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Re: muh

Post by IM NOT A TROLL2 »

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:20 am So hey, I'm not a troll, the person who had something interesting to say, real conversation to make about art. I would enjoy very much to talk with you more with about art. I welcome you to the forum and I thank you very much for injecting positivity into this conversation. There is way too much negativity being posted here with the same old tired BS which is boring. Let us think about something positive! You said you have seen only a couple of pieces of my art.

I invite you to go look at my tarot decks, which were ten years in the making. See more of my art which is finally complete and published!

Just in time for Yule. Which makes it literally ten years since I was asked to create the first deck by Andras, my Daemon Guide: ... st-edition
That depends on your art philosophy. It's extremely unlikely that you successfully captured the "true" images of the Demons, even if it took you 100 years. If you drew them as your own interpretations, that's fair. Anyway, you didn't go into much detail regarding your method of "spiritual art" which leads me to suspect you don't understand it well yourself.

And regarding the negativity here, you requested people to help you dox cobra which would certainly be illegal as far as I know. If you were able to see the Demons, couldn't you just use the same techniques to see him and his personal information? Are you sure you even need his personal information, can't you like sue the joy of satan as an organization?
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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

NOW you want to be 'honest'?

Ok, lets be honest. I'm not the one hiding my face, hiding behind a keyboard pretending to be many people, gaslighting, utilizing multiple accounts to intrude into somebody else's house in order to spam filth like scat porn denigrating other people. I'm not the one criminally harassing others, pushing tired narratives and lies in order to drive decent people away from somebody else's forum. I'm not the one intruding like a burglar in an attempt to ruin somebody else 's business. YOU are.

I'm not coming into your house with abusive, reproachful, venomous language expressing blame or censure, using forms of rude expression or discourse intended to offend and hurt to express vituperation, deeply seated ill will, vitriol. YOU are.

You do this against myself in particular and the T4S in general; going after owen, mamba and anyone else who dared express an opinion that didn't coincide with yours or called out your horrible behaviours.

You ignore all demands to cease and desist, like a stalker.

You fail to comprehend what you're engaged in is called business sabotage.

Business sabotage and criminal harassment IS A CRIME.

Ergo: you are a criminal.

I do not welcome this. I will not tolerate this. Any reasonable person will agree it is insupportable behaviour on your part. If you have anything constructive to bring, I'm not seeing it.

Prove you aren't cobra. Have him put it in writing on his own forum he does not condone, approve of, nor encourage the ongoing criminal harassment and business sabotage being perpetrated here.

Post that on your own forum, as cobra, include a full and sincere apology to myself, owen, mamba and the T4S membership in general for all the abuse you've heaped on us here over the last three years and call off your dogs.

Stop coming here in malice with an agenda. Stop your projection and libel, the invective.

Stop trying to spin this into zola is 'paranoid', 'power tripping', or other BS lies and projection.

This is about YOUR longterm and chronic abuse of MY place and the people in it. YOUR criminal harassment, YOUR attempts to shut my forum down. It's about business sabotage.

Your 'yo' sounds like the big dog character you also came in here with, when you seriously abused the anon account to delete and censor the voices of many other people on the cobra is siatris thread.

Those were people saying things YOU disapproved of. You had no problem silencing THEM. It's not about me 'censoring dissent', silencing anything 'negative', silencing people who 'disagree' with me.

YOU are coming in here and attempting to silence US.

Get on your platform, as yourself and you apologize to us.

Do that, and then GO AWAY

I do not allow criminals or criminal behaviour here.
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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“That depends on your art philosophy. It's extremely unlikely that you successfully captured the "true" images of the Demons, even if it took you 100 years. If you drew them as your own interpretations, that's fair. Anyway, you didn't go into much detail regarding your method of "spiritual art" which leads me to suspect you don't understand it well yourself.”

Daemons are extra dimensional beings, not physical like we are. While they can take on a physical form, they can also take on any form they wish. How they appear to one person may not be at all how they appear to another. Your reasoning is flawed. It's not so much how they look. it's how they feel. Its their energy signature. I saw them in my third eye, my minds eye. I felt them, felt their energy. That energy coalesced into an image in my mind.

Any art I do of them is going to be my interpretation, because its my art. I'm not a camera, I'm a person. Duh.

I didn't go into a lot of detail regarding my method of spiritual art? I didn't realize I was expected to produce an essay on the spot. My bad.

“And regarding the negativity here, you requested people to help you dox cobra which would certainly be illegal as far as I know. If you were able to see the Demons, couldn't you just use the same techniques to see him and his personal information? Are you sure you even need his personal information, can't you like sue the joy of satan as an organization?”

I didn't request people help me doxx cobra.

Doxxing is the act of publicly providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization, usually via the internet.

I asked for someone to step up, do the right thing and send me via PM his info, so I can take the next appropriate step. Which isn't to post it online, publicly.

You are projecting again.

I'm not interested to sue the JoS. Why would I want to do that? It makes no sense. But I know, you didn't think it through. Just went after me on anything you could think of. Because you drank the kool-aid. I know.

It isn't the JoS coming in here being a criminal. It's a man. The JoS is not in his name. He had nothing to do with its creation. He was grandfathered in after maxine died. We don't even know if it's in her name; I've heard she took it from somebody else. And whoever that person may be, is not the one coming here acting the criminal.

Logic and Reason.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

Cobra has been here posting under the moniker TheRealTruthSeeker' – what a misnomer!

He has nothing to bring to the table but abuse. This is done intentionally and maliciously in order to bring the vibe here down, make people want to leave. And its true; people have left. That is sabotage. He's trying hard to kill free speech here by polluting the water so badly everyone will get out of the pool. That's business sabotage. When I see criminal behaviour rearing it's ugly head I'll remove it.

“One doesn't have to agree with our doctrines or beliefs to be part of our community. What you do with our teachings is up to you. You can choose to accept or reject, but at least you know what we, the T4S, affirm. We are publishing this information to make our moral values, deeply held convictions, and the philosophy with which we embrace life known. If you don't agree, you can still be a member of our community as long as you are a law abiding individual.

Book of Satan page 5

So lets have a look, shall we?

TheRealShithead1.jpg (330.08 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

Don't use the name truthseeker, thats one of cobras names. Mind the rules, you'll not have any problems. Wander onto the firing range and you're gonna get caught in the crossfire. And stop posting filth, please.

This post by 'TheRealTruthSeeker' (cobra) is a masterful example of gaslighting, blame shifting and deflecting responsibility. Deflection via intimation zola is cray cray.

I don't have to work at making you look bad cobra, or making the JoS look bad. You do a bang up job all by yourself.

TheRealShitHead2.jpg (416.68 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

“This will probably be the last message I will ever post here” “I am not going to bother arguing this anymore"

Wonderful! You're going to leave? For good? Not ever post here again? Terrific! I've only been telling you to cease and desist, to go away for what, months now?

And that too, was a lie. I knew it and he knew it. He didn't post that for my benefit. He posted it so people watching would think wow yeah, zola bad! People are leaving! In reality, he came back three more times today alone:

pushing himself where hes not wanted.jpg
pushing himself where hes not wanted.jpg (188.82 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

What part about I do not accept criminals here did you fail to comprehend? You are not welcome in this community. This is not my doing; its yours, you earned this.

When one is gaslighting, pushing a narrative, one of the ways this is done is to repeatedly put the same buzzwords in. It's like the McDonalds 'I'm lovin it'
Here are the buzzwords contained in this 'TheRealTruthSeeker' post:

'mentally unstable' 'role playing' compulsively obsessed' 'proven infiltrator' 'wrong in your judgement' 'jew'

Deflection: zola cray cray, zola bad, me good!!! reeeeee, reeeeee, reeeeee!!!!!

You invert everything, just like the enemy you profess to fight does. I'm crazy? No. The fact you come here to push this narrative after being shown the door illustrates an obsessive control freak who can't believe he's being told no. Refusing to take no for an answer. Your gaslighting illustrates the depth of your evil.

'accordingly will take your 'evidence' and this place altogether as the ridiculous jokes they are'
reeeeee, reeee, reeeeee!!!

'Nobody believes your shit'
reeeeee, reeeee, reeeee really?

Why are you so desperately trying to silence me? Why have you and your attack dogs been doing so for the last few years? Trying to sabotage my forum? Hmmm? You state you are:

'someone who has to hold grip of an organization with thousands of members'

If that was true, then yes I would think you'd be pretty busy. But it's not really true now, is it? But don't take it from me, lets look at what some others have to say about that:

other peoples opinions on jos.jpg
other peoples opinions on jos.jpg (281.43 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

You had the hubris to give me an ultimatum (another one of your avatars – note he says RED DAWN = Seeker, obviously):

red dawn is cobra.png
red dawn is cobra.png (496.32 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

I think that spells out cobra's intentions plain as day.

TheRealShithead3.jpg (496.39 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

"he probably listened to what I told him"

Like I said, sneaking around like a cockroach. Did you think I wasn't aware? Private messaging owen, the only other one here who had admin power – and how you wanted that, eh? Attempting to 'befriend' him, in order to manipulate and use him as a backdoor to get to me. Which is another reason I told him to walk away. To protect him. To get him out of the line of fire. You denied this earlier:

denial gaslighting.png
denial gaslighting.png (883.52 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

see that last line there? Denying it. But you just admitted it.

You slipped up, again, revealing it's true, what I say. It's really hard to keep all your lies straight, eh?
I don't have that problem. I don't lie. I don't sneak around under various avatars and manipulate. I don't gaslight. I am who I am. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I show my face.

'terrified of your comments'? LOL. No.

I'm drawing a line. It's called good management. It is my prerogative as the person who owns the business. I reserve the right to refuse service. But I'm not applying this randomly. YOU are the problem. You need to LEAVE. I do not allow criminal behaviour here.

You labor under the misapprehension this is your territory, your forum.

'lastly, I warn you, do not delete this message'

it is not your place to dictate to me what I will and won't do in my own house. That shows quite the sense of entitlement and hubris. But then I guess well, of course. Just look at how you treat your own members!

You were allowed to run wild in here for a time. It's called giving you some rope.

TheRealShitHead4.jpg (525.51 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

The only thing 'fictitious' is you, hiding your identity, attacking from the shadows like a coward. Isn't that exactly how you preach the enemy does it?

Everything you're saying about me is what you are and what you're doing. It's called projection. You take everything and invert it, then point the finger in order to divert attention away from yourself. This is classic psychopathic gaslighting 101.

You are abusive to your members. You wrote about how people are 'pussys' if they don't donate to you, the guilting and shaming of people on your own forum to give you shekels proves what I'm saying is true. If people choose to come here instead, they are welcome and its not your prerogative to make them feel unwelcome and attacked. They are welcome to the T4S unless they violate the forum rules: No spamming, no criminal activity. Stop coming in here asking me “whats wrong with you?” as if I precipitated this.

You come into my house with abusive, reproachful, venomous language expressing blame or censure, using forms of rude expression or discourse intended to offend and hurt to express vituperation, deeply seated ill will, vitriol. All in the attempt to shut me up, shut others here up, drive people away and hopefully shut down my forum. That is criminal activity. This is not hard to understand, is it? Not unless you're intellectually myopic.

I put in a lot of time, money and effort to create a nice place for people. And then you come in and shit all over it. Literally. Like that scat porn filth. You might benefit from looking up what business sabotage is and what kind of jail time you can expect, if one person does the right thing.

The fact is that for the first 6 months or so of the T4S, you figured it wasn't a threat and ignored the place. During which time it was a very pleasant place to be. But we were growing. Which worried you and at that point you came roaring in under the name siatris (and others), screaming kike, posting libel and other abuse. And from then to now, you've been poisoning the water here, so to speak. Just as this post was meant to do. It's the same narrative from when you kicked me out of the JoS. Which by the way, turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Satan promoted me.

TheRealShitHead5.jpg (321.25 KiB) Viewed 1513 times

The 'Real' 'TruthSeeker' is one of Cobra's multiple handles. He said it himself:

“You have no idea who I am and you will never find out, nor anyone else will”.

The syntax and the I am proves it's him.

I think Lydia knows who you really are, Nick. She might choose to finally do what's right and turn you in. I'm sure there are others as well. Perhaps one of those people will wake up and do the right thing, for the sake of all the people who are being gaslighted and abused by you.

A friend who knew you well in the early days when you were just a regular member like everybody else, that person once laughingly told me how absolutely desperate you were to get into power, to be a HP. You got in by making yourself useful to maxine, handling the developer issues of a website for her, till you made yourself indispensable, at which point you could assume control because it was in her best interests to keep you happy. I know all about that. It's very telling maxine NEVER came out publicly to denounce me.

No, you had your tool Shannon do that for you.

Maxine knew me; she knew it was all lies. But she had to keep YOU happy. And YOU wanted me gone. Why was that? Perhaps because I was becoming too popular, too respected. My portraits thread stayed on the front page (no help from the clergy – no sticky) for around 8 months and was just about to hit 30 000 reads before you nuked it. I was a threat. So you attacked. Just like you're doing right now. The track record is clear.

Well, now maxine's dead. And by the way, I understand she was caught between a rock and a hard place. Nobody knows it better than I. She knew it was a lie but she needed to keep you happy. She acquiesced to your desire to get rid of me in the most cruel way possible. I don't hate her for it. She was human. I understand why she did what she did. The only honourable thing left to her she could do was fail to condemn me publicly. Which she did.

The upshot is, you got the JoS by being in the right place at the right time. It fell into your lap. But you were not the creator; you didn't put in the blood, sweat and tears like mamba and myself did here.

I'm a creator, you're a taker.

The JoS isn't really yours. You didn't create it. It fell into your lap by a happy circumstance. Isn't that right? You aren't a leader. And that's a problem. Because you're in a position where you can (and do) hurt anybody and everybody, without regret or remorse. You don't have a heart.

Real leaders lead by example. False leaders use the do as I say, not as I do approach. You fall into the latter category. The way you treated myself and others was abominable. I know of one person who, after receiving the zola treatment on your site, tried to hang herself. Fortunately, her partner got home in time to cut her down. YOU ARE HARMING PEOPLE AND YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT. That's a problem.

Who here remembers how cobra used to come roaring into this forum as siatris and write in all caps (the written equivalent of screaming) the most abusive things? At myself primarily but also at all others who dared side with me, or even were merely polite to me? Threatening people, cussing people out, calling them names, abusing them. That is silencing people. And you come in here, act like you're the injured party, and accuse me of what you do. It's truly disgusting.

The people you disdain, cobra, proved siatris is you. And your disdain for them was so evident when you nuked everything you could on the thread proving it with your 'big dog' nonsense. People, just go have a look at that thread (cobra is siatris) and see how many posts he nuked. How revealing is it that out of all the threads to deface, he chose THAT particular subject. I wonder why?

However; doing so you inadvertently proved conclusively the fatal flaw of the anon account. And why it has since been removed. People are better off posting under their own handles. It promotes personal responsibility. Be responsible for what you say and do. I am holding you accountable cobra. No signing up with a name like WHATSWRONGWITHYOU?? No more coming in here to sabotage. No more acting the innocent and asking whats wrong with you?! It's disingenuous and manipulative gaslighting. Like I'm doing something bad to you. You know what you're doing. Stop it now.

I do believe there are people who joined the JoS because they truly want the best for humanity. I know I do and did. I want the best for humanity. I want people to be free. I have no beef with those people. I'm aware some of them have a beef with me; because they drank the kool-aid, as outlined and summarized so beautifully in this rant by cobra. I hope they'll eventually have the scales fall from their eyes, with the application of logic and reason.

I think too, it's likely maxine began with the best of intentions. But her husband infiltrated his nazi ideology, then you infiltrated and eventually took over.

It's a fact really bright and caring people are some of the first to fall for a cult. I did. For a time.

You are not one of those bright and caring people, cobra.

You care only for yourself and maintaining your power. Just like the enemy you profess to be against. And since you invert everything, accuse me of all that you are and have done it posits the question: is all this finger pointing and 'jew' calling a smokescreen? In order to take attention away from the idea that YOU might be the jew?

I'm not jewish:
no jewish connection1.jpg
no jewish connection1.jpg (1.12 MiB) Viewed 1513 times
no jewish connection2.jpg
no jewish connection2.jpg (1.81 MiB) Viewed 1513 times
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no jewish connection3.jpg (1.82 MiB) Viewed 1513 times

DNA doesn't lie. Where's YOUR DNA test?
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

So whats been happening over the last 12 hours? LOTS! lol.

cobra came back under yet another handle: Estimashun. This time acting kind of innocent and incredulous – oh dear me, no offense, but.....(tries to flip script) and.....WHY was my account shut off? Asking:

'Would zola be willing to share the list of individuals that have been on here for the last 6 months, i'd like to say which ones I have been'

What? You've done this so many times you lost track? What an admission of guilt!

He says:

“it's unfortunate that spamming and trolling had to be done but it surely was necessary”

It was 'necessary'? Hmmmm?

Take note people; this is gaslighting at its finest:

gaslighting 101.jpg
gaslighting 101.jpg (832.22 KiB) Viewed 1426 times

The underlying message is: its not cobra – shes the problem! Don't listen to her! Zola bad! Cobra good!! Reeeeee!

Cobra, you're here to harass, spam filth, drive people away, shut people up and bring this forum down. That is business sabotage, which is CRIMINAL. Clear violations of the forum rules. This acting innocent is disingenuous and manipulative. It's sneaking around in the dark like a cockroach.

You come in under multiple names to sabotage, as you admit yourself. You earned your ban a thousand times over. Take responsibility. Go away and find something constructive to do with your life.

“The more I read through the things the less and less I believe”, bla bla bla etc etc.

Gaslighting 101.

Not me, but YOU. The People. This isn't about ME. It's about YOU.

Last night as I slept cobra spammed my forum no less than 66 times. He posted the same message that ends with a clear threat. This spam was posted a few different ways. At the end of many old messages, for one. The purpose: to push down my posts here, in order to distract and stop people from looking at what I'm saying. Why would he want to do that?? Hmm.

It's no coincidence Estimashun's account was here the same time 'TheRealTruthSeeker''s was. It's the same person.

TheRealTruthSeeker5 avatar 'reported' a ton of posts in various articles. The same message in all the 'reports' – boy, he really doesn't like being told to go away! - plus, a few actual posts all entitled 'exposing mamba and zola' or variations thereof. All with the same spam message.

This is called flooding the field. It's a psychological warfare tactic. The CIA uses it too.

He knows I'm on to him. He's not posting for my benefit; but for yours. What he's hoping to accomplish is to sway innocent people's perceptions. People who don't understand what's really going on. In order to manipulate perception. To push his propaganda.

Again, this is all coming from ONE individual: Cobra. Nick. Or should I call you....John Holland? Hmmm?
A control freak who is not used to being told 'NO' and shown the door.
And like the stalker he is, just keeps coming syphilis.

I know I'm not the only one who woke up to the propaganda:

its all clear now.jpg
its all clear now.jpg (746.06 KiB) Viewed 1426 times

really clear.jpg
really clear.jpg (1.28 MiB) Viewed 1426 times

re RTRs.jpg
re RTRs.jpg (1.29 MiB) Viewed 1426 times

Knowing Estimashun is a cobra avatar, I deleted him. He came right back (like the clap) and posts 'on behalf of 'TheRealTruthSeeker' more 'zola baaaad' propaganda. Why? Because they are one and the same. He also came back just now as zolisajew and zoladirtyjew. He wants people to think it's a crowd. This has been a primary tactic since he invaded my forum two and a half years ago. The thread cobra is siatris exposed this tactic.

We see it in the bigger world with the twitter accounts, all purportedly from 'different' people yet stating the identical messages. Or like the MSM where they all say the identical talking points.

His messages all have the same theme: Deflection.

making threats.jpg
making threats.jpg (716.43 KiB) Viewed 1426 times

The synopsis is: deflect responsibility via:

Zola cray cray!! Zola jew infiltrator!! Zola baaaaad!!!! Zola stole shekels!!! Zola make slander place!!! cobra goooood! AHHHHH.....reeeee reeee reeeee!!!! (rolls on ground screaming and kicking)

I'm surprised he didn't write in all caps as well.

Or this - heck of a terrific example of gaslighting:

gaslighting1.jpg (1.21 MiB) Viewed 1426 times
gaslighting2.jpg (1.21 MiB) Viewed 1426 times
gaslighting3.jpg (166.45 KiB) Viewed 1426 times

He signs up to continue criminal harassment and attempted business sabotage, gets nuked as he deserves, then cries wolf!

Why? WHY??? (beating chest falls to the ground) WHHHYYY???? reeeeeeee....reeeeeee........reeeeeee (more rolling on ground, pulling hair , red faced bawling)

REEEEEE REEEEEEE REEEEEE....I'm so hard done by!!!!

And again, this is all in just one day, insisting to push himself where he's not wanted:

sunday intrusions.jpg
sunday intrusions.jpg (198.33 KiB) Viewed 1426 times

This isn't someone who must 'maintain his grip on a forum composed of 'thousands' of members'.


This is someone with no life and too much time on their hands.

or this admission:

“it actually went a lot deeper in the forum than merely that thread you bird, you haven't figured it out to this day'

There you go. Admitting you are also 'bigdog' and using this avatar you spammed my forum multiple times. Thus, earning your ban.
So.......all the nonsense about 'zola paranoid bitch power tripping'..........was a LIE. Hmmm.

And there you have it. Some truth at last. Here it is, the clear threat:

'I will troll and bully this forum for as long as I can'

this is another direct admission of guilt plus motive and confirms what I've been saying all along is the TRUTH.
cobra is here to do business sabotage. That is what he was always here to do and, as he says, he doesn't plan to stop.

And so I ask The People again:

I am certain there is one of you watching who can help me identify this criminal. Please do the right thing.

People, don't fall for gaslighting.

I'm not a jew, not mentally ill, never launched attacks on the JoS (except to observe that its a cult - which is true - and that cobra is a criminal and a tyrant - which is true). I'm not responsible for any DDoS attacks, never attempted to profile members, none of that. As I said, the best and the brightest can fall prey to a cult. The ones who really are bright and caring, I have no beef with those people. We're on the same page.

This jew jew jew and libel regarding 'zola stole shekels' is heated paranoia curdled in his brainpan. He is steeped in envy, jealousy.......low vibrational energy. Misery loves company, so they say. He wants everybody (especially me) to be miserable.

I knew he was waiting for me to go to sleep. And I slept like a baby. I expected to come in today and see spam. He went above and beyond! Wow! Posted the same message 66 times! Took me about 5 minutes to clean it all up. No big deal. Can we say, obsessive compulsive? He proves my point over and over and over again.
I'm the aggressor? Projection.

I started up my own place with the assistance Satan sent me. I didn't go haunt his forum. I had some friends at the time (after being booted from the JoS) who said: “Just sign back up with another name.”

I'm Zola. I'm not going to go anywhere, start all over pretending to be somebody else. I am who I am.

cobra came to my forum, not the other way around. And it's now as it's always been, to attack.

"Your castle is sand and the tide is coming in, cobra."

He's so angry, he wants to lash out at somebody, anybody. And I'm the lightning rod.

Now, the interesting thing; I was one of the go check out the JoS.

And what I found were people being seriously hurt and corruption. It took me a long time to see it. I was a little naive.

But then, being a natural lightning rod, I was literally hit by it, attacked. Like probably 50 or more people before me. I wasn't the only one. Mageson got hit too. So did a lot of people. And like I said, some people have attempted to and some have succeeded in killing themselves over getting hit like that. PEOPLE ARE BEING HURT AND HE DOES NOT CARE. He has no heart. And I have a major issue with THAT.

And the other big issue is, cobra does damage to people IN SATANS NAME. Hiding behind Satan.

Shitting all over Satan and what He stands for. Just as he shits on my/His forum, posting scat porn.

Satan stands for Truth and Justice. Honor. Family. Freedom. For ALL Humanity.

People are individual. They must be judged according to their actions, not have a blanket condemnation thrown over all of them based on race, religion, color, gender, sexual preference, what medical decision they made in regards their own body sovereignty, etc etc ect.

People are not their meat suits. It's a persons essence, their soul, their energy pattern, their frequency that makes a person individual and who they are. That goes for us all, even the ones you think of as The Gods.

Let each be judged individually according to the energy, intentions and actions they bring.

Hatred has its place. It can wake people up to the realization that something is in need of correction. But the warrior doesn't fight out of hatred. They fight out of love. Love for the people they are there to protect. For who is sheltering behind them. Andras has a huge heart. His love is incredible. So does Satan. He has said: “my wisdom is not separate from my heart" for a reason. The fact we have hearts (empathy) is what makes us human. Never surrender your humanity.

Divide and conquer is the MO of the enemy of humanity. A one size fits all 'solution'. This is evil. It is totalitarianism. We see this principle demonstrated in the jab they're pushing on the world. A blanket 'solution'. And the result of it? Death and destruction.

Satan is about LIFE. LIBERTY.

One freedom that is essential is for people to be free to speak, not to be hounded, bullied, harassed and intimidated into silence. Which is the sole purpose of this ongoing criminal harassment. It's not really about me; it's about YOU. It's about shutting The People up. Oy veh! can't have people talking 'bad'!

This fight is really about silencing The People. And it's not me doing it in a blanket fashion to all. I'm silencing the criminal among us, so the rest of us can be free of this insidious mind poison, this virus. This fight is about control and dominance. This is why cobra felt the need to post the same message 66 times. He wants to make sure I saw it, yes, but mostly that you saw it, to push his negative energy. He wants to control peoples perceptions. He wants control and dominance. This torture you are witnessing is a form of MK mind control. Know it for what it is. So is Gaslighting. A forceful attempt to shape peoples perceptions.

It is not honourable, to attack from behind and in the dark. Sneaking around like a cockroach and gaslighting people over the last two and a half years is beneath Satan.

Satan would NEVER act like this. Neither would I. I have a very strong justice theme in my soul. Maybe that's why Satan picked me to expose this evil.

There's a reason Satan asked me to create this place. He didn't ask mamba. He asked me. He sent mamba to me to help me set the forum up. And when it was time for mamba to leave, Satan sent him a sign it was time to go. And he went. But the T4S was always mine. And there's a reason for that. Truth for Satan. Get it now? This isn't the first time in my life I've had to go to bat, alone, for what is right.

I believe in truth. I believe in freedom. I'm fighting for it right now. Won't you join me?

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Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Celeste AikoGal
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Re: muh

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

Most probably, these people never had Satan's Guide. There is a huge difference between following a path with a cult mentality and following Satan and Soul's principles forever. Satanism is about self-improvement, which seems to be a non-considered thing, by these individuals - while it's the key. There is no need to blame someone, if these individuals kicked everyone who was different from them and then whining that the bullied ex-JoS members wrote on T4S. While sometimes ethics and morality are confused with dogma, theirs is just dogma. Satanism always has been a free path for every Satanist, without any sect or specific dogmatic goal. The only goal in Satanism is improvement of the self, nothing else. You can follow the path you want, but then don't complain with a sectary mentality if others leave for discrimination or get kicked only for saying a different opinion. I would consider dogma every belief that is unnecessary, unrealistic, inconclusive, not really moral neither ethical, imposed on someone, with the excuse that it is moral or because "God said that". Satanism has no sect neither groups. Groups can mostly help as being in community and seeking comparisons to also improve. And doesn't make any sense to write insults, because it just means you can't argue. If you want to overcome one of these blockages you have, which is your dogmatic mindset, listen to the sounds of nature, to the self. You'll see there is nothing other than someone's personal path and that everyone has their own way to reach the Truth. Harassing someone in the forum for not accepting some sect's teachings, is not very genuine. Didn't your leader say that whoever comes on T4S is a traitor? From your perspective, JoS is always advancing. Then why losing time here? You got it, so there is no need to come here to harass Zola and other members? Keep following your group, even because being with people that only bring hate in you, is not very genuine. Satan is with everyone who follows him no matter the group, keep that in mind.
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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

thank you Celeste. wise words.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

the criminal just came in yet again.:

You admit spamming porn filth and having multiple accounts to come in with the sole purpose to attempt to sabotage my business. That right there earns your ban.

You better look up what business sabotage is. Because thats what it is you are engaged in.

This is cobra, with more gaslighting.

I do not welcome criminals or criminal activity here.

And you just proved it by coming in right away as non other than 'truthseeker' to post a barrage of hostile questions. And again, there is that arrogance and entitlement oozing like slime from it. You think I am under some obligation to answer to YOU. The hubris is astonishing. You earned your ban. Now go.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

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Re: muh

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I'll answer the questions why not? In my own time. You think I'm going to produce an essay on demand?

You do not get a free platform here. You earned your ban. Cease signing up as multiple people with names like zoladirtykike, zolaisajew, or this latest one:

STOPDELETINGMYACOUNT with an email like this: getfuckedzolakike@

to push your bullshit. You are acting like a petulant 5 year old.
And stop posting this whiny nonsense like I'm so baaaad to you, crying crocodile tears: You know exactly why I'm doing this to you. And I know why you post this aggreived nonsense: to make me look baaaad. Sabotage.

I'm not doing this to everybody. I'm doing it to the criminal in our midst. That would be YOU.:

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You have a heck of a sense of entitlement.

I do not welcome criminals and criminal activity here.
Satanism is not about taking your God away from you;
It's about freeing you to be your own God.

"My Wisdom is Not Separate From my Heart"

Serapis (Satan) ... st-edition
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Re: muh

Post by BirdofFreedom »

Did i miss the drama here?
I was looking at the forum feed on the discord and saw that there was a massive spam.
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While there's no conclusive evidence that it was cobra, it does fit his deranged behavioral patterns.

It seems he's really hellbent on attacking this place, and for what? because of the things contained on this forum that shows the true light of how cobra is?

He really does seem a like a cornered animal desperately lashing out at whatever he can.
Based on the fact that cobra was begging for money on the forums before it, would seem he doesn't have an actual job and is completely dependent on josers for money.

Considering that the jos is going under as many people fall to attrition and exploitation it also impacts cobra monetary income.
Seems for someone like cobra it's personal, and he's desperate.

Like seriously, why go to such lengths to attack a forum like this?
What sort of threat does this forum pose to warrant such persistent attacks?
Could it be that cobra fears the truth? the very thing he claims to worship, rather ironic.