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Re: Bitches

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:33 pm
by shitposterInquisitor
Psychotron wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:25 pm
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:21 pm Show me the statistics.

I was off by 100k

But look at this statistic
Henu the Great wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 9:55 pm
Gear88 wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 5:27 pm 70,000 minus a few thousand(fake, hacker, etc.etc. accounts) and you probably got a good 60ish thousand on the FORUMS.

In February of 2019 HP.Cobra provided a sermon with the potentiality of having about 118,000+ NS/SS personnel on connected with JoS.

I'd wager to state by now NEAR? MAYBE? 200K, Maybe? On top of that if you studied the last schedule for Spiritual Warfare it's been mentioned two Pagan groups that adhere or consider JoS information have been performing rituals to help with Spiritual Warfare. So that might be several hundred maybe several thousand more whom are allies to our cause.
I'd wager half a million to million dedicated satanists.
Henu the shit says there’s half a million Satanists???

WHERE ARE THEY? ... rs#p251538
Dunno. I haven't looked. If he claims something, he has to prove it.

Re: Bitches

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:10 am
by KorvusTheRaven
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:19 pm It's amazing that everyone understands war deeply. /sarcasm One move, one countermove, a strategy, a formation... Things don't just happen or change overnight.
It has been TEN. YEARS.

If you can't win a single battle in 10 goddamn years, you need to execute your general for his incompetence.

Re: Bitches

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 7:45 am
by shitposterInquisitor
shadowc137 wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:10 am
shitposterInquisitor wrote: Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:19 pm It's amazing that everyone understands war deeply. /sarcasm One move, one countermove, a strategy, a formation... Things don't just happen or change overnight.
It has been TEN. YEARS.

If you can't win a single battle in 10 goddamn years, you need to execute your general for his incompetence.
I think it started off smaller, with much fewer people. Obviously, people have to be convinced, some stay for teh lulz, others are fakers, just trolling, some decide on other commitments, others don't want to or can't keep up the fight, etc... The weight of what enemy forces has done over centuries cannot come crashing down at once. People would freak and chaos would happen. Momentum takes time to stop. When travelling with momentum behind you in a freight vehicle, smashing the brakes on is a very stupid idea. Everyone should know that. Things need to be taken at a decent pace, to give people - both the fighters and the civilians - time to adapt and recover and strategise, etc. While this happens, it is again one move, one countermove, a strategy, a formation... How many moves does it take to win at chess, and how long? Nothing is ever straightforward, nothing is ever easy, and as the old saying goes "War is folly" - A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome - especially if it is a pyrrhic victory or war of attrition or fighting on the defensive. If we expect quick results, then that's the same as shoving a bunch of steroids down your throat, instead of doing the gruelling weight-training which takes longer and is actually real, while keeping a clear mind.