Satanic Witchcraft
Demons Got a Bad Rap
Why do people today hate and fear Demons? Why/how did Demons get such a bad image?Are all Demons evil? Do they all hate humankind? No. Not all of them. Some hate us its true, some are indifferent...but those aren't the Demons of Satan.
And it is the Demons of Satan specifically, who've gotten an extremely bad reputation. How did that happen?
It's simple. People have been programmed over generations to take these lies on faith and believe it. Lies pushed by the catholic church and later the christian, and then by other influential means. The meaning of Demon for the Ancient Egyptian or Celt was markedly different from the meaning the average person ascribes to Demon when they hear that name today.
The spelling of Daemons, meaning wise ones, was altered by the church to Demons, and the meaning inverted by the church in the dark ages, during the inquisition, when people were tortured and murdered if they refused to convert.
The church taught Daemons were Devils, that Demons of Satan are a foul crew, seeking always to possess humans and steal their souls. That they delight in the tormenting of poor helpless people. The effect of which, is to frighten the hell out of them and back into the arms of the Savior god. The egrigore. The REAL devil.
Hollywood has done a fine job where the church left off, spreading the same disinformation, making countless movies about evil dark spirits (invariably Demons of Satan – think the exorcist) preying on people, working to spread falsehood and fear while hiding behind the appellation of 'entertainment'. But what entertainment really does when it's weaponized – which it is - is it serves to program peoples mass mind. Somebody is at the top in these corporations deciding what we can and cannot see, what 'entertainment' we are fed. There is a reason they call it television programming in the TV guide.
People are constantly having indoctrination enforced that if one meddles in the occult (hidden knowledge) the outcome of this seeking of understanding is invariably that very bad things happen to one.
The intimation being: DON'T GO THERE.
You have to question why. Why is it beneficial for some shadow group to keep people afraid, dumbed down and literally ON THEIR KNEES? And who benefits?
Christians are directed not to play with tarot decks. When a tarot deck is a powerful tool (I'll get more into detail on the tarot in another Sermon).
And then of course, there's Halloween. In which they sell masks etc depicting horrid leering 'demonic' faces or the 'Satan' skin, horns, a tail....the intent of which is to denigrate these noble pagan Gods.....while at the same time enforce the mass mind programming that Demons are something to be feared and hated.
When they forced their mono religion down all the European Pagan's throats, they dismissed the ancient time of Samhain celebrated by the celtic people over 2000 years ago as false beliefs about spirits/the dead and Demons.
Samhain is the time of year when the walls separating different dimensions is thinnest; it sits on the crossroads between the season of the living and the season of the dead – spring summer - rebirth/ fall winter - dormancy.
Samhain is the shift from the living season into the dead season. This is a powerful time of transition/transformation (which is the tarot meaning of death). It's a crossroads and therefore powerful as this time/place represents straddling two different realities. In some traditions therefore, a crossroads is when one can most easily summon a Demon to ask His/Her favour, or speak to the dead as the membrane separating dimensions is most thin at this time. The Demons role being the guide, we the travellers. And here's the bible, telling us not to seek discourse/council from either Demons or the dead.
But...if we're eternal beings and death simply a transformation into another state of consciousness and 'life' (as a psychic I've had many, many proofs this is true); if there are specific Gods/Demons capable of serving as intermediary's between those of us still incarnate and those who are not....this would constitute access to knowledge that would help us understand ourselves better.....why is understanding ourselves better....evil?
It is all anti Demon:
Deuteronomy 18: 10-12:
There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable practices Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.
The Holy Bible
So, seeking hidden knowledge/power/truth is detestable to YHVH. And this creature/egrigore drives us away from knowledge/Demons. Requires his followers to be unquestioningly ignorant – the unenlightened being much easier to control. This is the opposite philosophy of Satan's.
1 Corinthians 10: 20-21:
No; but I say that what the nations sacrifice, they sacrifice to Demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers with the Demons.You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of Demons; you cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of Demons.
The Holy Bible
Clearly stating there is a choice. Choose the Demons (wise beings who assist us) or YHVH (ignorance and slavery). Get on your knees, sinner!
The brainwashing is relentless.
The thing of it is though, if a person puts aside fear and actually takes the time to try to reach out to these noble/wise people (Gods/Demons), because that's what they really are.....people.......they'll find the opposite holds true.
My personal experience is that Satan's Demons/Gods are in truth extremely likeable. They aren't cold or unkind, their advice/guidance is reasoned, pragmatic; they've never talked down to me or asked me to do crazy things like self harm.
On the contrary, they demonstrate a marvellous sense of humour, are quick to laugh, encourage me to meditate, look after myself, take care of my business. All healthy and practical, helpful, wise and pragmatic council.
What the 'Hell' is evil about that?
HPS ZolaLuckyStar
Truth4Satan Ministries
“my wisdom is not separate from my heart”