The jos's "Power Rituals"

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The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by BirdofFreedom »

As of writing this there're currently 5 'power rituals' that were created by cobra.
  • "Satan’s Absolution Ritual"[1]
  • "Astarte’s Power Ritual"[2]
  • "Baalzebul’s Power Ritual"[3]
  • "Azazel’s Power Ritual"[4]
  • "Abrasax’s Power Ritual"[5]
"Abrasax's" ritual being the most recent and currently(at the time of writing this) scheduled by cobra who said "The Ritual here is to be done for 10 consecutive days."[6].

Looking at these rituals they all have 1 thing in common, you vibrate runes, then recite the affirmations, these affirmations are essentially veneration and exaltation of the one the ritual is directed to.
in other words the 5 'power rituals' mentioned above are basically ritualistic worship to the entity that the ritual is directed to.

Similar to the way an xian would pray or sing songs directed to their god to worship/exalt/venerate said god.

The most recent one, "Abrasax's" 'power ritual' is essentially ritualistic worship towards "Abrasax"

Regardless, what's the jos's stance on worship? considering these rituals are essentially from the jos.
Those who worship other Gods end up confused and are open to all kinds of influences. It is important to stay focused. As Satanists, our God is Satan and there is no need to call upon other gods. Demons act as protectors and direct us to be strong in Satan. They can also act as mediators as they work with us closely, but we do not worship them. Satan does not demand or want any slavish worship.
True Spirituality[8] wrote:We come to worship out of love, NOT coercion, threats, indoctrination, peer, or family pressure. In the end, Satan has won. Even solitary rituals are done out of free will and devotion. Satan is loved. The Christian "God" relies on fear. Remember, "Money can't buy you real love." This is so obvious, as the enemy religions are spiritually empty.
Standard Ritual to Satan[9] wrote:Satan represents and stands for self-efficiency and personal empowerment to where we can control our own lives and destinies without having to slavishly worship or rely upon something outside of ourselves.
We are all individual and have our own ways of ritual and worship. Very early on, to kneel was given to me by the Demons, and also a close friend had the same experience; to kneel out of respect, but this is between you and Father Satan.
Well 1st of, a 'commandment of Satan' is being broken, as the jos considers what's written in the "The Al Jilwah"[10] to be the 'commandments of Satan'.
Also according to maxine Satan doesn't "demand or want any slavish worship".

Ignoring the fact that maxine is also contradicting the 'commandment', she said "We come to worship out of love, NOT coercion, threats, indoctrination, peer, or family pressure." yet cobra in his sermon[6] said "The Ritual here is to be done for 10 consecutive days." if it's supposed to be done out of love and free will why is he telling people to do it? not only do it, but also to do it for "10 consecutive days".
Also if it's supposed to be done out of love why did cobra say "Therefore, I have constructed this Ritual so people see for themselves. One does not have to love or adore Abrasax [many of us do love him dearly], but you can definitely partake in getting to know him."?

As quoted above maxine said "Money can't buy you real love.", yet according to what cobra wrote on his "Abrasax" power ritual[6] it implies the opposite.
cobra said:
"For the basic levels, these Rituals are good to form a relation with a God. More advanced people might have other, far more indepth experiences."
"Everyone will benefit without exception." Everyone? who's everyone? myself included? and if so how does this 'benefit' me?

So according to cobra, worshiping these gods via his rituals is a good away to form a relationship with the gods? what exactly does cobra take the gods for?
Does he think the gods are like some sort cam girl or e-girl that you can just donate money to or simp to in order to form a relation with them?

An important point i would like to point out is in regards to the 'sigils' that's included in the 'power rituals'.
Why exactly did cobra make his own sigils for the gods in said rituals when there're already sigils assigned to those demons?

When it comes to 'astral' communication does one really know who they're talking to? considering that astral communication is not something easily understood by many people due to a lack of astral awareness.
Even in real life communication via the internet a person can be fooled, i'm sure you all have heard of the term 'catfish' before.
If not, a 'catfish' is one when takes the identity of another person usually that of an attractive man/woman and pretend to be that person in order to enter a deceptive relationship with a person.

Considering that people can fall for catfishs' via the internet imagine how easy it can be to fool someone via astral deception.

From what i understand sigils are used to make a connection to said entity that the sigil belongs to, yet the ones cobra made are drastically different from the ones the demons are commonly associated with.
So who knows what entities one connects to via the sigils cobra made.

I'd say it's a rather important detail considering 1 common instruction among those rituals are:
"The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus where this Ritual is upon. It is this Sigil here."
So whatever entities those sigils connect to are the focal point of worship, and i think it's important to really know the entity if you're going to worship it.

Sources and Links:

Code: Select all

[1] Satan’s Absolution Ritual

[2] Astarte’s Power Ritual

[3] Baalzebul’s Power Ritual

[4] Azazel’s Power Ritual

[5] Abrasax’s Power Ritual

[6] GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]

[7] The Commandments of Satan

[8] True Spirituality

[9] Standard Ritual to Satan

[10] The Al Jilwah - The Black Book of Satan
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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by AnonPoster »

All those rituals are very fishy, all Demons have their own sigils but hoodedcobra made these new sigils wtf, its very fishy
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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

I actually recognize the Astaroth power ritual. The shen ring also can have a double meaning because it looks like a NOOSE often interpreted as racial terrorism as well. Probably is corrupted interpretation of the Shen.

But this is connected to Astaroth. The Greek Sigma in her name in that sigil is also related to the Letter Shin (ש)
It is thought that the most familiar and known letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter ש. It may be that this is because of its interesting and intricate shape.
There are those who see the shape of this letter to be a type of flame that rises up, which represents the fire of the sacrifices, and the constant fire that was in Holy Temple.

We all know that the first letter of the word שָׁלוֹם (shalom) peace is shin. The ש is also the first letter of the word שַׁדַי (shadai) which is one of the names of G-d.

El Shaddai

Harriet Lutzky, in “Shadday as a Goddess Epithet,” Vetus Testamentum 48 (1998) contemplated if El Shaddai was the Semitic goddess Asherah. Lutzky demonstrated the translation of El Shaddai as Yahweh was based on priestly tradition. Scholars estimate these priestly source were composed c. 900–500 BCE. Contemporary sources list a date of 2091 BC for “God” sending Abram to Egypt .

Basically There is no account of Yahweh superseding or replacing the Canaanite Gods El, Elyon, El Shaddai or Elohim contemporaneous with the event it describes. The revisions describing Yahweh as El Shaddai etc. are textual results of the priestly accounts, ca. 9th-5th century BC. These are Hebrew narratives that attest to Yahweh being El, Elyon, El Elyon, El Shaddai etc. There is more non-biblical evidence that El Shaddai was Nana>Sin-Nanna>Bel Shade>El Shaddai than there is biblical evidence that El Shaddai was Yahweh.

Note in the Sigil I also noticed that Nana (inanna is being used).

However here too, like with other letters, there is a duality. The letter shin also represents the word שֶׁקֶר (sheker) lie, falsehood.

to create the word שֶׁקֶר (sheker), the shin must leave its ‘natural’ place and move to be before those two letters and thereby itself creates the falsehood. Therefore, as we understand falsehood is a crooked thing that is deviates from the straight, honest path. The order of the letters in so called Hebrew alphabet supposed to teach us to go on the straight path and not to go against nature or laws. If we do this, we are liable to reach the negative status of falsehood. The commentators also say that every lie has within it a bit of truth. When the spies in the desert spoke against the Land of Israel, they started their speech with a few truthful things. They followed those by false comments about the Promised Land (see Numbers 13).

Opposite the word שֶׁקֶר (sheker) falsehood is the word אֱמֶת (emet) truth. The letters ש-ק-ר are all next to each other in the Aleph-Bet. However, the letters א-מ-ת are completely separate from each other; in fact they are the beginning, middle, and end of the Aleph-Bet. There are commentators who explain that people see falsehood before their eyes and go after it. On the other hand, truth sometimes requires investigation and deeper understanding.

Someone who has the letter shin in their name is a person with a high level of spirituality, but this person is also subject to danger that is liable to make him fall physically or spiritually He is a good speaker. This person is very practical, but because of the duality of this letter in their name, they are likely to lose their way and space out. Those with the letter ש in their name enjoy privacy, are critical, and inclined to change jobs.

So I shall remind you the Hebrews does EVERYTHING BACKWARDS. Invert morals and so on. The Hebrew El Shaddai was a name of Asherah a Hebrew "goddess." But as to Astaroth in Goetia is being described as Male. Astaroth the Goddess was the perfected soul of male and female before becoming split.

So we can thank the name YHVH that's responsible for this division of the soul. Yod is Iod and relates to Kether (higher astral plane), also represented the phallus. Hei the Uterus also known as Eve but this isn't meant to be literal. Adam A D M, Aleph is Air or breath of God and enters the throat associated with Daath knowledge of good and evil and of creation and Mem relates to the waters, (waters of heaven and earth as one and refers to sexual waters), then we have Hei relates to Eve that is our genitals (Adam and eve in make and female physically). Vau is 6th letter and relates to Son aka Jesus also the covenant between God and man, the connector and Final Hei is in the real of Holy Spirit in Kabalah and is responsible for the division of physical sexes. But if we look at these YHVH Jewish formula from a enlightened perception you will notice that it's a corruption of human species. Split up, the man over woman, or that type of thing. Technically it's the current "human" in existence with a Jewish Christian programming. . This split if soul is further maintained in the Bible of men should be and dress a certain way and vice versa for women. I stated that every Satanist has a different political view. I'm not entirely against Nazism but there comes a time when it's not balanced and just doesn't feel right I feel the individual should come first before the collective.

Anyway the promotion of separation of the sexes biologically is essential to continuance of human race. But there's also something else to consider one's soul being split due to the damaging teachings.

Technically I'm showing that YHVH is responsible for this mess, Astaroth/Asherah has been split when the enemy came in to corrupt. Spelling Astaroth in Greek IS MAGICAL. So what does a woman get when she integrates all aspects of her soul? True independence, free thinking.

So it seems like Cobra may have the right ideas but it is interpreted through his own lenses, attaching his politics to it or whatever agenda he has now days.for an example his take on men and women on what and how they should be. I think the argument as of late the feminized men is a reaction to societal pressures to the point we are abandoning our biological axis to be more "soft" and not enough aggressive action to actually do something. I'm in no way condoning Cobra's actions but the right ideas are there but the treatment of those who are real dedicated Satanists is gonna bite him on the ass. I've always been loyal to Satan and the gods but not the lunatics that run JoS.

So it's a question to consider the situation. Who is the JoS worshipping really? Asherah/El Shaddai or Astaroth/Isis? Because their behavior is very much like the enemy they claim to be against.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by BirdofFreedom »

Ipsissimus83 wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:05 pm ...
ΑΣΤΑΡΤΗ in the sigil translates to Astarte.
same with the rest of names in sigils, they translate to the name affirmed during the ritual, ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ for example is Satanas.

Ipsissimus83 wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:05 pm So it's a question to consider the situation. Who is the JoS worshipping really? Asherah/El Shaddai or Astaroth/Isis? Because their behavior is very much like the enemy they claim to be against.
the jos went from personal advancement and power to becoming very much like reverse xianity.
according to what maxine wrote:
The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq wrote:"Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines."
So according to maxine the al jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with it's teachings.

Yet in the aljilwah like i quoted above, the worshiping of gods is forbidden yet cobra and josers have done so brazenly.

Most SS at least the ones i've been in contact with that have been in the jos for around the same amount of time as i have, their lives have went down hill, they claim they're under attack by 'the enemy'.
in other words they've suffered significant spiritual abuse over the years.

So naturally you'd think they'd do rituals to protect themselves or something of the sort, instead they rather do those new 'power rituals', giving 'protection' and worship towards gods, high ranking ones at that, the jos describes the gods has having everything they could possible want. so why are there long time jos members straight up simping?
If they can't protect and elevate themselves what makes them think they can protect and elevate the gods?
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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

BirdofFreedom wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 2:35 am
Ipsissimus83 wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:05 pm ...
ΑΣΤΑΡΤΗ in the sigil translates to Astarte.
same with the rest of names in sigils, they translate to the name affirmed during the ritual, ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ for example is Satanas.

Ipsissimus83 wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 7:05 pm So it's a question to consider the situation. Who is the JoS worshipping really? Asherah/El Shaddai or Astaroth/Isis? Because their behavior is very much like the enemy they claim to be against.
the jos went from personal advancement and power to becoming very much like reverse xianity.
according to what maxine wrote:
The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq wrote:"Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines."
So according to maxine the al jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with it's teachings.

Yet in the aljilwah like i quoted above, the worshiping of gods is forbidden yet cobra and josers have done so brazenly.

Most SS at least the ones i've been in contact with that have been in the jos for around the same amount of time as i have, their lives have went down hill, they claim they're under attack by 'the enemy'.
in other words they've suffered significant spiritual abuse over the years.

So naturally you'd think they'd do rituals to protect themselves or something of the sort, instead they rather do those new 'power rituals', giving 'protection' and worship towards gods, high ranking ones at that, the jos describes the gods has having everything they could possible want. so why are there long time jos members straight up simping?
If they can't protect and elevate themselves what makes them think they can protect and elevate the gods?
Exactly. You hit the nail on the head in the points I was making.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by AnonPoster »

BirdofFreedom wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:41 am ...
Every single one of these posts which you make attempting to deconstruct what JoS does, amounts to arguments centered around avoiding the context of the situation, allowing you to "defeat it". In reality, I know you are smarter than this and are doing this out of malice, not love of Satan, or whatever you may claim as your intentions.

-As far as worship, empowering a certain God is not worshipping them in place of Satan. Just as the Jews empower certain entities within their circle, so do we empower our own.

-The attempts of HPHC to organize a ritual schedule are not the same as forcing someone to worship, as we have seen in Muslim or Christian countries. Another false comparison.

-Yes, doing a ritual aimed at empowering the affairs of a God would improve your relationship with them. This is akin to working on a project together, or something. Not sure why you quote HPS Maxine here.

-The name of the Gods', when focused upon, also acts similarly to a sigil. If you want to do the ritual your way, then simply switch the name out for the sigil itself.

Your posts are akin to a robot attempting to attack and destroy something, which can do so only logically, yet without any intuitive capacity. Either you are playing this part on purpose, or have your own problems surrounding this. Knowing what I know about you, it is likely both.

Also, before you ask, yes I am Cobra. I am also HPS Maxine, Lydia, Mageson, Siatris, and every other ghost this forum fights with, all rolled into one.
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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 3:49 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:41 am ...
Every single one of these posts which you make attempting to deconstruct what JoS does, amounts to arguments centered around avoiding the context of the situation, allowing you to "defeat it". In reality, I know you are smarter than this and are doing this out of malice, not love of Satan, or whatever you may claim as your intentions.

-As far as worship, empowering a certain God is not worshipping them in place of Satan. Just as the Jews empower certain entities within their circle, so do we empower our own.

-The attempts of HPHC to organize a ritual schedule are not the same as forcing someone to worship, as we have seen in Muslim or Christian countries. Another false comparison.

-Yes, doing a ritual aimed at empowering the affairs of a God would improve your relationship with them. This is akin to working on a project together, or something. Not sure why you quote HPS Maxine here.

-The name of the Gods', when focused upon, also acts similarly to a sigil. If you want to do the ritual your way, then simply switch the name out for the sigil itself.

Your posts are akin to a robot attempting to attack and destroy something, which can do so only logically, yet without any intuitive capacity. Either you are playing this part on purpose, or have your own problems surrounding this. Knowing what I know about you, it is likely both.

Also, before you ask, yes I am Cobra. I am also HPS Maxine, Lydia, Mageson, Siatris, and every other ghost this forum fights with, all rolled into one.
Ok Cobra its good you came here i would like to ask about this rituals
In all the 5 rituals created by you is the same seal only the names inside are changed it is very dubious and very suspicious that in a ritual dedicated to a certain Demon is not used the seal of that Demon but a new seal invented by you also your seal is basically a circle and HPS Maxine said we're not allowed to use circles when it comes to our Gods,i dont understand why you invented a seal when all our Gods have their own seals and what is that symbol placed 4 times around your seal, please explain
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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by BirdofFreedom »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 3:49 am
BirdofFreedom wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:41 am ...
Every single one of these posts which you make attempting to deconstruct what JoS does, amounts to arguments centered around avoiding the context of the situation, allowing you to "defeat it". In reality, I know you are smarter than this and are doing this out of malice, not love of Satan, or whatever you may claim as your intentions.

-As far as worship, empowering a certain God is not worshipping them in place of Satan. Just as the Jews empower certain entities within their circle, so do we empower our own.

-The attempts of HPHC to organize a ritual schedule are not the same as forcing someone to worship, as we have seen in Muslim or Christian countries. Another false comparison.

-Yes, doing a ritual aimed at empowering the affairs of a God would improve your relationship with them. This is akin to working on a project together, or something. Not sure why you quote HPS Maxine here.

-The name of the Gods', when focused upon, also acts similarly to a sigil. If you want to do the ritual your way, then simply switch the name out for the sigil itself.

Your posts are akin to a robot attempting to attack and destroy something, which can do so only logically, yet without any intuitive capacity. Either you are playing this part on purpose, or have your own problems surrounding this. Knowing what I know about you, it is likely both.

Also, before you ask, yes I am Cobra. I am also HPS Maxine, Lydia, Mageson, Siatris, and every other ghost this forum fights with, all rolled into one.
I deconstruct what the jos does, because what the jos does just happens to be quite deconstructible.
Perhaps the jos should not contradict itself in the way it does, how about that?

You say i do this out of malice and not love of Satan? have you ever read the site exposing christianity? it point out contradictions in xianity and deconstruct it the same way i do, except with me it's the jos instead of xianity.

After all according to the jos, Satan stands for truth, correct?
So i find it ironic that you'd have a problem with what i do.

in fact 1 of the affirmation in one of the rtrs just happens be:
"The Jewish scapegoat has come back to the Jews and has released all of their lies and crimes right back onto them"

not only that, but the sigils in the 'power rituals' contain 4 writings of सत् which means truth.

So perhaps what i do is a result of the rituals the jos does?

-The attempts of HPHC to organize a ritual schedule are not the same as forcing someone to worship, as we have seen in Muslim or Christian countries. Another false comparison.
Obviously he's not forcing them, but he's still telling them to do it for 10 consecutive days.
no one should have to tell anyone to worship someone is the point.

-As far as worship, empowering a certain God is not worshipping them in place of Satan. Just as the Jews empower certain entities within their circle, so do we empower our own.
It is worshiping them. have you even read any of the affirmations in those power rituals?
cobra even titled his thread for 'Abrasax's' power ritual as "GROUP RITUAL: HONORING ABRASAX [July 23rd to August 3rd]"
they're 'empowering' via worship, what part of that do you not understand?

And why exactly would you need to 'empower' the gods anyway?
did you do the dedication ritual?
If you did, you'd know that Satan is described as "almighty and ineffable".
In the Al Jilwah : "The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven and the fish of the sea are all under the control of my hands. All treasures and hidden things are known to me; and as I desire, I take them from one and bestow them upon another."

So what sort of 'empowerment' does Satan need?

-Yes, doing a ritual aimed at empowering the affairs of a God would improve your relationship with them. This is akin to working on a project together, or something. Not sure why you quote HPS Maxine here.
Who said they wanted that? doing that sort of ritual is not 'akin to working on a project together' it's akin to kissing their ass and hoping that they give you some sort attention.

I quoted maxine because she said that "Money can't buy you real love." yet that is what they're hoping for.
those rituals are pretty much simping and worshiping those gods hoping that they'd notice give some sort of affection or favor in return.

What makes cobra think that he can 'buy' their favor/affection by kissing their ass like that?
although he looks like he needs it considering how much he begs for money.

Your posts are akin to a robot attempting to attack and destroy something, which can do so only logically, yet without any intuitive capacity. Either you are playing this part on purpose, or have your own problems surrounding this. Knowing what I know about you, it is likely both.
Seems like you're projecting, after all, why are you here then?
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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by Ipsissimus83 »

Also El Shaddai is linked to the moon. Another reason for Astaroth associated with the 6th Chakra, also associated with the Moon.
"He called the Crusades a foolish quest. He said it was vanity to force our religion upon other men.”

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Re: The jos's "Power Rituals"

Post by Neo »

AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:53 am
AnonPoster wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 3:49 am

Every single one of these posts which you make attempting to deconstruct what JoS does, amounts to arguments centered around avoiding the context of the situation, allowing you to "defeat it". In reality, I know you are smarter than this and are doing this out of malice, not love of Satan, or whatever you may claim as your intentions.

-As far as worship, empowering a certain God is not worshipping them in place of Satan. Just as the Jews empower certain entities within their circle, so do we empower our own.

-The attempts of HPHC to organize a ritual schedule are not the same as forcing someone to worship, as we have seen in Muslim or Christian countries. Another false comparison.

-Yes, doing a ritual aimed at empowering the affairs of a God would improve your relationship with them. This is akin to working on a project together, or something. Not sure why you quote HPS Maxine here.

-The name of the Gods', when focused upon, also acts similarly to a sigil. If you want to do the ritual your way, then simply switch the name out for the sigil itself.

Your posts are akin to a robot attempting to attack and destroy something, which can do so only logically, yet without any intuitive capacity. Either you are playing this part on purpose, or have your own problems surrounding this. Knowing what I know about you, it is likely both.

Also, before you ask, yes I am Cobra. I am also HPS Maxine, Lydia, Mageson, Siatris, and every other ghost this forum fights with, all rolled into one.
Ok Cobra its good you came here i would like to ask about this rituals
In all the 5 rituals created by you is the same seal only the names inside are changed it is very dubious and very suspicious that in a ritual dedicated to a certain Demon is not used the seal of that Demon but a new seal invented by you also your seal is basically a circle and HPS Maxine said we're not allowed to use circles when it comes to our Gods,i dont understand why you invented a seal when all our Gods have their own seals and what is that symbol placed 4 times around your seal, please explain
I'm curious to see Cobra's explication about this as well
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