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Response: "How Is A Real Cult?"

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:36 am
by KorvusTheRaven
Original Post by Cobra and Tabby:
Most people come on the run from these cults, damaged and broken into the Joy of Satan, which evidently heals most people by restoring common sense, real spirituality, and re-instating the ability of freedom of the mind.

The Joy of Satan is hated by the enemy as it can free people en-masse. Even just READING the Joy of Satan, whether one wants to join or not, will absolve and answer to the most illogical fears.
Appeals to broken people. Cults often have the promise of providing and offering freedom, the simple reality is that you're selling your body, mind, and your precious time to another person. Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses and going to Joy of Satan is like going from Scientology to the Branch Davidians. Nothing changes. You're still taking the word of a person who has no right to dictate to you what you can and cannot believe, and chastises you for finding things out for yourself.
The only thing these people have to do is obey or burn in "hell" in all of these programs. This leaves many people with subconscious fears, even atheists. The closer one gets to these "religions", the stronger becomes the grip of the hostile and evil alien forces that are here to keep humanity back and destroy it.

On the final stage of this, people completely lose their humanity. One only needs to look at radical Muslims, obsessive Jews, or in Christians who are really repeating verses like a broken record in the Bible belt. These people one looks at them and really knows they are gone in the mind.

Over the years, there have been people frozen to their boots from fear of hellfire, eternal punishment, or that they will be judged in the end of the world or other mental illnesses that the enemy gave them.
And how are you not instilling the same fear, Cobra? It's always "Do everything I say, or Satan will punish you and torture you for the rest of your life and the afterlife thereafter" when the homepage of your fucking website says "If you wanna leave, leave. Nobody will stop you." but after they leave, you write two or three hate threads on how they're a jew and they're going to be murdered when the Gods arrive on Earth, expecting them to come back and read them because years of this gaslighting and mental abuse leaves people with abandonment issues and of course, they want to see everybody's reaction. They want confirmation bias that you, and your followers, hate them for not being the perfect Satanist, in your eyes. You prove them right.
It is important in life for one to mention the facts and not one's perceived emotional feelings. Certain people write false and deliberate slander against the Joy of Satan calling it all sorts of things, included a "cult".
See this thread explaining how you are a cult.

See how you slandered FancyMancy after he signed up for this forum wondering what the fuck is going on. Whether he has turned to Zola or Owen is irrelevant, you proceeded to slander him anyway.
One of the cures about this is really getting to see with your own eyes or through the negative experiences of others what a "Cult" truly is and how it operates. Therefore Tabby's story will walk you all through how real cults are and how these operate.
That's funny, one of your ex-members said the same thing about you.

...and so did this guy

and this guy

You even demanded money from your followers. On or around March 15th 2022, you changed the homepage to redirect to the donations page instead, blocking people from accessing the website and its content. What sort of "High Priest" does that, huh?
Generally most "cults" out there constantly preach about how the world will "imminently end" [doomsday prophecy is their favorite] and they have similar methods of breaking down individuals such as Chakra removal, but also might obsess over suicide. These are very strong characteristics of cults. Force is constant within these real "cults".
Those are not "most cults", those are three cults. Heaven's Gate, the Branch Davidians, and Aum Shinrikyo, to name them, the last of which committed a deadly bioterrorist attack in the Tokyo Metro in 1995. I really hope you don't have similar ambitions, because with the level of mental control you have over your followers, if you told them to blow something up, they would probably do it.
To determine if a place is a cult or not, you need to look at everything from the “rules”, teachings, the top of the hierarchy and how it impacts its members, all the way to the bottom. What are the “give and take” dynamics? One must take everything into consideration and analyze everything before coming to a decisive conclusion. The health of the tree is determined by its roots, and if you only look at the rotting apples laying on the ground you might miss the fact that the tree isn’t diseased.

For a cult to be… a cult, and actually succeed as a cult, a few things need to be in play, and these are how you can learn to separate healthy groups and organizations from actual cults.
Again, see this thread.

Considering the vast majority of your followers are either psychotic, schizophrenic, on drugs, or otherwise delusional, it's very easy to control them. I could do it with both hands tied behind my back, but I don't. I'm not a useless piece of shit unlike yourself.

Oh, by the way, where's Maxine? Many people wonder why you ban discussing her at all...

Maybe because she's dead?


and had JoS registered as an LLC at her home address in Tulsa ... 1412042646


and if this information is false, how come I got a hit on the same address for her ex-husband, Clifford Herrington?


(This thread may be amended soon)

Re: Response: "How Is A Real Cult?"

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:01 am
by Ipsissimus83
shadowc137 wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:36 am Original Post by Cobra and Tabby:
Most people come on the run from these cults, damaged and broken into the Joy of Satan, which evidently heals most people by restoring common sense, real spirituality, and re-instating the ability of freedom of the mind.

The Joy of Satan is hated by the enemy as it can free people en-masse. Even just READING the Joy of Satan, whether one wants to join or not, will absolve and answer to the most illogical fears.
Appeals to broken people. Cults often have the promise of providing and offering freedom, the simple reality is that you're selling your body, mind, and your precious time to another person. Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses and going to Joy of Satan is like going from Scientology to the Branch Davidians. Nothing changes. You're still taking the word of a person who has no right to dictate to you what you can and cannot believe, and chastises you for finding things out for yourself.
The only thing these people have to do is obey or burn in "hell" in all of these programs. This leaves many people with subconscious fears, even atheists. The closer one gets to these "religions", the stronger becomes the grip of the hostile and evil alien forces that are here to keep humanity back and destroy it.

On the final stage of this, people completely lose their humanity. One only needs to look at radical Muslims, obsessive Jews, or in Christians who are really repeating verses like a broken record in the Bible belt. These people one looks at them and really knows they are gone in the mind.

Over the years, there have been people frozen to their boots from fear of hellfire, eternal punishment, or that they will be judged in the end of the world or other mental illnesses that the enemy gave them.
And how are you not instilling the same fear, Cobra? It's always "Do everything I say, or Satan will punish you and torture you for the rest of your life and the afterlife thereafter" when the homepage of your fucking website says "If you wanna leave, leave. Nobody will stop you." but after they leave, you write two or three hate threads on how they're a jew and they're going to be murdered when the Gods arrive on Earth, expecting them to come back and read them because years of this gaslighting and mental abuse leaves people with abandonment issues and of course, they want to see everybody's reaction. They want confirmation bias that you, and your followers, hate them for not being the perfect Satanist, in your eyes. You prove them right.
It is important in life for one to mention the facts and not one's perceived emotional feelings. Certain people write false and deliberate slander against the Joy of Satan calling it all sorts of things, included a "cult".
See this thread explaining how you are a cult.

See how you slandered FancyMancy after he signed up for this forum wondering what the fuck is going on. Whether he has turned to Zola or Owen is irrelevant, you proceeded to slander him anyway.
One of the cures about this is really getting to see with your own eyes or through the negative experiences of others what a "Cult" truly is and how it operates. Therefore Tabby's story will walk you all through how real cults are and how these operate.
That's funny, one of your ex-members said the same thing about you.

...and so did this guy

[url"viewtopic.php?t=1705"]and this guy[/url]

You even demanded money from your followers. On or around March 15th 2022, you changed the homepage to redirect to the donations page instead, blocking people from accessing the website and its content. What sort of "High Priest" does that, huh?
Generally most "cults" out there constantly preach about how the world will "imminently end" [doomsday prophecy is their favorite] and they have similar methods of breaking down individuals such as Chakra removal, but also might obsess over suicide. These are very strong characteristics of cults. Force is constant within these real "cults".
Those are not "most cults", those are three cults. Heaven's Gate, the Branch Davidians, and Aum Shinrikyo, to name them, the last of which committed a deadly bioterrorist attack in the Tokyo Metro in 1995. I really hope you don't have similar ambitions, because with the level of mental control you have over your followers, if you told them to blow something up, they would probably do it.
To determine if a place is a cult or not, you need to look at everything from the “rules”, teachings, the top of the hierarchy and how it impacts its members, all the way to the bottom. What are the “give and take” dynamics? One must take everything into consideration and analyze everything before coming to a decisive conclusion. The health of the tree is determined by its roots, and if you only look at the rotting apples laying on the ground you might miss the fact that the tree isn’t diseased.

For a cult to be… a cult, and actually succeed as a cult, a few things need to be in play, and these are how you can learn to separate healthy groups and organizations from actual cults.
Again, see this thread.

Considering the vast majority of your followers are either psychotic, schizophrenic, on drugs, or otherwise delusional, it's very easy to control them. I could do it with both hands tied behind my back, but I don't. I'm not a useless piece of shit unlike yourself.

Oh, by the way, where's Maxine? Many people wonder why you ban discussing her at all...

Maybe because she's dead?


and had JoS registered as an LLC at her home address in Tulsa ... 1412042646


and if this information is false, how come I got a hit on the same address for her ex-husband, Clifford Herrington?


(This thread may be amended soon)
Thank you for taking the words out of mouth I guess I don't have access to those places to know oh and the links are pretty informative. I wished I had saved all the proof of the bullshit lies and manipulation Cobra uses. But I'm just the type of person who hates being lured into fucking drama. I thi k it's mostly because I don't really get into an online battle and I'm more of a physical guy. Like if one of those fuckers should face me, man to man. I was a martial artist and instructor over 13 years.

But your thread is proof that this is a disease and you are correct about the mind control thing over his followers. In fact I'd like to think they act like a Islamic jihad against I made threads about David Myatt of ONA who turned Muslim. That's why I always been a target over at JoS even though at the time I considered myself SS.

Keep up the awesome work.

Re: Response: "How Is A Real Cult?"

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:56 pm
by Psychotron
:dance: :clap: :clap: