Reply deleted

Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:32 am

Re: Reply deleted

Post by V.S »

BirdofFreedom wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:42 pm
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:17 pm victory of satan or VS or Vs2, red dawn, siatris and whatever other names you're currently calling yourself; its obvious you're cobra. You're waaaaay too emotionally invested; its obviously personal and you have an axe to grind.

You're making assumptions and projecting. Again. Suddenly, 'baldy' the 'kike' is your hero and you're so sad to see him go and everything is my fault? Total nonsense. Note how innocent and innocuous his opening post is, then take a look at all the malice oozing later on down the thread as he's called out.

I think this is a good opportunity to illustrate what gaslighting is:

One: lying and denying, refusing to admit the lie even when you show proof of them lying.
Bird of freedom does a fantastic job illustrating this one in the cobra is siatris thread, cobras plea for money and of course The Gods said that as done by jews, and other posts.

Two: insisting something you yourself witnessed didn't happen or didn't happen the way you remember it (getting you to question your sanity)

Three: spreading rumours and gossip about the intended victim – example: libellous nonsense he writes about mambas reasons for departing, labelling me 'crazy' and 'paranoid' – posting I fucked my own father.......

Four: Changing the subject, refusing to listen when confronted:
so many examples to choose from. Pick one.

Five: when you call them out they'll say you're 'overreacting', 'crazy', 'paranoid'.

Six: blame shifting – saying if the target acted differently, they wouldn't treat them like this – we see it here as cobra writes:

“Banning deleting without a feedback, no manners she is the epitome of can I treat her any better in exchange? Fake accusations that I am cobra? Paranoid disorder. I can't deal with that flip flip and shit”

When you understand this dialogue IS coming from cobra, that he's been coming into my forums under different names and through the anon account for close to what? In total counting the original forum its been at least two years? Acting like a savage. Yet here he is acting innocent and like he's the offended party, blaming me. Projecting all he is and does onto me:

“I can't deal with that flip flip and shit”

If you can't deal with it cobra, LEAVE. Do us all a favour! GO AWAY!

But no. He cannot stop himself. He's absolutely pissed people can talk here. He doesn't have the power to stop them! So he comes in under many names, pretending it's a crowd when it's really just him and all the voices in his head, in an attempt to dominate the conversations.

Seven: trying to smooth things over with nice or loving words that don't match their actions:
Cobra pretends to be 'nice' and 'friendly', writes me in private message mode trying to pump me for information. And you call me a 'stupid old bitch'? Too bad for you I wasn't that 'stupid', eh?

Eight: Twisting a story to minimize their abusive behaviour: for example claiming they got their latest sock account deleted because they called somebody 'fat'.

Nine: Minimizing abusive words and behaviours by saying things like: “you're too sensitive” or “It was just a joke!” or “you're crazy, paranoid!”

Ten: Isolating the target. Did you or did you not, in your topic entitled mamba: claim credit for driving mamba off? You posted using the anon account AND your red dawn account:

“Mamba cut the bullshit and come back where is your place and you belong. I truly believe you are made for a satanic career and you should continue. Like what the fuck, did you lost your mind to throw it all out of the window?

Get back to your senses

Haha, I definitely didn't cause that. DEFINITELY.”

And yet here you're posting how great mamba was. Talk about crazy making nonsense!

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse and psychological manipulation. It's closely related to other kinds of physical and emotional abuse.

What cobra is doing is seeking to gain power and control through the distortion of reality; discredit me personally and sabotage my forum by means of being such a persistent irritant – hiding behind free speech - he wants me to give up and close the place down or he'll do his best to drive people away, in effect turning the place into another echo chamber like the jos that he dominates. He said it himself:

“Whether the T4S reforms in a positive way (him taking over as he demanded in the ultimatum thread) or breaks apart due to piss poor management, I will be satisfied.”

Translation: give it to me, or I'll do everything I can to drive this place into the ground and ruin you. Nothing less will satisfy. Meaning, he's saying he's not going to stop. Its also clearly making a threat.

Gaslighting is about trying to get the target and those witnessing the abuse to begin to question their own perceptions and memories.
I want to thank bird of freedom; one of your posts was of tremendous assistance. Thank you.

PS: the red dawn that was here is the same person it is on the JoS forum: cobra.

He is also gaslighting his own members on his own forum! It's amazing to me how much damage one damaged individual can do. And yet, he somehow believes he's righteous and 'working for Satan and the Gods' – they'll build a statue of him someday - doing shit like this to people. As if Satan would ever stoop to such methods. Don't try to hide behind free speech, don't try to hide behind Satan. The only person you're exposing here, cobra, is yourself. You need to cease and desist.

This is an important topic because if people can use this as a case study, see the depths to which people like cobra are willing to go, maybe we can get some good out of it by understanding gaslighting and how to look for signs of it in your own relationships.
cobra is siatris, we know this because there's proof and evidence of it.

As for Red dawn and VS, it's uncertain.

Thing is, the jos is a cult, and with cults things aren't always as clear as they are.

it's ironic but cobra explained his own condition.
on a thread called 'Jehovah Witnesses Showing Their Reptilian Programming'
he said:
"These people are literally infected with an anti-life alien mental virus. The enemy alien spirit they are in collaboration with has infested them and took control of their already diseased minds."

mageson made a thread where he exposed the f-rtr by pointing out how evens jews reverse hebrew and it's even recommended by jews to read the torah in reverse.
an import part of that post is:
"In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”"
taken from: ... l-journey/

cobra had said before:
"I am a total servant to Satan and I bow to Him. I don't care what anyone else says. Yet the underlying reasons and the relationship why, is opposed to the enemy's view of slavery. I bow as a free man out of free will, because of understanding, a deep relationship, clear understanding of the purity of this being and the list goes on."

Just like xians worship their god.
ironically in that same post right before that he said:
"In Christianity, you are espoused to follow "blindly". Here, it is the opposite. I invite for example anyone to vet line for line my posts and ask what they want, or do whatever they want. In Christianity, if you speak against, then you are condemned."

He just described how it's like in the jos, considering how many times cobra banned and insulted people who doubted or went against what he said.
like here for example viewtopic.php?p=16273#p16273

What i said above was for context, many people in the jos or who were in the jos for a long time opened themselves to malignant entities, like i mentioned above i.e "The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them]." cobra likes to use the name "Azazel" a lot, in fact many of the projects cobra did he described them as being 'overseen by "Azazel" ', "Azazel" was also the same entity that give the jos the f-rtr.
as can be seen on the f-rtr page where maxine said:
maxine was also alleged to be having sex with said entity as well.

The point is, both cobra and maxine have a close connection to this entity that they call "Azazel".
which would explain cobra's bizarre behavior, in cobra's own words "The enemy alien spirit they are in collaboration with has infested them and took control of their already diseased minds."
This is most likely why it may seem like many people are like cobra or act the same way as him, as people who were in the jos for a long time and did a lot of rtrs can often lose control of themselves and their emotions to an entity they opened themselves to.
it may also be why in the jos there's an almost hivemind like behavior.

When dealing with cults or any spiritual group for that matter it's always best to keep a level head, stay grounded and know the facts.

Unfortunately, Zola lost her mind completely and she is just projecting. There is so much to say about her constant flip-flop since I ever found this place. I mean, no hard feelings, from my side may both jos and t4s live and prosper as satanic entities, however, I am disappointed in what I witness...

it is important to mention that yes, siatris is cobra. we knew a long time ago but we couldn't prove it, show it to you all but with Satan's help, we did. (Satan means truth, for REAL and by the way, he is not supporting the bullshit running in Jos and T4S either).

the general philosophy of Maxine on Jos is fine, there is much to learn and be thankful for but, she wasn't flawless and nobody is.
Let's assume she had all good in her mind and heart, after all, she gave her best...I would like to believe that.

Azazel, for the ones who actually meet Him, ... there are no words to put into this. if you have never met him, please don't be so quick to judge. Just because people say 'Satan told me, 'Azazel said so', it doesn't mean we should blame the Demon himself. Azazel is so kind and wonderful, there is no way he could ever harm us with any ritual. This whole reversal is a practice for the left-hand path, - she genuinely thought it might help maybe?! I don't know.

I know Red Dawn aka Seeker wants to get into priesthood here. Since he blew it off with red dawn now he is trying a different strategy from this new account. Is always the same retarded game because s*he is in her 40s, a pussy in a middle-age crisis and that's a way to treat it, I suppose, by playing around infantile games on forums!
Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:31 pm

Re: Reply deleted

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

V.S wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:17 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:42 pm
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:17 pm victory of satan or VS or Vs2, red dawn, siatris and whatever other names you're currently calling yourself; its obvious you're cobra. You're waaaaay too emotionally invested; its obviously personal and you have an axe to grind.

You're making assumptions and projecting. Again. Suddenly, 'baldy' the 'kike' is your hero and you're so sad to see him go and everything is my fault? Total nonsense. Note how innocent and innocuous his opening post is, then take a look at all the malice oozing later on down the thread as he's called out.

I think this is a good opportunity to illustrate what gaslighting is:

One: lying and denying, refusing to admit the lie even when you show proof of them lying.
Bird of freedom does a fantastic job illustrating this one in the cobra is siatris thread, cobras plea for money and of course The Gods said that as done by jews, and other posts.

Two: insisting something you yourself witnessed didn't happen or didn't happen the way you remember it (getting you to question your sanity)

Three: spreading rumours and gossip about the intended victim – example: libellous nonsense he writes about mambas reasons for departing, labelling me 'crazy' and 'paranoid' – posting I fucked my own father.......

Four: Changing the subject, refusing to listen when confronted:
so many examples to choose from. Pick one.

Five: when you call them out they'll say you're 'overreacting', 'crazy', 'paranoid'.

Six: blame shifting – saying if the target acted differently, they wouldn't treat them like this – we see it here as cobra writes:

“Banning deleting without a feedback, no manners she is the epitome of can I treat her any better in exchange? Fake accusations that I am cobra? Paranoid disorder. I can't deal with that flip flip and shit”

When you understand this dialogue IS coming from cobra, that he's been coming into my forums under different names and through the anon account for close to what? In total counting the original forum its been at least two years? Acting like a savage. Yet here he is acting innocent and like he's the offended party, blaming me. Projecting all he is and does onto me:

“I can't deal with that flip flip and shit”

If you can't deal with it cobra, LEAVE. Do us all a favour! GO AWAY!

But no. He cannot stop himself. He's absolutely pissed people can talk here. He doesn't have the power to stop them! So he comes in under many names, pretending it's a crowd when it's really just him and all the voices in his head, in an attempt to dominate the conversations.

Seven: trying to smooth things over with nice or loving words that don't match their actions:
Cobra pretends to be 'nice' and 'friendly', writes me in private message mode trying to pump me for information. And you call me a 'stupid old bitch'? Too bad for you I wasn't that 'stupid', eh?

Eight: Twisting a story to minimize their abusive behaviour: for example claiming they got their latest sock account deleted because they called somebody 'fat'.

Nine: Minimizing abusive words and behaviours by saying things like: “you're too sensitive” or “It was just a joke!” or “you're crazy, paranoid!”

Ten: Isolating the target. Did you or did you not, in your topic entitled mamba: claim credit for driving mamba off? You posted using the anon account AND your red dawn account:

“Mamba cut the bullshit and come back where is your place and you belong. I truly believe you are made for a satanic career and you should continue. Like what the fuck, did you lost your mind to throw it all out of the window?

Get back to your senses

Haha, I definitely didn't cause that. DEFINITELY.”

And yet here you're posting how great mamba was. Talk about crazy making nonsense!

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse and psychological manipulation. It's closely related to other kinds of physical and emotional abuse.

What cobra is doing is seeking to gain power and control through the distortion of reality; discredit me personally and sabotage my forum by means of being such a persistent irritant – hiding behind free speech - he wants me to give up and close the place down or he'll do his best to drive people away, in effect turning the place into another echo chamber like the jos that he dominates. He said it himself:

“Whether the T4S reforms in a positive way (him taking over as he demanded in the ultimatum thread) or breaks apart due to piss poor management, I will be satisfied.”

Translation: give it to me, or I'll do everything I can to drive this place into the ground and ruin you. Nothing less will satisfy. Meaning, he's saying he's not going to stop. Its also clearly making a threat.

Gaslighting is about trying to get the target and those witnessing the abuse to begin to question their own perceptions and memories.
I want to thank bird of freedom; one of your posts was of tremendous assistance. Thank you.

PS: the red dawn that was here is the same person it is on the JoS forum: cobra.

He is also gaslighting his own members on his own forum! It's amazing to me how much damage one damaged individual can do. And yet, he somehow believes he's righteous and 'working for Satan and the Gods' – they'll build a statue of him someday - doing shit like this to people. As if Satan would ever stoop to such methods. Don't try to hide behind free speech, don't try to hide behind Satan. The only person you're exposing here, cobra, is yourself. You need to cease and desist.

This is an important topic because if people can use this as a case study, see the depths to which people like cobra are willing to go, maybe we can get some good out of it by understanding gaslighting and how to look for signs of it in your own relationships.
cobra is siatris, we know this because there's proof and evidence of it.

As for Red dawn and VS, it's uncertain.

Thing is, the jos is a cult, and with cults things aren't always as clear as they are.

it's ironic but cobra explained his own condition.
on a thread called 'Jehovah Witnesses Showing Their Reptilian Programming'
he said:
"These people are literally infected with an anti-life alien mental virus. The enemy alien spirit they are in collaboration with has infested them and took control of their already diseased minds."

mageson made a thread where he exposed the f-rtr by pointing out how evens jews reverse hebrew and it's even recommended by jews to read the torah in reverse.
an import part of that post is:
"In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”"
taken from: ... l-journey/

cobra had said before:
"I am a total servant to Satan and I bow to Him. I don't care what anyone else says. Yet the underlying reasons and the relationship why, is opposed to the enemy's view of slavery. I bow as a free man out of free will, because of understanding, a deep relationship, clear understanding of the purity of this being and the list goes on."

Just like xians worship their god.
ironically in that same post right before that he said:
"In Christianity, you are espoused to follow "blindly". Here, it is the opposite. I invite for example anyone to vet line for line my posts and ask what they want, or do whatever they want. In Christianity, if you speak against, then you are condemned."

He just described how it's like in the jos, considering how many times cobra banned and insulted people who doubted or went against what he said.
like here for example viewtopic.php?p=16273#p16273

What i said above was for context, many people in the jos or who were in the jos for a long time opened themselves to malignant entities, like i mentioned above i.e "The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them]." cobra likes to use the name "Azazel" a lot, in fact many of the projects cobra did he described them as being 'overseen by "Azazel" ', "Azazel" was also the same entity that give the jos the f-rtr.
as can be seen on the f-rtr page where maxine said:
maxine was also alleged to be having sex with said entity as well.

The point is, both cobra and maxine have a close connection to this entity that they call "Azazel".
which would explain cobra's bizarre behavior, in cobra's own words "The enemy alien spirit they are in collaboration with has infested them and took control of their already diseased minds."
This is most likely why it may seem like many people are like cobra or act the same way as him, as people who were in the jos for a long time and did a lot of rtrs can often lose control of themselves and their emotions to an entity they opened themselves to.
it may also be why in the jos there's an almost hivemind like behavior.

When dealing with cults or any spiritual group for that matter it's always best to keep a level head, stay grounded and know the facts.

Unfortunately, Zola lost her mind completely and she is just projecting. There is so much to say about her constant flip-flop since I ever found this place. I mean, no hard feelings, from my side may both jos and t4s live and prosper as satanic entities, however, I am disappointed in what I witness...

it is important to mention that yes, siatris is cobra. we knew a long time ago but we couldn't prove it, show it to you all but with Satan's help, we did. (Satan means truth, for REAL and by the way, he is not supporting the bullshit running in Jos and T4S either).

the general philosophy of Maxine on Jos is fine, there is much to learn and be thankful for but, she wasn't flawless and nobody is.
Let's assume she had all good in her mind and heart, after all, she gave her best...I would like to believe that.

Azazel, for the ones who actually meet Him, ... there are no words to put into this. if you have never met him, please don't be so quick to judge. Just because people say 'Satan told me, 'Azazel said so', it doesn't mean we should blame the Demon himself. Azazel is so kind and wonderful, there is no way he could ever harm us with any ritual. This whole reversal is a practice for the left-hand path, - she genuinely thought it might help maybe?! I don't know.

I know Red Dawn aka Seeker wants to get into priesthood here. Since he blew it off with red dawn now he is trying a different strategy from this new account. Is always the same retarded game because s*he is in her 40s, a pussy in a middle-age crisis and that's a way to treat it, I suppose, by playing around infantile games on forums!
Okayyyy time to start putting these accounts being made on ignore. Waste of space and energy spent isn't worth it.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:32 am

Re: Reply deleted

Post by V.S »

Warlock08 wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:33 am
V.S wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:17 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:42 pm

cobra is siatris, we know this because there's proof and evidence of it.

As for Red dawn and VS, it's uncertain.

Thing is, the jos is a cult, and with cults things aren't always as clear as they are.

it's ironic but cobra explained his own condition.
on a thread called 'Jehovah Witnesses Showing Their Reptilian Programming'
he said:
"These people are literally infected with an anti-life alien mental virus. The enemy alien spirit they are in collaboration with has infested them and took control of their already diseased minds."

mageson made a thread where he exposed the f-rtr by pointing out how evens jews reverse hebrew and it's even recommended by jews to read the torah in reverse.
an import part of that post is:
"In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”"
taken from: ... l-journey/

cobra had said before:
"I am a total servant to Satan and I bow to Him. I don't care what anyone else says. Yet the underlying reasons and the relationship why, is opposed to the enemy's view of slavery. I bow as a free man out of free will, because of understanding, a deep relationship, clear understanding of the purity of this being and the list goes on."

Just like xians worship their god.
ironically in that same post right before that he said:
"In Christianity, you are espoused to follow "blindly". Here, it is the opposite. I invite for example anyone to vet line for line my posts and ask what they want, or do whatever they want. In Christianity, if you speak against, then you are condemned."

He just described how it's like in the jos, considering how many times cobra banned and insulted people who doubted or went against what he said.
like here for example viewtopic.php?p=16273#p16273

What i said above was for context, many people in the jos or who were in the jos for a long time opened themselves to malignant entities, like i mentioned above i.e "The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them]." cobra likes to use the name "Azazel" a lot, in fact many of the projects cobra did he described them as being 'overseen by "Azazel" ', "Azazel" was also the same entity that give the jos the f-rtr.
as can be seen on the f-rtr page where maxine said:
maxine was also alleged to be having sex with said entity as well.

The point is, both cobra and maxine have a close connection to this entity that they call "Azazel".
which would explain cobra's bizarre behavior, in cobra's own words "The enemy alien spirit they are in collaboration with has infested them and took control of their already diseased minds."
This is most likely why it may seem like many people are like cobra or act the same way as him, as people who were in the jos for a long time and did a lot of rtrs can often lose control of themselves and their emotions to an entity they opened themselves to.
it may also be why in the jos there's an almost hivemind like behavior.

When dealing with cults or any spiritual group for that matter it's always best to keep a level head, stay grounded and know the facts.

Unfortunately, Zola lost her mind completely and she is just projecting. There is so much to say about her constant flip-flop since I ever found this place. I mean, no hard feelings, from my side may both jos and t4s live and prosper as satanic entities, however, I am disappointed in what I witness...

it is important to mention that yes, siatris is cobra. we knew a long time ago but we couldn't prove it, show it to you all but with Satan's help, we did. (Satan means truth, for REAL and by the way, he is not supporting the bullshit running in Jos and T4S either).

the general philosophy of Maxine on Jos is fine, there is much to learn and be thankful for but, she wasn't flawless and nobody is.
Let's assume she had all good in her mind and heart, after all, she gave her best...I would like to believe that.

Azazel, for the ones who actually meet Him, ... there are no words to put into this. if you have never met him, please don't be so quick to judge. Just because people say 'Satan told me, 'Azazel said so', it doesn't mean we should blame the Demon himself. Azazel is so kind and wonderful, there is no way he could ever harm us with any ritual. This whole reversal is a practice for the left-hand path, - she genuinely thought it might help maybe?! I don't know.

I know Red Dawn aka Seeker wants to get into priesthood here. Since he blew it off with red dawn now he is trying a different strategy from this new account. Is always the same retarded game because s*he is in her 40s, a pussy in a middle-age crisis and that's a way to treat it, I suppose, by playing around infantile games on forums!
Okayyyy time to start putting these accounts being made on ignore. Waste of space and energy spent isn't worth it.

You are a lie. How can you live with YOURSELF
people need to know you are sick in the head. I had to give a warning to everybody before you spread your tentacles even more
Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:31 pm

Re: Reply deleted

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

You are now on gnore. I do not give a shit what you say. :dance: :whistle:

Peace and quiet. :lol:
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:32 am

Re: Reply deleted

Post by V.S »

Warlock08 wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:40 am You are now on gnore. I do not give a shit what you say. :dance: :whistle:

Peace and quiet. :lol:
Ok red dawn. I will always expose you because Satan and the Gods would NEVER support a shitty person. By shitty I mean someone lying to others endlessly, playing 5 years old games in their 40s, being a general parasite and a hindrance for the satanic communities, having multiple identities and personalities almost opposite ones etc. These are not behaviours for a decent human being to begin with.

For which reason I took my freedom to express my disgust for you at every OPORTUNITY

Is not for you to see anyway but for others to be aware
Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:32 am

Re: Reply deleted

Post by V.S »

V.S wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:46 am
Warlock08 wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:40 am You are now on gnore. I do not give a shit what you say. :dance: :whistle:

Peace and quiet. :lol:
Ok red dawn. I will always expose you because Satan and the Gods would NEVER support a shitty person. By shitty I mean someone lying to others endlessly, playing 5 years old games in their 40s, being a general parasite and a hindrance for the satanic communities, having multiple identities and personalities almost opposite ones etc. These are not behaviours for a decent human being to begin with.

For which reason I took my freedom to express my disgust for you at every OPORTUNITY

Is not for you to see anyway but for others to be aware

I will prove one lie just one from your endless lying. You are a disgusting the most shittiest liars alive. I don't know what is your master plan with all this bullshit but as I said, you are fucked in the head and everyone needs to see it!

You said it yourself here from this account that you are NOT quick silver. Yes? You did. ... 97#p333997

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Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:31 pm

Re: Reply deleted

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

To anyone who sees this I give the advice as ignoring users who keeps making accounts and HARASSING members. Because they are not following the forum rules obviously. So just a heads up.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jun 15, 2022 4:31 pm

Re: Reply deleted

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

I never said I wanted to be in any priesthood. I did say I can help with moderator tasks but I don't care for titles or being any clergy. Go ahead and jump on Red Dawn That's in the JoS forums he/she probably will be less nice and everyone knows here that me and Red Dawn aren't the same person that just proves you are an idiot. Lol so go ahead and harass Red Dawn. That's something I wanted to say before I hit "add foe" because I'm tired of dealing with immature idiots crying for attention. V. S is only here for drama and craves attention and energy. (A leech)
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:32 am

Re: Reply deleted

Post by V.S »

Warlock08 wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:00 pm I never said I wanted to be in any priesthood. I did say I can help with moderator tasks but I don't care for titles or being any clergy. Go ahead and jump on Red Dawn That's in the JoS forums he/she probably will be less nice and everyone knows here that me and Red Dawn aren't the same person that just proves you are an idiot. Lol so go ahead and harass Red Dawn. That's something I wanted to say before I hit "add foe" because I'm tired of dealing with immature idiots crying for attention. V. S is only here for drama and craves attention and energy. (A leech)
retarded shit why are you afraid of confrontation? tell me how you expect Satan to bless you when your actions are so low? You bring a bad name for any satanic principle

I am not harassing anybody I have a natural aversion for your kind and call you out, call this harassment snowflake? grow up
Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:32 am

Re: Reply deleted

Post by V.S »

HPOwen wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:24 am You mention “Satan means truth, for REAL and by the way, he is not supporting the bullshit running in Jos and T4S either)..” And that’s true, Satan does stand for truth. But you still say you have no issue with both forums, then you change your opinion and say you have a “issue.” You even said on another account that “I wish there was a satanic forum that was dedicated in Satan.” This is no judgement or anything, but I would like to understand why you seem to change your opinions.

Thank you for your considerate reply. You are right, what I meant is: I have no major issue in terms of wanting harm or terminate any of these places however improvements could be made. My position is I love Satanism truly and the Gods but I blame its representatives. I hope better for Satan's name