The Final RTR Exposed

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Don Danko

The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Don Danko »

The Jews reverse their own letters in their Hebrew letter chanting exercises going back centuries this is well known on Jewish websites: ... l-journey/
In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”

The Jews reverse the Aleph to make another mantra Peleh they chant so chanting the Aleph letter backwards is chanting Hebrew mantra's to manifest the Jewish messiah: ... /Aleph.htm
"Finally, we have the third meaning of alef: peleh, “wondrous.” Peleh represents the esoteric or mystical level of Torah—Kab­balah and the teachings of Chassidic thought. Known as the “teachings of Mashiach,” these secrets of Torah comprise its greatest level."
In the Final RTR for Aleph:
Vibrate each the following 9 times each:
Now take your marker and blot the Hebrew letters out completely..
The Jews also reverse the Hebrew Shin to make Niss/Nissi the Hebrew mantra name of Jehova from Exodus 17:15 which is the weapon Moses uses to defeat the Egyptians with meaning this mantra is a psychic warfare mantra against Gentiles as mantra names of magical weapons are in the occult. So what does reversing the other Hebrew letters do if those two just do that.

Maxine and Hooded Blahbra's claims this is all nullified including the Hebrew letters that don't reverse in that ritual, if one just chants Hebrew mantras from the 22 letter back to one is also a lie the Jews already do the same going backwards as the normal part of chanting their own Torah: ... -backwards
"For both the Shema and the Ten Commandments, if they are confusing or difficult for you, then take a page of out of the rabbinic book. Read them backwards. Then you will find the words of the Torah close to you. In your heart, in your mind, and in your soul."

"One such maxim says, "There is no beginning or end in the Torah." That is, you don't need to read the Torah strictly chronologically....I'd argue to use the maxim, "There is no beginning or end in the Torah" as key to open the door that is keeping you outside the beautiful palace of connection. I would suggest to read both the Shema and the Ten Commandments backwards. If you do so, you can see the God-Idea emerge in each of us. ."
Last edited by Don Danko on Fri Apr 30, 2021 4:04 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Snakeway »

So you are basically doing what jews do chanting YHVH with this ritual.
Was this incompetence or intentional? I took her for a life failure wanna be nazi, but to actually chant hebrew runes.....this could ruin lives.
Don Danko

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Don Danko »

Maxine had this belief she stated in public and private that Satanism is the reversal of Christianity she believed its some kind of reversal magic. However this was her confession to be a reverse Christian which is still a Christian. This toxic Hebrew magic she told everyone to do was part of her belief system and she couldn't be bothered to do any actual meaningful research into any of this. And she just didn't care about anyone in the JoS, she used to call everyone in the groups "stupid's" and other disrespectful terms all the time in private. She was just taking their money and getting a power trip.

Just read the numerous posts of the JoS membership on the forum all their lives are falling apart, this includes mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse issues, physical illness, financial problems, relationship problems. This is the sign of being fucking cursed and it all starts with the RTR's. The people who emailed me told me all of these problems ended with they stopped doing the Final RTR, RTR's. I also experienced the same.

As for Cobra boi, nicks, RTR he made up the chanting the YHVH with nick I don't know it could well be intentional. He calls Satan 'The Most High' in his own articles which is a title Christians and Jews give Jehova. He might as well called Satan, Hashem with such. He also behaves like a pathological Jewish stereotype.

The runes are the key.

Snakeway wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:53 pm So you are basically doing what jews do chanting YHVH with this ritual.
Was this incompetence or intentional? I took her for an life failure wanna be nazi, but to actually chant hebrew runes.....this could ruin lives.
Last edited by Don Danko on Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Snakeway »

I also find it creepy when someone comes in their forum and show signs they are not involved in the organization, just asking simple questions about relationships, career, etc and then the first advice is ´´do the Final reverse Torah Ritual´´. This has nothing to do with the issue the person is asking, They are trying to ´´get them´´, buch of creeps
Don Danko

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Don Danko »

Well its not like they have any Magnum Opus, to perform and make their lives better with. After almost twenty years of promising the Magnum Opus, any day now. Maxine decided to vanish for good and left no Magnum Opus on her way out. Maxine lied to everyone about the Magnum Opus. Like she lied to everyone that some God gave her the RTR's.

Snakeway wrote: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:07 pm I also find it creepy when someone comes in their forum and show signs they are not involved in the organization, just asking simple questions about relationships, career, etc and then the first advice is ´´do the Final reverse Torah Ritual´´. This has nothing to do with the issue the person is asking, They are trying to ´´get them´´, buch of creeps

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Snakeway »

Excellent video, just one protest, there is no a single mention she has no place among Aryans because she is NOOOT WHHIIIIITTTEEE
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by HPBlackMamba »

I'm not a racist and I fart on the Joy of Satan doctrine of racial purity. I have had lots of sex with black women and there is virtually no difference. Feels exactly the same as having sex with a white woman, a vagina is a vagina end of story. Satan doesn't care about your race and regardless of whether someone is gay, straight, trans, or a different race... if you love them and they consent, then fuck them shamelessly. Taste that forbidden fruit and enjoy it YOLO, just make sure to wear protection because VD is for everyone.

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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by HPBlackMamba »

Oh and by the way, Jews can be Satanists too... it's between them and Satan and none of yo business.
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Snakeway »

Probably Satan accepts all gentile races(never asked him personally). but each race go with it´s own, it´s the law of nature, the problem is maxine wants to lead and be among whites, which violates this law, the video was on and on about Aryans and does not even mention this. It is not racial purity it is segregation.
Last edited by Snakeway on Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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