Satanic Witchcraft

Satanic Pentagram

Aides To Assist Calling On A Demon

There are many aides we can use to assist us in contacting the Demons/Gods/ETs. 

For example, you can use a tarot deck (I created several decks specifically for Spiritual Satanists). However, you don't have to use my tarot's. Pick one you harmonize with. Again, the aides we choose to work with are all highly personal. Pick a deck with artwork you resonate to.

Ask Satan, get His go ahead (I should mention, after you've received Satan's OK the first time in regards contacting a specific Demon it isn't necessary to ask again). Focus on the Demon/your questions as you shuffle, lay out a spread for yourself, see what you get. 

As you learn to work with your tarot and get closer to your Demon, there will be times when you'll 'feel' an urging to get out your deck and pull some cards at random. And you'll be amazed at how when you interpret what comes, they'll contain a message pertinent to what is going on right now for you. This is your Demon calling on you. For example, there are specific cards that I know signify their presence, others that have specific personal meanings for me. 

Don't censor. Go with what you get, interpret the cards, see if you got a message. 

When they're finished 'speaking' to you through the deck, you'll feel it. The deck kind of seems to turn off. It doesn't feel charged anymore. The conversation is finished, for now.

No fear. In Satanism we always say: No Fear. This is a good example of a situation in which you must not fear – as in making contact with a Demon. If they are allied with/related to Satan, you have nothing to fear, so long as you remember to be polite.

Don't be afraid. If you feel a kiss on the cheek, for example, don't immediately freak out and 'hang up' on them. Don't dismiss things right away as 'just' imagination. I know when I'm being touched or kissed, for example. It feels real. Not imaginary. This is a very big thing actually. I notice people do this and are so used to doing it, it's not even conscious! 

People have a kneejerk tendency to censor what comes to them and dismiss it! Imagine how frustrating it is, to have someone asking for your time and attention, and then every time you try to get back to them, they dismiss you as just their imagination! Suspend your disbelief, be open to what may come.

You'll find that, in regards to some issue you were asking your Demon about help with (example: legal); if your Guardian feels another Demon possesses superior knowledge/experience in said area, they'll approach that Demon to ask them for support on your behalf. And that Demon will approach you. Mine have done this for me for example, many times.

I found a time that really works for me to ask for assistance/attention/to communicate is right before I go to bed. Focus on the Demon, ask them to get back to you in the dreamtime. And tell yourself you'll remember. Many times you'll awaken in the morning with an answer.

Try focussing on their sigil. You can print out the Demons sigil on paper.

Sleep with it under your pillow. It's essentially their phone number. You're placing a long distance call. You may have a vivid dream of them in which they show you something or give you information. This has happened to me many times.

Conversely, another time of day that also worked extremely well for me was early in the morning, outside practicing yoga. By the time you've finished and settled down to 'feel' the energy/meditate/go into deep trance/savassanah, you might suddenly find yourself in communication. This has happened to me many times. I wasn't even thinking about them and I'll hear from one of them. 

These are just a few examples of ways/means/times by which we can reach out or recognize signals coming in as the Demons of Satan get back to us in their own way, in their own time. 

They don't go by our time, they go on their own.

Remember, there are no instant results. You're seeking to build a relationship. And, like any relationship worth having here in this physical world, it's based on trust, respect and mutual regard. And it takes time. It is effort. 

Rome wasn't built in a day.

HPS ZolaLuckyStar

Truth4Satan Ministries

“my wisdom is not separate from my heart”

