Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by AnonPoster »

Psychotron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:13 pm Regardless, this goes to show how immature blahbra really is.

This is your glorious leader JoS sheeple.

Someone that chimps out and screams slurs when his “divine authority” is questioned.

I don’t think Maxine behaved this way!
Oh no, he was mad at you! Wow, the horror!

Imagine the irony at Outlaw Torn admonishing others for being immature.

90% or more of your posts were basically attacking others and being hyper-aggressive, while contributing nothing of value. Then you suddenly turn around and cry when the authority figures are angry with you. Where have we seen that tactic before?

You also quote Magestein, yet he has written 5-10 articles elaborating on why reversing Hebrew destroys it. Then, when he gets exposed, he tries to go back on all of it to spite JoS. Yet, he forgets that anyone else can learn what he did - he is no wizard. His reasoning about Hebrew going both ways was based around the 1st letter of their alphabet only, which probably could have such properties, which is why the RTR puts it last (and you use your intent to destroy it).

Please give me one good reason that you should be included on JoS, when your entire existence has just been attacking others without elaboration or any attempts at being constructive? If you want to claim that you are just a genuine person, and it is all Cobra's fault, then you were doing an awful job at being a valuable member in the past months or year that you existed there.

Even now, you use the veil of offense to hide yourself behind, as it is much easier to incessantly tear into someone else for all sorts of inane reasons, rather than be calm and thoughtful. Then, you have your false crown and act like you are victorious at something.

If you are not Jewish, then good luck to you, because you will certainly need it to recover from this awful behavior.
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by AnonPoster »

Psychotron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:13 pm

This was cobras last message to me.

Calling me a nigger LOL what? I’m pretty sure we’re the same race unless he actually IS a Jew.

Regardless, this goes to show how immature blahbra really is.

This is your glorious leader JoS sheeple.

Someone that chimps out and screams slurs when his “divine authority” is questioned.

I don’t think Maxine behaved this way!
Sorry that you were kicked out. I was about to come back up until I saw the tate subject. The general tone he wrote that long 'sermon' was an off experience for me. I did not understand it. The member nakedpluto was making an idol out of one of the dirtest mongrel of our society. It's really dissaponting. I suppose they wish his support aka shekels or affiliation, I really don't care to understand anymore.

The problem with Serbon why his weed promotion to teens was ignored but you are such an enemy?
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by Psychotron »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 9:40 pm Oh no, he was mad at you! Wow, the horror!
Ok JoSidiot.

You clearly missed the point on purpose.

I didn’t post that to whine that he was mad at me.

It was to show how in public on ancient forums he portrays the image of being some advanced divine leader, while acting like an immature punk kid with no self control in private. It’s disgraceful and everyone at the JoS should be embarrassed.

Since you’re a Satanist you must believe in Satan and that cobra is a disciple of his.

Would you expect Satan to throw a fit at you if you disagreed with him or didn’t understand something? It’s poor character and leadership PERIOD!

Imagine the irony at Outlaw Torn admonishing others for being immature.90% or more of your posts were basically attacking others and being hyper-aggressive, while contributing nothing of value. Then you suddenly turn around and cry when the authority figures are angry with you. Where have we seen that tactic before?
Let’s do it then. My posts exposed rats, idiots, bad people. I was right about everyone I spoke of like Jrvan, darakan, etc. You are just afraid you may be next because we all know who this is lol.

You also quote Magestein, yet he has written 5-10 articles elaborating on why reversing Hebrew destroys it. Then, when he gets exposed, he tries to go back on all of it to spite JoS. Yet, he forgets that anyone else can learn what he did - he is no wizard. His reasoning about Hebrew going both ways was based around the 1st letter of their alphabet only, which probably could have such properties, which is why the RTR puts it last (and you use your intent to destroy it).
Ok..? People change and learn new things. It’s not like I do reverse-JoS and take Don at his word on everything but he is right about the RTR and the experience of many people shows it.

You can cope and say that people only have a bad experience because they are a Jew or whatever but everyone knows that this is faulty reasoning on your behalf and the RTR supporters.
Please give me one good reason that you should be included on JoS, when your entire existence has just been attacking others without elaboration or any attempts at being constructive? If you want to claim that you are just a genuine person, and it is all Cobra's fault, then you were doing an awful job at being a valuable member in the past months or year that you existed there.
I should be included because everyone deserves a voice especially when there’s a lot of trickery going on by JoS and their “top members”.

Funny I just made a new account and not even 3 minutes later it was deleted. Almost like Blahbra was sitting there waiting for it happen so he could pull the trigger. What a sad life. Shouldn’t he be meditating or something? But he’s just a 30yo NEET that pretends to be advanced online so this behavior is expected.
Even now, you use the veil of offense to hide yourself behind, as it is much easier to incessantly tear into someone else for all sorts of inane reasons, rather than be calm and thoughtful. Then, you have your false crown and act like you are victorious at something.If you are not Jewish, then good luck to you, because you will certainly need it to recover from this awful behavior.
Yeah good luck to you as well.

When it comes to escaping your cult and I’ll let you in on a secret.

The Outlaw Torn isn’t even a real person just an identity I used as someone else that left JoS.
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by Psychotron »

All of you from that JoS that wanna say something to me go ahead and make an account with your name on it so that everyone knows who is really obsessed with this forum and the “enemy groups”. Go ahead. Don’t hide. Many of you have already admitted to being here no doubt posting on the anonymous account so what do you have to hide?
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by AnonPoster »

Psychotron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:15 pm All of you from that JoS that wanna say something to me go ahead and make an account with your name on it so that everyone knows who is really obsessed with this forum and the “enemy groups”. Go ahead. Don’t hide. Many of you have already admitted to being here no doubt posting on the anonymous account so what do you have to hide?
I have done RTR for years and my life has only gotten better. You may claim other factors are involved, and I would say the exact same thing for your argument that it destroys lives.

As far as anger from Cobra, I believe this is justified in a situation where he is dealing with those who are blatantly opposed to him. You even admit that you left JoS and Outlaw Torn is a character that was made, what appears, with bad intentions in mind. So no, you should not be surprised when you receive less than cordial treatment.

Although freedom of speech is important, it can also be abused by those intent on purposely creating negative outcomes. Outlaw Torn existed for many months, widely known for its bad behavior. Is that not a testament to the patience you are asking for?

We are acting in a wartime situation against the enemy, which I don't believe even people here would deny, yet they think it is appropriate to go nuts at the man controlling the operation. This is like trying to grab the steering wheel in a car of the person driving.

For threats of being "exposed", I have no worries of this. My behavior and writing speaks for itself. Like everyone else, we advance over time, and give this courtesy to others that they will improve, regardless of past problems.

Nobody from JoS comes here to see the content which is here, but only to defend themselves or other merciful attempts at trying to resolve these situations. Perhaps you will laugh at this, yet you are obviously troubled by the activities of JoS. It would not be in your interest to bite at people who attempt to help you out of this.

I cannot carry on this conversation for an eternity, especially if I feel you are not going to give reciprocal value to JoS like others may. Yet, I do feel like you may deserve a clear message, at least at one point in time. Then, it is at least known that someone did try to reconcile your concerns, rather than just ban you or insult you.

My best advice is to follow the Gods in this situation. Directly ask them your questions, and take the time and effort to understand them. If this is just a genuine misunderstanding, then it may cleared up, regardless of any past emotions or conflicts.

As I said before, if you have good and genuine intentions, then I do wish you luck. Otherwise, this was a waste of my time.
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by AnonPoster »

Psychotron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:15 pm All of you from that JoS that wanna say something to me go ahead and make an account with your name on it so that everyone knows who is really obsessed with this forum and the “enemy groups”. Go ahead. Don’t hide. Many of you have already admitted to being here no doubt posting on the anonymous account so what do you have to hide?
I think you were pro tate on the matter as well? Something like he should not be banned,? If so- FUCK YOU, I am glad you are banned, regardless of anything else
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by AnonPoster »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:48 pm
Psychotron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:15 pm All of you from that JoS that wanna say something to me go ahead and make an account with your name on it so that everyone knows who is really obsessed with this forum and the “enemy groups”. Go ahead. Don’t hide. Many of you have already admitted to being here no doubt posting on the anonymous account so what do you have to hide?
I have done RTR for years and my life has only gotten better. You may claim other factors are involved, and I would say the exact same thing for your argument that it destroys lives.

As far as anger from Cobra, I believe this is justified in a situation where he is dealing with those who are blatantly opposed to him. You even admit that you left JoS and Outlaw Torn is a character that was made, what appears, with bad intentions in mind. So no, you should not be surprised when you receive less than cordial treatment.

Although freedom of speech is important, it can also be abused by those intent on purposely creating negative outcomes. Outlaw Torn existed for many months, widely known for its bad behavior. Is that not a testament to the patience you are asking for?

We are acting in a wartime situation against the enemy, which I don't believe even people here would deny, yet they think it is appropriate to go nuts at the man controlling the operation. This is like trying to grab the steering wheel in a car of the person driving.

For threats of being "exposed", I have no worries of this. My behavior and writing speaks for itself. Like everyone else, we advance over time, and give this courtesy to others that they will improve, regardless of past problems.

Nobody from JoS comes here to see the content which is here, but only to defend themselves or other merciful attempts at trying to resolve these situations. Perhaps you will laugh at this, yet you are obviously troubled by the activities of JoS. It would not be in your interest to bite at people who attempt to help you out of this.

I cannot carry on this conversation for an eternity, especially if I feel you are not going to give reciprocal value to JoS like others may. Yet, I do feel like you may deserve a clear message, at least at one point in time. Then, it is at least known that someone did try to reconcile your concerns, rather than just ban you or insult you.

My best advice is to follow the Gods in this situation. Directly ask them your questions, and take the time and effort to understand them. If this is just a genuine misunderstanding, then it may cleared up, regardless of any past emotions or conflicts.

As I said before, if you have good and genuine intentions, then I do wish you luck. Otherwise, this was a waste of my time.

The commander has spoken. Fair enough, you know many are aware about your good nature but, you still need to work on your temper
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by Psychotron »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:48 pm I have done RTR for years and my life has only gotten better. You may claim other factors are involved, and I would say the exact same thing for your argument that it destroys lives.

As far as anger from Cobra, I believe this is justified in a situation where he is dealing with those who are blatantly opposed to him. You even admit that you left JoS and Outlaw Torn is a character that was made, what appears, with bad intentions in mind. So no, you should not be surprised when you receive less than cordial treatment.

Although freedom of speech is important, it can also be abused by those intent on purposely creating negative outcomes. Outlaw Torn existed for many months, widely known for its bad behavior. Is that not a testament to the patience you are asking for?

We are acting in a wartime situation against the enemy, which I don't believe even people here would deny, yet they think it is appropriate to go nuts at the man controlling the operation. This is like trying to grab the steering wheel in a car of the person driving.

For threats of being "exposed", I have no worries of this. My behavior and writing speaks for itself. Like everyone else, we advance over time, and give this courtesy to others that they will improve, regardless of past problems.

Nobody from JoS comes here to see the content which is here, but only to defend themselves or other merciful attempts at trying to resolve these situations. Perhaps you will laugh at this, yet you are obviously troubled by the activities of JoS. It would not be in your interest to bite at people who attempt to help you out of this.

I cannot carry on this conversation for an eternity, especially if I feel you are not going to give reciprocal value to JoS like others may. Yet, I do feel like you may deserve a clear message, at least at one point in time. Then, it is at least known that someone did try to reconcile your concerns, rather than just ban you or insult you.

My best advice is to follow the Gods in this situation. Directly ask them your questions, and take the time and effort to understand them. If this is just a genuine misunderstanding, then it may cleared up, regardless of any past emotions or conflicts.

As I said before, if you have good and genuine intentions, then I do wish you luck. Otherwise, this was a waste of my time.
Look Blitzkrieg.

You’re a good guy and everyone knows that even here where lots of people get the criticism and accusation barrel pointed at them.

But please don’t try to proselytize here. You are way out of your league.

Just keep trying to help people on the JoS with your TCM insight and other advice and leave the fighting for the pigs that enjoy rolling around in the mud.
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by Psychotron »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:58 pm I think you were pro tate on the matter as well? Something like he should not be banned,? If so- FUCK YOU, I am glad you are banned, regardless of anything else
What an idiot.

I was anti-censorship, not pro-tate. But you are just behaving like a J trying to misrepresent me because JoS cannot beat people with facts.

Even this T4S is a %100 censorship free platform, something that ancient forums is NOT.

So recognize the privilege that you have to even post here and say this shit because you know it wouldn’t be allowed on JoS!
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Re: Hooded blahbrah exposed again on rituals and the runes!

Post by JOSER »

Psychotron wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:07 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:58 pm I think you were pro tate on the matter as well? Something like he should not be banned,? If so- FUCK YOU, I am glad you are banned, regardless of anything else
What an idiot.

I was anti-censorship, not pro-tate. But you are just behaving like a J trying to misrepresent me because JoS cannot beat people with facts.

Even this T4S is a %100 censorship free platform, something that ancient forums is NOT.

So recognize the privilege that you have to even post here and say this shit because you know it wouldn’t be allowed on JoS!

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