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Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:15 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“The black energy is probably from the Final RTR as from the Kabbalah texts the Jews do this themselves to give them more power. The Kabbalah texts state the energy of their letters is black energy.”

I think Don has the right of it because when this happened I was a popular and respected member still. So it wasn't the members. They had no reason to want to do anything like that.

That said, If they are throwing any arrows around it's their own, not Azazels. I think (personally) that any of the positive god like beings have much better things to be doing than interfering in our squabbles, to punish one of us. The idea of a god punishing is, I think, a very christian one.

I had contact with the positive being I think of as Azazel but the once. He showed up unexpectedly one evening and announced:

“You will paint my sister and myself next.”


He had very powerful and positive energy. It filled the room.

“Then I was contacted not long after by Zola out of the blue, we talked on things.”

I was working late one night when suddenly Don was there in my consciousness. And I felt this huge urge to reach out to him to see if he was doing ok. But I dismissed it. I don't know him, I thought.

Maybe a week later Don popped into my head AGAIN, even stronger and I felt this urging: “Talk to Don!”

So I went and found his old e-mail. But then I'm sitting there thinking: Maybe I'm being presumptuous....besides, that old e-mail might not even work! I was going to dismiss the urge when it spoke up again: “TALK to him!”

So I reached out to say I hope you're doing ok, heard what they did to you. Having gone through this myself, I know how alone one can feel. So I hope you're ok. Something like that I said. And we had some talks on some things.

“I also have a very nice Slothz avatar on the article page which I enjoy and I am grateful for. Zola and Mamba have my thanks and support I have total respect for both of them and what they are doing.”

I'm really glad you like it Don! I love it, personally. Its so darned cute and HAPPY.

Thanks for your vote of support. We appreciate that.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:38 pm
by Snakeway
HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:15 pm “The black energy is probably from the Final RTR as from the Kabbalah texts the Jews do this themselves to give them more power. The Kabbalah texts state the energy of their letters is black energy.”

I think Don has the right of it because when this happened I was a popular and respected member still. So it wasn't the members. They had no reason to want to do anything like that.
This is all the reason Maxine would need, she feels threatened and do not like when people are enjoying themselves, she want´s to be ´´the principal one´´. The fact that you have desire to be High priest makes it even stronger the Idea other members attacked you, most likely Maxine. She also has mental and emotional control over some other members, she might have convinced them to do it. She likes to think the JOS as a military and she is high rank and can give commands and you should have followed in line and not try to be independent with demons and in the way you relate to other people.(this causes her to be very angry and then you become ´´a jew´´)

HPSZolaLuckyStar wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:15 pm That said, If they are throwing any arrows around it's their own, not Azazels. I think (personally) that any of the positive god like beings have much better things to be doing than interfering in our squabbles, to punish one of us. The idea of a god punishing is, I think, a very christian one.

Off course it was not Azazel himself, I said it in the other post. Cobra wouldn´t write ´´we threw arrows at a person´´. It is just the way he makes reference to things writing this way. Azazel is maxine´s Demon because she ´´ set free and have sex with Azazel´´, so he was saying Maxine and the JOS have arrows. I am 99% sure Cobra was mentioning what they did to you in their ´´Glory´´.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:42 pm
by Snakeway
I don´t think the Idea of punishing is christian at all, if you commit crimes or cause harm to people you should be punished. Same way we humans send people to jail. I think the Idea of forgiving everything and walking extra miles is the one who is very Christian. Punishing is also a form of Justice.

Beelzebub said to me if a satanists curse Satan or offend Satan personally somehow he kills the person at once, in an instant. So the gods do can punish their own, if there is reason to.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:50 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“The fact that you have desire to be High priest makes it even stronger the Idea other members attacked you, most likely Maxine.”

I actually wasn't desiring to be a High Priestess. I just wanted to work for Satan. I wanted to help.

"I don´t think the Idea of punishing is christian at all, if you commit crimes or cause harm to people you should be punished. Same way we humans send people to jail. I think the Idea of forgiving everything and walking extra miles is the one who is very Christian. Punishing is also a form of Justice.

Beelzebub said to me if a satanists curse Satan or offend Satan personally somehow he kills the person at once, in an instant. So the gods do can punish their own, if there is reason to."

If somebody commits crimes or causes harm to others knowingly and maliciously, with malice aforethought, I agree they should be held accountable. I think it's up to us to bring the justice. It's our world and our lives. But that said, can one of these positive beings step in to help? I think in certain specific cases, they can and they do. But generally, I also think we're on our own. I think these relationships are complex and its going to depend on each individual case.

The YHVH of the bible is the god of punishment who throws people into lakes of fire for eternity if they displease him. He's cruel and unforgiving. He's a liar and a murderer. This 'god' loves to punish and so yes, I consider the whole idea of a god punishing us to be a christian thing. I definitely don't subscribe to the turn the other cheek thing. Punishing is a form of justice and if I can be an instrument of justice, I'm ok with that.

I know that there appears to be a kind of measuring scale of sorts in operation. I don't know if this is something we unconsciously activate, or if its a function of the universe itself. I'm talking about what goes around comes around. I've seen this in operation many, many times. Whatever it is, it's something real. Payback as they say, is a bitch. And she's unforgiving.

I know my guardians have stepped in for me in a literal way when I was in great personal danger. More than once. One of them took care of somebody who tried to literally end my life. Is that acting for justice, or protecting somebody you care about? Or does protecting the one you care for serve justice?

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:42 pm
by Snakeway
The YHVH god from the old testament punishes people and is extremely cruel for no reason at all, then there is no Justice element, this is different. This YHVH count existing does not discredit the Idea of punishing someone in the case it will bring justice.

In my Idea if they trap an innocent person in this F RTR and then go there and kill the person or commit horrible crime to the person, those JOS counts should be punished by the gods, even if the victim is not liked and has little to no bond with the gods, because it is justice.

But I know this is not how it is played. I agree with you this can get complicated: what is for justice and what is protecting those they care.

I don´t agree the universe operate on his own, people will only pay for what they do when other people go there and make them pay.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:57 pm
by RagingCloud4050
When I first did the RTR. I had no true Idea how to clean my aura. i thought I didn't need to do the foundation before aura cleaning. I only did it once. I carried on doing meditations improperly for a year.

The effects of the RTR were as follows.

I began throwing up white stuff. It became grey. Then it became black. This was over several months. It was in lucid dreams I would throw up. i got weaker their as well it was harder to control the world. And when I threw up I would lose whatever power was their.

I could feel the negative energy physically at this point. In my throat. Aswell as a pressure on my chest and body. I proceeded to also lose my sense of touch. In lucid dreams. Aka i often had sex on the lucid dreams it was what drew me to the practice in the first place. So I Couldn't feel that.

There were other things that occurred but this is what I feel proves dons point.

I was never a Christian. I had maybe prayed 3 times in my life. I was an adamant atheist. Although I did read a picture bible as a child.

I would also Like to mention that at this point I had been lucid dreaming for close to ten years.

Also Iv been doing self worship constantly for like 2 days its mostly cleaned it. Im going to do that for like 10 days before I do anything else.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:20 pm
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
“I began throwing up white stuff. It became grey. Then it became black. This was over several months. It was in lucid dreams I would throw up. i got weaker their as well it was harder to control the world. And when I threw up I would lose whatever power was their. I could feel the negative energy physically at this point. In my throat. As well as a pressure on my chest and body. I proceeded to also lose my sense of touch. In lucid dreams. Aka i often had sex on the lucid dreams it was what drew me to the practice in the first place. So I Couldn't feel that.

There were other things that occurred but this is what I feel proves dons point.

I was never a Christian. I had maybe prayed 3 times in my life. I was an adamant atheist. Although I did read a picture bible as a child.

I would also Like to mention that at this point I had been lucid dreaming for close to ten years.”

This is very interesting as I had a 'friend' whom I tried to help long ago. He was complaining of a sickness that nothing his doctors could do, could even figure out what was wrong with him. He was (he said) becoming more and more spaced out all the time, finding it difficult to remain in his body. He was really afraid. So I turned to the shaman who was my mentor at that time. He said I should do energy healing on him. I said but I don't know what to do! He said don't worry; you're a natural. You'll know. So I began. And it was true I just 'knew' what to do.

So anyhow, the first day about an hour or so after that first session which was an hour of pulling things out of him and flooding areas with energy I suddenly became very ill and rushing to the toilet, threw up this black tar substance. I thought that was strange. The second day it happened again. By the third time I was a bit freaked and contacted my mentor to ask wtf is going on here?!?

The black tarlike substance I was throwing up was the negative energy I was pulling out of the other person, my shaman told me. I had to ground after a session. And so I found myself a big rock (the size of a small dog) and I would sit with it after a session and feed all this negative energy into it to be drained into the earth and off myself. Which worked. This was long before I knew about the power of Vao.

So what this makes me think is that you were pulling in negative energy from the F RTR like I was pulling in negative energy from this person. And then of course, as its black it makes me think of the black arrows (also from the F RTR), and don says the energy of the F RTR letters is black. Wow! Interesting.

I've had many near death experiences. In one, while out of body I was unable to taste or feel touch. The feeling I get from your description is your own life force was being sucked out of you. Which would explain the loss of vitality and ability to 'feel' while in the astral body.

And then the pressure first on the throat and then on the body in general. This makes sense to me as this began through the process of chanting. Thats the throat chakra. So it gained admittance through there and spread to the rest of the body. to the chest. Which was where the black arrows were in me. This is very interesting.

You're the first person I've met who has also spent a large amount of time lucid dreaming :)

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:50 pm
by RagingCloud4050

I began lucid dreaming when I was in my final year of high school. I've documented every dream since then. And I was often in a classroom. With people at the front. I tended to not stay their long as I was young and a whole new world had opened up to me.

The people their weren't invisible but they weren't my teachers from school. I practiced lying still and doing wake back to bed technique when I woke up occasionally but I got to the point I no longer needed to do such. Nore record my dreams.

Although before I came to satanism i think I was being attacked on the astral. In a lucid dream. Always by multiple people. It wasn't often It stopped when I dedicated.

And yeah 3 days of vao from when I woke up to when I went to sleep through all the things I've done in the day has mostly cleared the problem. Although I'm going to continue for another 7 days just to be sure.

Makes sense. The life force thing. When I began meditation and doing the vao thing i would always feel really tired minutes in. Thats also gone. So yeah thanks again for the site and the old one that allowed me to fix myself.

Edit. Was unsure if it meant anything. But last night while lucid I vomited up pens. books and a bible in the astral and stuff like that it was weird and strange.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:57 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"I began lucid dreaming when I was in my final year of high school. I've documented every dream since then. And I was often in a classroom. With people at the front. I tended to not stay their long as I was young and a whole new world had opened up to me."

I find this so interesting as I also spent a lot of time in classrooms with other people like myself who were astral travelling and of course, with the advanced beings who were giving the lectures.

"The people their weren't invisible but they weren't my teachers from school. I practiced lying still and doing wake back to bed technique when I woke up occasionally but I got to the point I no longer needed to do such. Nore record my dreams."

I think you are talking about dream re-entry here, yes. I also did this.

"Although before I came to satanism i think I was being attacked on the astral. In a lucid dream. Always by multiple people. It wasn't often It stopped when I dedicated."

I have found that there are beings in the astral who definitely, when we are lucid and aware travelling about, they sense it and come to investigate. And attack. The ones who are there in the dreamtime who are 'sleeping' much as they do in real life, are not a threat. Its the ones who are aware whom they target to see what is going on here?

"And yeah 3 days of vao from when I woke up to when I went to sleep through all the things I've done in the day has mostly cleared the problem. Although I'm going to continue for another 7 days just to be sure."

I'm glad this is helping to clear the problem.

"Makes sense. The life force thing. When I began meditation and doing the vao thing i would always feel really tired minutes in. Thats also gone. So yeah thanks again for the site and the old one that allowed me to fix myself.

Edit. Was unsure if it meant anything. But last night while lucid I vomited up pens. books and a bible in the astral and stuff like that it was weird and strange."

This is very interesting and if I am doing a dream interpretation I'd think vomiting up pens and books and especially a would make me think maybe what that is referring to is vomiting up things you were taught (in books), rejecting what you were taught in favor of trying to find out for yourself what it all means. The bible would refer to things specifically that you were taught as canon. Belief systems. So rejecting belief systems you were taught in order to find out for yourself the meanings of things. Using your own reason and your own mind to look at things and come to your own conclusions.

Re: The Final RTR Exposed

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:11 am
by HPSZolaLuckyStar
"To be honest, when I stumbled across you and high priest black Mamba's YouTube channel. I immediately thought these 2 are awesome, you're such a nice person Zola and the way they viciously attacked you was wrong! I saw the gaslighting tactic against you!!"

Thanks Owen, I appreciate that :)