Owenavo wrote: ↑Sat Apr 24, 2021 2:00 pm
I said in my experience when I saw Satan he was a middle easterner and he had darkish skin. I don't do praying.
BorninHell88 wrote: ↑Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:56 pm
Owenavo wrote: ↑Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:51 pm
Yeah, I'd like to here what you have to say.
Pray to Satan.

If he wants me on that podcast, then he'll likely get it... Is he not the master of this universe? Is he not the true ruler of this planet...? Lmao... Your 'Aryan' king/or God, or w/e he is to you. I'm only such a lowly brown skinned person... When compared to such greatness, and you're a step above me ((according to your ideology)), but if I were to go on that podcast on my own terms than it likely wouldn't last long before Mamba would end it... lol. I'll put this entire Jewish system on blast, the same system that has people like me living in third world countries where people like you get to sleep comfortably in nice homes... With internet. Air conditioning, and so forth, but then again... Do those things not come without their price as well...? I wonder how the tables would turn for the white race, if this Jewish system were to ever fall in the age of Pisces ((before Aquarius officially gets here)). Hmmm.... I wonder.
I hate to bring up race anyways... As I believe we're all treated the same by the Jewish system... Browns and blacks may **seem** to have it harder than whites, but browns and blacks are also represented by the YIN side of duality... Where as Aryans are YANG. So you're suffering may be a lot more harsher in the astral realms ((as you reincarnate into your next life)) than it will be for people like me... Assuming that we do experience an astral realm after death... Or if we're not already in it. But that's my thoughts on all of that... In the end, we're all victims to the Jew and the aliens they serve under.

If I were ever free, it would be my duty ((honor bound)) to help my fellow human beings, despite race. Jews on the other hand will face gentile judgment... Or "court" in other words, and they'll have a fair trial. I suspect that the Jewish race were likely gentiles in past lives and if they were, than I hope one day they'll be "fixed" if it is the right coarse of action to take...
The Jewish aura and soul is said to be BLACK...
Lord of the Rings... The reptilian eye of Sauron. Orcs were once elves and men, before Sauron twisted them and corrupted their souls into a hideous form of life... They bleed BLACK blood and their source of food is known as "grog" which comes in the form of a black liquid/or "goo" like substance.
The Purity Virus from the TV show "X-files" is also a black-goo like substance... Once a human being comes in contact with such, they are taken over ((a form of possession)) by the virus which is an alien bacteria that the Greys work through. Ironically, the main star of this TV show ((being Agent Muldar)) is played by a Jewish actor.
The movie "District 9" also reflects on this... The aliens in that movie all depend on a BLACK GOO-like substance that fuels all of their technology ((their technology can't work without it)), and when one comes in contact with this "black goo" they transform into one of the aliens themselves ((a slow and painful transformation)). The aliens in this movie are also obsessed with CAT FOOD... Cats were known as "gateways" in ancient cultures ((such as Egypt)), and many 'demons' ((and 'angels')) are said to come in the form of cats. Mammals with slitted eyes they are... That HISS. Basically snakes with fur... ((This mirrors the reptilian host)).
The movie "Alien Covenant" ((second part to Promotheous, and based on the "Alien" movies)) also has a black goo-like substance, that turns people into xenomorphs.
This pattern emerges in many movies and TV shows... The Jews have a ritual ((I believe)) called "Celebration of the purity oil". They claim their souls are tied directly to this oil ((that takes on a black appearance)), which literally makes them **ONE** with jehovah ((the alien hive mind)). The Jews are also said to be missing their heart and sixth chakra... Or such chakras are corrupted or damaged. I suspect that Jews were once gentiles ((in certain past lives)), until the system destroyed them... Assimilated them into a borg-like race ((like that from Star Trek)) which is their Jewish race. This is all theory of course, and I'm not too sure about any of this, but I just wanted to put it all out there...