Obligations and Justice.

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Obligations and Justice.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

I've seen some posts around here about what a Satanist is and how one becomes a Satanist.

Well to put it bluntly, anyone can technically call themselves a Satanist, anyone can do an 'intitation/dedication ritual' to Satan, but does that mean they're actually 'with' Satan?

and what about Satan? Is Satan obligated to just accept a person because they do an intitation/dedication ritual to him?
Or just because a person says they're a Satanist?

If Satan is 'almighty and ineffable' like the jos claims, then shouldn't it be Satan who decides who's with him or not?
The jos makes it seem that to be with Satan all one has to do is a dedication ritual to Satan, which is more like reverse xianity where xians say god accepts everyone because 'jesus died our sins'.

If Satan is a living being with emotions and feelings wouldn't that mean that he has people that he likes and dislike? what if someone has blasphemed Satan all their life as an xian and just decides to do the dedication ritual like the jos says, is Satan just supposed to accept that person?

Another extension of this is the concept of a guardian demon,
according to cobra[1]:
cobra wrote:Every dedicated Satanist does have a Guardian Demon assigned to them. This happens both during dedication but this also extends before that for those who have been with Satan. In all cases, one is in their attention.
He's also playing on the fact that anyone can do a dedication ritual, but just because one does the dedication does that mean they're obligated to a guardian demon? according to cobra that's case.
Who's cobra to say who's assigned a guardian or not? why does he assume that Satan is obligated to assign them a guardian demon?

Like i said before, if Satan is 'almighty and ineffable' then wouldn't it make sense that he decides who is with him or not?
Wouldn't it make sense that he decides if a person needs a guardian demon or not?
And why would a person need a guardian to oversee their actions anyways?

The other thing i want to address is 'justice' i've seen it mentioned here sometimes before that Satan and the gods don't enforce justice[2/2.1][3]

The word 'justice' implies some sort of retribution/reckoning/punishment for a mistake or wrong doing.
Breaking a law for example has it's consequences depending on the severity of it, punishing someone who breaks a law for example would be 'justice'.

But one thing is for certain, laws/oaths/promises don't mean much at all if there isn't a thing, person/people or power to enforce it.
For example laws would have no weight if there were no police enforce it and the judicial system to pass judgement.

Likewise in a Satanic sense, if a person curses someone who's there to enforce justice?
on jos:
Azazel: Hieratic Information[a page writen by cobra] wrote:Lord Azazel is a god of harmony, majesty, beauty, art and high spirituality. His strong association with the Sun is a principle that fits strongly into his statue and nature. Under all his manifestations, he has been a God of Justice. He strongly stands for people “paying their dues” and people “getting paid their due”, in a karmic way.
AZAZEL wrote:Azazel stands for justice and does not in any way advocate submission or turning the other cheek.
Azazel is a warrior god of justice and truth.
Azazel is the God of Justice and Revenge.
Beelzebub wrote:Beelzebub takes care of in-fighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this.
The Commandments of Satan wrote:Satan does not approve of infighting between his people. Those who experience conflicts with a brother or sister in Satan should go to Satan concerning this and he will handle the situation. Those who throw curses at or slander other Satanists will invite the wrath of Beelzebub. Beelzebub handles those who create problems and disunity and the consequences can be quite unpleasant.
About Demons wrote:Their greater purpose is to teach humanity. As for purposes of revenge and the punishment of enemies, justice is essential. Turning the other cheek creates true lawlessness, chaos and the eventual collapse of civilized society. Revenge and justice are necessary, for without correction; offenders only continue in their abusive behavior and freely abuse others.

When we make friends with the Demons, they often visit revenge upon those whose intention is to wrong us, and they also watch our backs. I have seen my enemies and the enemies of my loved ones punished before I even had to ask.
This is relevant to what i said at the start in regards it who is with Satan or not, if Satan is the one with the most power then it'd make sense that he'd be one who decides who's with him or not.
So when it comes to enforcing justice for his people, why would he enforce justice to people who're not with him?

And how do you know if a person is with Satan or not?
Well you'd have to ask Satan or just know some how.
And since astral communication is not really understood by most people, one should be mindful of how they speak to people for you never know who's with said person.
on jos:
Ancient Wisdom wrote:Thoth also wrote: "Human beings must become enlightened in order to find their way in the dark. Becoming enlightened means becoming smart travelers, who acquire knowledge of the way, an understanding of the local language and friendship with other travelers. We are all travelers in eternity."
This is relevant considering that cobra has frequently slandered people here, saying[4]:
cobra wrote:However, going to an enemy place with kikes and so on, is in itself stupid.
These "people" there are just rejects and a few trolls, added with a jewish granny and a heroin and crack smoking freak that the community unfortunately paid for a swindle claim by the jewish granny that was an "SS from South Africa that was in need to be saved".
And if you've read my old threads you'd know that cobra had a thing for straight up insulting people and slandering them simply for doubting/questioning him.

cobra in this sense is very reckless with little regards to who he's speaking to, I also noticed that he mocked this person 'Athenria' in the past[5/5.1].
Only 1 day later to have solid evidence of him being siatris posted via an anonposter[6].
If this was 'justice' or not who knows, but there was a reckoning.
Sometimes 'justice' is swift, sometimes it is not, as other events need to happen before a certain event can happen.
Sometimes things can take time, "I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time." - Aljilwah.

cobra should know about 'justice' that comes later down the line, considering that he said[7] "Many many years ago I made an agreement with the Goddess Maat because I was fascinated by her, to guide me to the Great Work and help me become a God. I was starstruck when I saw her [I still am...]. "
Deities in Ancient Egypt - Ma’at[8] wrote:Ma’at was the goddess of truth, justice, balance, and most importantly - order.
Ma’at was extremely important in achieving the Afterlife. According to Ancient Egyptian mythology, after the death of the body, everyone had to pass through the Hall of Judgment, where a person’s heart was weighed on a scale against Ma’at’s feather of truth. If the deceased person’s heart balanced with Ma’at’s feather, they could continue their journey to the Afterlife. If not, their journey ended.
Ma'at is also said to be wife of Thoth[8], who maxine claimed made the statement that was quoted a few paragraphs above.
So why is it that cobra blatantly disregards that statement? considering that Thoth is also said to be a god of reckoning.

The other major point i want to make here is, Is Satan with the jos? and the people who're in the jos?
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, who can say for sure, but why would he be? for one it doesn't show considering how much cobra had contradicted maxine's writings especially writings that she claimed came from Satan[9/10].
and his blatant disregard towards other 'SS' when he insults, slanders and gaslights them.

So is Satan with the jos? cobra? the josers? and if so, why would he be?

One thing i will say, when the pressure comes down on a you and it's do or die, when you're truly in need, you'll know who is with you or not.


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[1] cobra's reply to - How to develop your relationship with your Guardian Demon: Extra Information

[2] reference to the gods and justice. 
2.1 https://truth4satan.com/T4SForum/viewtopic.php?p=17543#p17543

[3] reference to the gods and justice. 

[4] cobra talking shit about the people here.

[5] cobra mocking Athenria.
[5.1] archive https://web.archive.org/web/20220520164508/https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71887&start=50

[6] cobra being exposed as siatris.

[7] cobra's statement about Ma'at.

[8] info on Ma'at

[9] The jos's "Power Rituals"

[10] Unity/Isolation
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by AnonPoster »

Are you saying the gods don't enforce justice when they don't consider the person is one of them?
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by AnonPoster »

BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:46 am I've seen some posts around here about what a Satanist is and how one becomes a Satanist.

Well to put it bluntly, anyone can technically call themselves a Satanist, anyone can do an 'intitation/dedication ritual' to Satan, but does that mean they're actually 'with' Satan?

and what about Satan? Is Satan obligated to just accept a person because they do an intitation/dedication ritual to him?
Or just because a person says they're a Satanist?

If Satan is 'almighty and ineffable' like the jos claims, then shouldn't it be Satan who decides who's with him or not?
The jos makes it seem that to be with Satan all one has to do is a dedication ritual to Satan, which is more like reverse xianity where xians say god accepts everyone because 'jesus died our sins'.

If Satan is a living being with emotions and feelings wouldn't that mean that he has people that he likes and dislike? what if someone has blasphemed Satan all their life as an xian and just decides to do the dedication ritual like the jos says, is Satan just supposed to accept that person?

Another extension of this is the concept of a guardian demon,
according to cobra[1]:
cobra wrote:Every dedicated Satanist does have a Guardian Demon assigned to them. This happens both during dedication but this also extends before that for those who have been with Satan. In all cases, one is in their attention.
He's also playing on the fact that anyone can do a dedication ritual, but just because one does the dedication does that mean they're obligated to a guardian demon? according to cobra that's case.
Who's cobra to say who's assigned a guardian or not? why does he assume that Satan is obligated to assign them a guardian demon?

Like i said before, if Satan is 'almighty and ineffable' then wouldn't it make sense that he decides who is with him or not?
Wouldn't it make sense that he decides if a person needs a guardian demon or not?
And why would a person need a guardian to oversee their actions anyways?

The other thing i want to address is 'justice' i've seen it mentioned here sometimes before that Satan and the gods don't enforce justice[2/2.1][3]

The word 'justice' implies some sort of retribution/reckoning/punishment for a mistake or wrong doing.
Breaking a law for example has it's consequences depending on the severity of it, punishing someone who breaks a law for example would be 'justice'.

But one thing is for certain, laws/oaths/promises don't mean much at all if there isn't a thing, person/people or power to enforce it.
For example laws would have no weight if there were no police enforce it and the judicial system to pass judgement.

Likewise in a Satanic sense, if a person curses someone who's there to enforce justice?
on jos:
Azazel: Hieratic Information[a page writen by cobra] wrote:Lord Azazel is a god of harmony, majesty, beauty, art and high spirituality. His strong association with the Sun is a principle that fits strongly into his statue and nature. Under all his manifestations, he has been a God of Justice. He strongly stands for people “paying their dues” and people “getting paid their due”, in a karmic way.
AZAZEL wrote:Azazel stands for justice and does not in any way advocate submission or turning the other cheek.
Azazel is a warrior god of justice and truth.
Azazel is the God of Justice and Revenge.
Beelzebub wrote:Beelzebub takes care of in-fighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this.
The Commandments of Satan wrote:Satan does not approve of infighting between his people. Those who experience conflicts with a brother or sister in Satan should go to Satan concerning this and he will handle the situation. Those who throw curses at or slander other Satanists will invite the wrath of Beelzebub. Beelzebub handles those who create problems and disunity and the consequences can be quite unpleasant.
About Demons wrote:Their greater purpose is to teach humanity. As for purposes of revenge and the punishment of enemies, justice is essential. Turning the other cheek creates true lawlessness, chaos and the eventual collapse of civilized society. Revenge and justice are necessary, for without correction; offenders only continue in their abusive behavior and freely abuse others.

When we make friends with the Demons, they often visit revenge upon those whose intention is to wrong us, and they also watch our backs. I have seen my enemies and the enemies of my loved ones punished before I even had to ask.
This is relevant to what i said at the start in regards it who is with Satan or not, if Satan is the one with the most power then it'd make sense that he'd be one who decides who's with him or not.
So when it comes to enforcing justice for his people, why would he enforce justice to people who're not with him?

And how do you know if a person is with Satan or not?
Well you'd have to ask Satan or just know some how.
And since astral communication is not really understood by most people, one should be mindful of how they speak to people for you never know who's with said person.
on jos:
Ancient Wisdom wrote:Thoth also wrote: "Human beings must become enlightened in order to find their way in the dark. Becoming enlightened means becoming smart travelers, who acquire knowledge of the way, an understanding of the local language and friendship with other travelers. We are all travelers in eternity."
This is relevant considering that cobra has frequently slandered people here, saying[4]:
cobra wrote:However, going to an enemy place with kikes and so on, is in itself stupid.
These "people" there are just rejects and a few trolls, added with a jewish granny and a heroin and crack smoking freak that the community unfortunately paid for a swindle claim by the jewish granny that was an "SS from South Africa that was in need to be saved".
And if you've read my old threads you'd know that cobra had a thing for straight up insulting people and slandering them simply for doubting/questioning him.

cobra in this sense is very reckless with little regards to who he's speaking to, I also noticed that he mocked this person 'Athenria' in the past[5/5.1].
Only 1 day later to have solid evidence of him being siatris posted via an anonposter[6].
If this was 'justice' or not who knows, but there was a reckoning.
Sometimes 'justice' is swift, sometimes it is not, as other events need to happen before a certain event can happen.
Sometimes things can take time, "I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time." - Aljilwah.

cobra should know about 'justice' that comes later down the line, considering that he said[7] "Many many years ago I made an agreement with the Goddess Maat because I was fascinated by her, to guide me to the Great Work and help me become a God. I was starstruck when I saw her [I still am...]. "
Deities in Ancient Egypt - Ma’at[8] wrote:Ma’at was the goddess of truth, justice, balance, and most importantly - order.
Ma’at was extremely important in achieving the Afterlife. According to Ancient Egyptian mythology, after the death of the body, everyone had to pass through the Hall of Judgment, where a person’s heart was weighed on a scale against Ma’at’s feather of truth. If the deceased person’s heart balanced with Ma’at’s feather, they could continue their journey to the Afterlife. If not, their journey ended.
Ma'at is also said to be wife of Thoth[8], who maxine claimed made the statement that was quoted a few paragraphs above.
So why is it that cobra blatantly disregards that statement? considering that Thoth is also said to be a god of reckoning.

The other major point i want to make here is, Is Satan with the jos? and the people who're in the jos?
Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, who can say for sure, but why would he be? for one it doesn't show considering how much cobra had contradicted maxine's writings especially writings that she claimed came from Satan[9/10].
and his blatant disregard towards other 'SS' when he insults, slanders and gaslights them.

So is Satan with the jos? cobra? the josers? and if so, why would he be?

One thing i will say, when the pressure comes down on a you and it's do or die, when you're truly in need, you'll know who is with you or not.


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[1] cobra's reply to - How to develop your relationship with your Guardian Demon: Extra Information

[2] reference to the gods and justice. 
2.1 https://truth4satan.com/T4SForum/viewtopic.php?p=17543#p17543

[3] reference to the gods and justice. 

[4] cobra talking shit about the people here.

[5] cobra mocking Athenria.
[5.1] archive https://web.archive.org/web/20220520164508/https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71887&start=50

[6] cobra being exposed as siatris.

[7] cobra's statement about Ma'at.

[8] info on Ma'at

[9] The jos's "Power Rituals"

[10] Unity/Isolation
What do you mean by Satan to choose you? You are his kid, by default he will give chances to anyone who truly wants to follow him! You choose Satan! This is your decision. This is YOUR FREE WILL.

Do you know how many people wants what we would call immortality? So fucking little, you would be surpised. Not everybody wants the same or things we might consider UNIVERSALLY ASPIRING
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:45 pm
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:46 am ...
What do you mean by Satan to choose you? You are his kid, by default he will give chances to anyone who truly wants to follow him! You choose Satan! This is your decision. This is YOUR FREE WILL.

Do you know how many people wants what we would call immortality? So fucking little, you would be surpised. Not everybody wants the same or things we might consider UNIVERSALLY ASPIRING
I'm saying that it goes both ways, just because someone wants to follow Satan doesn't mean he's obligated to accept them.
You talk about free will, well what about Satan's free will? why should Satan be with someone he doesn't want to be with?

You think that just because we're his 'kids' that means he's obligated to accept us and fight for us? that's wishful thinking what makes you think Satan is a simp?
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by AnonPoster »

BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:01 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:03 am Are you saying the gods don't enforce justice when they don't consider the person is one of them?
So it would seem and it makes sense, why would Satan fight for people who're not with him?
If the person believe to be with Satan but Satan does not see it that way this could explain his indiference
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by AnonPoster »

The idea of Justice of some Gods is you being attacked, almost killed and then you are the one that needs to express ''solidarity'', while you are not the guilty one for the situation. They don't care at all about Justice, in my opinion they could be manipulated into commiting very cruel crimes against inocents, if there is a person in their ears spitting poison.
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:10 pm
BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:01 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:03 am Are you saying the gods don't enforce justice when they don't consider the person is one of them?
So it would seem and it makes sense, why would Satan fight for people who're not with him?
If the person believe to be with Satan but Satan does not see it that way this could explain his indiference
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by BirdofFreedom »

AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:12 pm The idea of Justice of some Gods is you being attacked, almost killed and then you are the one that needs to express ''solidarity'', while you are not the guilty one for the situation. They don't care at all about Justice, in my opinion they could be manipulated into commiting very cruel crimes against inocents, if there is a person in their ears spitting poison.
Well justice is there for a reason, if a person doesn't have justice and is threated unfairly then they're most likely going to leave.
Justice is there to maintain order among his people.

Without justice order will quickly break down and Satan would have a much harder time maintaining his people.
If you're threated so unfairly by someone then why're you with them?
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Re: Obligations and Justice.

Post by AnonPoster »

BirdofFreedom wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:27 pm
AnonPoster wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:12 pm The idea of Justice of some Gods is you being attacked, almost killed and then you are the one that needs to express ''solidarity'', while you are not the guilty one for the situation. They don't care at all about Justice, in my opinion they could be manipulated into commiting very cruel crimes against inocents, if there is a person in their ears spitting poison.
Well justice is there for a reason, if a person doesn't have justice and is threated unfairly then they're most likely going to leave.
Justice is there to maintain order among his people.

Without justice order will quickly break down and Satan would have a much harder time maintaining his people.
If you're threated so unfairly by someone then why're you with them?
I have not heard their perspective yet, maybe I will leave eventually depending on the response. As long as I can meditate on my own and I am left alone to live as I please what does it matter if I leave or not? If they start coming and talking to me on their own against my will I will definetly ask to leave. Only a worm is treated as someone who doesn't deserve Justice
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