The Nightstalker

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The Nightstalker

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

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In the christian bible trap there are two opposing sides; god and the devil (which they call satan). This is a controlled opposition scenario. Rebel against one, go worship the other but really it's a janus head, both different faces of the same egrigore. Either way you're still in their construct. I am convinced that the original god was Osiris, another name was Serapis and he embodied all of the facets which they made into two.

That original god was actually one of life, of greening, of advancement of the soul, of constant striving to better oneself and spiritual advancement of higher frequencies and harmony. I have gone over this in another post so I encourage new people to go read that there. But suffice it to say that when the ones who invented the bible created these two characters, they stole the attributes of the original and its meaning was inverted and turned into controlled opposition. And thus, they have people worshipping death and practicing a form of symbolic cannibalism.

Demons, Jinns, Angels, whatever you want to call them are beings living in a frequency higher than ours. They are more energy being than not and while they can manifest in our earth dimension physically, I do not believe it is comfortable for them to do so for extended periods of time. This class of beings, like everything else has a duality. What I mean by that is we are not cookie cutter souls. We all exist on a spectrum. And so you have positive oriented energy beings and negative.

The scale runs from one polarity to the other and somewhere in the middle you encounter those who are really kind of neutral but could go either way. Which is why dealing with them can be dangerous, which is what my mentors who were both Santeria HPs, told me. Because of that element of unpredictability.

After all, you are summoning an entity you cannot see, hear or touch, but they can see, hear and touch you. Yes, a clairvoyant person is an exception but for one who is dabbling, has no idea what they are doing, has never experienced any psychic or paranormal event before in their life I tend to think its like wearing a blindfold, opening your front door and inviting who knows what to come on in.

It could be likened to playing a form of spiritual Russian roulette. This is why the Tibetan book of the dead had that note in the margins about if you want to speak with discarnate entity's (this would include these types of energy beings) taking the high golden road is required. Meaning shifting into the non physical consciously and thus able to meet beings face to face. I think it also is really about your frequency and intention. Like energy is attracted to like energy. If you are an evil or just naive and stupid person, you are going to be attracting the negative class of entities and not the positive.

And I think the case of Richard Ramirez, The Nightstalker is a great case in point.

Much has been written and discussed about this infamous killer but I don't think his case has been looked at from a deeper spiritual perspective. He has been simply dismissed as 'evil and a psychopath'.

I remember when it was happening, I remember when he was caught, I found it a strange thing how he could be such a handsome dude and yet be so.....horrible. Evil. I don't think he started life as what he evolved into. None of us is purely good or purely evil (Richard himself has said this), or at least we don't come into this life as such. We are all on a spectrum. And then there is the concept of free will. We choose where we go, what we do, who we become. There are people who were truly awful horrible convict types who in the end decided this isn't what or who they want to be, and they changed for the good. And a decent person can become a monster. It goes both ways.

RR grew up in el paso Texas. He was (according to the account of his best childhood friend), a sweet and laid back, intelligent guy. He played football. However, he also had a very sick uncle who had fought in Vietnam and raped, murdered many women then posed the bodies and taken pictures of and with them. He showed these to Richard. He also shot his then wife in the head in front of Richard, murdering her. This traumatized him. Richard also when he was young suffered multiple concussions to his head. It was after this that his personality began to change and he began to go bad.

He went from being a churchboy to a satanist.

To me, when I hear Satan described as the god of light, honor, justice and life, as far as I'm concerned, whether the person knows it or not, I feel this is really connecting to the original god, who was the greener of the nile, who was a god of life etc. The biblical satan is not this. This is the satan that the elites worship with human sacrifice and it is a death cult. A completely different thing. So naive and foolish or just plan stupid young people get all caught up in the hollywood version of satan, the whole death look (dark goth) aesthetic, the ritual sacrifices etc. I think this is a spiritual trap. Young people rebelling are going to be drawn into this. This I think is what happened perhaps to Richard. Am I excusing him? Hell no. He had free will.

He would hang out, do acid in the concordia cemetery (notorious for being a haunted place and a vortex of negativity).

Sadistically murdering animals, doing blood rituals, attempting to commune with or summon 'satan'. He pursued a personal relationship with the 'dark lord'. The Concordia is described as a place that seems to have a will of it's own, a man who lives in the area and has done a lot of paranormal investigations there described it this way, and is the same view held by some of the security who work there.

What this means is all the negative energy focussed there became a thought form egregore, taken on a kind of pseudo life of its own. The Cecil hotel in LA where Richard lived during his killing spree was another such place. A notorious place holding within its walls very evil energy; again, like it is inhabited by a kind of egregore. I find it also interesting that in order to get there Richard had to travel under the interstate via a 'gateway', a kind of crossroads to arrive at this place of the dead. Crossroads are a liminal place, an in between, a place where the veil is thinnest.

Later when he began his rampage based from the Cecil in LA, this notorious hotel is another place that again, seemed to have a kind of life of its own. A skid row hotel is going to be attracting a lot of people who are not exactly the best society has to offer. Richard wasn't the only serial killer who lived there. There have been many suicides there and murders, one of the most famous being the case of the asian woman from Vancouver who ended up inside one of the water tanks on the roof.

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She was in there long enough that people began complaining about how the water was tasting 'horrible'. How disgusting is that?

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One of the MO's of the enemy of humanity is they are trying to normalize things like pedophilia and cannibalism. And their proxies, these hybrids, the ruling elite family's who have gained a stranglehold on the world (at least till recently) – during the course of their sick rituals, they torture children of their own and the ones who survive end up with an attachment, that is, they become linked to the real predators, negative energy beings behind all the misery and death on this planet.

Why do they torment people? Because its a form of food and energy. To these we are like batteries, and food. These entities are the ones behind the promoting of anti human disgusting practices like cannibalism and so knowing this, I found it an interesting fact that she was placed somewhere where unsuspecting people would be literally consuming her. I don't think this was accidental or random.

I had the opportunity long ago to observe 'prince' Charles and his two boys when they thought they were alone. I know for a fact he had this kind of attachment (the original Charles). I saw it. He was a meat puppet for something else. A non physical negative parasitical energy being. And again, depending on your beliefs, you might call these a demon, devil, jinn, or angel. The labels are not as important as the essence of the being. I think when you boil it down there are two polarities: positive or negative. By whatever name.

I think when normal average people are dabbling in what they believe to be edgy and cool satanism...summoning and worshipping dark entities (who allow and encourage worship and blood sacrifice which is something a true high frequency positive entity would never allow) lower vibrational astral parasites – by whatever name - giving them sacrifices – especially blood – the person opening themselves to these are creating (via themselves) a gateway or path for these beings through which they attach themselves to the person and through that attachment accomplish what they wish in the earth (physical) reality. And so I have to comment that the ritual dedicating to satan by the jos which demands blood is a form of blood sacrifice. It is attaching to the negative entities.

The person thus possessed (or just used) becomes an agent. And so you get lesser servitors of chaos. Agents creating fear, hatred, doing murder, etc. On a much lower level than this is what the people who delighted in attacking and tormenting me for having the audacity to create a space for people to talk, how dare you?!? were doing. And they too were working for the negative entities, reaping a harvest for the negative group. Richard was (I think) a servitor who (unlike these low level minions) had potential as a magician, possessed what is known as the dark triad: narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. And so the deal he got was to indulge in his 'dark delights' return for which they would help him find victims and not get himself caught.

In the end he was caught and by the very people who were his own ethnic group which is (to me) kind of poetic justice. On the inside (death row) his role was flipped and he became a target.

Perhaps one of the best outcomes for this negative force is to be able to manipulate someone who started off inherently good with a potential to add to the world into becoming a sell out creature, a thing. A fool who has surrendered what it is that made them human. Surrendered their humanity. It's the ruination of a soul, you see.

He was physically attractive with a good frame standing over 6 feet, a full head of hair, impressive bone structure and good features. What I'm saying is he had the potential to be a person who added to the good in the world, rather than its ruination. And I think the destruction of that potential is sad.

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Don wrote:

“The 'Demons' of the western grimories are Jinn entities they are lower vibrational astral parasites. They simply show up to any offering and offerer and rip energy off them. If they decide the individual is of any use as a magician they will attempt to make a mafia like deal with them.

They will show them basic Jinn sorcery techniques to contact the Jinn and let the Jinn work thought them. This will be a pact of which the individual will be promised anything for return to bring in energy from other people from social media to contact work as mediator of pacts. However the Jinn will become more and more demanding and withhold any serious arrangements. The carrot and the stick, abuse, terror, psychic attacks, energy ripping of the individual sorcerer is how the Jinn force them to become a slave to the Jinn. You will always owe them with interest and always be in debt to them.”

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Richard became a ruined soul. In the beginning sacrificing animals to satan on a highly negative and haunted location. A 50 acre cemetery which is the oldest in el paso, opening himself up psychically.

Back in the mid 80's a kind of paper with acid on it was available. I tried this a couple times myself back in the day and I found it overwhelming. I hated the stuff. It blew open my third eye but it happened in a very uncontrolled and terrifying way that I absolutely hated. Knowing this effect, I do think being in this state, consciously calling out to something, you're going to be blown wide open. You're going to get a response and I don't think the one responding is going to be a positive being.

Later, Richard moved to LA where he lived in the infamous Cecil hotel.

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This place itself merits an entire discussion all on it's own.

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It looks like the shining, doesn't it?
As team psychic for a group of paranormal investigators, I learned that mirrors facing one another as we see here can help generate a gateway. I learned from an ex mormon friend who had relatives fairly high up in the church who would know, that the upper echelon of that cult did rituals in between mirrors facing one another – summoning entities, who would appear to them in the mirror.

But at any rate, it was based from here his killing spree began. Other residents of the Cecil would see him coming in with blood all over his clothing and just assume he worked at an abattoir or s He terrorized LA during 1984, 1985. He would enter at night via a carelessly unlocked door or window. He, unlike most serial killers didn't have a clear cut MO or a 'type', no weapon of choice and was thus very hard to catch, being unpredictable. He used whatever was to hand. He killed the old, young and both sexes. I remember when this was headline news. People were honestly terrified. He didn't care who he killed. For him death was what he sought.

When he was caught it was headline news. He only made two mistakes, but they were enough. He wore a rare and specific sneaker so the prints he left with them were signature. And on the steering wheel of one of the cars he jacked, he left a fingerprint. This was quickly matched to his rap sheet. He woke up one day with his picture on every magazine and newspaper cover. He tried to get on a bus out of LA only to flee knowing he was recognized. He fled into a suburban neighbourhood where again, he The entire neighbourhood went after him, surrounded him and would have beaten him to death there and then except the police showed up and took him into

He expressed zero remorse. He enjoyed the celebrity status he got as a notorious and feared killer. He had groupies. Stupid, stupid women who found his 'bad boy' appea Hir received

Through testimony from surviving victims, it was revealed Ramirez would tell his victims to “swear to Satan,” demanding they devote their love to Satan. Ramirez often spoke of Satan, good and evil, and his place amongst all of it.

He died June 2013 And he never really faced judgement for his crimes. He died in a california hospital. He never had to face the gas chamber.

This was something he said in court:

“I do not need to hear all of society’s rationalizations. I’ve heard them all before and the fact remains that what is, is. You don’t understand me. You are not expected to. You are not capable. I am beyond your experience. I am beyond good and evil.”

Maybe this is referencing his attachment to these negative entities. In the 80's this kind of knowledge was simply not mainstream. How could the average normie at that time ever begin to understand what was happening? Of course they weren't capable of understanding.

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I have always been interested in his case, in trying to understand what actually happened with this guy. He was such a dichotomy, a paradox. So what happened?

And then while I was working on this article, Don Danko posted this:

“The 'Demons' of the western grimories are Jinn entities they are lower vibrational astral parasites. They simply show up to any offering and offerer and rip energy off them. If they decide the individual is of any use as a magician they will attempt to make a mafia like deal with them.

They will show them basic Jinn sorcery techniques to contact the Jinn and let the Jinn work thought them. This will be a pact of which the individual will be promised anything for return to bring in energy from other people from social media to contact work as mediator of pacts. However the Jinn will become more and more demanding and withhold any serious arrangements. The carrot and the stick, abuse, terror, psychic attacks, energy ripping of the individual sorcerer is how the Jinn force them to become a slave to the Jinn. You will always own them with interest and always be in debt to them.”

Richard was hanging out in concordia cemetery, sometimes sleeping there, making blood offerings to these beings in his quest for a personal relationship with satan (biblical satan).

Serapis was the original God who embodied both the christed aspects of man and also the adversary. He was also known as Osiris, greener of the nile, the green man and giver of life, Serapis. He wasn't about death. If you associate Satan with honor, justice, truth and life....I believe you are tuning in to the original God, Osiris or Serapis. If you're worshipping Machiavellianism, getting your way at all cost, being devious and underhanded, worshipping death as the 'dark lord satan'....this is the biblical egrigore you are attaching to. They aren't the same thing. Richard was attaching to the death worship 'dark lord' biblical satan and the negative entities.

The pirates, slavers, these enemies of humanity, when they created the bible mind control system, they stole Serapis's attributes (while destroying his temples), separated these into two opposing forces, god and the devil. Controlled opposition. Start out as a churchboy like Richard did, renounce it as he did and what happens? The churchboy turns to the devil, to what is considered the opposite, the biblical satan. He did say that while he couldn't speak to a physical description of satan, he has felt the presence of true evil. I can believe it. I have felt this as well. But this thing he is worshipping is not the greener and giver of life. I have felt that energy, too. It's night and day different.

The bible is all about death. The worship of a dead man. The typical MO of the enemy of humanity is all about taking what is good or goodly (godly) and inverting it. Taking what was a worship of life and making it into worshipping death. And Richard was definitely attracted to death. This is why he stymied the police for so long....he killed who ever, whenever he got the chance or the urge came over him. The thrill was in the kill.

His childhood friend says he got a real kick out of stealing candy bars. I think it was all about the thrill of getting one over on somebody else and taking what isn't yours to take. The ultimate form of this has to be taking somebody else's life. He was a terrific tool for the human hating parasitical entities.

I think this is what happened to Richard. He made contact with what Don calls the jinn, or demons... what Don Juan called the predators.....made a deal with them. They would help him as he did his crimes. I have no doubt they helped him find just the right open door or window with subtle prompts, warned him when it was time to take off. At one of these death scenes he left a pentacle drawn on the wall with a victims red lipstick. And these negative oriented energy beings, these astral parasites would experience the agony, terror and death through him and feed off it.

He would return to the Cecil, blood all over him and nobody thought twice about it. The Cecil itself is a very haunted building in a very haunted area of LA, on the edge of skid row. Terrible things have taken place in this hotel, suicides, murder and inexplicable death.

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Richard raped a 9 year old girl named mei leung. He kidnapped her, brought her into the basement of a place in the tenderloin area in San Fran where he was staying and raped her repeatedly, killed her and hung her body from a pipe in the basement by her blouse.
He brought a young girl/woman back to his room in the Cecil hotel in LA and killed her.
There was also a documentary in which another girl claimed he was crying while assaulting her and that he allowed her to use the bathroom several times during the assault, even repeatedly apologized during the attack. And obviously she lived to tell of it since she was able to tell her story. But I can't find her name.

In the hierarchy of a prison, there are inmates and convicts. Convicts are the real predators and they rule the yard. Then there are inmates. These are the men who are not alphas and despised by the convicts. A convict who did time in Richards tier said he was an inmate. The first time out in the yard Richard was jumped and beaten severely. The second time he went out he was again, beaten almost to death. He was fortunate they didn't manage to kill him. The convict describes Richard Ramirez as an inmate, a gollum, a sick pervert, an insec He and another mass murderer were the porn kings of their tier, supplying other inmates with porn. All kinds! (child porn too – and how this is tolerated in a prison I don't know). The convicts liked to fuck with his head, threatening him etc. So this carefully crafted tv persona of the nightstalker as a deadly predator......isn't the reality. He was a sick guy and evil for sure but....not the alpha predator he's purported to be. At least, not as real convicts saw it. And the real predators wanted to kill him and he knew it and had to live with the fear they instilled which was a bit of poetic justice for all the people he caused to live in fear while he was on his rampage in the community.

His uncle mike was a serial killer who raped, murdered, dismembered and decapitated many women while a green beret in Vietnam. He took pictures of (and likely with) the bodies and brought these disgusting images back to the states and was showing them to 13, 14 year old Richard, showing him how to stalk people, how to immobilize, hurt etc. His wife caught him, they got into a fight about it and the argument was settled by mike shooting her in the front of Richard.

Now...Richard was going through adolescence at this time, developing sexuality. He's shown such violent horrible images, told details of his uncles sadistic gruesome sex crimes. That had to have done some damage. Definitely not a good influence. As a young man his sexual fantasies merged with the images of violence and murder....Richard admitted while in prison that when he was shown these images, he found them fascinating (rather than being repulsed). After the shooting of mikes wife Richard's personality changed, he became sullen and withdrawn. Perhaps he wasn't self aware enough to realize how much damage this event had done. He said witnessing the murder of mikes wife was also a subject of fascination. Richard himself later became sadistic and enjoyed degrading, torturing and humiliating his victims.

It has been remarked how he came across as a teenager when speaking in some interviews. From the spiritual perspective parts of our selves can become frozen in time when we are traumatized. I think part of him became frozen at that age.

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He was bullied a lot growing up. Due to bullying he and his best friend learned martial arts. I've heard it claimed by other people who made videos about him that he had a dysfunctional home (parents). Not according to his best friend. His parents were not neglectful or cruel. His dad was actually a great dad. There are claims Richard was not very intelligent. Again, not true according to his best friend who said he was very smart.

He was bonding with mike as an impressionable teenager over alcohol, pot and images o After the shooting Richard moved in with his sister and her husband, who happened to be a pervert voyeur who loved to sneak around at night as a peeping t When mike got outRichard mental hospital, he joined them, the three of them stalking around at night spying on women through their windows. What a frigging nightmare to contemplate.

So we can see where this is going. It almost seems inevitable. When he got to California, he started using cocaine. After one murder somewhere during this 14-16 month killing spree however he decided to swear off the coke. I think he felt it was fucking his head up too much; he wanted a clearer head when doing his killing so as not to get caught.

I once (long ago) knew a guy who was doing a lot of coke....and it made him mental. He suffered a psychotic break where he stripped naked, declared he was Adolf Hitler and had to be chased down and restrained till help arrived. As a result, he spent some time in a psych ward. I went to see him once in there...I didn't think he was crazy....I was immediately convinced he was possessed. Something was in there and what I was trying to speak to wasn't my friend. This creature was cruel and sly, he knew things he couldn't have known and threw them in my face. He frightened me at that time.

so...knowing these things and looking at the nightstalker case....I think the several concussions suffered before 6 years of age, the epilepsy, the influence of twisted and evil relatives....on top of all that the drug use plus an interest in and exploring of the occult and repeated attempts to summon demons...I think he definitely had something attached to him or working through him (partial possession) when he was out doing his crimes. He became a tool that fed parasitical negative energy beings. Energetically, I do believe this is what was happening. Even in prison, he would spend hours in the dark chanting and doing rituals.

I have come across so many times where someone who murdered somebody will say (when asked why) something told them to. Richard did say how the idea (to kill) would come to him...and he felt if he didn't do it, he might be destroyed himself. I think in that we see a hint of what Don was saying when he said:

“The carrot and the stick, abuse, terror, psychic attacks, energy ripping of the individual sorcerer is how the Jinn force them to become a slave to the Jinn. You will always owe them with interest and always be in debt to them.”

In regards getting the death penalty Richard said:

“big deal, death always went with the territory.”

The real God is one of life. Richard chose death. A sad and cautionary tale.

In case you are interested, this is a video regarding his story and features the interview with his childhood friend

This one shows a paranormal team investigating the Cecil and Richards room.

it starts around 1:39 minutes in.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by GoldenDragon »

This clearly represents how people can be slaves to the Jinns .

Richard was clearly corrupted. If it would have have been a good entity, it would have given life loving advice and it wouldn't ask for sacrifices, this is grotesque to say the least.

And the location he chose clearly is filled with negative energies. A cemetery... not a location to use for good rituals. Cemeteries are generally filled with negative energies like, in fact, I don't think that there is a single cemetery which is filled with positive energy. There is a lot of negativity there, due to sadness and grief.

And also, what caused Richard to act like this, besides fake entities and negative energies was also the trauma due to being shown photos from the Vietnam War by his grandfather, and, that he done a lot of acid (LSD) in Concordia (drug addiction equals a very bad / debilitated aspect of Neptune).
Don Danko333
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satanism is the concept of negativity it was created by Christian theology to justify their dogma on the populace. There is no Satan. But there is highly negative people and behaviors so they gravitate towards the concept of Satanism because they are already negative.

Most Satanist's who are not criminals and sociopaths spend most of their time complaining about Christianity and the church. They believe Christianity and the church are negative so they adjusted the Christian dichotomy to move Satanism to the positive to rebel against Christian social conditioning and Christian influence in politics' and culture. Then they spend all their time arguing with Jesus freaks over who is more virtuous. They are mostly social and ideological liberals with Christian upbringing. This is why many are Liberal-Cultural Marxists.
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by Don Danko333 »

Demons are Saturnian spirits they relate to certain forms of knowledge on the material realms and sorcery around such. They exist outside of Satanism which was invented by Christianity. Demons are contactors in how they operate and they take pacts seriously. Lucifer, Belial and Lilith, offered me a life time pact in return for working under them in their current. I didn't seek them out they sought me out.

Demons want people who can actually work for them on their current this means people who actually practice high level spiritual disciplines. They want people who are good with the psychic arts and abilities this includes magical practices. Its the same as having a good resume. That is why I was offered a life time pact by Lucifer, Belial and Lilith.

Worshipping Satan goes no where.
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:48 am Satanism is the concept of negativity it was created by Christian theology to justify their dogma on the populace. There is no Satan. But there is highly negative people and behaviors so they gravitate towards the concept of Satanism because they are already negative.

Most Satanist's who are not criminals and sociopaths spend most of their time complaining about Christianity and the church. They believe Christianity and the church are negative so they adjusted the Christian dichotomy to move Satanism to the positive to rebel against Christian social conditioning and Christian influence in politics' and culture. Then they spend all their time arguing with Jesus freaks over who is more virtuous. They are mostly social and ideological liberals with Christian upbringing. This is why many are Liberal-Cultural Marxists.
Yeah, Satanism is negative. I have never seen a Satanist, especially when it comes to LHP stuff and other such things to be sane. Some people really are having hard times with drugs or anything like this.

And also, they think that debating on 4chan or Reddit on who is more better is simply just proving the points of how lacking they are in terms of spirituality.
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:56 am Demons are Saturnian spirits they relate to certain forms of knowledge on the material realms and sorcery around such. They exist outside of Satanism which was invented by Christianity. Demons are contactors in how they operate and they take pacts seriously. Lucifer, Belial and Lilith, offered me a life time pact in return for working under them in their current. I didn't seek them out they sought me out.

Demons want people who can actually work for them on their current this means people who actually practice high level spiritual disciplines. They want people who are good with the psychic arts and abilities this includes magical practices. Its the same as having a good resume. That is why I was offered a life time pact by Lucifer, Belial and Lilith.

Worshipping Satan goes no where.
This is an interesting view on Demons, since I have never known them to be Saturnians? Must I ask, are you a member of Fraternitas Saturni? I can only see there, in their order such emphasis put on Saturnian aspects. Especially when you mention a lot of stuff about Lucifer, as they are in fact Luciferian (the Fraternitas Saturni is luciferian).

And also, one thing I would like to add is that according to various mythologies and documents there are a lot of demons who actually serve Satan, such as Leviathan, Mammon, Beelzebub even.

Lilith is one of Satan's wives actually. It is said that Satan has 5 wives.

Satan is real and is the counterpart of the Zoharistic / Kabalistic Samael semi-demonic angel.
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by Don Danko333 »

There is no Satan.
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Christianity of the JoS is the idea that Deities that are non Abrahamic are Demons because the Bible and Church state this. This is how a Christian thinks and they think like Christians for calling the Deities of the classical world, Demons. They move the Christian churches dichotomy to Demons good and Yahweh, Jesus and Angels bad. Father God, the positive idealism and Satan the bad ideal. Then it gets moved to Father Satan the positive ideal.

This is why people are arguing that Satanism is positive. Because they are stuck within the Christian dichotomy.
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Re: The Nightstalker

Post by GoldenDragon »

Don Danko333 wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:22 am There is no Satan.
So, there are only Saturnians, right?
Don Danko333 wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:31 am The Christianity of the JoS is the idea that Deities that are non Abrahamic are Demons because the Bible and Church state this. This is how a Christian thinks and they think like Christians for calling the Deities of the classical world, Demons. They move the Christian churches dichotomy to Demons good and Yahweh, Jesus and Angels bad. Father God, the positive idealism and Satan the bad ideal. Then it gets moved to Father Satan the positive ideal.

This is why people are arguing that Satanism is positive. Because they are stuck within the Christian dichotomy.
Yeah, it is what is called as reverse Christianity, by replacing the Christian doctrine with the Satanist one, that Satan is good instead of Jesus and other such things.

Either way, as you have said, worshipping Satan goes nowhere as there is no such thing as Satan so practically, those who say "I am worshipping Satan" most likely worship the walls of their home or the void, as there is no such thing as Satan. That is an interesting perspective, indeed.

So basically, there is only a vortex of negativity that people partake in, and there is nothing good in it.

I wish you good luck on your path, Don.
Don Danko333
Posts: 381
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:21 am

Re: The Nightstalker

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satanism is a Christian ideology and its part of the mental energy field that Christianity creates. If the creators of Christianity and the Church didn't create the character and idea of Satan, then Satanism would not exist.
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