Non Terrestrial

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Non Terrestrial

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

All truth passes three stages; first it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed, third, it is accepted as being self evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer

This is a thread that will feature articles regarding the hidden breakaway civilization here on earth underground and also off planet; technology in use for decades yet withheld from us, the presence of Non Terrestrials, Walk In's, Portals, Super Soldiers, Space Force, Cryptids and more.

Of all the areas in which we've been held back medical care, energy and travel are big standouts and have arguably done the most damage to our society as a whole by being withheld. Airplanes for example - I'm talking commuter public jets normies use – is antiquated technology that has not changed in what, 70 years? Meanwhile we went from computers that could fill an entire room to one you can hold in your hand.....meanwhile (as was just barely admitted to recently in an official capacity) they've been pouring billions into reverse engineering ET craft for the last 70 plus years but we're supposed to believe our means to travel long distances hasn't changed? I think the biggest slap in our faces on that subject is how they use the money of the people to pay for all these black budget projects...yet we never receive the benefit of that which we actually paid for! I guesstimate 60% of all 'UFO's' we see up there are actually our own craft. While we fly in tin cans using big oil fuel! It's so ridiculous. That doesn't even begin to include portal technology. In this fashion in all modalities we've been kept in invisible cages for generations. We could have been like the jetsons at least 100 years ago.

Fortunately, the ones who've kept us here dumbed down like a 'dumb' animal are in a fight for their existence right now as the web of control is getting dismantled. I've heard Alex Collier and others state the ET presence down here was removed in 2021, that it's mostly human on human happening now down here – I take that with a grain of salt till I see some firsthand proof, though I do know firsthand that what's happening here on this planet and in this solar system is like the greatest show ever. All eyes on us. I saw that back in the 90's, it's like the superbowl. That and again, from firsthand OBE I know the network below us is absolutely massive. I'm doubtful they managed to clear that labyrinth out in two years. If the main bulk is done, I'll certainly be glad of it though!

At that time when I was OBE and seeing some of these places, I didn't understand. I thought these were layers in the astral far away from the earth plane. Actually, I've since come to understand a lot of these places were actually within the earth. Some of those places made me think of Dante's Inferno, complete with what I thought at the time must be devils - I know now were reptilians. Back then I didn't know what a reptilian was.

Other places were quite similar to what you might see on the surface in a big city. And then there were labs and other military kinds of places I didn't venture into a lot. At any rate, I'm hopeful we'll see the release of some of this forbidden technology within the next few years.

For example, down there they enjoy the use of free energy.

Releasing zero point (free) energy would end big oil forever plus all the other modalities like nuclear, wind, solar etc and which we could have literally for free. A small unit the size of an alarm clock could power your home forever. No more electric bills, smart meters, building dams, stringing power lines...

If it doesn't have a price tag on it, what use is it? Well, the best of uses. The betterment of all humanity and all life on earth!

The ability to create or draw down energy that is limitless and all around us should be free. It should be considered a human right like the right to have free clean water and air to breathe. I feel like withholding these things from humans is a crime against humanity. But you know what...the 1% responsible for this may be getting their comeuppance really soon.

There's other technology as well. Human cloning, supersoldiers, cyborgs, robotics, etc...I know people think this stuff is science's not. They have this advanced tech. Though, of course, theres not a lot to see above ground. But sometimes things slip out. Take the case of the giant in Las Vegas.

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I know it's not recent but this 'giant' two police officers in Las Vegas were trying to restrain and arrest at a gas station....they were simply outclassed by this being. He was very careful however to cause no harm to the police officers which really got my attention since he could have likely killed them barehanded, he was so strong. The station attendant said he was at least nine feet tall. Take a good look at the proportions. I believe it.

Keep in mind Las Vegas is close to a lot of top secret and above top secret military DUMBS. It's an interesting place to see this, is what I'm saying. How coincidental. I remember a whistleblower mentioned the tall whites used to enjoy going into Las Vegas to watch people in the casinos. The person posting this video claimed this was a tall white...I'm of the opinion this gas station giant was actually a Nordic. Tall whites are not physically powerful as this man was. And was he ever powerful!

The police were both big, six foot tall strong men and they were exhausted grappling with this 'giant'.
It was like two children grappling with an adult, trying to pin an adult.

An ATV can weigh up to 450 pounds and the one this giant guy was riding – if a custom job to accommodate his size and weight - likely weighed even more. Both the policemen weighed at least a couple of hundred pounds. And yet at one point this 'giant' lifts the overturned ATV while both men are doing their best to drag him to the ground so he's also lifting their weight at the same time. I estimate he raw deadlifted around 850 plus pounds from a kneeling position. Just for comparison, the record for deadlifting just over 1000 pounds was set by danny grigsby at the USPA Virginia beach classic 2 march 26 2022.

Notice this being never got combative. He just wanted out of there.

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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by Owen »

Wow, that was really interesting to watch. I was quite shocked to be honest. That big thing never attacked the police back. Never seen anything like it before. And it is true what you say this is not some 'fantasy' this is reality. People are waking up to the truth!!! Which I'm happy with. And we are NOT all just 'delusional conspiracy theorists.' Like they try and make us our to be!

This is a very good post Zola! Hope you're doing well. :)
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Yeah, when you really take a look, the policemen only stood as high as that beings pectorals. Compared to him they were like kids trying to wrestle 'dad'. The first time I saw it I laughed my head off, actually.

For decades we're told it's tin foil hat such things as UFO's...if you tried to tell you saw one you were instantly derided and ridiculed....let alone if you saw one of the non terrestrials! Then you were accused of being on something or dreaming....that's certainly what my experience was trying to tell people back in the day....meanwhile these liars were busily collecting bodies of non terrestrials, reverse engineering craft and murdering anybody from the ultra black programs who tried to come forward. It's infuriating to me. So unjust.

I'm doing great, thanks :)
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by Owen »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:55 pm Yeah, when you really take a look, the policemen only stood as high as that beings pectorals. Compared to him they were like kids trying to wrestle 'dad'. The first time I saw it I laughed my head off, actually.

For decades we're told it's tin foil hat such things as UFO's...if you tried to tell you saw one you were instantly derided and ridiculed....let alone if you saw one of the non terrestrials! Then you were accused of being on something or dreaming....that's certainly what my experience was trying to tell people back in the day....meanwhile these liars were busily collecting bodies of non terrestrials, reverse engineering craft and murdering anybody from the ultra black programs who tried to come forward. It's infuriating to me. So unjust.

I'm doing great, thanks :)
I know right! I hate how these police think they have it all together but abuse some of their power. It's something that I see as tyrannical but also criminals. I don't pick sides I OBSERVE. To see who is for the greater good or not. Some police have gone down hill in the UK. This world is getting more crazier. BUT atleast people are waking. It's interesting as well these local authorities actually don't give a shit at all about us... It's screwed up but at least people are finally waking up!!! And it's good to know you're doing good! :)
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Ok so here's another one:

There was an incident that took place in 2008 in the UK. Two tall, blonde swedish women, identical twins (or clones?) had been walking down the center of a very busy traffic road in the UK. When police confronted them, they ran out into traffic.

Witnesses said they appeared crazed and were shouting things like: they're going to steal your organs! Considering it's now surfacing there IS a black market in human body it really so 'crazy', what she was saying? Remember, this was in 2008. Organ harvesting wasn't on the mass consciousness's radar at ALL back then.

The Erickson twins – were these actually super soldiers? Perhaps regained some memory or thrown off the mind control (or their minders) and were trying to get away? Or were they programmed to do this as a kind of beta test, to see how the upper surface people would deal with them? The more I thought about it the more I felt it was some kind of beta test.

Which to my mind explains why she's screaming for help as police are restraining her. When you begin to understand those who control the military industrial complex also control govt's, politicians, police, begin to look at incidents like these with new eyes. Things are not always what they seem and the 'official' explanation sometimes wants more searching questions asked.

There are such things as 'sleeper' agents...who manage a 'normal' life for years, decades....and then when activated act like another person entirely. Because its another alter in control now. I suspect this is what we were actually looking at.

One runs into traffic, hit and run over by a semi doing 50 miles an hour, legs crushed...yet she's fighting and resisting? Not screaming in pain? The other runs into traffic, gets bounced off a car leaving one heck of a body print in it and pretty much unhurt? She was knocked unconscious for 15 minutes but then suddenly gets up (like a computer that has rebooted comes back to life), overpowers a female cop and runs off again! I remember seeing this when it came out and thinking this is simply not normal. It gave me an odd feeling. I'm aware lots of things are not 'normal'. And yet humans do them. But in this instance....I just got the feeling these two were a lot more than they seemed.

If you're bounced off a car, full body impact, back down into the road you would be screaming in pain with all kinds of things broken. Not jumping guardrails, running and fighting. I don't buy the explanation that it's 'shock'.

It takes 6 men to restrain her? Remember she was just literally hit by a car. One of the police said it seemed like she had inhuman (or superhuman) strength.

I think it's also a tell that there's more than meets the eye here as they essentially get a smack on the wrist for what they did and released. One of them unfortunately after being released murdered a kindly person who tried to help her.

But if this was an unstable clone with super power it could certainly explain a lot.

It's true people in shock can do incredible things but...this case has always made me go.....hmmmm......

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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Bayside Area, Miami Florida, New Years Day 2023

8-10 foot tall 'aliens' seen at a mall. 60 plus cop cars and several police helicopters show up with the official narrative stating it was rowdy teenagers with some fireworks.

There are people on tik toc describing a scene of utter fear and chaos as 10 foot tall shadow like beings (aliens) were in the mall chasing people. I've seen a couple of these now admit they were making it up.
One other witness did a drawing in which he tries to describe a kind of portal opening and something coming out of it.

What actually happened? Hard to know as there is a blackout of information. No video from inside the mall, nothing. There is some video where a tall ghosltly thing is walking past a row of cop cars and there is someone (looks like) walking behind and off to the side. Is this 'alien' really a kind of project bluebeam holographic projection?

The technology is unbeleivable really. Check out this video of some of this technology in china. And thats only the commercial version. Imagine what the military grade technology can do.

project bluebeam demonstrated:

I don't beleive it was teens setting off firecrackers, but real gunshots – remember unlike in other countries, americans can pack heat...if they were seeing holograms of 'aliens' chasing them its kind of understandable some of these people might pull out their weapons and fire at them.

It seems to me that level of police and military turnout isn't going to be for a group of teenagers having a fight inside a mall and setting off a few firecrackers. If thats all it was there would be video of it online. There is always someone with a cell phone present who uses it to record the action. And yet for an event that drew such an unprecedented mass video from inside the mall? Really?

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While this was happening Miami also experienced a blackout with 61'290 homes going without power for 4 – 6 hours plus at the Miami (Dade) International Airport all air travel was suspended. Which to me fits the description of the airport was shut down for a while. This airport is located on 3'230 acres of land near downtown miami. That is a lot of land.

The official excuse for the airport was:
“FAA computer outage caused hundreds of flight delays nationwide. A nationwide Federal Aviation Administration computer outage early Wednesday morning grounded some flights across the country, including in South Florida, causing hundreds of delays.”

In other words, the airport was in fact shut down for a while. There isn't much about this airport shutdown I could find, however. Like its being kept on the downlow. I also found this:

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So we see two different versions of events. Kinda suspect.

It's also said that wifi service in the location/vicinity of this mall mysteriously went down too. A great way to make sure nothing came out as in images in real time.

Something else was happening other than the 'official' story. Also, several black helicopters showed up as well. These are special forces with super advanced technology. Highly doubt they were there for a handful of rowdy teenagers.

When you understand the earth is honeycombed, with entire other civilization (or civilizations) down there, DUMBS plus miles and miles of tunnels, a real life labyrinth, then take into account that many of the hidden entrances to these tunnels actually exist in and under malls and airports.....think the Denver airport for example.....add in the knowledge that there is and has been a war being fought underground between a world coalition of military and a group of positive oriented non terrestrial beings against negative energy beings and their proxies (greys, reptilians and others) plus their slaves and proxies (hybrids and so on), a negative group trying to push a world slavery and control that makes what has gone before look like a walk in the park...knowing these things, look at the Miami event again.

Maybe what's going on down below spilled onto the surface. Maybe it was all a misdirection to generate fear and seed the idea of an 'alien invasion' as well as shift the public focus away from real things coming to the surface, as in truths coming out and they wanted to shift the narrative. Was the mall scene staged in order to distract from something else happening in or around florida? the airport (under it)? Don't know but I do think the 'official' narrative is not truthful. It's like they're trying to keep a lid on things but the veil is getting so thin we're starting to see rips appearing. Truth and maybe even things are literally coming through.

I think these strange events are a reflection of how in the last few years we've witnessed an overt energetic war. The talk of war, the constant unrelenting pitting of us against one another. In 2021 for example they were telling us if you don't take the bioweapon injectable you shouldn't be allowed lifesaving surgery, medical care or even be allowed to participate in society! People were literally attacking one another over this.

There was a template of war seeded on this planet over the last ten thousand years or more and we've been trapped in it. But all things come to an end and the end of this enemy of humanity is nigh. As the amplification of our consciousness and positive frequency keeps rising we'll see the ones aligned with the negative kick back, become more and more obvious as they attempt to hold onto old energy templates. Their control on this planet which is now in the process of being dismantled.

2024 I think is going to be a stunning year when the veil really starts coming down meaning we break through this oppressive system in the sense of finding out who we are, how we move forward, how we choose to express and what we align with, positive or negative. Truth coming out.

If you're a sensitive, you probably tend to isolate. You might be spending most of your time watching the computer screen. Make 2024 the year you begin making real connections with real people in real life, building support systems with other humans. Let go of negative patterns you've been holding on to as if they were actually 'you'. Forgive yourself. "You did the best you could with the information and the place you were at that time, you cannot beat yourself up over that."

Be a lighthouse for others.

The timing of this New Years event I found very interesting, indeed. Hidden realities surfacing. The reality of extra dimensional beings, the non terrestrials presence and the reality of the global conspiracy of control vrs we don't want this anymore. The negative is rising up into the light so we can shine on it and take it down.
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by Owen »

OH MY! What I just seen then when going for a cigarette outside in my backgarden. This green looking orb thing was observerin. but I noticed as it was like it was scanning for some reason at the same time. I was saying in my mind "NO DON'T YOU DARE, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE DOING, I EVEN POINTED MY FINGER IT SAYING GO AWAY Then it scurried away IMMEDIATELY. I thought wtf go away. Like! It was something ET like. It was even changing colours.
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

How large would you say it was, owen?
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by Owen »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 7:38 pm How large would you say it was, owen?
A small looking green orb it looked like a drone first. And then it seem to have went past the allotment. It look like to it was try to get closer to me. It seemed more of a orb as it was getting closer I was like IN MY OWN MIND "YOU DARE TRY AND CORRUPT MY SOUL AND BODY AND THERE WILL BE DOOM UPON YOU." I EVEN POINTED AT IT SAYING THAT IN MY MIND. then the next thing you know it moved away like it was spooked. They have corrupted nature these Ets. I felt my own eyes widening opening with a lot of fury!!!!
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Re: Non Terrestrial

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

would you say maybe the size of a golf ball, for example? or even smaller than that?
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