It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Snakeway »

ImprisonedSoul wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:39 pm

And what's up with this "Another" Native American...? I still see you're on that Maxine is "Native American" stuff, when there's no actual proof to support that claim. Hmm?
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

Snakeway wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:14 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:39 pm

And what's up with this "Another" Native American...? I still see you're on that Maxine is "Native American" stuff, when there's no actual proof to support that claim. Hmm?
I doubt you know the meaning of the word, because I'm fairly certain that's not "Proof". That might be evidence, but how do I know Maxine just isn't giving out false information...? To hide her true identity? She herself did make the claim that she was Native though, right...? Do you have the link to the exact thread of where she says this? And even if you do... It's still not much to go off of. I want pictures of Clifford holding hands with some fat Native woman; then that would certainly be enough for me to consider that she is Native, at least more so than not. =)

I for one never met **ANY** Native American that have ever placed white people on the same platform that Maxine has. She would literally go out of her way to even claim that whites are superior to her own "supposed" race, and this ((to me, anyways)) is something that a Native American would very likely never do ((at least not without the manipulation of a third party/ such as astral entities... Through psychic coercion/ or extreme MK ultra))... But then again, she is from Oklahoma, right...? Isn't that Cherokee lands...? The Cherokee were some of the biggest brown nosers to the Jew ((out of all tribes)), as far as I'm concerned, so maybe...? I still doubt it though... Native Americans were always a very prideful race of people and the white "invaders" ((that were led by kikes, reptilians, and other alien-types)) that came here were never able to 'enslave' us like they did with blacks... Best the alien 'Gods' were able to do is stick us on reservations; with the help from their well-armed ((no thanks to the aliens that gave them those arms)) white pawns.

In fact; as far as I'm concerned... The Great Plains Indian is one the only gentile races on the planet that has never been 'enslaved' by any other gentile race directly... Whites have though; by the Ottoman Arab empire... And your people were enslaved by the millions. We' Natives always been associated with the color red... We are the "Red race", and nothing is off coincidence in this universe; everything connects; and everything is patterns. Red is the color of war; Mars... And that it is likely we are based in those energies.This might also very well be a sign that ties directly into the fact that the Native American comes the closest to that of the wolf-spirit... It can't be tamed, or at least not to the same extent as blacks and whites; and even the yellow-race can be.
Last edited by ImprisonedSoul on Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Snakeway »

ImprisonedSoul wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:41 pm
I for one never met **ANY** Native American that have ever placed white people on the same platform that Maxine has. She would literally go out of her way to even claim that whites are superior to her own "supposed" race, and this ((to me)) is something that a Native American would very likely never do ((at least not without the manipulation of third parties/ such as astral entities))..

She submitted and cucked tons of white people in her organization. i never knew she said this, but if she did it was certainly to manipulate and control the white slaves.

I can also say the Gods are a superior race to white humans, and that's an objective statement not putting them in a platform. It is just the true
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

Snakeway wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:52 pm
ImprisonedSoul wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:41 pm
I for one never met **ANY** Native American that have ever placed white people on the same platform that Maxine has. She would literally go out of her way to even claim that whites are superior to her own "supposed" race, and this ((to me)) is something that a Native American would very likely never do ((at least not without the manipulation of third parties/ such as astral entities))..

She submitted and cucked tons of white people in her organization. i never knew she said this, but if she did it was certainly to manipulate and control the white slaves.

I can also say the Gods are a superior race to white humans, and that's an objective statement not putting them in a platform. It is just the true
If the 'Gods' are superior to man; then why do they hide behind a Jewish matrix...? In the shadows? Too scared to let their presence be known? Doesn't make much sense; unless they're not as strong as we all been programmed to believe. =) Hmm?

And I think humanity has a lot more potential than what we've been programmed to believe, as well; and maybe this potential is beyond the 'Gods' that you blindly worship? I know that sounds very, very unlikely, but sometimes the most unlikeliest things end up being true. Nothing is as it seems in this Jewish matrix/ "Plato's" Cave. "Truth is stranger than fiction." as Mark Twain once said. Maybe we ARE the actual 'Gods', and maybe those who control us through this system are closest to the beasts that they like to claim that we are...? This is clown world... The rat's paradise, the sheep's limbo, and the wolf's hell... You can't know the actual truth until you leave the circus tent.

You: She submitted and cucked tons of white people in her organization.

Me: How much of it was her, actually...? That being cucking people? For all you know, she could of had very little choice in misleading folk... She could of been an extreme MK ultra victim; with handlers. The Nazi organization that Cliff and her were directly involved in were known to have Jews in it; and it was said that Clifford himself even passed leadership to one... I read an article about this a few years ago that I found on Google... The man who wrote it was a white nationalist himself who seemed to have some issues with Clifford. It was an interesting read... I should of book-marked it, but I didn't... :( Oh well.

My point is; the JoS very well could be tied directly to the powers at be, and if that's the case... Then Maxine was only a pawn with very little choice; if any at all.

You: i never knew she said this, but if she did it was certainly to manipulate and control the white slaves.

Me: You still don't got proof though... : /
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by Snakeway »

My Finger in your Ribs, to watch you Jump.
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Re: It didn't took long to find a lie in the Defending Jos webpage

Post by ImprisonedSoul »

Snakeway wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:32 am My Finger in your Ribs, to watch you Jump.
What...? lol.
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