The Final RTR Exposed

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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by HPBlackMamba »



Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

'Finally, we have the third meaning of alef: peleh, “wondrous.” Peleh represents the esoteric or mystical level of Torah—Kab­balah and the teachings of Chassidic thought. Known as the “teachings of Mashiach,” these secrets of Torah comprise its greatest level.

The Baal Shem Tov once entered Mashiach’s heavenly cham­ber9 and asked, “Mashiach, when are you going to come?” Mashiach responded, “When the wellsprings of your teachings (i.e., the teachings of Chassidus) spread forth throughout the entire world.” Thus, only when the level of peleh—this level of wondrous esoteric thought—has permeated the world, will the arrival of Mashiach be imminent.' ... /Aleph.htm

Basically, after reading the above, means that by performing the RTR, we are to bring up/manifest 'messiah return' or something, - I find it a smart set up, good job for the jews.
at the same time I pity the naive people who, once as me, failed in this trap...especially children.

For this reason I am concerned that Jos might be controlled opposition and are recruiting gentle kids to both destroy them with toxic practices and to add energy to their rabbinical workings/thoughtform.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

more links about RTR from their own books:

''In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” ... l-journey/

another link: ... ulafia.pdf

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

Another interesting link I will attach below:
''Reverse ritual. Religious ritual is often seen as a way of bringing down divine influences into the material world. In this profound and stimulating work, Rudolf Steiner and Friedrich Benesch introduce us to the idea of 'reverse ritual' - a way by which each of us can raise our souls to the spiritual realm.'' ... &q&f=false

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

''YAH-WEH: FOURTH PHASE[...] WEH-YAH: FIFTH PHASE. When you have integrated the Yah-weh practice over a period of months, there is another plateau of practice. interestingly, one of the most powerful experiences of this practice occurs when we reverse the Yah-Weh sequence, as described above, into its opposite, the weh-yah breath.'' ... rs&f=false
Don Danko

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Don Danko »

They turn their own letters around for sure, Sitardass is wrong its the Gentile's who would find this toxic and the Jews who would find this enjoyable. The Jews even mention they find it warming in their own hearts to do this.

I remember all the time Cobra boi, nick, would wax on almost poetically about how wonderful the Final RTR and his YHVH chant makes him feel in public. Bragging about this. Maybe he is a Jew.

The runes are the key. The RTR is just a Kabbalah exercise the Jews invented themselves.

sunrise wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:12 pm more links about RTR from their own books:

''In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” ... l-journey/

another link: ... ulafia.pdf
Don Danko

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Don Danko »

More from the information that Sunrise, posted:
In Abulafia’s approach, the individual “begins to combine letters, a few or many, reversing and rolling them around rapidly, until [one’s] heart feels warm.” Those who adhere diligently to this technique, Abulafia declared, will eventually experience “a plenitude of saintly spirit … wisdom, under­standing, good counsel and knowledge…. The spirit of the Lord will rest upon [them].”
The Jewish adepts are stating that reversing their own letters gives them more spiritual power.
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by HPSZolaLuckyStar »

What I find of great concern is that I have heard that people who are doing this RTR have very negative effects that manifest in their lives. They start falling apart. And there is a group of fanatics pushing people to do it. And yes, especially I'm worried for the young people who fall into this.
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by sunrise »

I must say I am very proud of Don and I respect him even more than I ever did, for admitting the RTRs being what they are: a total HOAX to enslave us further.

As a matter of fact, I suspect we did more damage to the world (not only to ourselves) by performing that kabbalistic garbage.

Apparently, Maxine has read hundreds of books for CREATING this garbage. I would want to see just one, one book from those hundreds. It doesn't matter what language, Hebrew or not, where is the list of those books?

HOW CAN WE TRUST A RANDOM PERSON ONLINE SOLELY ON THEIR WORD? Where is the logic behind this? Ask yourself as a Satanist/evolved being, would Demons require such an act of BLIND TRUST?

What are we SLAVES to a random person online telling us to PERFORM SOMETHING THAT WE BARELY UNDERSTAND?

The only conclusion is that everything WAS DONE ON PURPOSE. We were fooled to engage in this act and not to question it.

There is nothing left of JOS just HC with Lydia making money out of idiots. I was one of them and I regret every single second when I actually doubted myself rather than these CON ARTISTS.

Those con artists who are COLLECTING PERSONAL DATA from the fools who are ordering charts or sending donations. What happened with those donations over the years? Din Maxine pay for her Hebrew lessons and bought Hebrew books with them?

It's time for people to wake up.

But be aware HC and Lydia - things won't, they won't remain like this because I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS BACKSTAB and up until I close my eyes I will find a way to EXPOSE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE: GARBAGE JEWS. I do not forget and I do not forgive!

It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for HC to be a DELUDED VICTIM. I was hoping in the past that he is innocent and deluded.
HE KNOWS. Just read his statements regarding RTRs how full of shit they are... he doesn't even know how to lie...

Just look at the teens around there, poor them, they know zero, they do as they are told without even understanding the concept behind it. The only explanation: Maxine studied/read/did/said so... therefore it must be legit. No further questions.

Everybody who experimented bad things with those rituals, (BECAUSE THEY ARE THE CORE OF THIS ORGANISATION), please come forward and say it, don't be cowards, express your stance. Also, inform others, help other people not to suffer in the same manner.


I was one person who loved all the clergy and respected them to bits, UP UNTIL I discover who they truly are.

Facing out the truth wasn't comfortable for none of us, as a matter of fact, some people were totally destroyed by this as they dedicated their entire time and life to this purpose...
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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Post by Hayden »

sunrise wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:01 am I must say I am very proud of Don and I respect him even more than I ever did, for admitting the RTRs being what they are: a total HOAX to enslave us further.

As a matter of fact, I suspect we did more damage to the world (not only to ourselves) by performing that kabbalistic garbage.

Apparently, Maxine has read hundreds of books for CREATING this garbage. I would want to see just one, one book from those hundreds. It doesn't matter what language, Hebrew or not, where is the list of those books?

HOW CAN WE TRUST A RANDOM PERSON ONLINE SOLELY ON THEIR WORD? Where is the logic behind this? Ask yourself as a Satanist/evolved being, would Demons require such an act of BLIND TRUST?

What are we SLAVES to a random person online telling us to PERFORM SOMETHING THAT WE BARELY UNDERSTAND?

The only conclusion is that everything WAS DONE ON PURPOSE. We were fooled to engage in this act and not to question it.

There is nothing left of JOS just HC with Lydia making money out of idiots. I was one of them and I regret every single second when I actually doubted myself rather than these CON ARTISTS.

Those con artists who are COLLECTING PERSONAL DATA from the fools who are ordering charts or sending donations. What happened with those donations over the years? Din Maxine pay for her Hebrew lessons and bought Hebrew books with them?

It's time for people to wake up.

But be aware HC and Lydia - things won't, they won't remain like this because I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS BACKSTAB and up until I close my eyes I will find a way to EXPOSE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE: GARBAGE JEWS. I do not forget and I do not forgive!

It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for HC to be a DELUDED VICTIM. I was hoping in the past that he is innocent and deluded.
HE KNOWS. Just read his statements regarding RTRs how full of shit they are... he doesn't even know how to lie...

Just look at the teens around there, poor them, they know zero, they do as they are told without even understanding the concept behind it. The only explanation: Maxine studied/read/did/said so... therefore it must be legit. No further questions.

Everybody who experimented bad things with those rituals, (BECAUSE THEY ARE THE CORE OF THIS ORGANISATION), please come forward and say it, don't be cowards, express your stance. Also, inform others, help other people not to suffer in the same manner.


I was one person who loved all the clergy and respected them to bits, UP UNTIL I discover who they truly are.

Facing out the truth wasn't comfortable for none of us, as a matter of fact, some people were totally destroyed by this as they dedicated their entire time and life to this purpose...
whenever I did the RTR I felt disgusting and had to take an cold shower right after along with thorough cleansing. I stopped doing that shit completely when Don left and my life improved. i had a personal issue I struggled with for years and it went away that very month.

I started researching this stuff 5 or so years ago I was a member of another pro-white occult forum(that is now defunct). I asked them what they thought of the JOS and the site narrative was “if it works for you go for it, but pretty much everything that was good was taken from Bardons Initiation into Hermeticism and one would better off just going through that.” So it seems she took from that and a couple other sources while combining it with her spooky Lavey reverse christianity larp( Gentile soul placed in a jewish body line, give me a fucking and thats the extent. My hunch is that she initially started the JOS as a way to funnel people into her husbands organization and her interest in the JOS decreased sharply when her husband was kicked out of his National Socialist group. After that much of the daily maintenance/sermons were relegated to “the clergy” while she did the bare minimum and kept it going strictly as a passive revenue stream (donations). by the time I became involved with the JOS she rarely ever posted and looking back at it now it seems a lot of her posts were normie tier along with a lot of ridiculousness similar to what you would see fanatic christians make . If I remember right I think there was a post about Hitler coming back to Earth in a spaceship with the Gods in the 2020s. :lol: :lol:

For Cobra I highly doubt he is a jew. I think he is just a weird guy who insists on continuing Maxines larp and gets off on the power trip of being seen as somebody important on the JOS. The past couple years there was always a heavy hint of jealousy and bitterness towards Don in his posts. when people would give them more attention than his toilet bowel sermons that were just “hurr durr the jews think they won we will rise heil satan and keep doing the RTR! *farts*”.
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