "I use the sword against anyone who opposes the proletariat [Moses Hess, "Correspondence", The Hague 1959] What he actually mean was the struggle of the Judaists."

"The radical agitator Hess was not an atheist, however. He wrote: "I have always been edified by Hebrew prayers."[Moses Hess, "Rome and Jerusalem", 1860]

"He stressed [my note Moses Hess] that the Jews had been given the role of changing mankind into a savage animal, as described in his article" About the Monetary System", [ Rheinische Jahrbucher", Vol. I, 1845.]

Another one of Marx's Jewish mentor's Levi Baruch private instructions to Marx that where made public reveal the whole goal of Jewish Communism:

"Another of Marx's guides, Levi Baruch [my note another Jew] emphasised to him that the revolutionary elite of Jews are not to reject Judaism and that they should be called traitors to their own people if they do so. As Sham Christians some Jews had reached the highest positions in the Church and village town administration in Spain in the 16th century. Baruch propagated the same tactics for "revolutionary Jews" they were to hide their JUDIASM behind Marxist phrases."

"When one of Baruch's letters to Marx was published, its contents caused a big scandal, which they wanted to silence at once This letter explained, among other things, that it would be easy for Jewry to get into power with the help of the proletariat. Thus the new governments were to be led by Jews who would forbid all private property so that all these riches came into Jewish hands. or made the Jews administrators of the fortunes and estates. In this way an old dream within the Talmud speaks of namely that all the riches of the world would come into the hands of the Jews, was to be fulfilled. In his letter, Baruch also made it clear that the goals of Judaism were power over the whole world, a mingling of the races, abolition of national frontiers, elimination of the royal families and finally the founding of the Zionist world state. [Salluste, "Les origins secretes du bolchevisme", Paris, 1930,pp. 33-34.]

The goal of Marxism is to act as political persona to cloak the Jewish races, nightmare goal of their global Zionist Kingdom.

Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Juri Lina

Re: Karl Marx Marching To The Zionist World Order

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:12 am
by Don Danko
Purim Exposed

There are different levels of meaning in Judaism when it comes to the understanding of the Jewish texts. Kabbalah is the highest level, the occult level of understanding the level of "sod" in Hebrew, meaning "secret."

Kabbalah is an encoded language that is based on symbolism, its a right brained or psychic method and the "practical Kabbalah" the real occult teachings are taught to the Rabbinical students who qualify for such instruction. Symbols are archetypes of the codes and the use of the information they contain.

The tale of the Book of Esther, in the Torah, has baffled some moronic Christian theologians. Because it does not mention "god" anywhere in the book. This is unique as its the only book in the Torah to make no mention of "god" at all.

The Rabbi's who are actual Kabbalah adepts, have stated if a text does not mention "god" in such case its because such is referring to the Rabbi's using their own psychic power. This brings us to the tale of Esther, we will understanding this first on the occult level.

Mordechai is called a "prophet" in Judaism, in the Talmudic and Kabbalah based texts a prophet is a very psychically advanced Rabbi, an actual occult adept, someone who has advanced psychic powers. Mordechai is given Esther as a child and nurses her from his own breast and has an incestuous relationship, a secret marriage with her. Mordechai's name in Hebrew means "Myrrh" and Esther's means "Myrtle" note the Chai the name of life in Hebrew on the end of Mordechai's name, this is the number 18 which relates to the union of male and female energies. The incestuous relationship is the union of the worlds of the kabbalah tree which generates the Ain Soph, the spark which generates the internal psychic power.

The Myrrh relates to the third eye in the ancient world that which directs the energy. Mordechai, the entire tale is the one directing Esther into everything. The Myrtle is the magical tree in Judaism the symbol of the spiritual power of the Jewish soul. The leaves of the Myrtle tree are used symbolically in magical rituals to obtain workings, which represent the fruits of the psychic power of the empowered soul. Esther is the energy or psychic power of Mordechai, which he generated and nursed with his own energies to power and then directs to accomplish his occult goal. In the tale of Esther the goal is the Jewish race takes over the Persian Empire from within.

Mordechai and Esther are the psychic power of the adept and the mind which directs and creates the workings for it to manifest. Esther represents Shekinah power. To expand this understanding, Mordechai is given the number 400 in Judaism. This represents the letter Tav, which represents the energy of the Jewish soul travelling from Keter the crown through the worlds where it materializes in Malkuth. This also represents the generation of the energy of a working and the manifestation of this working into the physical world. The ancient symbol of Tav is the Kabbalah cross of matter, the symbol of Malkuth. Which is the world of "The Royal Kingdom." Such kingdom is what the Jews are attempting to manifest with their Torah spell, in which they rule the world. The 400 is also taken to 40 which is the number of the Messiah, the Jewish King of the World. Mordechai also represents the Jewish Messiah, who is a political leader and Rabbinical adept.

The Tav represents the word "Amet" which is the seal the Rabbi's put on the Goylem's forehead, to bring the Goy-lem under the control of the Rabbi. This term means the removal of consciousness in the original Egyptian, its stolen from. This represents the binding of the Gentiles mind by the energy of the Jewish spell, note the Persian ruler is bewitched and under the spell of Mordechai in the form of Esther. In the future this binding on the forehead of the Goy-lem will also be the brain chip the Jewish leadership are working on perfecting to implant into the Goyim. The Tav was placed on the forehead in the Torah. The symbol of the individual being the property of the Jewish "god." When Mordechai's archetype, the Jewish king of the world conquerors the Gentiles and makes the Gentiles property of the Jews.

The adversary of Mordechai is an Amalekite, Haman. The Amalekite's are symbolic of the opposition to the Jewish races goal. Amalek is the occult name of "Satan" meaning "Adversary" to the Jews, in the Jewish texts. Mordechai uses Esther to have Haman destroyed and then to obtain from the bewitched, Persian King the decree and military forces that go through the Empire and put all the Amalekite's, the enemy of the Jews and their entire families to death and steal all their property and wealth for themselves. This includes Mordechai who obtains Haman's property and political power, Mordechai then becomes the most powerful ruler in the Persian Empire. And Esther his wife, the queen of the Empire, a Jewess, who's children will take the throne and be Jewish by race and teaching. The Persian King is nothing but a bewitched Goylem [Golem] by Mordechai and Esther and is a pawn in their hand. Note 70,000 Persian's are stated to be killed. This is the number of 7, the Zayin letter in Hebrew which is the number the Jews use to curse their enemies with to death. Zayin also means "Zion" the Jewish world government. The 7 is the number of "holy destruction" of the enemies of the Jews, in Kabbalah.

What this represents on the occult level is simple. The creation of a powerful curse in Hebrew [Esther] by Kabbalistic, Rabbinical adepts, which bewitches the Persian King and allows the Jewish leaders [Mordechai] to take over the entire Empire by destroying all the Gentile opposition and conquering from within the Royal Court. Which elevates the Jews to power. The reason the Book of Esther was placed in the Bible is to create with the energy of the mass mind of Christian, Gentiles imprinted with this book, and to then connect the ritual of Purim of the Jews into this energy and materialize this into the world. Esther is also the Book of Esther, the spell is the book and the energy it creates within the mass mind that the Purim rituals with readings in Hebrew and other aspects of the ritual, the Jews connect into with and open the doors to achieve such for them in the physical world. Its specifically used for placing Gentile political leaders and other leaders in powerful area's, under the Jews influence and curses to bring them under control of the Jews.

The Christian Bible is nothing but an occult form of Jewish witchcraft to use the mass mind of the Gentiles under the Christian spell of the Jews, to materialize the occult workings of the Jews into the physical world. And give the Jews global control.

Purim is a Jewish ritual, which is celebrated by all Jews and involves two days of major readings from the Torah, of curses against the Gentiles. The ritual includes small triangle shaped cookies which are given to all the Jewish children in which they are told to bite into and picture ripping off the head of Haman and destroying all the enemies of the Jews. Its a mock cannibal ritual that connects by sympathetic magic into the ritual murders the Jews commit, in which they engage in cannibalism of the victim [which is why Jews suffer from aliments only cannibal tribes are known to suffer from due to engaging in cannibalism] and works in general to send out vast amounts of energy to curse the Gentiles and open the doors for the Jews to be able to conqueror the Gentile host nations from within. Notice how easily the Jews just appear and take over every major political party, corporation, bank and academic institution, within a generation. That is why.

Re: Karl Marx Marching To The Zionist World Order

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:12 am
by Don Danko
Passover Exposed

The Jewish ritual of Passover is a Kabbalistic ritual that ties into the energies of the occult new year which occurs within March to April, in which occult workings are put into motion for the year.

The Jewish Passover is based on when the Jewish "god" murdered the first born, Gentile children of Egypt. This includes the child of the Pharaoh. This is also the time the Christian's celebrate Easter. During the Passover is when the Jews conduct the ritual murders of Gentile children. The child is ritually murdered in a mock up of the Christian ritual murder of Jesus at Easter. This is done to create a sympathetic connection to the Christian ritual which is nothing more then the mock version of the Jewish ritual murders. The Jews drain the blood of the child into cups and drink such and bake the blood into the Matzo bread. The Christian communion ritual is based on this ritual. The energies of the mock ritual murder the Christian's engage in and the Jewish ritual murders connect on the astral and give more energy to the ritual. This is called sympathetic magic in Kabbalah.

When one understands that in esoteric texts the energy of specific chakra's are used to manifest workings into the world of which they correspond to the energies of, this is the key to understanding Passover. The ritual of Passover is mass ritual working of which the entire Jewish racial soul is collectively used to manifest the aim of the ritual into the world. The Jewish racial soul and the individual Jewish soul all at once is called "god" in the Kabbalah texts, the ten sefirot or worlds of their Kabbalah tree is the map of their soul and this tree and the worlds and the 22 letters it makes up is "god" even the YHVH the name of their "god" is how the ten worlds are divided into elemental sections on the tree. Its the Jewish soul and nothing more. This is made explicitly obvious, openly in the Kabbalah. In Kabbalah "god" creates the world by the ten sefirot which are the collective energies of the Jewish individual and collective racial soul, which included the 22 Hebrew letters.

In the Kabbalistic texts the actual details of what and why this is done at Passover is revealed. The Passover is based on directing the energies of the Ain Soph or Kether down thought the worlds of Binah and Chochmah, the three upper worlds . Into what is called the seven lower the Sefirot.

The ten worlds are the map of the Jewish soul, both individually and collectively. The thought form of the Jews or YHVH is nothing but the projection of energy of the collective and individual Jewish soul. Keter or Ain Soph is also called the Shekinah or the "Holy Spirit" its the 22 Hebrew letters, why? Because if one studies the practical Kabbalah, the Jewish soul template the vibrational template that forms the Jewish soul across the different levels of manifestation, is the 22 letters and ten worlds.

The ritual Seder's of Passover is based on ten ritual items, each one relating to the directing of energy into one of the worlds. The cups of wine used and the Matzo balls relate to the directing of energies.

The cup of wine of which the blood is placed, is the world of Binah and the Matzo with the blood baked in is the world of Chochmah. The Keter is the astral template of the Jewish soul which divides into these two halves of the Jewish soul, the male and female aspects of the worlds of their chakra's/energy centers. The Kabbalah states that the life force is in the blood, the energy of the soul is in the blood which is why the Jews drink the blood, its taking in the life force of the victim to add more power into the ritual directly by raising their own energy levels. The astral energies released by the torcher of the victims and the murder of the victims are directed into the mass ritual, as well.

The energies of the ritual murders of Passover are directed into the collective Jewish soul, thought the plane of Keter the astral template which connects to the entire Jewish soul, all the chakra's and from which connection its flowed into the masculine and feminine aspects and energy centers of the Jewish soul, thought all of the energy centers of every Jewish person during the Seder's, the entire Passover Seder's are designed to connected into the energies of the ritual murders by sympathetic connection and by the direction of the mind and chanting of the Kabbalistic formula's in Hebrew and the drinking of the wine cups and eating of the Matzo bread. From here the collective energy of the properties of all ten worlds, infused with the energies raised in the ritual, the full force of the entire Jewish soul collectively is projected outwards to connect with the Christian ritual of Easter and thus become infused by the projected and connected energy of millions of Christian dupes and then manifested into the world.

The aim of using the collective energies of all ten energy or consciousness centers of the Jewish racial soul for this mass working is made clear in the Kabbalah:

Five manifestations for the male worlds or chakras and five manifestations for the female worlds or chakra's. The five of the male chakra's are directed into cursing the Gentiles and the five of the female chakra's are for blessing the Jewish race. This relates to the concept of severity and mercy in the Kabbalah. Its just a code for using the energy of the Jewish soul centers for different workings. The Kabbalah shows how to use them individually or in smaller groups or in the case of Passover all at once.

What this ritual also reveals is the purpose of Christianity is to act as the conduit for the Jewish rituals to manifest into the world with and thought as each Christian is connected into the "Holy Spirit" or the Shekinah, the energy of the Jewish race soul [YHVH]. In the occult its known that one can direct energy into a person its called "Pranam" in Hinduism. The energy of the Christian worship is all directed into the Jewish racial soul, collectively to infuse the Jewish race with major spiritual power. And to connect the Christian's into the projected thought form of the Jewish racial soul on the astral, which the Christian connects with and acts as conduit through which the rituals of the Jews manifest into the physical world.

The ritual of Yom Kippur, if one studies the Rabbinical, Kabbalistic adepts, is to create a transfer of the negative energy the Jewish race collects on their soul from Passover and such murderous rituals. And transfer it onto the Gentiles spiritually. To then curse the Gentiles further to destruction for the Jewish race. By transfer of the negative karmic energy of the Jewish actions onto the Goyim, the Goyim pay for the Jewish evil committed against them. The concept of Christianity is what allows this to be successful. Its based on the transfer of negative energy from the guilty onto the innocent, this creates a sympathetic connection in the mass mind of the Gentile victims. The Christian's are taught to be guilty and ashamed all the time and they deserve to be punished. This creates the open window in their mind to connect with the curses of the Jews, TOTALLY. The Christian Gentiles, soul being connected astrally into the Jewish racial soul, creates the link for all this to connect and the Jews to damn them.

The removal of all spiritual knowledge and the total destruction of history by the Jewish program of Christianity. Leaves the Gentiles as helpless victims to all of the evil of the Jewish racial program.

Re: Karl Marx Marching To The Zionist World Order

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:14 am
by Don Danko
The Illuminati World Government

The Illuminati order was a Jewish world government movement of Kabbalistic Jews going back to its original origin's in Europe in the 15th century in Spain as the Jewish Alumbrado movement which means "Illuminated or Enlightened" this movement became the Jesuits Order officially and it appears in France later on in the 17th century officially and became known as the Frankist movement and came public again as the infamous "Illuminati" of Weishaupt. Adam Weishaupt himself was a Jewish Jesuit and Frankist and styled the Illuminati structure and aims on the Jesuit Order and the goal of the order was to bring about a World Jewish Government. The Jesuit's and Frankists where wings of the same Jewish Kabbalistic Alumbrado movement. The Jewish power elites who ran the Vatican needed a sword arm of the Jesuits to fight against the anti-Catholic movements that were sweeping Europe and seeking to destroy their foundation of their occult control and power the Church. The writings of the time show the anti Catholic movement was an open anti-Jewish movement and the Gentiles such as the famous anti-Semitic, Bruno [who called the Jews "excrement"] was one of the leaders of such movement. Bruno wanted to abolish Christianity and return to Paganism which is why he was executed Hellenism [Paganism] was the death penalty under the Jewish Catholic Church.

"It was the Jewish Jesuit Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino [1542-1621] who ordered the philosopher Filippo Giordano Bruno burnt at the stake on the 17th of February 1600."[1]

The Jewish Alumbrado movement:

"In 1492 the Alumbrado [The Enlightened] moment was founded by Spanish Marranos [baptized Jews who secretly kept their Talmudic faith] and a similar organization was founded in France in 1623 - "Guerients" who changed their name to the Illuminati in 1722."[2]

"The Spanish authorities attempted to stop the Alumbrado movement as early as 1527 when Ignatius Loyola was temporarily arrested for his activities with the Illuminati [my note the Jewish Alumbrado movement]."[3]

"Loyola [Inigo Lopez de Regalde], who was of Jewish blood was born in the 1490"s in 1534, he founded his own order the Jesuits taking out a loan for the purpose. The Pope acknowledged the Jesuit Order on the 5th of April 1540."[4]

The Jesuit's where acknowledged by Pope Paul the III who was obviously Jewish from the images of him just as the Marrano, Borgia Popes where well known to be Jewish.

"Benjamin Disraeli, author and prime minister of Great Britain in 1868 and 1874-76 himself a Jew, wrote in his book "Coningsby" [London,1844] that the first Jesuits were Jews."[5]

Loyola's written texts the spiritual exercises of the Jesuit Order are all known to be from the Jewish Kabbalah. As the Jesuit's are simply a Kabbalistic Jewish movement who control the Vatican and appointed and assassinated Popes in history. The Vatican's enforcers are occult trained Jews. Most of the Popes in history have been Jewish as well as the Cardinal's and bishops. The Catholic Church was created by the Flavian Dynasty who's first Emperor put up a statue to an Alexandrian Jew who was responsible for creating the Dynasty[6]. It was also run by Jewish oligarchs. The Bible is the Jewish religion and ends with the world being ruled by a global Jewish government of the Jewish King of the world and the 12 tribes of Israel from the New Zion in the book of Revelations. The Catholic revolution in the Roman Empire destroyed the Gentile society to create a new globalist Jewish government under the icon the ideal of the Jewish King of the World that must be worshipped and brought to life from the astral into the material as a working of the mass mind.

The Jew Weishaupt who's father was a Rabbi, becomes a new leader in the Jewish Alumbrado movement:

"In 1771, 23 year old Weishaupt met Kolmer, a Danish Cabbalist Jew who had just returned from Egypt. Kolmer initiated Weishaupt.... into the Cabbala and the ALUMBRADO movement."[7]

"It was no coincidence that the Order of the Illuminati was founded on the fist of May. Among the Cabbalist Jews, this date, 15 [1.5] symbolized the sacred number of Yahweh and so became their occult holiday."[8]

From Weishaupt's connection in the Kabbalistic Alumbrado movement he was introduced to members of its other wings such as the Frankists:

"At this time a young Jew named Mayer Amschel was being tutored to become a rabbi. ....He later took the name Rothschild. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of establishing [my note leading the existing] the old Alumbrado movement for Cabbalist Jews."[9]

"Jakob Frank [1726-1791] was the most frightening phenomenon in Jewish history... Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman shows in his book "To Eliminate the Opiate" [New York,1974] that there was a clear connection between Frankism and Weishaupt's Illuminism. The goal of the Frankists was to work in secret to establish Jewish world supremacy. Professor [my note himself a Jew]Scholem, has clearly documented that they achieved extensive political power."[10]

The other powerful global banking Jewish dynasty in this movement next to the Rothschild's to this day are the Jewish Warburgs they another Cabbalistic adept group:

"In Hamburg, a powerful Jewish-Cabbalist family grew forth. Their name was [Samuel Moses] Warbug and they also joined this conspiracy of world supremacy."[11]

This is where it comes together Weishaupt was part of the Jewish Alumbrado this is where he went into and became a trained Jesuit and a member of the Frankists and created the Illuminati and ran this for larger Jewish powers behind the scene. He was simply a well trained agent of Jewish occult espionage who was moved thought these wings of the same Jewish movement due to his qualifications for such. That is why Weishaupt's main agents were all fellow Cabbalist Jews they were all in the same movement working together to bring this agenda about. The Jewish run Catholic Church is in the background as well.

"Bernard Lazar, a well-known Jewish author wrote in his "L'Anti-semitisme" in 1894, that exclusively Cabbalist Jews surrounded Weishaupt. Confiscated documents show that of 39 Illuminati holding lesser leading positions, 17 were Jews [i.e 40%]. The higher one looked in ranks, the larger was the percentage of Jews. Even the fact the Illuminate headquarters in Ingolstadt were later converted into a synagogue was symbolic of this conspiracy Lazar stated that all these Jews became the agents of revolution..."[12]

"There were four especially important Jews in the Illuminati leadership, Harwig [Naphtali Herz] Wessely, Moses Mendelssoh, the banker Daniel von Itzig and the business man David Friedlander."[13]

The Jewish Cabbalist movement infiltrated the Masonic Societies whom themselves wanted to destroy the Catholic Church and create a free society. And the Jews did this to corrupt them and turn them into useful idiots of the Jewish world government program. They also did this to stop them from destroying the Church the foundation of Jewish occult power. The fact Jewish Jesuit Weishaupt himself didn't hide:

"Adam Weishaupt had taught:
"To some of these freemasons we shall not even reveal that we have anything more than what the freemasons have... All those who are not suitable for the work he shall remain in the Masonic lodge and advance there without known anything about the additional system. ["Einige Originalschriften des Illuminatenordes"] Munich, 1787, p.300.][14]

"The Illuminati moved freely within the many secret societies of the time seeking to utilize the liberal ideology of freemasonry as bait for those who lacked knowledge of its true purposes. "All Illuminati are freemasons but far from all freemasons are Illuminati," stated Professor Cosandey and Renner from Munich in their testimonies in April 1785."[15]

The Jewish movement was able to take control of Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad which was set up by Weishaupt's bosses such as the Rothschild's with help of Weishaupt:

"A conference was held at Mayer Amschel Rothschild's castle in Wilhelmsbad on the 16th July 1782, where the freemasons and Illuminati forged a complete alliance. In this way, the leading secret societies began a closer co-operation with the Illuminati."[16]

"At its beginning, the Illuminati was not a Masonic order, and Weishaupt himself did not enter a lodge until 1777, when he received induction into the Lodge Theodore de Bon Conseil in Munich. However, once inside Masonry, Weishaupt immediately saw its potential value to be a vehicle for the realization of his Illuminati dreams. To create an official union between the Illuminati and Freemasonry, Weishaupt set about organizing the Congress of Wilhelmsbad at the Castle of William IX of Hesse-Kassel, to occur on July 16, 1782. That special even, which was momentous in both size and aspirations, was attended by elite representatives of Masonic lodges from all over.
It was also there that a decision was reached to allow the previously excluded Jews to be granted admittance into Freemasonry."[17]

"When the time came for a vote on their admittance at Wilhelmsbad, the Jews were so anxious to win the day that they completely filled the hall with other Jewish supporters. It was not long afterwards that the Illuminati membership included an abundance of Jewish banking families, including the Rothschild's, the Oppenheimers, the Wertheimers, the Schusters, Speyers, and Sterns."[18]

"New lodges of predominantly Jews were formed in Frankfurt the Rothschild's financial capital in Europe, and soon all of Illumininzed Freemasonry would make the city its world headquarters."[19]

"The first order of business for the Illuminati-initiated Jews, who were the was to manifest their prophesied Zion, a world ruled by the chosen people of Yahweh. Plans were set in motion for the Jews to finally have their "land of milk and honey" that had been promised to them for so long [in their own Jew minds] and it would be the entire world."[20]

From here the Jews were able to take over the important command lodge of the Grant Orient in France and its associated Lodges. This gave them occult control over the French revolution.

"Weishaupt had earlier sent the Jew Giuseppe Balsamo who presented himself under the false title of Count Alessandro Cagliostro, to France so that the Illuminati would control the French Masonic orders."[21]

It was the taking over of the Masonic Jacobin's clubs that gave the Jewish movement political control over the French revolution:

"The Illuminati took over the Jacobin clubs already in 1789. 152 of these clubs were active on the August 1790, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Jacobins had a centralized network over all France. The first club was taken over by Weishaupt's close collaborators Bode and Baron de Bushce. ... We must not forget that one of Weishaupt's titles was "Patriarch of the Jacobin's"."[22]

This is the important part when the Jews created the "Jacobin Republic" and officially took over the French Revolution they created the "Commune" ended all liberties and brought in the "Terror" created secret police forces identical to their Cheka later on in Russia and exterminated over half a million French innocents and destroyed France as a nation on every level.

"Jewish "revolutionaries" immediately saw to it that the Jews received full citizenship and so that they had their hands free to act. Maximillian Marie Isidore Robespierre [my note the leader of the Jacobin Republic] published a work entitled "To Protect the Political Rights of the Jews" as early as in 1789 [my note around the start of the French revolution]. Protection of Jewish rights was obviously considered the main priority. Louis Joseph Marchand, friend of Napoleon Bonaparte, wrote in 1895 that Robespierre was actually Jew by the name of Ruban....["In Napoleon's Shadow." San Francisoco,1998].[23]

This is where the obvious is witnessed the Jewish run Illuminati, Jacobin Republic established a Communist society the Commune, the Jacobin Republic was the political arm of the Jewish world government movement and the Jacobin's where lead by the Jesuit agent Robespierre who was a Jew named Ruben...… It was Ruben who executed the actual Mason's who where working to ABOLISH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Jew Robespierre reinstated the Catholic Church and Christianity totality into French society, reinstated the Catholic Priesthood and Church lands and wealth and the Christian ritual which had all been banned by the Masonic members of the government. This was to maintain the Catholic Church which is the occult foundation of the Jewish power structure. This creates the psychic and material base for the Jewish agenda of world government. Without the Catholic Church and Christianity that can't survive.

America was also attacked by the Jewish forces of the Illuminati.

"George Washington, who had become a freemason in 1752 when he was 20 years old, also attempted to oppose the Illuminati's work in America after he was convinced in 1796 that they posed a threat to the nation. Due to this, Weishaupt had made plans to murder Washington if he became too troublesome. [Neal Wilgus, "The Illuminoids", New York, 1978,p.33.][24]

The Jews did finally attempt to murder Washington and overthrow the new American Republic when the new nation's government was still in Philadelphia. Illuminati agents from France poured into America on orders from the Jacobin Republic's Jewish leader Ruben acting mostly likely on orders from fellow Jew, Weishaupt.

Philadelphia the capital only had 28,000 people living in it. The Illuminati agents organized and funded a 10,000 man mob of insurrection led by them and who where trucked in from elsewhere for an organized assault on Philadelphia the open goal being to overthrow the government and execute Washington and end the American nation. Thankfully a yellow fever outbreak occurred and decimated the Illuminati forces and chased the rest out of the city for fear of plague. Adam's wrote to Jefferson a decade after this attempted coup by the Illuminati and told him they nearly lost the nation and where only saved by the outbreak of fever.

Washington passed the Alien and Sedition Act into law after this for the reason of combating the Jewish Illuminati in America. Under this act dozens of French Illuminati agents where arrested and imprisoned and thousands more fled America back to France.

Something to note Franklin probably witnessed how the Jews had overtaken France in the Revolution and wanted to protect America from the same fate as Franklin made this demand the year the French Revolution started:

"In 1789, the publicist, statesman and scientist Benjamin Franklin [1706-1790] himself a freemason, demanded that the United States of America defend itself against the Jewish immigration and influence with the help of the constitution, since the Jews had become a state within the state."[25]

The Illuminati is the wing of the Jewish organization of the Catholic Church.

This is why the Rothschild's are the bankers of the Catholic Church. The Church is run by the Jesuit's the same Jewish Cabbalistic order the Frankist's are another wing of, the Rothschild's are leaders of the Frankists and they are working together with the Jewish run Jesuits the leaders of the Church for the same Jewish world government.

The Communist Ideology was created by the Jesuits and perfected by them. This was exported to France with the Jacobin Commune. Later the Jacobin's would change their name to the Communist League. Which was the same Jewish Cabbalistic movement marching into a new day. This is why the Jesuits created and organized "Liberation Theology" which is Christian Communism and spread this to aid in Communist revolution in Latin America. This was the system they already created and perfected centuries before they where bringing out to the public again. The current Jesuit Pope Francis when he was the Bishop in Argentina ordered Liberation Theology to be preached in all the Churches for assistance in the conquest of Latin America for his Jewish brethren's mission of the Jewish world government. Francis the Jesuit Pope was put into power to do one thing rebuild the image of Jewish Communism to the world and use Church political and monetary power to push towards the agenda of the World Jewish Government.

"Since Jesuits educated Weishaupt , he was familiar with their experiences of creating totalitarian societies and his prototype was above all the totalitarian and theocratic rule, which the Jesuits enforced, in spite of the Spanish central power in Paraguay in 1609. This slave state existed officially for 159 years, up to 1768."[26]

"The Jesuits followed a kind of communist method, using cunning and violence. Guarani Indians of both sexes and all ages were put to forced labor for the mission. The Indians did not have any personal property. All the produce as gathered in communal storehouses. Whatever food and clothing the Indians needed as well as the general needs of the commune, were distributed from these . The Jesuits oversaw the work in a factory manner. The Jesuits enforced work duty .The supply of food and other necessities to the Indians depended on the results of production. The power structure was centralized and work was performed in groups. The commune even organized entertainment. When punishment was meted out the Indians were made to kiss the hand of their executioner, thank him and express their remorse."[27]

"The commune leadership was comprised of Jesuit priests....The Jesuits aspired to create an independent state...An interesting fact is that primarily Central European Jesuits [of Jewish stock] were chosen as leaders of the Paraguay missions."[28]

Paraguay was an example of standardization, the "right of co-determination", the factory mentality, communist methods, an iron curtain...politurks, servitude, violence, propaganda and militarism,.[29]

The Indians where turned into helpless, dependent creatures. Their chances for spiritual development were curbed. Special Jesuit priests [like politruks] indoctrinated the Indians not to express their dissatisfaction.
Information about the real conditions eventually reached the outside world despite all hypocrisy and double-dealing. In 1759, the Jesuits were ordered to release the Indians and abolish their isolation system.....King Carlos III of Spain expelled the Jesuits from all his provinces in 1767. The Jesuits in Paraguay shared the fate of their brothers. One year later, in 1768 they officially left their missions without resistance, missions which had, through their communist way of life, stifled the spiritual development of the Indians. Thereby the Jesuits had gathered experience of indoctrination the exceedingly freedom-loving Indian nations and of changing them into obedient slaves in their commune."[30]

Don Danko friend of Lucifer

[1][2][3][4][5]Under The Sign Of The Scorpion, Juri Lina
[6] The Gnostic's And Their Remains, Charles William King
[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Under The Sign Of The Scorpion, Juri Lina
[16][17][18][19][20] The Coming Gnostic Civilization, Mark Pinkham
[21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29[30] Under The Sign Of The Scorpion, Juri Lin

Re: Karl Marx Marching To The Zionist World Order

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:18 am
by Don Danko
The Jews officially showed up in China as early as 206 B.C from reports. Other Jewish migrations came from India later. It seems the Jews probably originated in East from India and the Far Eastern regions.

Note something important:"Some Accidental observations of Marco Polo trips show that Jews were sufficient enough to be able to exert political influence in China..".[1]

This was during the Yuan dynasty that was later overthrown by the Ming dynasty. Note the Yuan was the Mongol dynasty which shows the Jewish Race had influence behind the Mongol campaigns of the Khans. Which massacred tens of millions.

Note during the Ming dynasty the Jews rose again to political and social power to an extreme degree totally infiltrating Chinese society and taking control of the Ming government. Just like the Jewish Torah tells them to do in the books of Daniel, Esther and the story of Joseph in Egypt.

"In 1421,a Jew named Hassan (An San) was rewarded by the Chinese Emperor for reporting an act of attempted treason against the Emperor by Kaifeng’s Prince Su. Part of Hassan’s reward included being given the Chinese name Chao Ch’eng or Chao the Honest. This paved the way for the Jews of Kaifeng to become full-fledged members of Chinese society. It was not long before the rest of the community took Chinese names, although they continued to use Hebrew names in their communal records. A number of Kai Fung’s Jews began working for the Chinese government. “China’s civil service was far more egalitarian than any in the West at the time. It recruited officials on the basis of examinations leading to three successive degrees, roughly corresponding to the Western bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate. The exams tested a student’s knowledge of and ability to interpret Confucian scriptures. They were open to all Chinese citizens. Within a generation of Hassan’s breakthrough, Jews in Kaifeng began passing the exams and becoming mandarins. The next three hundred years (c. 1421-1723) were their Golden Age. Jewish mandarins attained a wide variety of [important government] positions. “[2]

This is important the Jews who obtained the highest positions in the Ming dynasty that ruled China and took the court and governmental over.

We know from marble tablets that were found in the finds in China the Chinese Jews were in China from the 12th century and that the Jews had so much influence as merchants and thus money lenders, banksters they were granted special privileges and lands by the Emperor of China we can note the same history inscribed on the walls of Indian Jewish synagogues of identical political privileges given by the Indian rulers.

"Inscriptions in the Chinese language found on its marble tablets, dating from the years 1489,1512,and 1663,which have been often translated and published, have cast unexpected light upon a hitherto entirely unknown chapter of Jewish history. The following abstracts of these inscriptions give an insight into both the history and the character of the Chinese Jews. “The inscription of 1489 referring to the immigration states: ‘Seventy families came from the Western lands offering tribute of cotton cloth to the emperor, who allowed them to settle at Peenlang’ (K’ai-Fung-Foo).In 1163,the synagogue was erected by a certain Yen-too-la; and in 1279,it was rebuilt on a larger scale. In 1390, the Jews were granted land and additional privileges by Tai-tsou, the founder of the Ming dynasty. In 1421, permission was given by the emperor to Yen-Tcheng,"

Note the Jews simply infiltrated themselves into power in the new ruling Dynasty working their way up to hold major positions in the Imperial Court.

What then happened the Chinese rose up against the Ming Dynasty in a major rebellion that overthrew the Dynasty. Note the Chinese people destroyed the synagogue and slaughtered the Jews in a Pogrom as part of the revolt against the Ming Dynasty. Even going as far to destroy the Jewish Torah and the Jewish religious artifacts as part of destroying the synagogue and Jewish region of the city. No mistake as to why. The Jews were oppressing them with Imperial power. The same style Pogroms happened all over Europe in both Islamic Spain and Christian Europe for the same reason. The argument the Jews make all those Pogroms in Europe were because of "religious intolerance" against them are phoney. The Chinese were PAGANS and they rose up the same way for the same reasons.

“Another inscription dated 1663,by a Chinese [Jewish] mandarin (Chinese public official), gives a graphic account of the rebellion which caused the fall of the Ming dynasty in 1642 and the destruction of the city, the synagogue, and many Jewish lives, and of the rescue of the sacred writings by a Jewish mandarin, who, with the help of the troops, restored the city, and together with his brother,rebuilt the synagogue in 1653.Only one complete scroll of the Law having been recovered from the waters, this was placed in the middle of the Ark; and twelve other scrolls were copied and placed around it.Other holy writings and prayerbooks were repaired by members of the community, whose names are perpetuated in the tablet, together with the names of all the dignitaries who took part in the restoration.”[3]

The Jews were so powerful in the Ming Court they were leading important military campaigns and armies. Mandarin's are Court advisors and ministers. And here we have a Jewish Mandarin leading an army.

Later many Jews migrated to Shang Hi and Hong Kong and became cotton dealers and Opium dealers note this is where the heart of organized crime in China originates from as well because the Jews have always run the organized crime business everywhere they go. The British Jews such as the Rothschild's sent in troops to protect their fellow Chinese Jews on the ground to deal their Opium. The Jewish Rothschild's and Sassoon's worked with the Jewish Solomon brothers and Chinese Jews to run the Opium trade into China.

Later the Chinese Jews started the Chinese Communist Party in Shang Hi with help of their western Jewish brethren out of Moscow. From here they took over China and slaughtered over seventy million people. The Jews still control China to this day.

Investagations On The Existance Of Jews In China, Alexander Weily [1]
The Jews Of China Stevens Institute of Technology, Dr. Yitzchok Levine[2][3]

Re: Karl Marx Marching To The Zionist World Order

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:26 am
by Don Danko
Jesus The Jewish Messiah

Here we can read right from the Bible the racist agenda and ideology of Judaism towards non Jewish humanity.

The character of Rabbi Yeshua Bar Joseph, [Jesus Christ] who was the clamed Jewish messiah [King] and thus political ruler of the Jewish race as the line of King David in the New Testament openly shows the Jewish racism and supremacism against Gentiles and Jesus's statements against Gentiles are also found in the Jewish Torah and Talmud. Which he himself affirms in his Jewish ministry in the New Testament.

In the book of John 10:35, Rabbi Yeshua [Jesus] states that the Jews are divine gods and he quotes the Jewish Torah to affirm this:
"Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’? 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside."

Rabbi Yeshua [Jesus] is quoting Psalms 82:6, which is within the Jewish Torah:
“I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High."

Rabbi Jesus believed himself and fellow Jews to be gods in the image of the Jewish god Yahweh and this is the foundational belief of Judaism. The other is that Gentiles are animals or Goyim put here to serve the Jews as animals.

Rabbi Jesus calls Gentile people animals "dogs" which in his time was a common insult for Gentiles by Jews. Its known by theologians that Jews used phrases such as "Gentile dog" to dehumanize Gentiles.

Matthew 15:21–28, Jesus encounters a Canaanite woman who begs Him to cure her daughter. Jesus at first refuses her request by stating, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs” (Matthew 15:26).

Rabbi Jesus openly calls Gentiles animals.

Here we note that Rabbi Jesus is pleased by the Gentile women referring to his Jewish people as "masters" and knowing her place as the Goyim a servant animal of the divine gods the Jews which is what Rabbi Jesus taught as he taught the Torah:

Matthew 15:24:
He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs
Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.”

Where did Rabbi Jesus get the attitude of calling Gentiles names of animals from? The Torah the book he taught in which Gentiles are openly called animals and compared to different types of servant animals of the Jews. In the book of Ezekiel the Gentiles are called animals such as donkeys and horses in reference to the Gentile peoples who some of the Jews had "lusted after" its stated:

Ezekiel 23:20 "For she doted upon their paramours, [my note Gentiles] whose flesh is as the flesh of asses and whose issue is like the issue of horses."

Donkeys, DOGS, and such this is Jewish racism against Gentiles.

In the Talmud in Berakhot 58a. Rabbi Sheila murders a Gentile to stop him from reporting on what Ezekiel 23;20 states about Gentiles. The passage instructs Jews to murder Gentiles to stop them from warning other Gentiles about what the Jews teach about them.

The stated agenda of the Bible is given in revelations that the Nations [Goyim] will be destroyed by the Jewish King of the world [Rabbi Yeshua] and this Jewish world King will rule the world with the 12 tribes of the Jewish race which the 144,000 are symbolic of. And that Rabbi Yeshua will rule the planet with a rod of iron which is the weapon the Jewish god uses to destroy the Gentiles with in the Torah.

Christianity was created by Jews to indoctrinate the Gentiles to destroy their own cultures and worship the Jews as divine gods. And use the mass mind to bring about the Jewish global dictatorship.

Re: Exposing Judaism Articles Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:33 am
by Don Danko
Israel: Murdering Children For Organs And Engaging In Medical Experiments On Palestinians

This is not surprising as its documented that Talmud that a Jew may take what they need from the Goyim even Rabbi's have stated this includes organs, Israel also kills and harvests the organs of Palestinians from children to adults for sale on the market as well. Its also documented that Israel routinely uses torture on Palestinians in their prisons, many never return from prison. Israel also bombs hospitals and children schools as well and frequently uses weapons that are banned such as white phosphorus on men, women and children in Gaza and from reports also used nerve gas on civilian populations in Lebanon in 2006. Israel is also documented in the international press to have used a tactical nuclear weapon on Syria in 2013. Remember Israel is the global center of the sex slave and drug trade as well. Let us not forget Mossad's role in 911 and how four thousand Israeli's never showed up for work on 911 to the Twin Towers. Billions of your tax dollars a year are going to Israel. Think of that the next time Israel is praised by the Jewish media and Jewish owned politicians. The Jews would do this to you and your own children if they could. They are permit to do as they please to the cattle ie the Goyim. This is what the racism of Judaism looks like in reality: ... prisoners/
In July 1997, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported remarks for Dalia Itzik, chairman of a parliamentary committee, acknowledged that the Israeli Ministry of Health had given pharmaceutical firms permits to test their new drugs on inmates, noting that 5,000 tests had already been carried out.
Robrecht Vanderbeeken, the cultural secretary of Belgium’s ACOD trade union, warned in August 2018 the population of the Gaza Strip is being “starved to death, poisoned, and children are kidnapped and murdered for their organs.”

Israeli Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian revealed yesterday that the Israeli occupation authorities issues permits to large pharmaceutical firms to carry out tests on Palestinian and Arab prisoners, reported.
The Times of Israel also reported that in a recording from the event the Hebrew University lecturer also revealed that the Israeli military firms are testing weapons on Palestinian children and carry out these tests in the Palestinian neighbourhoods of occupied Jerusalem.
Speaking in Columbia University in New York City, Shalhoub-Kevorkian said that she collected the data while carrying out a research project for the Hebrew University.
“Palestinian spaces are laboratories,” she said. “The invention of products and services of state-sponsored security corporations are fueled by long-term curfews and Palestinian oppression by the Israeli army.”
Remote control repression: Israel tested its latest weapons against the Great March of Return
In her talk, entitled “Disturbing Spaces – Violent Technologies in Palestinian Jerusalem”, the professor added: “They check for which bombs to use, gas bombs or stink bombs. Whether to put plastic sacks or cloth sacks. To beat us with their rifles or to kick us with boots.”
Last week, Israeli authorities refused to hand over the body of Fares Baroud, who passed away inside Israeli prisons after suffering from a number of diseases. His family fear that he could have been used for such tests and Israel is afraid this could be revealed through forensic investigations.

Lives of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails – Cartoon [Alarabya]

5,000 tests on prisoners
In July 1997, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported remarks for Dalia Itzik, chairman of a parliamentary committee, acknowledged that the Israeli Ministry of Health had given pharmaceutical firms permits to test their new drugs on inmates, noting that 5,000 tests had already been carried out.
Robrecht Vanderbeeken, the cultural secretary of Belgium’s ACOD trade union, warned in August 2018 the population of the Gaza Strip is being “starved to death, poisoned, and children are kidnapped and murdered for their organs.”
This follows previous warnings from Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour who said the bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces “were returned with missing corneas and other organs, further confirming past reports about organ harvesting by the occupying power.”

Re: Exposing Judaism Articles Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:38 am
by Don Danko
The Jews Know They Follow A Criminal Cult

Kabbalah in Hebrew relates to the term "confusion" and "binding" in the sense to tie a rope around something to bind it.[1]

"To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly" Libbre Davie, 37 the Jewish Talmud.

What are the Jews hiding in their "religion" that is so criminal the justice they fear they would receive is that extreme?

[1]Thrice Great Hermetica And The Janus Age, Joseph P. Farrell

Re: Exposing Judaism Articles Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:43 am
by Don Danko
Israelis ‘undergo Jewish DNA test before being allowed to marry’
[My note Jews are obviously a race, they admit it they can check your DNA and find if your Jewish. The entire Jewish religion is based on genetics this is due to the fact they come from what they call a different blood line then the Gentiles. This is reptilian blood line from the statements of some of the Rabbinical leaders which includes one Rabbi claiming the Jewish DNA was altered and mixed with reptilian blood in time of Moses. This Rabbi then goes on Ancient Aliens and talks about this openly on his utube channel: ... -to-marry/

Israel’s rabbinate “has been performing genetic testing on Israelis from the former Soviet Union, to check if they are ‘genetically Jewish’ as a condition for marriage registration”, according to Ynet.
The new site reported that “at least 20 couples have come forward after having been asked to undergo the procedure in the past year.”
“Although the existence of such tests was initially denied by Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau admitted to having requested that some couples prove their Jewish status,” Ynet added, noting that “Lau claimed those were isolated incidents and there was no coercion.”
Ynet’s investigation revealed that “the complicated procedure was undertaken not only by the couples themselves but also by their relatives.”
“In one instance, a young woman who went to the rabbinate before her wedding was asked to conduct a DNA test along with her mother and her aunt, in order to eliminate the possibility that her mother was adopted,” the article stated.
OPINION: The invention of the Jewish people
“The young woman was told that if she refused the request, her marriage application would be denied,” Ynet added. “The rabbinate has control over Jewish religious rites in Israel.”
“According to the evidence accumulated by Ynet, these instances are examples of what appears to be a growing phenomenon where those applying to register for marriage, are being asked to undergo genetic testing if they want to have their requests granted,” the paper stated.
“Unfortunately, there are immigrants who, despite their eligibility under the Law of Return, are not defined as Jews according to Halacha,” said Lau in response. “In a few cases, there are those who claim to be Jews, but don’t possess the necessary documents to confirm it…or we find contradictions between their statements and what we would uncover about them”.
“In these cases we suggest undergoing DNA tests that would strengthen their claims,” he said. “It’s never forced upon anyone and only used to assist applicants in the research process.”

Re: Exposing Judaism Articles Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:47 am
by Don Danko
Bilderbergers Of Zion Want Global Christian Church

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it-"
James Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950 Testimony to the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee....The "We" Warburg states here is the Jews.

Here we have an Elder of Zion a Warburg telling us all Goys how its going to be. The revealing thing in all of this is the Warburg's, Rothschild's and Rockefeller's are the force behind the Bilderbergers which is the well known organization were the different castes of the Jewish power structure meet to discussion policy. The Banker Dynasty, Multinational corporations, media industry, military, political class elites, academia elites and assorted movers and shakers send their reps to meet in person. The hotels are totally rented out and cleaned out and turned into security bunkers for these meetings.

Something that came out however is revealing. They divide control into four classes. Money power, Political power, Intellectual power and religious power. These are the four castes they wanted to unite under their Jewish World Government. Note the major leaders the Rockefeller's:

"The Rockefeller Foundation is the source of many grants to ardent ecumenical movement projects and has been a major supporter of the World council of churches."

The Jews want a one world religion as part of the control grid. And this is Christianity to this day they are promoting and funding the Christian churches and Christian religious movements around the world. The entire Evangelical bible belt of America has been funded by Jewish money. Mega pastors such as Hagee brag about being on the pay roll of the Jewish Elites. They are all. The Rothschild's are the Vatican bankers. The Rockefeller's also fund a think tank in Colorado to create a synthesis of world religions and new age ideas under a centralized Christian core. You note this in Theosophy early which was funded and promoted by members in Jewish organizations such as the Christian Free Mason's. This ideology simply took Hinduism, Buddhism and other popular ideas and merged them into a synthesis with the Jewish religion via Christianity till everything was about Jewish characters from Abraham to Jesus. This pulls everything's intention into the Jewish thought form and keeps the spell going. This is also a popular and well known method of subversion used by the Catholic Church in Hindu India to this day. They open a fake Hindu Temple put up pictures of Jesus next to Krisna and dress like Hindu monastic's and mix Hinduism into Christianity till they get the people so far pushed into the Bible they demand conversion. This is what Theosophy is about. And why it was also so promoted in India with its main headquarters still there.

The Jewish Kabala tells the Jews to use synthesis as their method of subversion. This is also how and why the Jews created Christianity to blend the Goyim culture into Jewish control by corrupting the archetypes and cultural language into Jewish characters and meanings. Creating a Jewish thought form that's purpose is to destroy all the Gentiles nations in a Jewish Messianic war and out of this manifest a One World Jewish Government run by the 12 Tribes of the Jewish Race under the king of the Jews the Messiah. Which is how the Christian Bible ends with this coming about in the Book of Revelations. Jesus the Jewish Messiah returns at the head of an army of Jewish angels and destroys the Nations which means Goyim in Hebrew and builds the Zionist Jewish Theocracy over the ruins of the world. Which he rules with the 144,000 Jews which represents the 12 Tribes the entire Jewish Race....Note a single Goyim in there....OY Veh.

Note the major Elders of Zion the Warburg's, Rothschild's and Rockefellers are leading members in the Jewish Messianic Frankist movement, the Warburg's and Rothschild's being elevated to power by its leader Rabbi Jacob Frank the claimed Jewish Messiah of the time. Jacob Frank a Rabbi created the Illuminati Manifesto which was later translated into the industrial revolution period as the Communist Manifesto by two other Rabbi's that of Moses Hess and Mordechai Levy also known as his Goy presenting name of Karl Marx on behalf of Leon Rothschild. The Rothschild family in their own writings took over the mantle of Jewish Messianic linage from Frank. The Rockefeller's created the Communist Party of America and spent millions promoting the USSR in America and shipping industry to build it up. And Warburg got Lenin into Russia with trunks full of Money. The Rockefeller's employed fellow Jew Trotsky to recruit other Jews in New York and then sent him to Russia with trunks full of money. And Jewish Stalin was hired by the Rothschild agents. The whole Communist revolution was funded by Jewish banking elites out of New York and London and run out of the Jewish controlled Free Masonic lodges in Russia and aboard.

And all these Jews who created and push Communism....... All at the same time want a ONE WORLD RELIGON OF JEWISH CHRISTIANITY.

When the Vatican went back to the gospels and dropped all the nonsense. They created Vatican Two and the theology of Vatican Two right from the pure gospels only is Liberation Theology which is literally Christian Communism. Funny how they found the Communist Manifesto of the Jewish Rabbi's in a book written by Jewish Rabbi's two thousand years ago to create a Global Jewish Government. Its obvious as to why. Its the same program with the goal posts moved around on it. Pope Francis has admitted this as well. Calling Communism "Atheist Christianity".

Babylon's Banksters, Joseph P. Farrell