Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Celeste AikoGal
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Celeste AikoGal »

EA Koetting well, his forum is full of weird things. His book incited to murder, that's how it happened. Qliphoth, is a dangerous practice, especially if you do a pact with a Qliphothic entity. The first start in the Tree is about the base chakra, which is ruled by Lilith. It already takes a great transformation and it is risky, since it requires so much shadow work and healing to ascend. But Qliphoth is a risky way to do, it literally makes the process fast with a price: you risk to go insane. Better and more convenient to call a Demon or Deity for spiritual growth, empowerment etc.. without using Qliphoth or whatever weird method.
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by LockyMoth »

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:16 pm EA Koetting well, his forum is full of weird things. His book incited to murder, that's how it happened. Qliphoth, is a dangerous practice, especially if you do a pact with a Qliphothic entity. The first start in the Tree is about the base chakra, which is ruled by Lilith. It already takes a great transformation and it is risky, since it requires so much shadow work and healing to ascend. But Qliphoth is a risky way to do, it literally makes the process fast with a price: you risk to go insane. Better and more convenient to call a Demon or Deity for spiritual growth, empowerment etc.. without using Qliphoth or whatever weird method.
I completely agree with you Celeste. I wouldn't use Qlipoth.

I would rather wait for the lengthy transformation of both the Chakras and also to build the rainbow body by the help of the Magnum Opus but by waiting.

I wouldn't risk going insane because Qlipoothic methods.

And besides that, EA Koetting's forum is full of dubious things which advocate murder and dangerous practices.

I would take everything he says with a lot of salt, if not without any trust in the material whatsoever.

People like EA Koetting should get the taste of scarcity of trust
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

Satan in his infernal form appears with heavy black and red energy. Those who have summoned and worked with Moloch the other ruler of the Klipothic realm state he appears with black energy and rules Saturn. All the Klipothic demons are Saturnian and their sigils and energies show this. Lilith's sigil is the symbol of Saturn with the black moon, Azazel's symbol is also of Saturn. Moloch was worshipped as Saturn. Satan is an old Phoenician name for Saturn. Samael is given the planet of Saturn with some Mar's energies. The LHP is Saturn and Martian in western occultism. Saturn is considered a totality malefic planet and Mars a highly malefic planet.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

The Klipoth is about building the shadow till one is shadow the Klipothic demons are the negative polarity they are beings made up of negative energies they activate and enhance the negative energy patterns within your psyche and amplify it. They also shell you with heavy toxic energy which is negative energy and they suck your energy and bring negative toxicity into your life. They are destructive entities and work by destroying that includes you. Using the Klipoth for shadow work is drinking Jack Daniels all day to stop being an alcoholic.
Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:16 pm EA Koetting well, his forum is full of weird things. His book incited to murder, that's how it happened. Qliphoth, is a dangerous practice, especially if you do a pact with a Qliphothic entity. The first start in the Tree is about the base chakra, which is ruled by Lilith. It already takes a great transformation and it is risky, since it requires so much shadow work and healing to ascend. But Qliphoth is a risky way to do, it literally makes the process fast with a price: you risk to go insane. Better and more convenient to call a Demon or Deity for spiritual growth, empowerment etc.. without using Qliphoth or whatever weird method.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

When I was briefly in Lilith's realm it was green energy and like a swampy atmosphere. Its not a positive energy.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

That is why there are so many people in Satanism like Sitardass the crackhead, aka, 'cumdump' he is quite normal in that regards. Its the energy of the current it crushes most people into some cracked out weirdo named cumdump. Sitardass can't get over the negative energy patterns in his psyche and they are amplified out of control this includes the drugs which opens him up more to the demonic entities feeding on him. EA Koetting is also a meth addict and drunk. He has an arrested record for this and mentions it from online passages of his books. He takes meth to open up to the Demonic realms he is a meth shaman. This is quite normal to find people like this they are normal on the LHP. The heavy demonic energies destroy them. One of the Klipothic demons kept hitting me with psychic attacks to attempt to make me start becoming an alcoholic. I don't drink booze and don't like to. But my energy field was strong enough to resist this nonsense.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

When I was a High Priest for a decade and after spending 16 years all together in the LHP the amount of broken and destroyed people drowned in deep currents of negativity is almost all there is. Because that is the current. I was not having a fun time either. But I was also working around the clock with high level energy practices and practiced vegetarianism and soberness that includes no smoking anything or any drugs. One of the High Priests of the JoS, I knew committed suicide due to the negative energy of Satanism. Another High Priest attempted suicide multiple times when in Satanism. Then you get Vovim and Salem who both freaked out and became coke and meth addicts, drug addiction and suicide is normal on that current very normal. And then you get Maxine who's health just felll a part was constantly sick all the time for years and died young of bad health. Then you get Nick who has been insane with mindless rage for years. Its the negative current. I think being into Reiki gave me some kind of advantage to something to avoid the heavy energies to this level as well.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

I think its time to focus on the positive of Satanism, the Demonic current has taken Sitardass who has a pathological hatred of Gay people past this to embrace his inner homo to the highest levels of butt-sexuality. Sitardass has changed his name to 'cumdump' and since he is a dude that means only one thing... Notice he never stated "no homo" after his new name either... You know what that means... That boi is a BOTTOM! Bottom's up Sitardass.

I would ask Sitardass what's been up his ass all these years but the guys name is 'cumdump' so its obvious. Which one of Nick's Village People is Sitardass the crackhead junkie standing next to the biker. lol Maybe Sitardass can be the next gay dude on a can of Bud light, along with the motto 'This bottom's for you!" next to his ugly mug on the beer can.
Don Danko333
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Re: Is the Dedication necessary to be Satanist?

Post by Don Danko333 »

The original tree of life from the Alexandrian Gnostic's which a lot was taken from and turned into Kabbalah is just the center pillar with the seven planets. Which represent the seven chakra's and seven vowels. I suspect this was originally the hidden name of God as each vowel represents the key to unlock the gate of the chakra which is ruled by the metal of the planet. The Egyptian tradition called the seven vowels the name of god. The ancient scrolls found of the Jewish scrolls called YHVH....IAO as the name. IAO is the trinity of the seven vowels condensed into the three main powers. Its then spread outwards to all seven vowels. Most Kabbalah chants are the main letters with different vowels. The vowels are the spirit of the letter and the seven vowels are the seven powers of the name of god that all creation stand on and such.

The hidden but obvious of all this is the all important Aleph is A which is one and the all important first sound of creation all the vowels come from its god and ten which is relates back to one is Yod the Y is the double letter with I which is the power of Shekinah this is the Shakti vowel in India. A is god and I is its consort. The O is the union of powers its 15 another important number of god in Kabbalah and adds to six union of powers to create materially and manifestation into the material world. The real Pranava [name of Brahman, god] in India is a long series of vowels chanted to make the astral body immortal. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Free Mason's also use the seven vowels for the same reason. So do the Sufi's and Rosicrucian's.

The Klipoth are realms of demonic entities they are gate ways to their astral realms.

Celeste AikoGal wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:16 pm EA Koetting well, his forum is full of weird things. His book incited to murder, that's how it happened. Qliphoth, is a dangerous practice, especially if you do a pact with a Qliphothic entity. The first start in the Tree is about the base chakra, which is ruled by Lilith. It already takes a great transformation and it is risky, since it requires so much shadow work and healing to ascend. But Qliphoth is a risky way to do, it literally makes the process fast with a price: you risk to go insane. Better and more convenient to call a Demon or Deity for spiritual growth, empowerment etc.. without using Qliphoth or whatever weird method.
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