Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Don Danko333
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Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

For along while in books on western occultism including Free Masonry and thus the Rose cross they speak of the 'lost word' which is the key to ascension in western occult practices and school. Prominent occultist such as Pike have written on this as well. Here it will be discussed what it is, how to use it and why. Big secrets are simple when understood.

In the western occult school of Free Mason's much of which did come from Egypt and the Egyptian-Hellenic occult school. On the Third Degree when the initiate is raised by the master the word is whispered into the initiate's ear. Of 'what is it?' This is code as the occultist's mention for the actual word a riddle for the initiate to have to find in their occult journey to rebuild the lost temple. Which as Masonic books mention is ascension dealing with the energy bodies.

This survives in Christianity in the gospels stolen and written over from the Osirian tradition of Egypt. The white stone of Manna of revelation which is the body of Christ in John 6:51:
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Here is the surviving description of this and its use if one is aware of occult language. Kristos [Christ] is the ancient name of Osiris and Dionysus. Here we have to sweep away the judaization and corruption of this and understand it as an occult anthropologist would. This is the previous remnant of important Egyptian and Hellenic information. The instructions of how to use this text would be given upon initiation into the spiritual school of Dionysus and Osiris. Here the instructions will be given for those who wish self initiation. It seems even most Mason's don't understand this. This has been lost upon lost even in the current western occult traditions.

What is it? Is the term that in the ancient Egyptian and associated languages means Manna. So here Manna is the lost word. Why is this and how to use it otherwise its meaningless information. In the ancient occult texts of the Siddha's they call the third eye the Jewel that is the major importance to ascension and the actual mantra for the third eye in the rarer occult texts of the Siddha' tradition is MA. However this is extended in the formula to Man and Manna in the east. Jewel is always translated to Jewel from Sanskrit which jewel is Mani. The Siddha's wrote in a type of encoded but somewhat obvious if you understand it twilight language. So we note from east and west the common understanding of this science the ancient Egyptian-Hellenic tradition was also in ancient India there are Buddhist and Hindu temples with the marks of the Dionysian builders the esoteric society of Greece of which Osiris is the Egyptian version. This the secret to the Mana rune which means moon and mind the ruling chakra of the mind is the third eye and this chakra is ruled by the moon. Mind is called in Mana in the ancient Sanskrit Indo-European language.

The mouth of god in the eastern occult texts. Is the third eye chakra it grants Siddhi powers when opened [advanced psychic powers] however the mantra to accomplish this is given as Mana. Note this chakra is at the Chandra point in Hindu occultism the moon god. Mana means moon as well the third eye is ruled by the moon. The third eye is the point at the atlas major the center of the skull and the brow point they all interconnect as one energy system. This connects downwards to the base chakra and everything in between the entire energy body. This activates the entire energy body from the third eye this is given as the major method in the Egyptian and Hindu occult systems. Note in the book of revelations which is from the Egyptian tradition its mentioned that this word is written on the thigh of Christ however in the Greek this word is Meru. It means this word of power activates the entire spinal column the Meru column the thigh is symbolic for the spine in western occult traditions and the term Mero or Merovingian's is from the more ancient tradition which also went east with the Meru mount which is shown as the spinal column in the east.

The Egyptian tradition states the brow chakra is to be activated and it releases the Chrism or Christos the dew of heaven this causes the BA and KA to become united into the Ankh or light body. Mana is the word [mantra] to activate this point. It has to be vibrated into the third eye system from the brow chakra through to the altas major to work properly. Otherwise it is of no real power or value. From here it activates the energy pathways that is how the energy system's connect. This process is always done from the third eye in the Kriya tradition in India.

The M is vibrated as MMMMMM with the mouth closed the A as Ahhhhhh and the N as high nasal NNNNN sound. This is vox magicae the magical speech not mundane spoken here.

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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

I'm currently studying the rosy cross and how it came before free masonry, though free masonry did come from them, but they held themselves apart from the free masons, which as you know were infiltrated. But the rosy cross never was. And the wisdom actually came from Egypt. From Hermeticism. I think this is, as you say, also the Osirian tradition.

“Kristos [Christ] is the ancient name of Osiris and Dionysus. Here we have to sweep away the judaization and corruption of this and understand it as an occult anthropologist would. This is the previous remnant of important Egyptian and Hellenic information.”

I'm currently studying this and yes, I was thinking to myself its going to be so hard for some because of that automatic knee jerk response (to reject) because of the hatred of the church, their judaization and corruption in this information. They took everything and inverted and corrupted it.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

I note in the Buddhist statues in the east the symbol of the Mani is usually in all the symbols of the rainbow body and spiritual, psychic enlightenment.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

related to the "om mani padme hum"?
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

The rose is the symbol of the open heart chakra in their tradition that then fully activates the light body and third eye. This is because the third eye and heart chakra interconnect by the amrita nadi and this process fully open the clairvoyant powers and centers. Its opened by the dew or energy of the third eye following into it. This is the sacred heart symbolism as well. The Rose Cross states the heart is responsible for the etherealization of the blood and the process of creating the higher spiritual body it carries the dew energy down the heart by the nadis into which it manifests into a physicalized substance and circulates through the physical body in the blood. This is believed that is the grail in the tradition of the rose cross or what they show and call the dew cup. This did survive in one tarot card with the dove bringing the manna wafer down to the dew cup. The Ace of Cups.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:09 am I'm currently studying the rosy cross and how it came before free masonry, though free masonry did come from them, but they held themselves apart from the free masons, which as you know were infiltrated. But the rosy cross never was. And the wisdom actually came from Egypt. From Hermeticism. I think this is, as you say, also the Osirian tradition.

“Kristos [Christ] is the ancient name of Osiris and Dionysus. Here we have to sweep away the judaization and corruption of this and understand it as an occult anthropologist would. This is the previous remnant of important Egyptian and Hellenic information.”

I'm currently studying this and yes, I was thinking to myself its going to be so hard for some because of that automatic knee jerk response (to reject) because of the hatred of the church, their judaization and corruption in this information. They took everything and inverted and corrupted it.
Last edited by Don Danko333 on Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

Yes the mantra in Mahayana Buddhism relates to the green Mani jewel on the forehead of the Buddha the symbol of the third eye. The Hum is also placed in the third eye in Mahayana Buddhism and the Om.
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:11 am related to the "om mani padme hum"?
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“the third eye and heart chakra interconnect by the amrita nadi and this process fully open the clairvoyant powers and centers.”

Ooh, yes, good point! Thank you. I was thinking the rose could also relate to the lotus (symbolizing the crown chakra opening up like a flower). Meaning it too, opens up like a flower (hence the flower symbology).
maxine said that the heart was kind of a neuter...not so. It's integral and not a 'neuter' chakra...

“This did survive in one tarot card with the dove bringing the manna wafer down to the dew cup. The Ace of Cups.”

Thanks for including that nugget of gold. Anything tarot I'm interested!
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

Its known from the letter of the Roman Emperor Hadrian on his statements of his visit to Alexandria that the followers of Osiris were as he mentions called the 'Christini' and the bishops of Osiris where called the bishops of Christos. Christini is where Christian comes from. Iesus Kristos is the ancient name of Dionysus the I become a J in latter on languages. as well the IHS or IES of the Catholic church the Christ monogram is from actually Dionysus. The story of Jesus on the donkey and palm Sunday are also taken from the Dionysian religion.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:09 am I'm currently studying the rosy cross and how it came before free masonry, though free masonry did come from them, but they held themselves apart from the free masons, which as you know were infiltrated. But the rosy cross never was. And the wisdom actually came from Egypt. From Hermeticism. I think this is, as you say, also the Osirian tradition.

“Kristos [Christ] is the ancient name of Osiris and Dionysus. Here we have to sweep away the judaization and corruption of this and understand it as an occult anthropologist would. This is the previous remnant of important Egyptian and Hellenic information.”

I'm currently studying this and yes, I was thinking to myself its going to be so hard for some because of that automatic knee jerk response (to reject) because of the hatred of the church, their judaization and corruption in this information. They took everything and inverted and corrupted it.
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by Don Danko333 »

The heart is one of the most important chakras its the key to circulation of energy and power to all the chakra's and energy body. The Sufi tradition which originally came from Egypt from ancient Mendes had a chakra system but they actually purposely hid the heart chakra and moved the location to hide this as the heart chakra is of the high importance. The Sufi's vibrate the A letter into this chakra in their tradition then put a emotional focus on love and empathy to further activate and open this chakra. These emotions felt strongly activate this chakra. This then delivers a huge wave of energy up into the higher chakras and activate the clairvoyant abilities.

The heart chakra is the mystical god in Hindu mysticism its the seat of the individual Atman or soul and the ParaAtman or Brahman this is the god chakra. As this is god in Hindu mysticism. The Kriya practice of Hindu mysticism puts the pranava the AUM in this chakra. So does the Buddhist they placed the A letter here. This is done to activate this circuit of power. AUM is the name of God in Hindu mysticism. This is the seat of Amun in Egyptian mysticism the hidden name of which is the same symbol of AUM in the Hindu symbol.

I note the demonic energy always attempt to block the heart chakra and this causes all kinds of problems including weakening the astral, pranic bodies and damping the clairvoyant abilities. It fucks a person over.

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:29 am “the third eye and heart chakra interconnect by the amrita nadi and this process fully open the clairvoyant powers and centers.”

Ooh, yes, good point! Thank you. I was thinking the rose could also relate to the lotus (symbolizing the crown chakra opening up like a flower). Meaning it too, opens up like a flower (hence the flower symbology).
maxine said that the heart was kind of a neuter...not so. It's integral and not a 'neuter' chakra...

“This did survive in one tarot card with the dove bringing the manna wafer down to the dew cup. The Ace of Cups.”

Thanks for including that nugget of gold. Anything tarot I'm interested!
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Re: Lost Word Of Power And Ascension In Occultism And How To Use Such

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

“Its known from the letter of the Roman Emperor Hadrian on his statements of his visit to Alexandria that the followers of Osiris were as he mentions called the 'Christini' and the bishops of Osiris where called the bishops of Christos. Christini is where Christian comes from. Iesus Kristos is the ancient name of Dionysus the I become a J in latter on languages. as well the IHS or IES of the Catholic church the Christ monogram is from actually Dionysus. The story of Jesus on the donkey and palm Sunday are also taken from the Dionysian religion.”

That's interesting; I saw another letter where (if memory serves me it was a pope) writing how they should build their churches over the temples (that they were destroying). And of course the church destroyed the Serapeum of Alexandria dedicated to Serapis. So while I know people here might have a knee jerk response to what you're saying, in regards the bishops of Osiris were called the Bishops of Christos.....this is something that predates the church (246-222 BC). They appropriated attributes and powers and then inverted them and weaponized them against the people.

This...how did you express it in another post...this christini....is the 'risen' aspect of the power of Serapis/Osiris and the adversary of the labyrinth is the 'dark' aspect. These were expressed symbolically as initiates were required to travel a literal dark labyrinth and when they gained the inner sanctum after facing many challenges, they found themselves in a large, well lit airy space facing a gorgeous massive statue depicting the risen man in light and splendour (serapis/osiris).
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