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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 3:30 pm
by EpicShauna
I am atheist. I don't believe all this RTR Whoohoo no sense! you hear my opinion only now. Thank you

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:07 pm
by Don Danko
Belief is not required it generates and connects into toxic energies.
EpicShauna wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 3:30 pm I am atheist. I don't believe all this RTR Whoohoo no sense! you hear my opinion only now. Thank you

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:10 pm
by Don Danko
I was officially kicked out of the JoS for warning people the Final RTR was a Jewish Kabbalah ritual. After I realized what Maxine was I started researching into all of her claims and found she lied about the RTR.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:14 pm
by BorninHell88
Don Danko wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:10 pm I was officially kicked out of the JoS for warning people the Final RTR was a Jewish Kabbalah ritual. After I realized what Maxine was I started researching into all of her claims and found she lied about the RTR.
Oh, come on... You likely always knew Maxine was full of shit, but you never said nothing. : )

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:18 pm
by Don Danko
I am sure bitch here the schizoid meth abuser is the expert on the subject. lol

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:24 pm
by BorninHell88
Don Danko wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:18 pm I am sure bitch here the schizoid meth abuser is the expert on the subject. lol
Awww, someone is mad. : ) Ahahaha... All Don's years of meditation and he still can't control his emotions. That's pretty pathetic.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:33 pm
by Don Danko
My years of meditation have given me the ability to understand the obvious, no one should take a burnout junkie seriously. That is common sense.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 8:35 pm
by BorninHell88
Don Danko wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:33 pm My years of meditation have given me the ability to understand the obvious, no one should take a burnout junkie seriously. That is common sense.
Your 100+ posts directed at me proves otherwise. Slothstein.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:19 am
by JoyOfSatan666
Owenavo wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 11:41 am That was my question to ask... BorninHell88! But that's okay, I'll let you off with that one.. Being nice for a change.

BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 11:26 am

So when are you going to answer Owenavo's comment he directed towards you earlier...? I get the feeling you're trying to dodge... I'll re-post it here:

Yeah, but wasn't Don in it for ages? If that's the case how is he a traitor? He was in the JoS for a while, and if he was a traitor how did he stay there! But the Demons didn't have a problem with him, so obviously he's not a traitor and he was there for a while. Also I don't like how the JoS members try to convert people to the ministry, its almost like trying to covert people to these crappy monotheistic religions. I was going to join it but it wasn't my cup of tea. Are you sure you're connecting with the right entities though? Why does everyone keep leaving and there's always people disappearing? (No offense).

Thanks for responding to my comment... I appreciate it, and most of all thanks to keeping it mature ((with no name calling)). I do have another question though ((if you don't mind))? If the gods are actually real, than why didn't they forewarn the rest of the clergy about Don being an infiltrator...? Also, why aren't the gods willing to prove their existence to the world...? Why do they only decide to show themselves with certain people that aren't truly known on a personal level themselves? The JoS is shrouded in a lot of secrecy, so how can gentiles ultimately trust these 'gods' and the JoS clergy if we don't truly know who they are...? And they aren't willing to show us? I don't care so much about the clergy proving that they aren't Jewish themselves ((which they very well likely could be)), but I'm more curious about the gods they/you work with, and why they don't.

The Gods did warn the HPs about him after awhile and the situation that was coming. The only way to straight up prove the Gods is meditations to open your astral senses. Any other thing is like arguing the existence of Jewsus or whatever I say something you say something nothing gets done. Ok so if you want to know you must seek them yourself. They don't appear to everyone cause they can't most people are totally closed to the spiritual as well as being programmed to believe they are ebil or don't exist. So even if they tried to force something or moved something with their mind or whatever it would not be assumed it was them but the work of the ebil debil or some other force. So in order to experience the Gods you need to open up and approach them.

If you honestly want to but they will just try to lead you to the JOS site somehow eventually honestly or nudge you in that direction. So if your closed to that they might not bother with you..

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:22 am
by JoyOfSatan666
BorninHell88 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:14 pm
Don Danko wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:10 pm I was officially kicked out of the JoS for warning people the Final RTR was a Jewish Kabbalah ritual. After I realized what Maxine was I started researching into all of her claims and found she lied about the RTR.
Oh, come on... You likely always knew Maxine was full of shit, but you never said nothing. : )
Are you btw the one who put up "The Real Exposing Joy of Satan" channel on youtube. If so nice arguments against us and commentary on the world a lot of it true but you missed the point of our belief system and connected with the wrong stuff and used drugs that weakened your aura allowing that thing to attach to you